What's a book that can make you really appreciate the fact that anything exists at all?

Just something that makes you feel wonder, like the first time you ever watched Carl Sagan's Cosmos. A book that has to do with the very nature of existence and it's ends. Something that makes you feel tiny and insignificant

Attached: universe-and-man-larger.png (800x675, 1.24M)

The writings of St. John of the Cross and the Gospel According to St. John

>... like... Carl Sagan's Cosmos...

Attached: ANGL FRWN.png (650x575, 1.43M)

this, so much this

Weird answer but the end of books (and of fiction in general). That feeling where you wonder what happened after the story ended, and what else there is in that world. For a more specific answer, good metaphysics literature makes me appreciate the fact things exist quite some bit. Emerson, young Marx, and Heidegger also have some things to say about the appreciative attitude toward existence that you talk about. In my opinion you ought to have this attitude by default in your day-to-day life. Also, the phenomenon you describe at the very end of your post is the aesthetic category of the sublime, and it's the best aesthetic category.


Spinoza's Ethics

Pic related

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>Anti-intellectual backed by Koch Brothers to convince the poors there's honor in serfdom

Hard pass

>not enjoying making others rich and supporting a society that couldn't care less if you died
Commie or leech

I'm sorry, are you saying I should be happy that other people are unfairly profiting off of my labor?

Grow up

Based and Bezospilled

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>accept exploitation


>yeah bro just be a doormat to your boss because uh hard work or something
I'm disgusted by Communists but that doesn't mean I'd work for this guy.

>I'm too good to work

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NEETS shutting up another thread. Read How to make friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie


Just sit and think for a while and you’ll get there

Good to know you haven't felt an emotion until you read proper literature. It should be illegal to like popular things.