Is this seriously all the left has to offer...

Is this seriously all the left has to offer? These fucking whores can’t go 2 minutes without talking about their appearance or how much they hate men? And then when they actually talk about politics it always revolves into some radlib, progressive misandrist retardation. I swear to god I cannot stand berniebros

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They're not leftists at all. They just want single-payer. Anna's pretty openly fascist and Dasha doesn't give a shit about anything, she's just an edgy aspiring actress

Do you know what's funny. You got conservative politicians banging whores at Eyes Wide Shut parties while having a neatly dressed christian wives who are ready to swallow the shame for God on one side and you got leftist politicians banging whores at Eyes Wide Shut parties while their wives are essentially the whores being banged.

Anna posting tweeting this as an attempt at actual insight is hilarious

A 33 year old woman with all the insight of a high school atheist.

t. butthurt opium addict

Why did you decide Yea Forums was the place to complain about this?

Lefties don't exist, they're just a different kind of bigot

Explain yourself OP. Explain yourself.

>Yea Forums is for the discussion of literature

what lol

red scare is fucking based, these are the only two thots I've ever heard of that actually have original opinions. for that alone, they are a must listen IMO


they hate CIA niggers almost as much as i do so as far as im concerned they are BASED and REDPILLED

Girls Chat > Red Scare

They're cumtown-lite, Anna gets irritating and is a charlatan but I do enjoy their vitriol desperately needed to spew on the culture

I'll listen to Red Scare over any of the other non-Chapo political podcasts. Dead pundits society is ultimate cringe

Go away Adam

I came over that pic of Dasha's nipple last week. Top tier thot

haha I'm not Adam but if you want to donate to cumtown patreon that'd be cool


this. that said the left in america is basically nonexistent, I mean just look at the DSA lmao, practically just a vehicle for lib idpol and yet still the largest org by far. there is no revolutionary potential in america at the current time.

How do you think they come?

The Left is incompetent, if it weren't it would have at least a few successes by now. Actually these two are more objective than most, that's how bad the modern left is. But even they grab their ankles the second you mention race, abortion , etc,
I want a social revolution, but also pls don't hurt my feefees or touch my little toys :(

If the left had just ignored gay marriage and left abortion alone, they would have had the South and the Midwest and been an unstoppable party. We would have better healthcare, education, hundreds of thousands who died at war would alive, etc

Instead I get to see two fags kiss in my favorite corporate sponsored bullshit, thanks for nothing retards

Im pretty sure Dasha a pillow princess, her sex scene in wobble palace is awful. So comes like Paris Hilton

Anna would be pretty dirty, power sub, intent on getting her nut, makes you choke her then kicks you out of bed after

Behead all brooklynites

God it feels good not to be American

>God it feels good not to be American
Why, you're getting the same problems, you're just a dumber version of an American because unlike us you actually think your government works

>t. tranny

leftists aren't liberals you dumbass, there hasn't been a strong leftist movement in america since before WWII

>leftists aren't liberals you dumbass
That's my point, idiot, They're not even liberals, they're servants to liberals.
> there hasn't been a strong leftist movement in america since before WWII
Sure has been. Just not in the only area it matters- economics

Leftists say and do exactly what progressives tell them when it comes to race, gender, etc. so they are basically just an eccentric subset of progressives at this point.

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same
I bet you have a Pepe folder

When leftists are told by progressives to shut up about class because race and gender are being discussed, they shut up. You can pretend this isn't true, but it's pretty clear that the reigning dogma even for Marxists is now progressivism.

How the fuck do we fix this
I want to revive the soul of Eugene V. Debs and put it in a giant robot so he can kill every last person in Washington DC

debs was a socdem radlib

Give Antifada a shot, they have a terrible title but consistently interesting guests. Parallax Views is alright too.

I hope you realize the "alt-right" was correct the whole time

About what

This, girls chat actually somehow manages to get bigger more interesting guests despite being a smaller show.

about the progressive left abandoning traditional socialist goals, it's just about dunking on the white man and collecting your cheque

based on their twitter accounts they seem fine, but i dont understand how any self respecting male can stand that vocal fry for more than five seconds. i just get this overpowering violent feeling like i want to punch the wall until my hand shatters

that's just Lenin.

the alt-right spent years of energy on insane conspiracy theories, misplaced hero worship, antisocial idiocy, and general whining.

if the alt-right accidentally said "capitalist liberals aren't actually Marxist" at some point in the last 3 years, I couldn't hear it through the litany of telling trans people to commit suicide and applauding school shooters

>if the alt-right accidentally said "capitalist liberals aren't actually Marxist"
The distinctions to be made between the many forms of leftism are trivial to those that they are united against. Capitalist liberals and Marxists aid each other that they may as well be one in the same to their enemies.

>if the alt-right accidentally said "capitalist liberals aren't actually Marxist"
The alt right dont care about the distinction when both groups are publicly attacking white men and promoting mass immigration

>the "alt-right" was correct the whole time
The alt-right's been calling the Walt Disney Company and Hillary Clinton "Marxists" as far back as I can remember. They have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

Yes, the rampant violent crime, inhumane capitalism, bankrupting medical fees, overwhelmingly expensive university class system, regular terrorist attacks, and constantly simmering racial tension (With camps divided into the ‘whites’, ‘blacks’ and ‘others’ like American racial policy was drawn in crayon by a fifth grader), insane woman with an undeserved and ridiculous victim mentality, constant spectacle of public shaming, and steady stream of dehumanizing media specificAllly engineered to make people self conscious consumers. Countries like Canada and Denmark are just too stupid to have these problems.

These posts all contradict each other about what the alt right has or hasn't been saying. Sounds like the three of you should sort it out

Read Moldbug.

Fucking lol at liberals aiding marxists just how thick can a bubble be you idiot

Liberals killed Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Read your history.

that's because the altright is just an epithet attached to people who criticize progressives from the right, why would you expect uniformity from a group that doesnt really exist as a group in any meaningful way

>UNQUALIFIED RESERVATIONS is a strange blog: its goal is to cure your brain. We’ve all seen The Matrix. We know about red pills. Many claim to sell them. You can go, for example, to any bookstore, and ask the guy behind the counter for some Noam Chomsky. What you’ll get is blue pills soaked in Red #3.
>Since we provide the genuine article, UR is pretty much the anti-Chomsky. (As a broad generalization, UR’s stance in any controversy will be the opposite of Chomsky’s.) Take one of our red pills—heck, split one in half—and you’ll be in a completely different world.
fucking cringe. absolute mall ninja energy. I'll pass

>I base my opinions on what seems fashionable or cringe
We know

I'm not the one who brought up the alt-right, it was the guy who said "the alt-right was right about everything", get mad at him if you don't like the discussion

They've allow Marxists to accrue great deals of status and respectability through academia, and the resources funneled to the through academia has allowed them to develop their system further. All political stances even remotely to the left exist in a mutualistic relationship in opposition to the right.
I've never associated with the alt-right. I just think it's stupid that leftists obsess about their differences when the seem absolutely trivial to the people who oppose their most fundamental principles.

t. phil ochs

I use "alt-right" for lack of a better term. What I mean is that these leftist critiques of IdPol/cultural marxism that are currently cool on reddit are the same stuff you could've seen on /pol/ in 2014, you guys can't face the fact that the "Yea Forums retards" hit the heart of the matter before the normal people

This is why politics is a waste of time. Your vote will never matter. The revolution will never really happen. The powerful are all in bed together and the only options for discussion are designed to be win/win scenarios for them

god put me on earth to pine after anna and die alone

>The basic premise of UR is that all the competing 20th-century systems of government, including the Western democracies which came out on top and which rule us to this day, are best classified as Orwellian. They maintain their legitimacy by shaping public opinion. They shape public opinion by sculpting the information presented to the public. As part of that public, you peruse the world through a lens poured by your government. I.e.: you are pwned.
This is the DMT-trip red pill? It's just Fight Club or Manufacturing Consent or fucking Good Will Hunting

The NOI and James Earl Ray were liberals? I wouldn't be surprised if Ray was in some sense of the term.
Thinking about what Nixon did to him brings me joy. I collected his records as a teenager, and I've been meaning to burn them for years.

This. /pol/ is one of the edgiest places on the net yet all of them LARP as traditionalists trying to uphold values

some of us followed politics before 2014. if you think /pol/ "discovered" a disconnect on the left you can't be older than 15

it's manufacturing consent but instead of corporations he's pinning it on academics, which is significantly more edgy, seeing as they occupy a quasi priestlike role in our culture. youre not supposed to question what Harvard professors tell you

More importantly is that all corporations that depend on educated labor are deeply influenced (if not controlled entirely) by academia because of the latter's monopoly on that most important resource.

people complain about left-wing academia all the fucking time though, it's a cliche since at least the 1960s

But they haven't really done anything about it, nor have they really acknowledged the true extent of their influence as the institution upon which all other institutions depend.

im past cum town. go listen to the wop mafia podcast sitdown. after that, dive into the real comedians who have no damn political opinions, which would be the partner to the creation of the sitdown mr frank terranova, terradome. comedy for comedians, not social faggots

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