Is Gravity's Rainbow really that niche? I thought at least 20 people would have got it. Also Infinite Jest was on there too kek
Is Gravity's Rainbow really that niche? I thought at least 20 people would have got it...
Yea Forums has esoteric taste.
Let's all congratulate ourselves we know about some book none of us have read simply because we browse some internet board where it's memed everyday. Oh we are so intelligent.
Speak for yourself, jockey
The audience on Pointless is made up of dumber than bricks boomers from the general Bri'ish population, what would you expect?
Can I have some context here, what exactly is happening in this image? Is this from a game show or something?
Is this in bongland? No way that many burgers would know bleak house
Fuck are you two talking about? I'm constantly surprised by how high the numbers on Pointless are. I can only assume that they tend to poll middle-class pensioners from the home counties.
It's a game show called Pointless where the audience answers the questions before the show starts, and you have to choose the questions you want to answer based on how certain you are that you're correct vs how many people in the audience also got it. So, you're aiming for the lowest number possible.
I think if you make it to the final round you have to give an answer which no one in the audience got, which is a 'pointless' answer because it'll generally be something that isn't worth knowing.
It's a British game show called Pointless. The questions are posed to 100 members of the British public before they appear on the show, and the contestants have to get the most obscure answer of the lot. In the OP it's a fill-in-the-blank round and Gravity's Rainbow is the best scoring answer (as only 8 out of 100 pre-polled responders answered it correctly).
>that guy who knew Gravity's Rainbow but not Infinite Jest
Is this America ?
How weird..
>bleak house 78
>game of thrones 73
Has to be mostly old people
>The Crimson Petal and the White
The fuck? That's the only one I've never heard of on this list. What a stupid-ass title
>being able to name books
lol imagine
ah, it's British. That would explain it - Pynchon and Wallace are irrelevant outside of USA.
At least their books ...
They're so proud of their culture and all...
Nice projection.
>800 page book about Victorians
This bloke calls you a pseud hipster on the Tube for carrying IJ, what do you do?
Not among literature communities but the people who only know books like Gone with the Wind and Game of Thrones probably don't.