Is there any other way to overthrow a certain societal/political value except through ressentiment...

Is there any other way to overthrow a certain societal/political value except through ressentiment? Are there any other ways except for toxicly spreading our bitterness hoping that it will tip the scales?

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Still me. Leading by example will just land you in a mental institution or in exile. Best case scenario Your words will appear in another time. Like the NEECH's.

bump :(

Anything that is oposite to the status quo will be percieved as ressentiment (i.e a product of slave morality).
I honestly think you should embrace that ressentiment and be honest with yourself that it is will to power and not some higher essence or holy law that is being ignored. Which is the main critique Nietzsche had for most movements in history. They werent honest with themselves and masked their desires for power as some divine law.

I see. However, at least in my case, I can be honest and say my "attempt to overthrow X" is yes, will to power, but it does not come from bitterness (at least not anymore), but from an outside perfection which I believe to percieve.

Still me. To elaborate: I believe my current will does not come from rage and disillusionment anymore, but from love. Still will to power, though.

It does not follow that a society of ressentiment and bad conscience could overcome itself by appealing to these constructs. You should first examine this value genealogically and be precise with your critique of it.

What do You mean? Can You explain? I was not speaking of society as a whole, but a certain layer/group which does not agree with the current values.

But even if the reason is love you are still in ressentiment that you cant put in power/overthrow it.
Christianity also does the same thing. Claiming to be out of love and to avoid feelings of hate and ressentiment when the soil from which it sprang and the ways they spread it is of ressentiment, which is why it dissolves itself.
I honestly dont think you should make such a boogeyman of those feelings of ressentiment since they are proof that you desire something better and higher than you curently find yourself in.
"We should praise the pain we feel as it is a reminder of how high we place ourselves"

No, no, I definitely agree with You. Of course I am partially in ressentiment, since I can not channel my love completely. I am not making a boogeyman out of ressentiment, why would You think so? I am just looking for other options.
>"We should praise the pain we feel as it is a reminder of how high we place ourselves"
> Claiming to be out of love and to avoid feelings of hate and ressentiment when the soil from which it sprang and the ways they spread it is of ressentiment, which is why it dissolves itself.
I hate, of course, but I do not use this hate anymore, if anything, I try to seek love and acceptance in my hate.

What exactly are you talking about? It may be something that you could change through ressentiment but that would never be a good thing. A scale doesn't tip through ressentiment. Ressentiment merely dulls the will to power such that the herd internalizes the scale and becomes self assured in its lot.

> Ressentiment merely dulls the will to power such that the herd internalizes the scale and becomes self assured in its lot.
Yeah, but that is how the Will becomes externalized again. That is how societies change.
>What exactly are you talking about?
I am talking just generally. I dont have any particular value in mind atm. Maybe the focus on materialism today.

You sound like a cramped and frustrated baby. Of course the way to do it is to embody and live for something else that exceeds, betters or replaces the present order. But for that to happen it needs to be a concerted, social phenomenon. If you cared enough you could try to plants the seeds for this potential change.

>You sound like a cramped and frustrated baby.
> Of course the way to do it is to embody and live for something else that exceeds, betters or replaces the present order. But for that to happen it needs to be a concerted, social phenomenon. If you cared enough you could try to plants the seeds for this potential change.
Which I am doing already.

Have sex.

Well you don't seem to be doing it that great if kvetching on an imageboard is all you have done. That is not the way of the superman, the way the way of the future and the guiding light of civilizations. If only having sex would do the trick. The fact that that's the only thing you can think of points to the worrisome lapse and inadequacy of your spirit.

Have purpose.

Why would it be your goal to "overthrow certain societal and political values"? It's not as if you know what would be better. Because you don't. No one does. You can make adjustments and changes by actively participating in them, but actually overthrowing something is a brutally dangerous idea that only ego-possessed individual would dream of. True resentment.

look at this status quo legitimizing slave moralist talking about what people should do and what not

I think this is the problem that Zizek talks about in his books Violence. He ackowledges the Nietzschean postulate of ressentiment, that fuels the emancipatory movements, and tries (via detour to lacanian notion of act) to conceptualize change, that moves beyond ressentiment or ideals of equality.

You'd have to elaborate in a much more eloquent and structured fashion for me to believe you have anything at all to say on the subject.

instead of inversion, perversion or subversion

Got any quotes?
How does perversion and subversion work?

>Got any quotes?
it is more of a general argument, I couldn't pinpoint any exact quotes

>Is there any other way to overthrow a certain societal/political value except through ressentiment?
Yes, through loving and laughing. Zarathustra: "Not by wrath does one kill, but by laughing."'s_fence
My advice is stop being pride because rebellion leads to despair and misery.

Conservatves are simply revolutionaries by means of complacency and conciliation.

Attached: sadoconservatism.jpg (2048x1536, 442K)

>"I don't see the use of this; let us clear it away."

literally the motto of capitalist utilitarianism
>is this economically efficient given the current market dynamics? well i personally cant see it having any direct effect on GDP growth so le invisible hand will deposit it in the rubbish