How does a blowjob from ontologicool feel like?

how does a blowjob from ontologicool feel like?

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user thats the kind of chick that refuses to ever suck a dick and if you try to not eat her out she goes off on some crazed feminist rant

I believe I’d eat her out

Has she volg’ed that book?

How would you know?

>The wrist tattoo
Pretty meh.

>take a picture of me reading in front of all these books!
what more embarrassing: the attention whore, or her beta johns?

Not mommy butters

visual cues

Not that user, but it's one of those things that you just know. You can look at her eyes and see it.

she's literally reading a book called "reclaiming the dark feminine"

I'm sure it must be pretty cash

Fair, but her stupid wrist fucking tattoo grinds me

He’s a wizard. They think they know these things, instinctively or something

you could not be more wrong. i fucked a couple chicks from ivy league schools who were doing sociology and were hardcore leftist feminists. they were fantastic, dirty lays and can suck mean dick.

>anectdotal evidence
>from anonymous
>about slamming feminist puss
>on Yea Forums
nothing fishy about this

This is what he replied to me and said
>Not that user, but it's one of those things that you just know. You can look at her eyes and see it.
The state of fucking /literature/ is horrendous, fucking genius, o my o my.

Attached: D6568260-AF58-4337-B636-3607117B676B.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

I experienced it in a dream once, divine.

Attached: ontologicool_dance_13.webm (480x480, 2.91M)

take it or leave it faggot, im not lying. they werent absolute 10s but were super cute edgy scholastic grills. i havent met a single hardcore "feminist" that didnt end up being a submissive whore in bed (and thats a good thing). barring perhaps grotesque lesbians with a dire hatred for anything male
they probably got off on secretly fucking a conservative-oriented male

>picture of mao
good thing all those chinese peasants got murdered or this skinny white chick wouldn't have a oppurtunity to be ironic and quirky

Ontologicool swished her finger and her thumb up and down the oily greaso surface of the cell phone. Swish! Swish! KERPLUNK! A woman was shit in the stall nearby. It was violent. Bowl water churned manfully and struggled to digest the turd, to drag it down to unknown depths, important food for piranha fish of Lake Ontario. Ontologicool took another picture. She was like other women, but not much, and where she differed, that's just where men loved her. Another woman enters. A plain woman, nothing like Ontologicool, another cylinder of fishfood, pre-loaded in the chamber. Goodreads is for plebs Ontologicool thought. Baudrillard is my jam. Later tonight, a male janitor scrubs shitty streaks from bowls, ambivalent feelings, the nearness of the feminine. But only its lowest dregs. Ontologicool never was a stallgirl. Always at the mirror, never on the bowl. Made sure to live nearby, two subway stops at most. For girls like me, the restroom is for seflies, not for stool.

what kinda tootsie game is she sporting?

Attached: meganboylecross.png (1086x804, 628K)


She looks like a dumber and sluttier Sasha Grey.

srs question
is this chick actually well-read and thoughtful or is she just a dumb thot?

>is this flower actually a mammal or is it just a plant

an interesting question

have sex


Apply these same words to you and your college pears and there you have your answer

10/10 metaphor
keep seething

but me and my college PEERS don't post on twitter about reading, we just read

not even trying to be an ass, I just don;t trust twitter, is that so horrible?

I'm literally phoneposting, I'm so embarrassed holy shit

I won't talk to you anymore, goodbye

why even post in the first place


>Tattoos as pleb filter
Maybe I should get one

yeah well you make typos bro I dont even want to talk to you phoneposter

If you want to look like a cheap whore, by all means, get some ink.

>uses the worlds biggest pleb identifier

If twitter took away the character limit it wouldn't be so awful

Literally called that anyway.
Not even a cheap whore



>thread full of plebs “dropping” a patrician readin woman for a little ink

Attached: 34EBB421-A255-4D53-B098-3F12305CC2C7.gif (500x380, 801K)

lol I was talking about your retarded trip you dense fuck
also I think people are just noting the correlation between having a tat and being an attention whore, which you are corroborating wonderfully

She looks so fucking dirty and greasy. Is this the power of white wymn

Now you can look the part while sipping your rosé and feeding your cats!

Anyone who shows their face in public gets called an attention whore around here.
People get them for a variety of reasons
I don’t have any tatts

>Surprised that posting your face on an anonymous image board gets you labeled an attention whore.
I remember a time when almost nobody posted their name or picture on the internet.

No, not in public, only here where everyone else is anonymous
Fuck you are stupid

Fuck you OP, I can literally feel my fingers getting stuck on her greasy hair and smell her sweaty armpits. I have to take another shower now, fuck you

>im not lying
Yes you are

>feminists don't like performing sexual acts because they're feminist
2013 called it wants its dumb rhetoric back

she looks kinda greasy and ugly here senpai



Majority of straight women want to be manhandled.

I believe you fellow based Chad poster. I’m fucking a redhead in her third year of anthropology right now. All her essays are on deconstructing patriarchy and race in early anthro theorists. She likes me to call her my whore and my little fuck toy, and she calls me daddy. I rough face fuck her like it’s for facial abuse, slap her face, spit on her. Even outside of the bedroom she likes when I tell her to get me drinks or do favours for me. I’m also pretty racist and don’t hide it. And she loves me for all that.

All that said, I bet the chick in OPs pic is an entitled cunt. She doesn’t look like the subby whore type

Toothy but excessively salivary, aggressive without being pleasant. Incompetent but not self critical enough to realize this incompetence

Back in 1998, when Yea Forums used to actually be good, people always posted double blind studies backing up their claims of the quality of the puss they slammed

the fall of lit is tragic to watch

she's a lezzy mate

A revolution is not a dinner party. The hundred flowers and hundred schools of thought gotta be painted with the blood of rightists. Nikita "isn't that a girls name lol" Sergeyevich Khrushchev AKA Betrayer of Marxism does not deserve to be First Secretary. He is just another opportunist and a chauvinist as well. Backyard furnaces and people's communes not old habits and old Ideas. Praise the peasants.
It is right to rebel! :DD

And he’s gay.



It's a painting by Andy Warhol you peasant