Anti-War propaganda
The best kind
Wish we could turn back time...
>fucking Cher
Magnificent, loved the part where he was in the shell hole with the dying soldier
Pretty good, if you enjoy it, follow up with
a Farewell to arms
>tfw i read this just after i finished high school
>my class was all guys
right in the feels
commie propaganda. Germans were right to burn it
Einfach so
remark makes me /feel/ things nothing else can.. i don't know why. it's simple, the notion is nothing new, his works are not really groundbreaking, yet i feel a bit human reading them
Based Ernst
What a hero
You can tell straight away that Storm of Steel is a far more realistic account of the war
oh sorry aurocorrect
i meant to say "i enjoy japanese blackpill asus dazzle he's just like me"
Good-Bye To All That is good too
It has a certain charm to it, and will shake you up, but Jünger is just simply better and more talented.
Junger also relished combat, respected his enemies, would kill without remorse, and volunteered himself for near suicide missions like the stormtroop
Maximum Chad
written by a guy who barely saw any combat if any at all
>ITT: underachievers who are frightened even of talking to girls bragging about war as if they weren’t going to piss themselves if they had to take part in it.
>ITT: people who will never achieve anything in life and would happily thank the opportunity to die in a war that will not mean anything in the long term, perishing to honor the ambitions of old men and fueled by propaganda (deep down it’s a way of doing something with their lives, since they haven’t any talent and willpower to achieve great things in noble fields like the arts and the sciences).
Lol, it’s funny how you talk about chads and manly males but you would gladly submit to any high ranking official or to the will of generals, like a bunch of beta-males in a wolf pack.
Einstein hated war and wanted nothing with it, yet he was extremely independent in his mind and spirit and never submitted to the authority of any man. He, a pacifist, was far more alpha than any of you ass-lickers of authorities.
>we don't live in a society
You surely can't be a radical individualist
No one gives a shit about that retarded faggot you idiot, stop projecting. Imagine thinking it's preferable to die from an aneurysm while preparing a speech to commemorate Israels anniversary than to die for your people and family. You should be ashamed, go back to /r/science.
>your people
low iq
What an infantile response, but somehow expected from an egoist.
highest quality bait
Remarque doesn't understand the metaphysics of war. He sees only the negative aspects and fails to recognize the potential for spiritual advancement that war offers.
He is not me (the author of the post you are quoting).
And is extremely naïve of your part to imagine that most of the wars were really fought to protect your family and not because of selfish reasons and the ambitions of those in power. And then again, even if you need to fight for your family, that’s a tragedy, something that you unfortunately need to do, and not a good thing. Only mediocre people wish to see battle for the joy and honor of it; people who really have something especial in them want peace and calm in order to offer the world far more important gifts.
You would be fooled into taking part in any “great man” ambitions and egotistical goals with just a small amount of propaganda.
low iq
rdt is achieving levels of bait which threaten total war.
Anyone who thinks the metaphysics of war is about individual or even human spirit doesn't understand metaphysics or war.
Fascists lost for good reason, misunderstanding humanism and its place in it was perhaps the greatest.
>Throughout the war, Jünger kept a diary, which would become the basis of his 1920 Storm of Steel. He spent his free time reading the works of Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Ariosto and Kubin, besides entomological journals he was sent from home. During 1917, he was collecting beetles in the trenches and while on patrol, 149 specimens between 2 January and 27 July, which he listed under the title of Fauna coleopterologica douchyensis ("Coleopterological fauna of the Douchy region").
id like to think id be this based if i got drafted