What makes left leaning people so much more well read than their right leaning counterparts?

What makes left leaning people so much more well read than their right leaning counterparts?

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fuck you gaythiest fagnostic fucking faggot
have straight sex

When I talk to other young white men, online or off, I have noticed that overwhelmingly those who read books are "far right."

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High estrogen. Which depresses them and causes them to stay indoors all day reading boring books, fundamentally a feminine activity.


The reading make them left leaning, not the other way around

Social perception, most lefties dont fucking read either and if they do its pop garbage

What makes left leaning people have so much less sex than their right leaning counterparts?

It’s because books are centered in the past. You see some conservative views with Butterfly, for instance. If you read books, you’ll look to the past.

And that’s a good thing. :3

at most, the majority of both "left leaning" and "right leaning" people only pretend to read.

Why does left=unhygienic and right=hygienic more often than not?

the dirtbag left failed in every conceivable way. Biden is going to be the dem nominee and he's gonna loose to Trump. There is no socialist movement in the united states, only a bunch of failed managerial class parasites who get off on self flagellation, the unions have all been busted and the left belongs to the queers now, you can't even be a 'dirtbag' in any meaningful way, leftism as it exists today is a moralistic pseudo religion for middle class people, somewhat like an individualistic secular christianity minus redemption or a real sense of community.

loool right guys I'm such a reader excuse me as I totally nerdgasm over The Fault in Our Star and Harry Potter.

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the most patrician ideology in the american context is woke neoconservatism via Kojeve's reading of Hegel, the synthesis of Students for a Democratic Society and Strategic Air Command, Goldmann Sachs and the Black Panthers, admitting that the CIA, Madison avenue, Sillicon Valley, Wallstreet and the RAND corporation have done far more to advance social justice than the squabbling sects of delusional white dudes that make up the far left fringes. I read Albert Wohlstetter's papers on nuclear strategy for fun and turn to Audre Lorde when its time to Think.


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>haha the left boot is so much better than the right boot, maga in hell dumbasses
It's all so tiresome. The left right dichotomy keeps us oppressed by global financial elites and you fags lap the feces off the floor.


>ChapoCels wellread
They are winning at capitalism thats for sure, they get so much money from retarded leftists on patreon

You realize Harry Potter is written by a Tory, right? Rowling thinks that Jeremy Corbyn is in cahoots with ISIS.

This is really a contemporary Western phenomenom, I'd say the German defeat in World War II completely delegitimized explicit right-wing politics, so conservatism had to disguise itself with left-wing terminology, giving the appearance of leftist hegemony.

A lot of postmodern philosophy, which appears to be firmly on the left and uses a lot of Marxist terms, is objectively conservative.

Jeremy Corbyn is practically alt right to the point of pandering to antisemitism and siding with Russian fascists but nice try.

>why do leftists do x
>why do rightists do y
>why do atheists do z
sweet baby christmas shut the fuck up already
read a fucking book
pay more attention to your own life and less to other people's

>Hermione was a non-binary schizofrenic lesbian poc woman
Reincarnation of Thatcher indeed

She hates trans people. Her representation stops at being black, gay, and shutting on the floor

Which postmodernists? And why?

>She hates trans people
And anyone who has had any experience with any of those so called 'trans people' will understand why. that's just normal. UK libs aren't as lobotomised as US libs, at least in what concerns the TQ(tranny question)

Maybe not the right thread to ask, but why are leftcoms always insufferable assholes who quote Marx as if he were a prophet? They feel like Phariseans who somehow praise the working class while also being completely divorced from it.

left leaning people certainly tend to buy more books

not sure if they actually read them

The distinction between liberals and leftists over there allows for a more significant divide. In the US, left liberals are certainly leftists.

serial child molester and collects his own smegma in a bottle
dude who works in a startup and is into wife-swapping
idk he looks kinda normal

imagine believing this

as a chapo fan I can confirm this is true

At least they blocked the right from gaining power in Europe

the jewish volcel is the one 4channel considers normal lol

By comparison, of course

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This actually. Leftists are overwhelmingly anti-intellectual. 90% don't have the requisite IQ to understand Marx and they still quote him incessantly.

Left isn't one person or one view. Learn to think outside of outgroups


Reality has a leftist bias. There aren't any right winged writers

what the fuck is the 'dirtbag left'?
is it when chaposubhumans spew seething violent vitriol at mainstream conservative figures and TERFs? they come across and legitimately psychotic.

It's when you want to be edgy, but also dont want to offend anyone. It didn't work, obviously.

Trump's gonna win a second term because Will chickened out on using the word "retard"

Obviously not, but 'the dirtbag left' was an attempt at taking back the initiative from the far right, which has come to dominate internet discourse. And it didn't work


Rapist Frat House? But why?

Post-modernism, with its "incredulity with metanarratives," is a reconciliation with capitalism and recognition of the Marxist mode, as applied.

As far as specific post-modernists, I'd advise you look more to practice than theory. The art (and price tags) of Jeff Koons is instructive.

Have you read Jameson? He can describe so much better than I can.

Not this thread again, it will soon become a discussion about why the left likes the boi raep so much...

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>The left right dichotomy keeps us oppressed by global financial elites
Do you know what marxism is about

Instead of saying "Why do leftists do this" why don't you just directly name the people you are talking about. The left can be millions of different viewpoints that may or may not even be exclusive to the left

Yes some people on the left are idiots.

Poor people fighting for the interests of the bourgeoisie

>60 million dead
>started by the right
Why is literally everyone on the right so violent?

>New York Times

you're illiterate and definitely American

Have you considered reading Capital? College SJWs aren't marxists.

It's only natural that the left, pandering to the poor, would collect the stupid.

Well read in what? Merely reading doesn't make you more intellectual. They read trash.
I'm sure the average leftist reads "more" than the average conservative (probably not more than a reactionary right winger). But it's only a monkey game. What do you think they read? Probably an assortment of contemporary pseud pop politics and pop sci.
In truth, I think most people in general either don't read, and if they do, they either just read novels, unpretentiously, for their own edification, or they read pseudointellectual trite and think it makes them superior to those who don't.
How many of these people have read great books and have processed them for what they are?
That kind of reading leaves you worse than before, because you haven't grown at all, now you just think youre wiser than you are.

Ebil Right Wingers are statistically more likely to read non-fiction books.
>Feed me sauce, daddy
Fuck you, I'm a lazy right winger

The only problem with Marxism is its inherent internationalism. It diagnoses the neoliberal problem, but only removes individual freedom without preserving anything of spiritual or cultural significance.

what makes you think you can keep asking the same question over and over?

fuck books. books are for pussies. go hit the gym

>the new priesthood is well-read
Wow, what a surprise...

The majority of Yea Forums only pretends to read as well.

It's shill spamming. Yea Forums has become a place for political parties and companies to shill their own credenda. Wait till the American election campaign heats up again.

Fuck these dweebs. My shitty offhand Yea Forums posts are more interesting than what they have to say. That whole circuit of podcasts is so circle-jerky and smug. That the left gives it any credences is a quiet poison because it prevents them from taking anything seriously.

They aren't.

>leftism as it exists today is a moralistic pseudo religion for middle class people, somewhat like an individualistic secular christianity minus redemption or a real sense of community.
This is how American leftism has always been, as in, an offshoot of upper-middle-class liberal protestantism.

Unironically I think "left" leaning people (read: communists, anarchists, etc NOT AMERICAN LIBERALS who are capitalist cucks) are better read because there is not as much video out there on the subject. It's not like it's all over the television which is where liberal shit is. It's something you actually have to read, parse, and talk about. You're not being talked at about it. You're reading it for yourself, thinking about it, and probably discussing it with like-minded people.

Just my thought on it. May be anecdotal. I find reading more enjoyable than watching something where I'm being talked to by millionaires pushing propaganda for billionaires or the state.

>The left/right dichotomy
"The more the ordinary mind takes the opposition between true and false to be fixed, the more is it accustomed to expect either agreement or contradiction with a given philosophical system, and only to see reason for the one or the other in any explanatory statement concerning such a system. It does not conceive the diversity of philosophical systems as the progressive evolution of truth; rather, it sees only contradiction in that variety."

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>left/right is about true/false

based and Yea Forumspilled

will is so cute I wanna smooch his aristocratic little head

>global financial elites
and just who are they?

Seeking too much for the justification and expiation of the guilt of being a degenerate.

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Source: it was revealed to me in a dream

Entities. No matter what you’re going to be dealing with an oligopolistic situation. Which is leagues better than a monopolistic situation, but you still should understand it always pays to take the mean. A purely democratic or purely autocratic competitive landscape does not exist, there will always necessitate power players. Pareto knew this, Schumpeter knew this, the entire field of Game Theory mathematically proves this. Why not just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride, if you’re smart enough you’ll make it. :3

Churchill was very Focused...

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