I've decided that I'm ready for a relationship. What books can help me find true love?

I've decided that I'm ready for a relationship. What books can help me find true love?

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None. No books can help you there (unless your true love is a librarian). You have to go out and find him or her yourself.

>him or her

You can't date two people at once

polyamory is a thing too user

I've heard it's nice but I've never been.

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I thought it was a duck

He obviously meant that he is searching for a waifu.

dunno man women are just a bunch of fucking pretzel twists to be honest I met one the other day who claimed to like books and she's a single mom so we talked about her kid's reading level a bit and it turns out she doesn't even know what the butter battle book is. I wasn't going to date her anyway because of her appearance and child but being so poorly versed in basic literature didn't score her any points.

The Holy Bible will help you to begin your relationship with Christ our Lord.

Try whatever your local book club is reading

Not a bad suggestion honestly, it will lead to church waifus

You'll just have to find someone you want to hop around with.

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Based and cutepilled.

The first book for anyone 'ready for a relationship' is Lolita

And no, it's not about pedophilia

either/or by kierkegaard

Says you pussy

read the poem "If You Wanna Be My Lover" by the Spice Girls. it will tell you everything you need to know.

"Models" by marc manson. ignores PUA snake oil while dismantling a lot of delusions men have about how relationships work. Focus is more on being a a person genuinely worth dating than giving you "set plays" , though there are plenty of specific behaviors to learn.

Doesn't the saying go that your waifu chooses you and not the other way around?

My girlfriend of three years who I honestly want to marry and have children with has had severe depression for the past two months and it’s looking like we’re going to have to take a break because the relationship can’t support the amount of stress it’s causing
I have no advice to give, just sharing my woes. She’s the love of my life and I’m in danger of losing her because of something neither of us can control
I’ve put so much of my time and energy into helping her and it didn’t help
Shit is painful guys

She's gonna bone other dudes. Also, you can't save a ho. She's gotta do that herself.

(Hint: she won't.)

She's the love of your life, until you find the next love of your life.

Women are for faggots. Don't waste your time.

Could you do me a huge favor and bring your head down on an upright ice pick as hard as you can? Just one clean dive. Thanks very much man

omg bunnies are so cute

she is absolutely going to fuck other guys, enjoy this life lesson. remember to actually learn it instead of crumpling under the emotional pressure, crying like a little bitch, and letting it happen again with some other do-nothing cunt who runs you through the ringer four years later.

we need a /self-help/ board.

there's /adv/ but it's eerily full of tourist femanons who get sanctimonious and think they're on facebook at the slightest provocation

I really would like to help you but i've never been in a relationship.
What I would advise though, find a hobby you both can enjoy and see if you can lift her out of it with this.
She also might feel trapped in which case either go on holiday or mention moving.

yeah this, there is no such thing as 'breaks'

read Seige