well, Yea Forums?

Attached: Gates.png (1268x1046, 2.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>reading for stories or anything that serves functional reasoning

How can a billionaire have such a shit taste in literature?

Unlike another prominent billionaire who I won't mention lest it trigger his acolytes, Gates at the very least reads.

Shut up, poor faggot.

>orange man bad

Attached: hrlmcotzugu11.jpg (552x615, 30K)

Joke's on you, it was Steve Jobs.


Retard retard retard

/notourguy/ he has shit taste

Book #6 - Culture of Critique

I bet Bill Gates has read it.

Attached: 1558387223087.jpg (660x574, 31K)

lol. Imaging if someone somehow hacked his list and included Kaczynski's "Anti-Tech Revolution" or "Technological Slavery" in it. That would be fantastic!

Attached: Anti-Tech Revolution Robots and Drones Hell web.jpg (4944x7416, 1.84M)

Sorry, I wasn't aware of Trump's status as a literary giant
fucking retards, set off like chimps

He said under "A Gentleman in Moscow" he was an avid fan of Dostoevsky. That's pretty based

He has read all Dosto so it's not too bad and a gentalmen in Moscow is an ok book o think.

>Jared Diamond

it never ends

>I’m a big fan of everything Jared Diamond has written

Why is the richest man in the world an idiot?

because it is stupid to let someone come to power that can outsmart you, very basic machiavellian principle.

Like Jared, bill is a technocrat interested in maintaining this hell scape we live under

I thought he was just a typical bugman but then
>I’ve read every book by Dostoyevsky
I actually imagine Gates has read a lot of literature but I doubt that's what his user base wants so he prefers to post interesting pop-sci. At least it isn't your typical best seller pop-sci that everyone already knows about.

100 billion dollars later and his still a pseud...

Bill is way more well read than anyone in this thread lmao, he's not a a pseud

wtf I love Israel now

Who has time to read when you're POTUS lol

Reading anything other than self-help books based on peer reviewed research is a waste of time. Currently reading The Honest Truth About Dishonesty by Dan Ariely and it's great. All fiction is a waste of time and most non-fiction is a waste of time (since it's just a bunch of speculation that isn't backed up by research).

Not when ya finna get yo dick wet ya feel?

Attached: TurtleClub3.jpg (310x400, 112K)

Because he became a billionaire with mostly luck, by being at the right place at the right time. He managed to scam IBM and a few other companies and then it snowballed into a monopoly.

You'd think an evil guy like gates would have more interesting recommendations.

obama's and bush's reading lists were pretty good.
Trump is such a disappointment on so many levels

post all 3 please. Although I doubt their recommendations aren't engineered by someone as PR stunts.

>Trump is such a disappointment on so many levels

Attached: trembling.png (128x121, 24K)

Also Bill Gates was born into wealth and his parents were super connected so that sorta helps.