How do I talk to girls about books?
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How do I talk to girls about books?
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What do they even read besides crime novels and harry potter?
You don’t
How old are you, OP?
tell 'em you read Dryden
bitches love Dryden
Have Sex, you sissy sea-shell collecting fuck
>And I don’t really have any reason behind it, I just picked it randomly
whast the context? you trying to flirt? then you fugged. if she is just some girl you talk to, then just talk about your stupid books, who gives a shit.
Say "I was only joking. I'm actually reading Can Life Prevail?, Culture of Critique, Fanged Noumena, and The Ego and Its Own."
stop talking to her so seriously about reading you absolute autist she doesn't even really want to talk about it
>Average, decent-looking, self-respecting man: I'd say my main hobby right now is reading, but it's hard to balance it with work and school.
>Estrusbrain woman: What bok
>Average, decent-looking, self-respecting man: I'm currently reading [lists several books, gives actual answer], plus an introduction to philosophy recommended to me by a friend. I'm hoping to read Plato's Republic after that.
>Estrusbrain woman: O
>Average, decent-looking, self-respecting man: How about yourself? Do you like to read?
>Estrusbrain woman: Ya
>Average, decent-looking, self-respecting man: What kinds of things do you read, mainly?
>Estrusbrain woman: Dark Tower
>Average, decent-looking, self-respecting man: Ah, are you a fan of those books? I've read a few.
>Estrusbrain woman: Not rly.
>Estrusbrain woman: Hi
>Extremely tall shaved chimp named Kevin: Helo I fuk ur hole now
>Estrusbrain woman: OK :)
Also I forgot The Notebook wasn't just a movie so she didn't get that joke.
I don't think I fucked up we're still going on a date
sex is just a meme, no one actually has sex lmao you incel.
Smart, confident people don't try to impress women with lists of smart-sounding things and stilted academic language. Don't try to make lame strawwoman insults when they're indifferent to your bullshit.
In short, how to talk to women? The exact opposite of what your instincts seem to be.
>starts post with "Smart, confident people," as if he's going to define what "smart" and "confident" are objectively
>instead defines them as "what modern western women think they are"
your very soul is cucked
t. incels who have been trying to book-list their will-to-power
checks out
Nobody who is confident about anything makes a production of that thing then slinks off into lame insults when it doesn't land.
>Thought I finally met an interested girl at uni; when hanging out after an semi-off topic talk one guy pulled out a work he wants to discuss in a reading group and she turns to us and condescendingly said: "Are you guys already nerding again?"
Being proud of not having any kind of culture. The state of women in 2019, and no Harry Potter and game of throne is not culture
>>namefagging that was left in my box from a previous post I saged.
He's completely right, but for some reason you'd rather be defensive and not listen. Normal people don't care about how many books you've read, or how difficult they were. Stop it with this "modern women lol xd". It has really never been any different. Nobody wants to listen to a guy they just met masturbate over how smart and intelligent he perceives himself to be
Wrong. You ask them dumb fucking questions, and pretend to listen while they talk forever. Women aren't interested in your life, they're interested in people being interested in their life. Good looks, money and fame doesn't hurt either.
>Stop not being "normal!" "Normal" people are retards who don't want you to talk "stiltedly!" Talk like a cool hep cat like me, don't you want to be socially acceptable?
you're going to die an unnatural death
There's a difference between actually being intelligent and trying to impress everyone with what you percieve to be intelligence. But you seem too dense to understand that. Also, you do need to know how to communicate with the large majority of people on the planet if you don't want to have a very lonely existence.
>people thinking you can't score with books
Sometimes I think I'm living in a complete different world than you guys. You just need to know how to sell it.
There's nothing in OP that says he's trying to 'impress' people with his book choices. You only think so because you're genuinely anti intellectual, and can't think of any possible reason for someone enjoying those books other than some stupid social game, and that's because social games is the only thing you know in your life and you haven't done a single thing that wasn't for societal approval since you were born.
>Also, you do need to know how to communicate with the large majority of people on the planet if you don't want to have a very lonely existence.
>implying people who don't care about being perceived as 'normal' care for communication with people
you have a neurotic fixation on discerning "real" confidence from false confidence, and your acid test of real confidence is implicitly whether a woman approves of the performance or not, lmao. that's the most cucked possible thing. you've pathetically internalized women's hypergamous shit-testing courtship rituals as the actual objective standards for what constitutes human virtues per se. you can't even take earnestness at face value. not only do you see it as weakness, you feel compelled to attack that weakness so you can assert some incremental status gain on the totem pole of normie social shaming.
>The male has to will his sexual authority before the woman who is a shadow of his mother and of all women. Failure and humiliation constantly wait in the wings. No woman has to prove herself a woman in the grim way a man has to prove himself a man. He must perform, or the show does not go on. Social convention is irrelevant. A flop is a flop.
it's fine to be aware that women have high standards and to try to perform and get laid. it's also fine to subtly manipulate retarded, braindead normies by making yourself inoffensive to them. but you actually think there's some kind of virtue in these acts, themselves, to the point that you're chiding others by proxy, on behalf of your masters (women and normies), in effect enforcing the arbitrary standards of your masters.
you are pathetic. i hope you're just young and oversocialized. if you've reached maturity and you still think like this, you are basically an insect whose hormones have determined its role in the caste system is Sexless Servitor Drone.
quick, rebuke me by calling me a loser, so your brain will give you some endorphins for climbing one rung above me on the non-existent normie ladder of social acceptability! even though we're both anonymous and no one is watching and there's no possible reward for hobbesianly scrabbling over your fellow man and telling him to accept that life is about bein' cool. if you enforce your owners' standards all the time, like a good dog, you'll eventually be rewarded!
why do you necessarily have to talk about books?
she's clearly doesn't give a shit
don't use words like magnum opus to describe art to women. don't claim something is the best of the best or "among the greatest of the Xth century" because this comes across as snobbish even when you're dealing with pleb shit like stephen king. not just women, but people in general are always turned off when some random person talks about things as being the greatest of its genre/time. talk about how much you like them, don't ever rate/critique things by using the aforementioned metrics "greatest of its time etc". if you talk about how much you like it and why it's more infectious and makes other people want to check out the book/movie/album. if you talk about something being the greatest of all time or greatest of its generation, people not only look at you like some kind of pitiful snob who does nothing but consume art (believe me this is a huge turnoff even to the biggest art hoes). they're eyes glaze and instead of wanting to read that book they subconsciously assess your competence/worth to even make such a grandiose judgement
tl'dr always talk about why you like the art in question, never talk about it being the best of its era/all time
>Writing more than the girl
If your text are longer than the girls you're making a grave, capital mistake, it's the easiest way to tell a girl doesn't give a shit.
>don't use words like magnum opus to describe art to anyone
you talk like a virgin OP
>not just women, but people in general are always turned off when some random person talks about things as being the greatest of its genre/time
>How do I talk to girls about books?
don't make your taste in literature a substitute for your personality. i've made this mistake before.
You sound so annoying omg I'd tell you to have sex but I don't think any male or female would be capable of that
this is autistic holy fuck. none of this shit matters, it's all about FACE, HEIGHT and FRAME. obviously you shouldn't be an autistic retard who sends her unsolicited dick pics or some bullshit like that, but other than that, if you have a decent face that she's attracted to, you can say whatever you want. just call her on a date and you'll fuck her
>dishonest greentext
holy shit this is so bad
>I don't think I fucked up we're still going on a date
see, ALL about FACE,HEIGHT,FRAME. stop being autistic and try to looksmax if you can. nothing besides that truly matters
I have a separate list of books I mention explicitly to girls. It does need to be short and free from obscurity. For example, cute short stories always go.
Also, I've mentioned to a girl that I've told my uncle that I'm reading Anna Karenina. He told me that "the book is not a good representation of love, read Thousand Years of Solitude" (he did not mean that TYoS is a better representation of love, he just recommended it), I said to the girl, so I pick up Thousands Years of Solitude to learn what love is and there's a part where a guy wants to fuck his aunt! What the hell. We were having a laugh about it. She understood that I was having my fun with literature.
Dude, this thread was about "how to talk to girls about books." This is what the other guy responded to. You're sperging out hard over someone suggesting that this girl probably doesn't care to hear about Blood Meridian or Plato's Republic, which, since OP is almost certainly talking to what you might call a "normie," is almost certainly true.
Do you talk about books to children? When conversing with women, all you have to do is pretend you're talking to a child.
i'm sperging out over pathetic grovelling queers like you showing your true colours whenever an opportunity like OP's presents itself. OP was likely being earnest and you interpret it as weakness because your addled cumbrain has been oversocialized to the point that you can only see human behaviour in terms of zero-sum courtship performances, as judged by equally addled women whose primary hobby is being entertained by strapping men.
you are not even one of the performers, you are an epiphenomenon to them. you are the cuck slave who holds her purse while she judges other men, and you think this is a position of honour. you are a hybrid house nigger and cuck.
OP, you should never discuss anything intellectual with women. It hurts their brain trying to wrap their head around all the complicated words and ideas. Estrogen and other primarily female-brain-created chemicals makes you think worse, so you should discuss the lesser arts like TV shows, like Game of Thrones, or films, like Avengers: Endgame, if you want to talk about art.
Honestly, this is true. With children you say whatever the fuck to them and let them babble on because children are amusing. You make inane questions and just let them talk. With women is the same, but they're not amusing.
>trying to learn about womanizing from 4channel
absolute shiggy
I thought saging didn't work anymore
Not the guy you are responding to but reducing relationships down to Face, Height, and Frame is peak autism because it assumes everything is cold and mechanical, this appeals to the autistic mind.
Do you really think this isn't a troll thread? I tried to delete the thread because I felt guilty it was shitting up the board but its been up too long.
As for the texts, I meme with my life
the girl doesn't give a shit if a guy is being earnest and OP didn't really care about being earnest either, he just wants to fuck her puss but he wrongly thinks that impressing a woman with his earnestness will get him into her pants
learn how to socialize nigger, being earnest doesn't mean shit if the person in question doesn't give a fuck about it
Do you really think the quality of the average post is such that I have any reason to assume a thread such as this is a troll thread?
I literally came to Yea Forums to shitpost and you're telling me that I'm just posting?
face height and frame are the main things that make a man sexually attractive
it's not autistic, it's the truth
>the girl doesn't give a shit
i covered in my first reply to the pathetic cuck that it's fine to recognize women's limitations, and that the problem is when you go from working within those limitations to assuming that they are objective.
if you want to get puss, by all means, treat women like retarded children. but don't phrase that like "Heh, bro, you don't know how to be a cool, confident, radical dude like me? The secret is, to be 'normal'. Don't be 'abnormal' by telling people your reading interests in plainspoken English. You gotta listen to Kanye West and wear the right shoes. Let me teach you."
if you do the latter, which many people in this thread are doing implicitly and explicitly, you are a massive faggot and an irredeemable cuck
>Audrey, don't like that name
>Quinlet 'footfag' Redditino
Homeboy did nothing wrong.
Calm down, buddy. I don't doubt that OP was being earnest. He was also asking, "HOW do I talk to girls about books?" The other guy was telling him that talking about all those books as if she's familiar with them when she clearly isn't is probably not the best way to go about it. You appear to be projecting a bizarre amalgam of your anxieties, angers, and issues with the modern world onto that, and I would recommend that you take a short break from being in front of the computer.
x is the truth because I said it is so.
x is the truth because y study said so.
x is the truth because z happened in my life.
yfw everything about being human is reduced down to mechanics.
I'm not trying to fuck her I don't look at gross pussies ever. I'm trying to harvest the emotional state I get into talking with girls so I can put it in my art.
I'm obviously exagerating for shitposting reasons, but the main principle is: that 'sparkle', that 'chemistry' that makes life long partners and one night stands, is ignited by FACE, HEIGHT, FRAME. You can be a retard and fuck it up by being too much of a douchebag, like being too cocky, agressive, or being the typically much complained "bro" who only talks about sports teams and gym culture in innapropriate places (women still fucks them afterwards), but as a main guide, if you're looking to HAVE SEX, you simply can't fuck up if the girl likes your FACE, HEIGHT, FRAME. Just be somewhat normal and you're set, no need for retarded rules like "you can't say x art is the best of all time bro, normies dun like that".
> but don't phrase that like "Heh, bro, you don't know how to be a cool, confident, radical dude like me? The secret is, to be 'normal'. Don't be 'abnormal' by telling people your reading interests in plainspoken English. You gotta listen to Kanye West and wear the right shoes. Let me teach you."
i didn't phrase it like that you're just being retarded
people need to learn to not talk about stuff nobody gives a shit about
the girl in the OP didn't give a shit about his stupid books, but OP still wants to insist on that
it's not about kissing ass, it's about learning to not be boring
Being human is all about mechanics, retard. You're only shitposting right now because of extremely complex mechanics in your brain.
that's they way things are my dude
just like a woman with huge tits a fat ass and narrow waist is attractive so is a tall handsome man with broad shoulder
you just did it again. you went from "You have to learn to talk to braindead retards, like me" to "You have to learn not to be Boring," while eliding the transition, but a transition did take place.
there is a difference between "boring" and "boring, as judged by stupid, worthless human garbage like you." as i've been saying all along, you are confusing the SOCIAL RECOGNITION OF VIRTUE (particular social judgments, by particular stupid people, of what is interesting, confident, cool, and so on) with VIRTUE.
i suggest you read plato and maybe aristotle, but i suspect i would have to convince you to do so by showing that your favourite youtube video gamer sells "merch" advertising the nichomachaean ethics. i think you might be a lost cause.
>tell girl i like to read philosophy
>shes way more well read than me
>put a dick in her mouth so she stops talking
This is how you should have handled the situation.
>it's not about kissing ass, it's about learning to not be boring
Not that guy, but why is every normie obssessed with 'entertainment' and not being seen as 'boring'. It's pretty much a social death sentence, to be labeled "boring" by their standards.
boring means different things for different people there's no socially accepted definition of boring
for the girl in OP boring means talking about books, so there's nothing unvirtuous about not talking about things she doesn't care about
good on him
Prove it?
Prove it?
I'm being sick of being told x is the way things are but these clowns never give any justifications. I might as well as believe that the white man is eviil and I should go outside and flog myself for being white because that's how things are.
if your aim is to get along with someone or in OP's case to get some pussy on your dick, you have to be to some degree entertaining to that person
what boring and entertaining is depends on each person
if you don't get why people are so obsessed with not being boring then you probably never met a person who was boring to you
>boring means different things for different people there's no socially accepted definition of boring
exactly, and if you do more than the bare minimum to contort yourself to the standards of inferior and malformed people, you are destroying your spirit. which is what happened to you, because you were exposed to it from birth. your reaction to the OP should be consolatory, as a fellow traveller telling him the bad news that not everybody is going to want to talk about books as earnestly as he does, not disgustingly one-upping him and telling him "Heh, them's the breaks kiddo, learn to woo women like ME, with my sweet motorbike and complete lack of interest in anything. Interest is for nerds!"
are you on antidepressants of some kind? were you placed on behavior-modifying drugs as a child in school?
>what are you reading?
>the notebook?
yikes user. no wonder she won’t respond.
This is silly, the most common critique of normies are that they are boring and predictable. It's quite clearly a universal insult.
You're obsessed with ideals in a material world inhabitated by others that don't share your particular set of ideals. Why are you upset that the poster added value statements to his suggestion of how to talk to girls? He values social approval, you say you don't, and yet more than anything you want to convince other people to your worldview. Hmm...
what kind of proof do you want for the fact that women like masculine looking men?
that's what women say they like and that's what their actions say they like
uhh excuse me but have you heard about Hume? No, you can't "prove" anything, dumbass.
not talking about something isn't contorting
if you talk about your interests to someone who doesn't give a shit about them you're not getting anywhere you're just being boring and you're better off changing the subject or go to someone who has the same interests as you
just like "normal braindead people" are boring and retarded to you, so you are to them
Did you go outside and ask every woman and somehow objectively come to this conclusion?
Even people who come up with platonic forms of masculine and feminine(Weininger) say that everyone is a composition of masculine and feminine.
Personally, I have had more success with women when I stopped trying to be more 'masculine'. I really just followed the mantra of 'burself'. Why would you want to jump through 1000 hoops in order to start a relationship with a woman? Where every interaction becomes chess because you don't want to seem unmasculine.
Its probably not looks. We just talked about music and I showed her the shins, Oh Inverted World is an excellent summer album that chicks tend to love.
I'm not going to tell you how I've solved this problem, even though it's written down on my phone as a reminder to keep me focused on the solution, because I'm not your therapist, but is there a slight chance that some of you (I won't point out the particular posts) have problems with relationships?
I don't mean romantic relationships. Just relationships with other people.
please tell me this is fake
can't you see the retardation in this? do you think that when a girl goes to masturbate, she'll put on an album she likes and think about all the chord vibrations or something? retard, this is evolution, NO women gets turned on or accepts a date because of what music you listen to. it's a combination of her finding you attractive with you showing that you're not dangerous. that's ALL you need.
like so
the majority (and by majority i mean almost all) of women like strong looking guys that aren't pussies
if a woman says that she prefers more feminine guys she's either an outlier, or a liar who want to prove something
what kind of women do you think men prefer?
don't you think most men like feminine women? sure there a men who like manly women but those are mostly weak men with low self esteem
Are you out of your mind. He said "masculine looking" not "masculine in behavior. He means the jaw. He's talking about the jawbone.
Not true.
You think the whole enjoyment of music isn’t linked to reproduction? Are you some fucking braindead social darwinist that thinks they understand biology?
she means that you should kill yourself
lmao bruh HAHAHA
you should've said "yeah me and socrates are both niggers"
Do you have the one the blue recites the poem? I loved that thread
how is music linked to reproduction?
Picking boks randomly is actually the patrician ay, provided a hidden instinct drives the apparent randomness.
of course not you fucking dumb idiot. get a guy without an eye, and a scarred deformed face, to listen to the "songs she likes" with her, and see where the whole 'music' things goes on. yeah, nowhere, because music won't get anyone turned on, it makes no sense. it might have some social value in bonding and having a good time, but there's no relation to finding a partner. again, you dumb idiots don't seem to understand this, attraction is NECESSARY for finding a partner, and that comes primarily through FACE, HEIGHT, FRAME. the rest is complimentary and maybe influences things such as the duration of the relationship (here music maybe play a part, sharing similar tastes will make you both more compatible)
If the girl isn't a little obsessive over you, then don't bother with her.
fuck off
i have this one? not sure if this is the one you mean, but you can find the thread with the filename
she needs to act with you and look at you like you're a demi god
This, you can probably get laid by talking about your stamp-collecting habit if you know how to look confident and passionate when doing it.
and don't forget
Unironically this, you can get one or two practice GFs by lowering your standards, and maybe with confidence plus a statistical outlier, you may find a somewhat attractive woman (probably with emotional and mental issues)who might find you attractive for some time
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat this, most of the people here don't want an answer
If they can point to things they have no ability to change (height, face) and declare the game rigged against them on that basis, they have successfully avoided the need to put any effort into solving their problems
It's a tried-and-true /r9k/ formula
Bugs and birds and plenty of things evolved song for the same reason they evolve bright colors or striking features. The animals are successful enough to survive that they can develop these extraneous structures/behaviors to measure fitness.
Mankind sort of does a little bit of everything on account of intelligence allowing for personal evolution, and as a species with such a vast potential for vocalizations (Which all major genres except jazz are based on) it’s no surprise the brain has strong reactions to certain combinations of noise.
OP here btw, I thought the texts were funny but I didn’t think the thread would be people sperging out about how I fucked up. The rest of the convo was cropped.
this is a FACE,HEIGHT,FRAME problem. Anons here couldn't EVER get laid by talking about books or stamp-collecting or whatever, because they like the appropriate FACE,HEIGHT,FRAME, and have none of the subclasses like MONEY,STATUS,POWER (how much you're dominant in your social group)
Yes! I had it saved but lost everything. I’ve done that for porn on the archives but I didn’t think to do it for this lmao.
>and the only of the 5 I read 3 (technically 4) to prepare for
Bugs and birds aren't human. There's nothing that links music and reprodution. Remember that widely available music as you know it, is a product of the 20th century, and the more you go into the past, the less available music becomes, until it's purely for religious and ritual purposes. So no, music has nothing to do with our reproductive history, besides being an object of aesthetic appreciation.
>there’s nothing that links music to reproduction
Didn’t you see the jonas brothers episode of southpark?
Here's a protip: No woman will fuck you if you don't show interest. You can't just sit there and hope they somehow magically realize how much you want to bang them. Make your intentions clear. If you want to be someones friend, you act like a friend. If you want to fuck someone, you act like you want to fuck them.
You don't
I come here to laugh at sperglords’ complete inability to talk to the other 50% of the population.
it's a filler, it's netflix and chill, but without a damn tv show
This is actually a great opening.
Bad joke.
Talk about things you're passionate about like how you'd talk to someone who is also passionate about the subject but is unfamiliar with the subject. Acknowledge it if you're being excessive and always stay light on the subject, never commit to it for longer than needed.
Having a 'deep' and expanse taste in music wont make you attractive. Girl music falls under top40, hip-hop, reggaeton, all relevant dance music to whatever age they live in. Shy of unicorn women, women don't give a FUCK about musical taste a man has.
fuck off Yea Forums
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
i don't talk to girls it's a waste of time
This. Everytime you hear something like "women are turned on by..." or "girls like..." and it's not a physical attribute, you're dealing with a retard. Just think about it, do women masturbate to literature, music, or stand up comedy, or to charity work (being "nice")? No, they masturbate to porn in which there are tall, hot, muscular big dicked dudes. She masturbates to her ex, and guys she thinks they're attractive. Why do you sperg retards think women would fuck you because you've read something or listens to the same music or whatever non physical attribute thing?
That’s probably the best thing in the whole picture, which is basically a jab at her for not replying (I’m sure it hurt if she understood)
I'm sorry. You must have misunderstand the thread.
We are not talking about attracting women with our interests alone, we are talking about the conversation that happens after she decided that we're aesthetically pleasing.
Please move the incel whining to another thread.
>inb4 they call me out for grammar
Yeah it was just a joke to bully her, she said she hated the notebook
I think you haven't actually read the thread:
OP unironically thinks listening to indie rock or whatever trash band, was what made him get on a date with this girl
>thread op: How do I talk to girls about books?
>incels come out of their holes and think the thread is supposed to be about how to attract girls with books
no girl is going to talk to you if you are an ugly or skinny or fat fuck, get /fit/ and grow a proper jawbone or fuck off
Reminder that the guys who bitch about girls the most worship them once they meet one in real life. I've seen it a thousand times. The male atmosphere when a girl isn't in the group and when there is one is diametrically opposite. I don't give a shit anymore. I value pussy more than any male to male relationship. Do you seriously think we're in the same team only because we share a common reproductive organ? Go fuck yourself, I've got thrown in front of a train enough times because of a girl to know better.
Don't let yourself get dragged into the women hate wave. Everyone fucks for themselves.
What are you gabbling on about
this is going in my ylyl folder
I read eye of the dragon as a boy because randall flag was in it
Absolutely based
Nobody here is going to believe me but I actually got my current girlfriend who is way more attractive than me by being extremely autistic and constantly talking about obscure and inaccessible literature
Although she is kind of an arthoe so maybe it has something to do with that
Do you come off like you care more about literature than you do about her?
>The Notebook?
Actually laughed, OP. Keep on keeping on, you madman. Honestly though if she cant even attempt a half ass conversation about something you're clearly passionate about then fuck her, shes not worth your time. If a chick is into you they'll generally at least feign interest in your passions.
Kek I just had an experience like this on Tinder. She found my opening message amusing so I had a chance. There was a pic of her in a bookstore and I asked what she was looking for in there. She said nothing really, she randomly stopped there on a road trip. Then I asked if she was looking for one of Rupi Kaur, John Green, or Nicholas Sparks. I was told to stop being pretentious and that shaming girls for liking basic shit isn't cute. Kinda depressing desu. I didn't realize basic hoes took such pride in being basic, but at least my filter worked
Dunno, maybe
I found success this way too. We started talking about DFW (I made a joke about hanging w him) and then I mentioned the meme trilogy and talked about how I stupidly bought and read an unannotated copy of Ulysses and had to look up footnotes on my phone for each page. Too bad she turned out to be a terrible person. I really liked her
It's not that she likes Rupi Kaur, John Green, or Nicholas Sparks, user, it's just that she thinks you're an asshole.
>and condescendingly said: "Are you guys already nerding again?"
Those types of people arent worth knowing user. Dont feel bad.
I agree — but it’s all the same to me. If that’s how she’d react to me playfully shitting on basic bitch interests, then she’d hate me. It’s a ridiculous strategy and I know I’ll sooner drive myself to suicide from loneliness than find exactly the girl I’m looking for, but I have to try. So my filter did work.
The only “relationship” I’ve ever been in was with a girl who was Yea Forums. I can’t imagine connecting with any other type. I need to know right away if we speak the same language.
do you guys actually think you're going to find someone you respect on tinder of all places? Very few people are going to have actual interests and those that do are probably just putting on an act. I talked to a girl who claimed to enjoy french cinema but after talking a while I realized she had only watched one film and had latched onto it as a talking point. tinder is really only good if you're trying to pull hookups, there's no point even trying to learn about people, MAYBE other than coming up with a good first message.
i thought everyone was on tinder nowadays, so naturally, even the interesting girls would be there
girls are neurotic if they can't stalk the living shit out of you online, you can't avoid the internet, so why not go all in
I think step one is to try as hard as possible to not sound like Patrick Bateman rattling off about Huey Lewis. Once you have that down post again.
You think you have taken the lookism pill but you havnt. A true chad can even send unsolicited dick pics and they think it’s hot
Tinder users are just normal people, there is just as much chance of a woman on tinder being interesting as there is of any person you encounter being interesting
I used to think that, but thousands of swipes and dozens of matches later I got discouraged. Told myself it would be better to meet someone in real life. But of course I never go out or anything so that will never happen.
Oh my fucking god you absolute incel
yes but it's easier to put on a facade on tinder than it is in real life, especially if you interact with someone multiple times
Yeah, you're absolutely right. CHAD's dick pics are seen as "a man who isn't afraid to get what he wants" and as masculine and confident. But mainly, i was talking about normie betas like himself, who may be not terrible enough to attract a girl, but not CHAD to get away with doing whatever he wants. Honestly, if you're CHAD you can go on a date, pull down your pants, and take a big fat shit on her shoes and she'll be like "haha, CHAD is so crazy!, let's get to my place so you can help me clean this mess"
Not true at all, and the best indicator of a coward is when he is visibly doing things for women in front of others.
Now, that being said, I am not a 10/10. I am like a 6 or 7 /10. But I STILL would rather be caught dead than lowering myself to get pussy or doing things for pussy in front of others. It’s demeaning.
Also being said, I’m not a misogynist either. Very important to respect women, but the women need to respect men. Me, my friends, any men I enjoy the company of. The women should respect them. :3
It’s not about doing whatever you want retard, it’s about not doing everything the women want.
And those two are not even mutually exclusive either.
What is it with this simplistic thinking? are we all retards here or something? :3
Or rather I should say they are both not mutually exclusive or mutually inclusive of each other completely.
In life like in literature, brevity.
I thought like this at one point, eventually realized it was a cope. Unless you have literally zero contact, direct or indirect, with humans or human emotions except through books, then having the girl be into books isn't a necessity for a relationship. A shared interest doesn't have to be the biggest, most central interest for either of you, it just has to be something both people are enthusiastic about so it can be used to build a connection.
If you like music, movies, visual art, etc (which you probably would if you like literature, since all artistic media are based on expressing essentially the same core feelings, unless you're only interested in the minutia of a particular medium), then use those as areas to look for common ground instead. I met my gf through bonding over media even though she basically doesn't read at all and reading is my primary interest, you just have to be a little bit flexible and not so rigid about what you look for in people.
Even if you don't have similar interests, though, the essence of a relationship is just emotion, same as the essence of art. Sure, the kinds of emotions involved aren't necessarily going to be the same, but there's plenty of overlap. If you can't talk to someone about the books themselves, talk to them about the feelings the books give you, because that's something that's more real and tangible to an outside observer than just saying "I like X book, it's really good". Among people who have an established interest in literature, name-dropping is ok because it's a shorthand that all parties are familiar with, but to someone who doesn't have that interest it's just esoteric and meaningless.
Also I think tinder probably attracts the worst type of NPC normies, you should seek out communities that are more on the fringes (not Yea Forums, obviously, but other internet communities that aren't anonymous, or IRL groups based around something that repels normies). That way you won't have to sift through a bunch of garbage to get to the few worthwhile outliers.
Fine. I actually have to accede to this point. :3
BUT. If she ended up being an actually intelligent person, then he should open up and text her long texts. Also right off the bat if she’s smart then long texts should be fine too.
Actually man, I have texted back and forth with women and looooong texts quite a few times within just weeks of getting to know them. I’d rather talk but long texts work.
If he just met her though, then yes fair point.
>language course
>i'm in a way lower level than I ought to be
>girl gives me her phone number, asks me for lessons
>i oblige, in the library for 3 hours talking with her about grammar
>next time she asks me to come to her dorm
>she answers the door wearing an extremely long t-shirt and (???) else
>completely empty, all closed up except that
the door to the bedroom is open and the light is on inside
>asks me if i want a drink
>I say no.
>I sit down pull out my books/notes and talk about grammar/phonology for three hours.
>she never contacts me again
why are women like this fellas? I thought I finally had someone to talk grammar to.
Ah college kids.
women don't care about anything you care about, they care about themselves and how they look
if you want to have sex, talk to women. if you want to learn or discuss something meaningful, talk to a male friend
Horrible outlook and just plain wrong :3
That’s the biggest compliment I’ve gotten on this site. I recite that scene before I karoake hip to be square
Some girl is always interested in what I'm reading so I lent her The Stranger and Süskind's The Perfume (this one is my sister's) because she told me she watched the movie and the Netflix series, but then I learnt she's dating someone else, I feel like such an imbecile.
well maybe she just wants to talk books
so talk books
Women are really fucking easy. Get /fit/, Mew, chew gum, or grow a beard if you're a jawlet and you're set. Then, you just go there and give her a firm handshake, look her in the eyes and strike up a conversation about whatever you want. If she's attracted to you it'll show, and you'll easily get laid. If not, get out of there as soon as possible and find another girl. Women are easy, they only care about facial features and if you're not a sperg loser in front of their friends (women care a lot about societal standards).
My dad does this to me and it really works. Whenever he came to my home I almost beg him to approve me.
She's not that much into books really, but she's always asking me what the books I read are about.
But that's because you have a power relationship with your dad already established, and by the look of things, you're not at the top. When dealing with a girl who you aren't her first choice, you'll have to put a little more effort, especially if you want to date up. It's easy to get a girl who's below your league and treats you as if you're the last male on earth and showers you with attention. But no attractive girl will ever do that to you, unless you're chad, so you'll have to text her more and get her attention, if you want to date cute girls.
>you should seek out communities that are more on the fringes (not Yea Forums, obviously, but other internet communities that aren't anonymous, or IRL groups based around something that repels normies). That way you won't have to sift through a bunch of garbage to get to the few worthwhile outliers.
And where the fuck would that be user?
I'm a fairly good looking guy, but I'm a STEM major so the only times I was ever interacting with girls were hookups. They were just empty fun, so I took the celibate pill for now. Where do you find these interesting girls unironically?
I only say that theoretically, I've never really done it myself, but it seems like any marginal interest group could attract those sorts of people. The point is, if you're someone who doesn't want to be with a normal person, you should look for groups of people who aren't normal, which you're obviously already doing since you're here. Again, I haven't really done this so I don't have a specific answer for you, but the internet is a big place, and there are lots of groups of people who gather together to commiserate about their alienation, those seem like good places to look.
Not saying tinder couldn't work, but the ratio of empty headed girls vs actually interesting ones is probably not great.
unreservedly based
Unironically great advice
>What are you reading?
>The Notebook?
I fkin lol'd that was savage even if you didn't mean it to be
>we're still going on a date
that's what you think