What are some manly books? i'm tired of this meek, pathetic, contemplative perspective that this board takes...

what are some manly books? i'm tired of this meek, pathetic, contemplative perspective that this board takes. retards like kafka, pessoa, dostoevsky, camus etc are a bunch of faggots who were biological failures and it shows in their pathetic whiny writing. i want books about real who went through the world fucking shit up, conquering stuff, having hardships, true friendships, taking the world by the balls and exerting their will upon it. some that come to mind are:
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Blood Meridian
>A Farewell To Arms

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You missed the point of BM, retard. Congrats.

Time is too short to think about the material. there can be no spiritual salvation after death.

not really, the point of bm is: war and violence are inherent in human nature (the judge being its physical manifestation and saying he'll never die), embrace it (the kid only becomes The Man after he goes through the process of violence).

Cringe. Typical that you’d post a Hemingway book, an effeminate and a fraud—boasting about committing fake war crimes. His best books are the ones where he explores his own insecurity (Sun Also Rises). Only this sort of false computer-male yearning for a drip masculinity falls for Hemingway’s trick, he is the most obvious in the world. There is nothing manly about desperately having something to prove. Mishima is a better variation on this note, since Mishima is actually self-aware, and explores his own insecurities and immaturities with startling vividness—which is why /pol/ seems to dread reading anything but Sun and Steel; his books are too anxious and contemplative, despite the fire which rages through them.

Unironically the Marquis de Sade writes best of people imposing their will upon a pliable reality. But I suppose you are too much the moralist and ‘stoic’ for that sort of ‘degeneracy’. Failing that, perhaps Jack London?

cringe. hemingway lived a far more interesting life than you ever will, faggot. he was a true alpha

If you posted this than you proved you haven't actually read any authors like pessoa. That "meek" contemplative existence is the ultimate manifestation of the masculine, you view the universe like a woman, based on the pure body and the importance of the 'here and now'
A good book recommendation for you is nothing, teaching you literacy is only a mistake of the modern world. Best you drop it before deluding the medium to your level

Jack London is a good choice. OP, read The Sea-Wolf; something tells me you'd appreciate the character of Wolf Larson, and he'd illustrate for you why this purely masculine approach to the world ends in something monstrous. Interestingly London wrote the book as a response to Nietzsche's idea of the ubermensch.


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>That "meek" contemplative existence is the ultimate manifestation of the masculine, you view the universe like a woman, based on the pure body and the importance of the 'here and now'
It's like that Peterson quote about how autistic people are actually overflowing with testosterone or some shit. Yeah, that's right, you're totally "the ultimate manifestation of the masculine" jerking off to anime and wishing you had a girlfriend.

>Jerking off to anime and wishing you had a girlfriend
What does this have to do with anything? What a pathetic projection by an obvious touristfag spouting le epic Yea Forums memes and stereotypes. And autistic people is not at all what is described by those authors. Brainlet dilettante, hang yourself

"hang yourself", what a zinger. Clearly what they call "roid rage", that is, when a man with too much testosterone such as yourself, chimps out. Be careful there man, you don't want to get in trouble with all that "ultimate manifestation of the masculine".

Rejection of the body and worldly things is an extreme pendulum swing in the opposite direction. Without balance, contemplation turns into an excuse to avoid action (cowardice).

>blood meridian
My man, that book is about how your attitude is horrific and actively destructive to the world and the self. Also the Judge does a ton of contemplative navel gazing. I mean, some of the best, but still.

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Shibumi, it's great!


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>meditterranean stuff

I cant tell if this is bait or if you read a different blood meridian than I did

there's something inherently dunce-like in following the framework of masculinity over what you actually like.
Some autist who knows everything about model trains and would rather do that than read manly books for some reason feels more manly to me. Do what you want

>there's an irreducible "point" to Blood Meridian
>not acknowledging the epilogue
read it again

here you go op

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The Araucana, by Alonso de Ercilla.
Written by a soldier poet, a Spanish conquistador who took inspiration from Homeric epics and adapted the style to the Arauco War he was participating in against Mapuche barbarians. A work praised by Cervantes in his Quixote. Seems to be exactly what you are looking for, even if it has huge noble savage elements.

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well well well if it isn't my old friend reddit!

Old Man and the Sea. Estrogen filled beings can't understand it.

Steinbeck's characters tend to get on with life, even with all the shit thrown at them. Look him up, pretty manly himself.