Is it possible to balance a Yea Forums lifestyle while also being a weeb, watching anime and reading manga...

Is it possible to balance a Yea Forums lifestyle while also being a weeb, watching anime and reading manga? Are the two incompatible?

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No, abandon weebdom.

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I'm trying. I'm trying so fucking hard.

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On some days I'll realize that I spent most of my free time reading a manga, failing to get to my novel.

just read whatever you like
literature is to be enjoyed, reading only certain things because you think it makes you smart is dumb

Weebshit is essentially YA fiction. I'm not sure how you can enjoy both that and literature.

just watch anime and hide your power level
what's the issue here? if you don't have time for both then it's better if you read but I doubt that

There are some anime worth watching and some manga worth reading (Mushishi and episode 10 of The Tatami Galaxy are definitely Yea Forums, for example), but watching seasonal anime is like reading YA and watching capeshit. I'm not even saying that you have to exclusively watch 2deep anime, Non Non Biyori is based as fuck, but consuming every show that comes out when you know that most of them are wastes of time is not Yea Forums.
This is basically the same policy I have towards genre fiction and comic books - most of it is not Yea Forums but you do have your Book of the New Suns and your Corto Maltese. But at the end of the day intellectualism is based on what you do, not what you don't do. There are many Yea Forums figures who I reckon would have liked anime, whether specific shows (Dosto and NGE) or just generally (Kafka/Pessoa). Also, reminder that Pynchon mentions GitS and Kojima in Bleeding Edge and he was an old fuck when he wrote that, so if anime and video games had been around when he was growing up he would have liked them the way he likes pulp fiction and comic books.
So I'd say that it's possible, but you should read more than watch anime.
Also hentai is far more Yea Forums than 3dpd porn, and waifuism has been Yea Forums for as long as women have existed, see Pygmalion, Beatrice and Dulcinea of Toboso

Only as long it's the right kind of manga. Also anime is waste of time because of normies since 2007 or so, just drop it.

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What are some mangas that you'd recommend? I'm currently reading Akame ga Kill.

I think I'm blessed in how much I detest anime/manga/weeb stuff.

>Yea Forums lifestyle
This is retarded. Enjoy what you want, and don't let elitists tell you that in order to be like them you need to exclusively consume deeper literature. Of course I'm quick to tell someone who doesn't read that they're missing out, but if you can somehow balance both then I see no problem.
plus anime babes are hot as fuck

Depends on what you like but stuff by Nobuyuki Fukumoto is a pretty solid recommendation from me. Phoenix from Osamu Tezuka also gets one of my highest recommendations. I would say things like Berserk or Vagabond but I don't know how much you like unfinished stories.

what do you mean by "Yea Forums lifestyle"?

Why would they be incompatible?
>reading Akame ga Kill
Esdeath hits all my fetishes, but the manga is edgy schlock. Try
Oyasumi Punpun
Ran to Haiiro no Sekai
Berserk (The Golden Age)
The Voynich Hotel
Mob Psycho 100
Otoyomegatari (ongoing)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
Ballroom e Youkoso (ongoing but on hiatus because the author is dying)

It's impossible to live a Yea Forums lifestyle while being the type of person who thinks about how to live a Yea Forums lifestyle

I tried to use a general term so that I didn't have to write too much, but I realize that saying "Yea Forums lifestyle" just makes me sound like a fop trying to attain an image of an intellectual. What I meant by the "Yea Forums lifestyle" was the part of my life that pertains to literature: my writing novels and self educating on topics that I'm interested in. I say "Yea Forums" because my taste in books are, in part, inspired by the people in this community, and because I just happen to prefer literary fiction.

Watching anime will destroy your attention span (and your brain in general tbqh)

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>Ballroom e Youkoso on hiatus because Author is dying
Gosh darn it, I just wanted to get into dancing.

If you want to get an "intellectual" image, you just can pretend as the 90% of the pretentious brainlets of this trashcan. IRL isn't that difficult, just don't talk so much, if you don't want to be unveiled.
Don't be so frustrated by the things you read here, user, most of them are just larping american pigs.

anime makes genre lit read like shakespeare, filler is crack to japs

I do agree that it seems foppish to be so conscious of one's relation to the "Yea Forums lifestyle," but I would contend that anybody who is trying to improve themselves within the field of writing or other literary subjects are somewhat aware of their progress within their respective fields, making them constantly consider their position within what we call the "Yea Forums lifestyle." Of course some people (the pseuds) occupy themselves with this in an attempt to appear sophisticated, which I believe you are referring to. But in the end, don't we all share the goal of becoming more Yea Forums?

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Why would they be incompatible? This question makes absolutely no sense, they have no interaction with each other. How would watching anime inhibit your reading a book in any way?

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They're absolutely compatible. The culture of this board lies at the intersection of literature and weebshit. Just be selective so you can be exposed to the important works of each medium before you die.

based jashin-chan

some Yea Forums anime
>princess tutu
>arcadia of my youth
>kinos journey
>legend of the galactic heroes
>haibane renmei
>jinrui wa suitai shimashita
>serial experiments lain
>animerama trilogy
>kemono no souja erin

some Yea Forums manga
>strongest man kurosawa
>20th century boys
>kokou no hito
>nausicaa of the valley of the wind
>oyasumi punpun
>space pirate captain harlock

Speaking with weebs is akin to subjecting oneself to electroshock therapy.

>Yea Forums lifestyle
Cringe as fuck, stop using books as your identity that's rarded
And no they're not incompatible, but there's no artistic value in a consumer sustained medium like anime so don't pretend that you're a paytrishun for making a chart with the 9 same artsy (read:faggy) anime (which are all derivative of Eva) to show off to fat 30yo striped-thighhighs-wearing failsons on the internet, and keep in mind that the only reason to watch anime is for the cute girls and girls(male)

>The culture of this board lies at the intersection of literature and weebshit
This is one of the least anime-ish boards on the site. Maybe the average the Yea Forumsterbug thinks that he is too good for it or something.

there's only a few anons posting anime normally but I think most of us watch or have watched anime, it doesn't seem like most of Yea Forums is normalfags

When did the word weeaboo just become anything to remotely do with Japan/anime?

I see comments calling Japanese people weebs for fucksakes.

what comments?

Stupid motherfucker I can to kick you in the face.

Anywhere I guess, I didn't screencap any. It's just people being dumb.

I'm watching GochiUsa and hugging my Chino dakimakura inbetween reading manga and literature. Also learning math latin & philosophy

god i wish i were that daki

nice trips b-baka

No, you either do it right or you end up writing a paper on Gurren Lagann or whatever anime is popular among you Dorks .

>t. Charles

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Just read vns
Some Yea Forums authors are romeo, scaji, mareni, masada. If you want to read a book you may do good by reading jintai but I don't know much about lns.
After you read those guys you probably already read the best the otaku culture has to offer and you can safely stop consuming it.

>Some Yea Forums authors are romeo, scaji, mareni, masada
Who? Give me their names/surnames so I can search them.

i read the to aru no index series which is over forty novels
its actually part of what got me back into reading

Anime/manga and "nerd" pop culture stuff in general becomes less interesting the more literature you read. I don't think there's anything wrong with being into that kind of thing at some point in your life, but its something most intelligent people grow out of.

sometimes i go through some cycles

watching a movie-reading a manga-watching anime-reading a book- watching a live action tv show-reading a non superhero comic

rince and repeat

there's literally nothing more plebeian than watching anime in 2019

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thank me later

Berzerk is better than the western canon. It is not worth it to abandon weebdom.