My bet is on Kafka and Dostoevsky
Which authors were the most Schizoid?
These sound just vague enough to belong to any loner type
>dude mental ilness lmao
its actually called "personality", if youve never heard
Nerval, Artaud
fuck this shit
they all want to make you think that being unhappy/sad must be some kind of mental illness, because "if youre not happy, something must be wrong, every man should be happy, so well force you to be happy"
fuck this gay shit nigga stop bitching about depression or some shit, these do not exists, these were made up to control the society and get rid of most problems of men
okay Dr. Yea Forums
>implying im wrong
t. person without mental illness or one who tries to create an illusion of strength through denial
This description is so vague it could fit most authors.
>wow guys I am literally mentally disabled
I am unique and special
DFW, Weininger, me
this just sounds like the criteria for someone based though
>idiosyncratic moral and political beliefs
lmoa anglo universalism much
Lmao that's considered a mental disorder? Normies are truly terrifying.
Anything that could possibly be blamed for a person's failure to attain maximum efficiency is considered a mental disorder. Where have you been for the last 50 years?
Mental illness is a fucking meme.
>mental illness
you mean based and redpilled right? There's nothing wrong with having a personality.
Kant probably
Mental illness isn't real you pathetic faggot. You just pretend its real cause you lack a real personality. Loser fuck. Kill yourself.
t. been diagnosed several times with different mood and personality disorders
It's all a fucking game
>dude people with schizophrenia who literally have physiological issues with serotonin receptors and transmitters should just get over it.
leave the house every once in a while. Schizophrenia is a real condition that will fuck up your ability to form thoughts let alone behave and act rationally. Its way past the point of "being unhappy"
>dude we're all just chemicals lmao
>Lived an adventurous beat lifestyle
>Absolute chad who banged plenty of chicks including his friend's wife whose marriage he was the best man at
>Was intimately acquainted with figures like bob dylan, richard fariña, joan baez, and the rest of the Greenwich village crowd
Yeaaaahhh no. Pynchon was paranoid and weird but he transcended basement dwelling schizoids to become a completely new beast.
Schizoids are empty people, never ever has one been an author.
this guy is a confirmed mental case.
Yeah, gotta agree. Been suicidal many times in life, always told to see a doctor. Always diagnosed this or that, always the medicine doesn't feel right and I stop using it, then take a month or two of meditating a couple hours a day to fix my own problems
every single one of those things applies to me. wtf
>this but unironically
all these "disorders" are just personalities.
There is no standard/absolute personality any deviation from ought to then be considered an anomaly.
schizoid is not schizophrenic
>no pink laser jesus
If you have schizoid personality disorder, it's likely that you:
>Prefer being alone and choose to do activities alone
>Don't want or enjoy close relationships
>Feel little if any desire for sexual relationships
>Feel like you can't experience pleasure
>Have difficulty expressing emotions and reacting appropriately to situations
>May seem humorless, indifferent or emotionally cold to others
>May appear to lack motivation and goals
>Don't react to praise or critical remarks from others
give me authors who have a illness i think i have myself waaaa waaaaa im special look at me im mentally ill waaa waaa
You disgust me, who knew the arthoe trend of claiming to have a mental illness to have special attention or use an excuse of some kind for your own behavior would spill over onto Yea Forums. Again, you disgust me. You do not have a mental illness and stop using it as a coping method for innate natural talent to not do anything to improve your situation. Your not mentally ill in anyway but you are a pathetic piece of shit
Gerard de Nerval was literally schizophrenic
I think I have schizoid personality disorder. Now what lmao?
no you don't. You're just introverted
So, basically if you're introverted or a little weird you have Schozoid personality disorder. Psychiatry is such a meme it's not even funny; imagine a Doctor who diagnoses you of cancer just with an interview and physical examination, he'd be in jail pretty soon.
>Dude how dare you want to relate to people with a similar life experience as you
fuck off
This sounds exactly like me. It doesn't really bother me anymore though. Life became a lot better when I realized there was nothing wrong with being a little different than most others. Being different is only painful when you think you have to fit in. Like trying to force a rectangular shape through a circular hole. There's nothing wrong with the rectangle, nor the circle, it's merely the fact that they don't fit.
but you don't have a similar life experience
You don't. Saying you are schizoid is uncharacteristic of the schizoid. Everyone who thinks they are schizoid is likely dealing with some kind of avoidant complex.
He was also born filthy freaking east coast old money rich and so never had to worry about a "career".
Did you just read a wikipedia chart and conclude you know the ins and outs of an entire field of study?
Literally me
So glad people are waking up to the psychology bullshit
Better than the people basing it off of this meme. Seriously watch schizoid interviews people, are you really that boring?
I haven't spoken to another person longer than 5 minutes the entire time 3 years I've spent at university.
I have no friends and relations outside of my family (I speak to them frequently and lie to them about my social situation when needed). I feel fine for the most part, though I occasionally have trouble sleeping, my mind keeps wandering and I feel I'm unable to relax properly.
Throughout my teens the way I've precieved my previous friends is through a sense of dishonesty, as in thinking that I wouldn't want to be friends with these people if I had an option, but you're cramped together in a classroom/soccer practice through those years, so you might aswell have a friendly tone for convenience, but I rarely met them after school. I remember being bored around them and to consider them predictable and uninteresting.
This schizoid discription seems eerily similar to how I precieve the world and I believe I should change the way I'm living my life, because the route I'm heading down now, leads me towards a life of semi-comfy wage slavery and tax paying to a society I have no real relation to and not much else. Currently I am content with my studies and whatever miscellaneous activites I spend my time with. However, as I eventually become employed and have to work a 8-16 with colleagues and the works I am worried that'll turn my life around in a way I less have control over and that will erode my contentness over time.
Through self reflection I've essentially concluded that I've been sort of a narcissistic and ungrateful prick throughout my upbringing, but I don't recall showing it to others in direct action. Rather a display of continuous disinterst. As mentioned, I believe I should make an effort to change, but I'm unsure on how to. May be seeing a psychologist would help, but I fear I'll just end up with less money and a new unhelpful label to put upon myself - then again, always expecting others to only return to me with thoughts I've encountered on my own is the narcissistic framework I'd be interesting in getting out of.
Sorry for blogposting, but please consider it a cry for help.
Nietzsche I would say
>t. been diagnosed several times with different mood and personality disorders
i can tell. are you this irrational and snappy in person too?
That also sounds like dissociative identity disorder as well. I'm a medically diagnosed schizophrenic and was on medication for 4 years, but for me it is opposite than narcisism, I had persecutory delusions, I lost all my friends because I was always paranoid they secretly hated me, or were plotting to ditch me places and stuff. "Voices" when I'd focus on reading words, or looking too closely in the mirror, but now that I got treated I realize i just had a distorted view of reality. Shit cleared my head enough for redpills but I do not recommend it, every therapist and psychiatrist is different and most just want to sign you the most expensive perscription as fast as possible. For most people it's not worth experimenting with so many medications so dont think I'm trying to sedate you from being redpilled
A psychiatrist or clinical psychologist could actually help you, but not in the US where it's basically drug prescription central.
the only criteria in op's pic included in the definition of introversion is maybe the interpersonal relations area. otherwise you must have a very convoluted definition of introversion
these are symptoms of childhood emotional neglect
t. product of alcoholic mother
All of these are good features.
>You don't. Saying you are schizoid is uncharacteristic of the schizoid.
lmao this is so fucking stupid. you're pretending to be able to diagnose him based on one sentence because you clearly see some special snowflake cachet in your schizoid self-diagnosis.
What do you call it when you suddenly start to lose the recognition of your own yourself as a particular, known identity and start to feel your "self" disappear?
please take your med
I'm in Scandinavia and not in America, so I'm hopeful that the psychologists will be less eager to mindlessly push pills on me.
I have another two weeks of exams, but some free time during the summer. I think I'll give the psychologist a chance as I figure I have little to lose, and lots to gain. Thank you.
If I end up having medications recommended to me, are there any medications I should be extra vary of? Any tips or recommendations in general when it comes to seeing psychologists? What power do they actually have? I realize that it might be region dependent, but still there ought to be some similarities I assume.
Why can I relate to all of these? Wtf, I don't want to be mentally ill.
where should I start with Pynchon?
Also everything I've seen about him calls him a 'humanist', it's not going to be soppy sentimentalism about 'muh oppressed' is it?' I don't mind leftism of the Thompson or Bukowski style when it's witty/harsh but I don't like feeling like books are moralizing to me, either from a left or right moral stance
Not at all. Read crying of lot 49 first.
Wouldn't the actual issue be whether these symptoms were negatively affecting your life in some serious capacity?
thanks, I'll check it out
>t. diagnosed schizoid
Did anything change for you after diagnosis?
What made you go to a psychologist in the first place?
>Did anything change for you after diagnosis?
no, but during my visits to my shrink I did learn more about myself. A diagnosis is just a label, a general one at that. If anything I feel that the distance between me and others is in some way more justified now. Not that I should indulge in that feeling, but I can accept it.
>What made you go to a psychologist in the first place?
Suicidal ideation and a general lack of direction. But the real reason was a girl. I'm obsessed by the thought of being with her, and I got told to talk to someone after speaking with her for the first time in years
all i want to do is bang hot sluts and read ancient chinese wisdom books, is that a mental disorder too now?
Get back in your cubicle right now filhy deviant
speaking to yourself should be in this list then it’s me through and through
Also Pessoa
why does everyone love to self-diagnose themselves with this?
Cuz Jung once said that he thought Joyce was a schizoid and autism is for gamers, also fits with the whole tortured barely sane artist aesthetic
nick land
Laughed my ass off at the image because it hits so close to home
me too what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with me.
Are you this boring in real life too? I'm so glad I chose to not interact with guys with tiny balls like you :*
t. doesn't have a personality
Have fun being a non-entity
>muh oppressed
more and more as he got older
I think you gentlemen should go speak with some schizophrenics.
They're actually symptoms of the over control of emotions. When you have emotional problems, it is important to control your emotions. Then, you wind up going to far and end up a cyberman.
You're listening to a man that knows.
being a retard isn't a personality. where is your handler?
>clinical features of schizoid personality disorder
Isn't that just man in society?
If you relate to this image and haven’t read The Book of Disquiet, put that at the top of your list. Make that your bedside book, to read a few pages from now and then, rather than aiming to finish it. I started it at the same time as starting Don Quixote, which is around double its length, in February, and while I finished Don Quixote months ago I am only 200 pages into it, but I would probably call it my favourite book if I had to pick one (Don Quixote would also be up there)
I can tell you what two pills worked best for me and that's Gabapentin and Lamotrigine. Gabapentin is mainly for nerve pain but they have started using it to treat neurochemical imbalances. No side effects (for me at least, some say they get drowsy on the gabapentin, and some people experience skin ulcers from Lamotrigine, still- that's rare but understandably off putting) and what didnt work at all for me was Seroquel, its main function is to "deaden" your thoughts. All it did was make it hard to pay attention and I slept for hours. And I dont know about Scandinavia but as long as you arent visibly crazy and saying overly schizo shit like gods telling you to drown babies you could get up and leave the appointment whenever you want. And Feds (at least in America) generally can't access your psychological records without permission. Its one of alphabet agency's cryptonites. Ask around and research it well first if you do decide to get a diagnosis
literally LITERALLY me except I don't feel inferior to the normalfags that surround me and can't program
A lot of these types of disorders share a lot of characteristics. You probably would get a lot of responses if you posted the Avoidant list of features.
Maybe not though, it's neater to call yourself schizo than avoidant.