[meta] Porn shills raiding Yea Forums

There's several porn threads up and the board is unusable.

Reminder to hit the books and stay away from this shit. Nothing good can come of it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Filter 'sexually repressed' threads.

Agreed. From my own experience, I know that continual exposure to sexual imagery reinforces and exaggerates desire. Unfortunately, even though I haven't looked at porn in 2-3 years, I still haven't completely pulled myself away from all such media and images (i.e., I allow myself to be bombarded by other forms of sexual content). It's not good. It's not justifiable. It's making us -- mostly men -- slaves to passion.

Watch porn and you're obeying them. It's not primarily a matter of ethics or moral but one of discipline and delayed gratification.

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Used to be really into No Fap but I would always feel like absolute trash after I relapsed and then get depressed and guilty. It would then spiral down and make me look for other escapism to hide those feelings.
Nowadays I have a wank or two a day and I don't really think anything of it. I know it's bad for my mind but I sorta feel like it's better than the guilty spiral I always end up going down when I fail.

The body is temporary. Virtue is an eternal good.

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sorry moderation isn't allowed
only shamming and moralizing on my Yea Forums


no, spirit is eternal

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I'm not really doing it in moderation since it's like 2 times a day. I think you are not honest with yourself if you think this thread is all moralizing. I am the first one to admit that I could use some advice.

read that as 2 times a week, nvm

I’m not anti-porn in principle, but I do think the messages sent by porn are almost entirely negative. I really don’t know how someone could watch a lot of it without despising women.

>I really don’t know how someone could watch a lot of it without despising women.
I adore women

Some British Hungarian polsci writer (Furedi was his name iirc) argued that porn normalized sex so that it wasn't as impactful on the individual anymore, guaranteeing less loyalty to their partner (or the concept of family and marriage) and more for the state.
If Yea Forums wants I can get the article up.

Porn makes portrays their sexuality as something hateful and mean spirited. I really think many of the MRA/incel/redpill talking points come from young men living in such a porn saturated environment.

>tfw 26

It's already fucked me up and it's too late even if i quit today

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porn: simply a degrading an exploitative industry. reprehensabil. prefer gook drawins meself. simple as

I just drink coke nowadays.

There is already a meta thread on Yea Forums, two hours older than yours.

The porn shills are defending Yea Forums from normalfags and r/books, you fucking retard. Take a look at the archive.

Do it

How about you give links and make your case referencing the exact way how this is done in more detail instead of asking us to invest our time on your claim?

It could get worse. Don't let yourself sink further. Quit today.

Hang yourself, hamplanet

They'd be better off posting racist and anti tranny memes desu

I thought so.

I personally think degrading porn offends the redditor and the redditorina a little more.

You are part of the problem, retarded newfag.
Welcome and please take a look at our neighbors, they'll make you feel very safe

Yes I am interested in that, get it up!

Downgrade to sofcore porn and limit yourself to a few times a week, then remove porn altogether

I don't mind being a retard. In fact, if I am a retard, please explain. I'm willing to listen and learn.

Or are you just going to keep dodging my question because you can't answer it?

What I can't answer?

Could not find a full text of him, but here's the bbc article at least. It also tackles the problem and quotes him at the end, expanding on his words.


Tried that last summer. Didn't really have the self control since I was looking at stuff in the first place and the more novel stuff was just a click away with an already distracted mind.

Assuming you are the user I referenced in this , the question in that post.

Maybe I should have phrased the question better, so how exactly does porn posting defend Yea Forums from normalfags and r/books?

What counts as softcore?

Lurk more.

Still dodging, thought so.

This isn't 2006 anymore. Porn is widely approved by the majority of normalfags and you are seen as a weirdo for not enjoying it.
Want to scare redditors away? Post gore, nazi stuff etc

>tfw I've only had to jerk off a handful of times in the past three years thanks to my bf

Article seems to solely focus on the women's issues part. However Furedi's quotes:
'Children over-exposed to sexual imagery'

Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at Kent University, said society as a whole and adults were to blame.

> He said: "The whole of society is hypersexualised - sex becomes the common currency through which adults make their way in the world and continually send a signal to children that sex is all that matters.

> "One of the big problems that we are faced with is that increasingly adults have lost the capacity to draw a line between their own attitudes and those of children and increasingly we're recycling adult attitudes about sex through the prism of children."

Will dig for more.

Lurk moar, respect the community rules.

Yeah, they end up thinking this place is akin to Yea Forums and /pol/ and frogpost instead of leaving.