Tomorrow we will be discussing Derrida’s essay called Plato’s Pharmacy

Look for this pic with the title PHARMAKON.

Since I have the day off I’m gonna reread Phaedrus before finishing this essay.
See u tomorrow

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Derrida Gang UNITE.

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>ITT: cumbrained Yea Forumsizens reveal themselves incapable of reading thirty pages in under a day

It really is true. If I'm sexually active in any capacity (masturbation included), I will not read a single page and the day is pretty much ruined in a productive sense.

Count me in! This should be fun.


>why are animals always signs

What time will we be reading?

I'll be here

>sexual activity
Absolutely haram. This is why it is important to talk about Guenon (PBUH) at all times -- it prevents jezebels from stealing your vital essence.

What does Guenon have to say about cumbrains?

Yeah this essay is trash as is the book it is in. Going to sell it this weekend. The text that turned me off from Derrida. Good luck with this circular horseshit faggots.

What did he have to say about semen conservation?

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but that's a link to barbara johnson's plato's pharmacy. surely you meant to link derrida's la pharmacie de platon instead?

*barbara johnson's derrida's plato's pharmacy

Thank God. I saw two dead bees in Britbong land yesterday.

Looking forward to our discussion tomorrow. Will begin reading when I get home tonight. x

Looks like this is just an excerpt, Barbara Johnson was a translator. It could be her essay but I doubt it, its too similar, bordering on plagiarism if that's the case.

Either way, friends, just go straight to the book. Which book? Plato's Pharmacy is in the book titled: Dissemination

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Is there an online version?

Look around, you can find a PDF or DJVU of it. I know it's online.

Yea Forums Can't even get their proverbial shit together and read Aristotle's Categories in a week, which only 25-30 pages.Reading group threads are pointless.

A handful of people will. That's all that matters.

can we just read the text in OP? the full Plato's Pharmacy looks like it is over 100 pages

if it's an excerpt, yes, methinks . but f it's her little take on it, no.

someone verify

this is just an excerpt, but it's from derrida. let's read it anyways. the first chapter, pharmacia, is missing, however.

I'll read it.

Can Derrida deconstruct cumbrainism?

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this is a link to the whole book, begin at page 97


A few pages in, pretty good so far.

Derrida is underrated here.

glad to see the thread up. I have to do some stuff before I have the time to read the essay and reply here, but

we should think about how long should this threads last (weekly, bi-weekly?) and what should it be next. a lot of anons in the last derrida thread said that essays and inteviews were a hidden front door to his works.
We can make a quick poll next time to decide the next three essays and id we follow a weekly or a bi-weekly pace we will have food for the next month (and a half).

How familiar do I have to be with his other work to make sense of this?

JP doesn't like him so I don't like him too.

Leave Jordan Peterson to me.

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Were on


That's why

The pharmakon (writing) is that which “carries away” thus creating an absence where it itself was supposed to fill the absence of the father, the sun, the good, and thereby supplement it. The listener, or rather, reader is thus made absent in presence to make present the absence of the father, the sun, the good, capital.

Why? Voilà! That's why. - JD