Considering how the Show ended, how do you think ASOIAF will end?

Yes I know this is a hypothetical
My predictions:
In the South
>Aegon gets his head smashed on a wall by Ser Robert Strong
>Faith gets the Hound to be their Champion
>Cersei will end up back in power, I believe she already is considering the dialogue in the Mercy sample chapter, where Raff the Sweetling refers to the Queen as being the ruler in Kings Landing
In the North
>Stannis defeats the Boltons but dies
>Wildlings and Queens men side with Jon loyalists and execute Bowen Marsh and the other mutineers, which we will see from Melisandre's POV
>After hearing of Stannis's death, Melisandre sacrifices Shireen to bring Jon back to life
>Jon gets named King in the North, and Howland Reed reveals to him that he is actually the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna.
Beyond the Wall: Here is where my predictions get bold
>Bran learns about the Children of the Forest creating the Others. He identifies the original Other turned, who is called the Night King in the show (but won't be in the books). This is why Bran felt less important in the show, because everyone already knew who the Night King is, but in the books they need Bran to teach them about the Others.
In Essos
>I don't really care that much, Essosi plotline is king of boring. But it ends with Tyrion being Dany's hand and her taking Dragonstone, or maybe the acting lord of Dragonstone (Aurane Waters?) declares for her
>Aurane Waters brings the fleet to her, thats how she gets across the Narrow sea. It could also be Victarian, but I like the idea of someone Cersei trusts outright betraying her.
I think once you get to the point of the beginning of Season 7 plot points begin to be more like the show just much more complex, since the show just rushed the last 2 seasons.
>Jon ends up going to Dragonstone. It could even be the same as in the show where Jon exiles Melisandre for burning Shireen and she goes to Dragonstone.
>Jon and Dany fall in love.
>Tyrion counsels Dany to be more ruthless, since he is becoming a villain in the books unlike in the show
>Dany eventually brutally sacks Kings landing, which causes Jon to kill her. Jon goes to the Nights Watch as punishment for Queenslaying
>Bran gets named King and an elective monarchy is installed.

Attached: ASOIAF.jpg (600x900, 107K)

Daenerys shits during the length of 1200 pages

I'd fap to that!

I hope the Others win

They won't, the ending will be similar to the ending of the show.
Bran being elected by a council, Westeros basically becoming HRE

I am le God of Tits and Wine! XD

George subverts expectations and Jon stays dead. All of Jon's scenes in the show post-stabbing that don't take place in Winterfell are actually Aegon's. Aegon will realize Daenerys is batshit insane and kill her himself. Varys grand master plan was getting rid of monarchy.

So you basically copied the show's ending. Your lack of creativity saddens me, read more books or stop reading them altogether.

Yes, I copied the shows ending to try to predict the ending of books whose ending has been stated to be the same as the show

George will die before finishing it

>Tyrion counsels Dany to be more ruthless, since he is becoming a villain in the books unlike in the show
Dany is the one that's becoming a villain

>has been stated to be the same as the show
you're lying

That might be true, but there is something more sinister going on with the Children of the Forest, Blood Raven, etc. Bran may be king, but it will be a Dune-esque ending of something that is neither man nor god assuming control and its purpose will likely remain unclear to us. I doubt Martin's series will end with a gay single cam sitcom banter of the Small Council like the show gave us.

>Shireen‘s hair
>not jet black
Illustrator had one job

there's no way this is true. there's too much foreshadowing pointing to him being rhaegar & lyanna's son/tpwwp ("promise me, ned", "all i see is snow", etc.).

I wonder if he delayed it on purpose to see what kind of reactions what kind of things in the show got

Yeah, that's why he can't finish a book.

Have children

Attached: 1zQkt0iSWjoSZtReOb97QnQ-1.jpg (300x300, 22K)

You forgot to write up anything about Euron, who is clearly being set up to be a serious deal.

Also I have a feeling we are going to get some Lovecraft shit with the Drowned God, who will turn out to be real in the most horrific way possible.

I don't have much to add, but keep in mind the hold the door thing is canon, so that should happen in the next book.

>Westeros basically becoming HRE
I tried to explain this to Yea Forums, but they're too stupid.
Also Dany's similarities with Alexander the Great. That why I always suspected she isn't going to end well.

>Jon stays dead
Jon lives on as Ghost