what's the generational saga of our times? Thomas Mann in the Buddenbrooks traced the rise and decline of the hanseatic merchant bourgeoisie, is there any such book for the modern american middle class? GI great grandfather, boomer grandmother 2.5 kids and a divorce, gen x mother, all ending with millenial netflix a cat and an abortion?
What's the generational saga of our times...
Other urls found in this thread:
I have such a fucking soft spot for gay ass cartoons like this jesus im a faggot its so cute to me
This is the generation that accidentally became enlightened about natalism but for all the wrong reasons
That picture is supposed to be representing something good?
I can't wait for inevitable collapse. The state of current society is to much.
He said while posting on Yea Forums
The mom jeans are top kek
Either people start making kids again or immigrants will outnumber us .
the transition from an authoritarian patriarchal society based on repression to an open liberal society based on individualism and personal freedom, where there is no longer an obligation to bear children and men and women are free to be whatever they want to be. sounds good if you ask me
The immigrants are 'us' though. How can we outnumber ourselves?
From community to atomization in four panels
/pol/ is not very good at articulating what they mean exactly. I suppose it has something to do with dysgenic reversal?
i'm looking for some books that explore he reality modern society in a detached sociological, anthropological or maybe even zoological fashion, where all the pathos comes from what is left unsaid. Achieving a distancing effect or defamiliarisation, making western banal middle class westernized people seem alien and bizarre. Maybe something like Adam Curtis documentaries, Georges Perec but less overtly literary and humanistic or Houellebecq if he was less overtly edgy or million dollar extreme internet cringe content if it was more zoological and less intent on proving its superiority to ''those people''.
And that invalidates his statement...how?
What you're looking for makes up a decent chunk of my novel. I'll be posting about it towards the end of this year.
Of course soiboy.
You already gained those points for playing in your switch?
So, what is the difference between atheism and nihilism?
Meh, don’t be too worried about that. White people seldom marry non-whites, despite what the media wants you to believe. Stats show this. So sorry, but the white genocide is a myth.
Birth rates are slowing, but that’s just a result of a post-industrial society, and is a benefit of anything. Only rich patricians can afford to reproduce in today’s america, so poor plebs will be weeded out. Inner city people who fuck like animals also knock people up, but those are just more welfare mouths.
Other countries that aren’t developed also have high birth rates. That’s more of a problem for them than anything.
Basically, as long as we regulate immigration to the USA and Europe, the future is quite good. Big if though.
westerners and posthistorical westernized people in general have no reason for existence beyond bare animal, that is to say biological life, the quest for pleasure and the avoidance of pain. We have managed to circumvent reproduction via technology, and anyways there is no reason for reproducing if your object in life is to avoid personal distress, community and family demand trade-offs that people have no incentives for making if there is no bigger ideal out there. Why do you think the west spent over a thousand years worshipping at the feet of maddona imagery, mummy-baby, maybe it was just a way to make it all bearable, sublimate the pain somehow. Sex needed myth, pornographic immediacy reduces to a sequence of somatic responses. soon VR porn will abolish the need for the sexual other. The phantasmagoric world of the west lies forgotten, together with the swastikas and the hammers and sickles, some incels might try and piece it together through half remembered video game memories of crusaders, but don't worry the experts are hard at work at it, soon to neutralise traumatic memories that impede the smooth functioning of the system. instead of maddonas, we have fashion magazines glossy with sex and woke millenial native advertising click operations. Many prefer to stay within the magic circle of CIA brainwash products inflicted upon them in childhood, fantasy and science fiction comic books and YA. A reflection of the infantilising world of managerial capitalism. there is no escape from hogwrarts academy, so better get used to your life as a magical orphan. Have things ever been better? What does the future hold in stock for us? These questions are better left unexplored for they generate visceral responses of fear and uncertainty, precisely the things you want to avoid . the remnant angst can be quelled with antidepressants.
Based and anti-24/7mediapilled
>nly rich patricians can afford to reproduce in today’s america
> not identifying with the diverse cosmopolitan elite of innovators, philanthropists and entrepreneurs
>being an unironic racial nationalist
>unironically siding with the postfordist loosers classes and genetic dead ends just because they share muh race
>does not divide his time between new york london and dubai
> not impregnatic highly educated women drawn from periphereal elites in order to create a Super Race
is there an name for that sort of thing? also the feeling you get from vestiges of the recent past, the 00s for example. A past that is yet to be romanticised and yet to be turned into an easy to consume narrative like the 60s or the 80s
This is a retarded /pol/ tier argument. We have plenty of white people. Just like we shouldn't crash wages through the floor to compete with China, we shouldn't pump out 8 kids a sow to compete with spics. The darkies need to go home, and their population will level off and die like the crash of a bacterial colony after its food source is expended just as soon as we stop feeding them and giving them aid and medicine. if we had left darkies to their own devices and not started importing them here to begin with, there wouldn't be a problem today. In a way shitlibs are right--colonialism was a mistake. They wouldn't be here if you didn't bring them here.
>but they're walking across the border
There's an ocean between africa and america. Also, do what Iran does and fucking shoot them. Why are we such a castrated little cvck country afraid to defend ourselves and our own laws? Bullets are cheap, deportation/welfare is expensive.
If angloids just DIDN'T interfere with africa in the first place they'd still be tribal hunter-gatherers with a total population of like 100,000 at most right now. If ants are invading your kitchen, you don't blame the ants, you blame the slob who left the sugar tin open.
>This is a retarded /pol/ tier argument
>procedes writing a retarded pol tier argument
>I can't get laid, lets make this an ideology
I was thinking the same exact thing
What the hell are you talking about?
So I can rape a black chick and basically have no chance whatsoever of being prosecuted? Asking for a friend
Is no one going to talk about how in the "My Mom" cel they are a boy, and then in the "Me" cel they are suddenly a girl?
What is going on there other than subliminal tranny messages?
My grandmom had more than twice as many kids as your great grandmom.
If ants are invading your kitchen you can kill the ants.
>0 black women were raped by white men
>in a country with 150+ millions whites and 70+ millions blacks
Somehow I highly doubt this. What's the estimate for the size of the missing cases ? You're looking at this statistically right ?
What do you have against German names ?
You don't see the problem with this? Aren't you wondering why there isn't a 5th panel?
it's only become expensive to raise kids responsibility, tryna invest in their future n shit.
an increasingly successful strategy is to be an absent alpha, knock up some single moms and let welfare cover the bare minimums in raising your kids
The end of the white race. Good luck chinks, dont make the same mistakes.
Here's the real black pill, check out 2nd or 3rd generation immigrant fertility.
You wont live to see it. Its a lot of pit to keep falling yet.
>as long as we regulate immigration to the USA and Europe, the future is quite good.
But Europe loves his imported brown, smelly rapists, and if you are against it you will be silenced.
Pretty good analysis. Could be a bit less schizoposting. Consider paragraphs at least.
The stats are every reported rape. If no rapes are ever reported, statistical games would hardly change things. The question is, maybe black think there is no point reporting such because they won't be believed, or they aren't believed and the police don't even bother to write it down...anywhere in the country. The latter seems too great a conspiracy. The former, uncertain, maybe rape is most about power and no white man feels powerful from such acts. I guess there are a few other racist possibilities.
Add one!
You probably doubt a lot of facts that don't congrue with your world view.
That's a prussian Jewish name, user.
Well at least these brainwashed individuals will not breed.
*bloodline goes extinct*
Yeah I despise those fucking prussians too.
The sheer amount of virtue signaling and cope being posted ITT. Go on, keep covering your eyes and denying reality.
>Ignore the birthrates, statistics and the patterns, you don't want to stop being sophisticated and enlightened, don't you?
Listen kid. The American justice system is the best in the world and has no bias or prejudice
>Believing in crackpot racist conspiracy theories makes me the REAL intellectual
This route is only available to the nobility, the bourgeoisie work themselves to the bone and don't reproduce
Clear strawmanning but I didn't expect something better.
Doesn't it get tiring being a 13 year old girl?
the "me" is male. Look at the picture of the mom
>Everyone I don't like is tumblr
>the transition from an authoritarian patriarchal society based on repression to an open liberal society based on individualism and personal freedom, where there is no longer an obligation to bear children and men and women are free to be whatever they want to be
Let me reword this:
>the transition from a community-centric society based on common values and ideals to an egocentric society built on instant self-gratification and short-term pleasures. Commitements and long-term investement in relationships are forsaken for easy dopamine hits and constant chasing of new and different sensations
Did I do a good job at this?
>thus of ould
Looks like they were right then too
>avoidance of pain
It is exactly this one line which sets up the rest of what you've written.
Life isn't worth living if you don't expose yourself to pain. To suffer it to be free and I'd rather suffer every day than delude myself with the comforts that society promises.
All I see is a person alone with a cat eating pizza in bed.
reminder that if you're on the internet it's neither personal nor freedom
Came in this thread hoping for discussion and recommendations of family saga novels.
I'm disappointed there is none but equally not surprised.
Somehow America has managed to breed intensely money-focused goblins that self-cuck themselves out of just fucking maximizing the money part because they internalize manufactured corporate morality that is sold to their parents and imbued into them as children. This sin will be corrected one day.
Be the change you want to see.
>community-centric society based on common values and ideals
How much of a historically inept idiot do you have to be to believe that? Do you believe that the majority of men were sophisticated intellectuals that based their relationships on the metaphysical? Women were nothing more than a property, mostly of the father or later of the husband (sometimes even the mother or other relatives) and were commonly taught nothing more than obedience and fear. Too bad you've never experienced the life of a medieval women, being forced to bear children non-stop and having no opinion of your own.
>Immigrants are only good if they are european!
"no" you dumb racist
Immigrants are only good if they assimilate into the local culture. That's the only real test; I don't care about race or religion as long as they assimilate and don't impose their culture on me.
Thats like all immigrants. Have you ever seen a second or third generation immigrant who still clings to their old culture?
Yes, I have. I don't really hate them, I just think that in large numbers they can create tensions with the locals.
im not a shit skin. maybe you are
pretending to care about your bloodline is the most retarded shit lmao. 90% of people who bring it up are just sexually frustrated and are looking for an excuse to turn their suffering into some grandiose tragedy, I guarantee it
cringe and yikes
But you insist on imposing your culture on them.
>mom is clearly walking a boy
>the author is supposedly female
Is the author a transvestite?
Notice how the mother has less and less children in each panel. She eventually has no children and ends up not having kids, pigs out on junk food, and binge watches movies as she hugs her kitten, which serves as a substitute for a mother's connection with her child.
>99% of all people who have ever lived? Incels, to a man
Crikes as we say in Australia
99% of all people who ever lived were subhuman canon fodder. They're not something to look up to.
Might be her brother
But if we follow the implied pattern, her mom's supposed to have only one child
not even close to 99% of people have procreated. It's something like 80% of women and 40% of men
Also many people obviously don't care at all about their lineage, It does strike me as a kind of defect but they're not uncommon.
You mean the number of children in every generation?
It's 4 in the first if we count the older girl on the left, even 5 with the kid in the back
3 in the second if we consider the mother is pregnant.
And in the third might be pregnant again.
We don't know.
how do you like your s.oimilk, boy?
>no one is alienated by capital, it's just the work of the femoids
Ah yes, the mother seems to be pregnant indeed
Not the pants that are silly
Sounds like an injustice to me! Are you a bad enough white dude to go start raping some colored women for the sake of equality?!
Could be both.
Would you swear on that ?
I wouldn't. The comic seems to be of Russian origin, considering traditional national attire in the first panel, typical Soviet housing in the second and third, and school uniform in the third. Silly pants were crazy in the SU at that time.
there can't be a generational saga nowadays, the concept of generation is a shackle for business so it got rid of it
Somehow I totally missed on that. How weird, the first is pretty much as stereotypical as it gets.
>sounds good if you ask me
Luckily no one did
Wearing pants above the waistline is not unheard of. You see old women doing it most often.
>Too bad you've never experienced the life of a medieval women, being forced to bear children non-stop and having no opinion of your own
I really do not get how you retards can go around calling people historically inept when you yourself obviously don't know what you are talking about bare a few wikipedia articles or whatever brainlet newspapers you read
>Add one!
There's no 5th panel for a reason.
I know that much. The girth of the waist and slightly bulging belly threw me off .
Yes obviously, but it could also be made explicit. A fifth panel with wilderness regrowing over a city, or maybe some brown muslims tearing down a church, graveyard and crypts.
any good trans-soviet family sagas? or else, any interesting books on post soviet millenial faggotry and putinist low grade cyberpunk dystopia?
This generation is unending. Hegemonic American culture - and especially pop-culture - has overtaken the world. Marketers, advertisers, and entertainment companies have effectively plucked us from the past, isolated us, and so, with little significant variation, we will be an unending generation. A repetition, not a saga.
Unfortunately none that I know of, but I might write it one day.
globohomo will destroy islam from within, jihadism was the last gasp of a dying beast. mosques will go the way of churches. why did you think ISIS and Al Qaeda were willing to fight to the death to the point of suicidal desperation? Why do you think the Nazis were willing to fight to the death? Because at some fundamental level they were aware they were facing the ultimate enemy, they were aware that defeat meant the total annihilation of their world their people and all they found meaningful.
>where there is no longer an obligation to bear children and men and women are free to be whatever they want to be
>sounds good if you ask me
I do agree that it sounds good but this freedom has lead to nothing good. I'm not sure if the definition of freedom and liberation is to sit alone in a small expensive apartment and thinking why everything sucks and everyone is so difficult. Women are mentally ill, their genetics kick in and they have to get cats and act like they are kids. Women still have their female needs despite being liberated. Most women are broke and live paycheck to paycheck. Sounds good and liberated
OP's pic doesn't seem like a stable solution to me. The Decline of the West thread also would like to respectfully disagree.
>globohomo will destroy islam from within
no.. they were our last chance
Or you could bomb your liberal capitalist government and manage a high-infrastructure, low-scale society. There's no such thing as competition between immigrants. You're simply competing for scraps against a shadowpuppet from your government seeking servility from you.
I agree
Having children just for unbridled want of traditionalist notches is the worst thing you could do for the present living creatures
Have children only if you are educate and wish diminishing the cultural wasteland in our strange times
Transgendered people were considered mystical in ancient Greece. Seems pretty based to me
>OP's pic doesn't seem like a stable solution to me
liberalism hollows out islam by turning it into just another identity to be recognised and pandered to within liberalism, they too get a float in the endless pride parade next to the lgbt lockheed martin one, and a woke muslim superhero courtesy of disneygooglepepsico
sacred means apart from society, modern trannies don't want to accept they are freaks at once beyond and below humanity, instead of being shamans or transvestites in some depraved nightlife district, they try god knows why, to be accepted as ''normal''
how about both?
Many of the people becoming parents tend to not know too well how to be one; thus a reason for the way the world is.
The pic says nothing about Islam. (And I doubt it allows for any reformation) But rather it shows a land without children. The first problem (deprivation?) seems likely to come from the pyramid pension schemes and no bottom of the pyramid.
>implying socialist societies haven't also been universally bleak and alienating
this just makes me miss my mom :(
Yeah, because they're on my country; it is only fair that they adapt to the culture of the land they now live in. If I had to move somewhere else I'd either try to assimilate or keep to myself without imposing my beliefs on others.
>GI great grandfather
I'm in my twenties and my grandfather fought in WWII. Which might also help answer your question.
Nice try faggot
>Too bad you've never experienced the life of a medieval women,
You didn't, either
>that pic
I really want to know what kind of mental gymnastics, and dialectical and theological hoops you have to jump through, to ever think Allah would approve of homosexuality, especially since Islam is the only religion that regards their holy book as the word of God verbatim.
liberalism is a supersessionist theology, just like christianity and islam claim they are the successors and realizers of judaism, liberals believe they have surpassed them all. islam, and religion more broadly, is no longer a transcendental revelation of absolute divine truth, but a contentless 'identity' within the liberal universalist system, which tolerates all identities but tolerates no truths.
was wondering about this, too.
I thought maybe the mom jeans were displaying the pregnancy of the author but the more I think about it, I think the author is showing us that she is, indeed, a transsexual.
why is this website so obsessed with transexuals? I'm begining to fear transgenderism is really some sort of contagious mind virus, if you think too much about it you become one.
Well how are we supposed to deal with it? Obviously shaming them isn't going to help anything
most of the bland midwit tier novels that win the Pulitzer or NBA are about family
As with other such spiritual and natural powers, we should speak of them with dread and reverence, propitiate them with sacrifices of small animals and go out of our ways avoid them unless we seek an oracle or they are preparing for harvest season
That doesn't answer my question.
contempt at best, vile remorse at worst
representatives of progressive islam in the media are not actually muslims but liberals in islamic drag. Religion is made up of two components, a claim revealed truth and an everyday practice. you can't have one without the other. The daily practice of woke muslims is not islamic, they don't read the quran, fast during ramadan, or pray five times facing mecca, they repost and retweet and see their identity in western terms, according to western concepts such as racial identity, tolerance and discrimination. only jihadists and fundamentalists actually practice islam as a living truth, they understand this truth as fundamentally incompatible with liberalism.
Basé et rougepillé
>There's an ocean between africa and america
airplanes and boats exist you know, most of them go to Europe either way.
I've been Yea Forums for a couple years and I'm suprisingly not remotely transgenter.
>muh fambly
>muh tradition
>muh community
from people who have never seen a vagina outside of a screen, communicate entirely in internet memes, and shunned most of their actual family for being 'cringe and bluepilled'
Be quiet.
Pop culture is literally just our modern expression of culture, nothing inherently wrong with it
With exceptions
Of co(urs)e
the tranny discord is trying to brainwash me into becoming transgender, they can't reproduce hence they must recruit, they must prey under the unsuspecting to bring them into their fold
You aren't smart
I find it depressing/pathetic. Im not even sure if the artist is aware or not. Her ancestors were successful women who raised many children and shes a neet with a cat.
Its a blessing that people with your mentality dont breed
>what's the generational saga of our times?
anime, saturday morning cartoons, ps2 videogames, gamecube games
if you look into the thematic narrative in all these things, its about heroism. the best sorts of heroism that could only be afforded by capitalism, artistic expession, and the enthusiasm of children.
our saga... is the journey of the heroes. it s to overstep this blighted civilization and become the next seeders for the golden age
isn't it funny that i can delineate this, i can clearly see this meta-game, but the sheer hedonism of my life won't let me actualize
Its definitely bullshit statistics
In a country of 220 million it is just straight up deluded to think not even one white man could have raped one black woman. I'm sure the daily count is in the hundreds possibly even thousands if you consider all the johns that force another hour out of some black hoe and leave her with a busted jaw. of course police wouldn't consider that a rape, though
I think the 3d is just fat looking because of the slacks.
And she will outlive her cat, dying alone in a nursing home where the staff abuse her because she has no senpai to complain...
I've been watching the shift happen since about 2009
it started with perma virgin r9k robots, what we now call incels, and their quickly growing obsession of traps and "thick" chicks
finally coming to the realization they will never fuck Stacy, the robots saw traps and whales as a last resort
whales still having a vagina and desperate enough for a robot
traps being mentally ill degenerates who act like women and kinda look like a skinny qt woman and willing to let the robots orbit them because attention whores
I think it was around 2014 maybe that the r9k and vg incels openly started displaying their love of traps
more trannies would come out of the woodwork for the attention
and now we are kinda at the stage where all those same incels are totally opposed to traps and transgenders, but they speak so often about them and are so fast to label other posters as them... kinda seems familiar to when all those southern ministers went full anti gay and it slowly came to show that a lot of those vocally anti gay ministers were indeed either gay or kid fuckers
so it seems that the Yea Forums incel culture has bred a new generation of traps and trap lovers
and most are still in denial
so fucking hilarious desu
incels on Yea Forums are not incels on actual incel forums. Yea Forums inceldom is its own subculture. inceldom outside of Yea Forums is different, as stupid as it sounds.
Yea Forums is not the cutting edge anymore. the blackpill is. the ancientfags, oldfags, and semi-oldfags have since departed. perhaps there is some overlap in the use of these platforms, but the blackpill =/= Yea Forums. r9k is not the entirety of the incel community, you fail to make that distinction. there are incel enclaves on reddit, youtube, and various standalone forums.
r9k is a glimpse into hell.
Or rather, more accurately, there are just a bunch of sexual deviants like yourself to get off on trying to propagate these weird psyop fetishes like sissy, cuck, femdom, etc.
That still doesn't quite answer my question. How can anyone who comes from a traditionalist culture, who's religion's holy book is literally the word of God, which says it is okay to beat your wife and stone queers, ever allow their religion to be subverted by Liberalism? How can Liberalism argue against the Qur'an, the word of God, or at least reconcile the two without saying God is wrong?
"incels" are a rather small, well-defined, self-identified community on reddit and some 3rd party websites. It's just been appropriated as a buzzword by [progressives / leftists / reddit / tumblr / MSM / etc.] as a trendy synonym for "you are a virgin because I don't like your politics"
Is there anything more pitiful and revolting then a woman opting to not have children. Muslims are unironically correct with how they decide for women.
it's not a modern interpretation
that's how they rationalize it
>open liberal society based on individualism and personal freedom
a false conception of freedom ... our good actually consists in doing what we ought, not what we want ... properly speaking, our good and our destiny is in our neighbours, our family and friends, not in our own desire to have a life without responsibility ... i guarantee you, no one that treats their cat like a child is actually happy, they are just pretending its what they always wanted because the current state of the world prevents large families
ah yes there is the puahate and reddit type incels
but they are just losers who spend all their time wallowing in self pity
Yea Forums incels are the vocal ones
This thread should be on /pol/...
You should be dilating
the Elliot rodgers type incels are on those forums not Yea Forums. They can't deal with Yea Forums because people can call them mean names
Contraception and legalized child murder (abortion) were the biggest mistakes of the 20th century. If you don't believe this you're part of the problem.
go lit some candles buddy
Here is the fifth panel to that cartoon... The one implied by all the others...
>le white race meme
find a new identity to cling onto
Have sex
I dont give a fuck if people dont want kids, but the whole "fur baby" shit is mega cancer. Yesterday I went to an outdoor wine tasting expecting some quiet and maybe some quiet music but there were 5 different menial couples each with their dogs, and the dogs of course were all barking like they were having panic attacks. two dubasses with dogs sat next to eachother while their dogs howled nonstop at eachother and were giggling like it was the funniest thing ever. One even got off its leash and tackled a kid leading to a whole scene. People always bitch about parent's bringing crying babies with them to events, but people who bring annoying yapping dogs to things dont even have the excuse of needing to hire a baby sitter.
recommend family sagas to this list I plan to read next year
East of Eden
Independent People
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Absalom, Absalom
The Makioka Sisters
The Thorn Birds
Sometimes a Great Notion
This is like all of them dude, stop talking out your ass.
Books for this feel
But the whyte maine is evil and toxic. Why doesn't the media take this chance (as always) to blame us for the rape of non white women?
Growth of the soil, kinda
>they're on my country
It's their country too now. It doesn't magically become more your country than their country just because your grandfather was born there.
Unless you have some bullshit metaphysical/spiritual notion of what a country is, in which case why should we take your nonsense seriously?
India is British soil, just because the Indians were born there doesn't mean it's their land
-you, 1930
Maybe that's your definition of good but it's not everyones. The beauty of individualism is that you get to decide what's good for yourself instead of having arrogant farts like yourself preach your own ideals onto others
Yeah freedom and not being bound to making children for the sake of it truly is depressing
have sex incel
Replace the cat with a niglet and it's actually correct
>GI great grandfather, boomer grandmother 2.5 kids and a divorce, gen x mother, all ending with millenial netflix a cat and an abortion
Literally what I wanted to write lol.
But I'm shit in english and I will never have the abilities to write a book
It would be about a man born in rural West Virginia in a very poor background
Life is tough for him, he does petty crime and around 18 he is drafted in a random war
Then he come back and go live in a big city like Boston. With a lot of hard work and a little bit of criminilaty he end up being a very successful businessman.
He eventually marry a very good looking women that a lot of of people want.
Then they have kids who grow up in a priviledge environment but the main character is tough with his kids and do not hesitate to beat them to educate them.
Then the main character became the son. (2nd generation)
The son who had an expensive education end up in a ivy league uni and become a lawyer in a big firm so he is very wealthy.
He meet a woman in the uni they get married and have only one child.
At first the woman is an house wife but with the development of feminism in America she insist to get a work and they eventually get a divorce.
Their son end up being quite forsaken by their parents.
The only education the parents gave to their child was giving money to the spoiled brats pension he attented.
Then the main character became the son. (3nd generation)
The son had bad grades and end up in an expensive university for rich kids but he eventually drop out.
He become a kind of a neet who live off the money of his parents.
He go out often, have homosexual tendencies and take drugs.
He have a destructive behaviour and he is very psychologically unstable.
He end up dying in a new-york street of an overdose and the final paragraph is about a porto-rican teenager who stole his wallet as he lay dying.
>blood and soil nationalism
>the only examples you can give are of nuns protected by the paramount institution of that time, the Church
thanks for further proving my point, I guess
There were women in every stratas of society, be it in medecine, education (the first treaty of education in France was written by a woman), commerce, administration of wealth, there were women writers (Marie de France, Christine de Pisan), women in politics (like Eleanor of Aquitaine, Blanche of Castile), not to mention the cult to the virgin Mary.. medieval time certainly was the golden age of women in Europe (and in France in particular), but there's no point arguing with a retard like you since you know nothing about that era (and you claim others are historically inept!)
I provided you with a book though I suspect you are monolingual, still there are plenty of books in english on the subject if that one isn't translated, read them if you are intellectually honest or keep being a retard I don't give a shit
>defining success by having children
The world is overpopulated, you loon
>child in 'My Mom' panel is clearly male
>person in 'Me' panel is female
The western world is underpopulated. If it stopped shipping food, supplies and peace out, the rest of the world would be too. Still none of it, besides a few city states, is really over populated.
>denying the existence of native people
Lmao, you don't really think that we are the ones that "feed" the world do you?
Humans that don't have to have kids tend to think twice about it.
if it stopped shipping food farmers would be able to increase the price of their goods and finally make a profit out of their activities, africans can't compete with subsidized food
Freedom to do what? Travel to some random country and eat slightly different arrangements of meat and spices? To stay up late and watch TV? To get drunk and stumble home in a stupor, forgetting all the lascivious interactions of the previous night?
Because freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of association are still totally available.
>freedom of association
i don´t think this is the case anymore
Let me clarify: no more impinged than without children.
Pax Americana keeps the world fed. Without protection of shipping lanes, and yes a significant supply of first world grain, the local warlords would decimate their populations or worse. Cambodia killed a third of its population well the west was exhausted.
One can hope. Although can they do it without white farmers?
Also, obviously one of you two is wrong.
Sounds alright, I’ll read it, but make sure you actually post it later.
The end of a bloodline, modernity has made us sterilized through apathy.
If those ruled do not apply all you have to do is colonize som spot for 2 generations and it is rightfully yours. Shouldve told all the European imperialists those were the rules everyone were playing with before they gave all thst rightful European clay away.
The process depicted in the comic is a result of capital.
>British ship plops onto North America
>Hey natives, cool if we settle here? We're kind of overpopulated in Europe, besides it's not like you've got a "country" anyways. Anyways once there are enough of us we'll rule over you, change your culture to ours, oppress you, rape you, kill you, and drive you off to reservations where you can go extinct in relative peace.
Yeah, bro. Let's become individuals who are FREE to CONSUME.
Nihilists know gods exist and must be destroyed. Atheism knows gods don't exist and therefore we should all be fine living without one or many.
I'm so glad we tore down society for alienation and Capitalism. So based.
Yeah, the state forces white people down everyone's throats.
no need for the state to do that when the media and press can do that for free, demoralization like how yuri predicted
I think you have the timeline way off. Trap loving started in 2003 in Yea Forums and Yea Forums. It was memetically copied from futuba but almost immediately became genuine. Of course it was first focused on anime trap but Yea Forums had 3d trap love threads as soon as 2004.
so the japanese were the first trap obsessed?
just like you
Sounds like the kinda book I might try to write, even include the boomer being a 2nd wave feminist like my own mother. I'm a millennial man, one of the supposedly rare right-wing ones. I've been paying attention to politics quite a bit, I watch the news regularly (primarily Tim Pool whom, though left-wing, seems to have stellar journalistic integrity), and I suppose in a way I had a period of 'Western Renaissance' of sorts in my own personal life. 5 years ago, Hell even just 2 years ago, I had something of a hatred of America. I'm Canadian, by the way, but anyhow I've said such things as "if the Americans invade, I'm taking my rifle and heading south" (essentially to try my own suicidally solo brand of guerrilla warfare but likely by first nightfall I'll see how idiotic such an idea is for a typical modern westerner who lives so comfortably) or even "if I were to wake up someday with a US flag tattoo then I'd grab my pocket knife and cut it off". I had a SERIOUS hatred for America, but now I love America and what she stands for.
Anyhow, what I mean by 'Western Renaissance' is that I had no conception of 'the West' which is synonymous with 'White Christian culture'. Yes, Canada and America had been Native lands for centuries, foreign to us, but we came, we took, and we made it ours. Same with Australia and New Zealand; it is not Aborigine lands, it is White man's land; we came, we conquered, and we settled. They could not remove us and those who tried, died. So in the past couple years I've come to learn what it means to be proud to be White, however I am not a White supremacist. There are Asian nations with higher average IQs than Western nations and the highest racial IQ is the Ashkenazi Jews at 115 while the West is at about 100, so if I were a supremacist then I would attempt to refuse these two matters, which I don't. Anyhow, I've given thought to our own culture vs other cultures around the world, and also towards claims that America has no culture. That "a cup of yoghurt has more culture than America", which is absurd! The southern drawl, cowboys, 'surfer hippy Californians', hippies in general, baseball, that brash New Yorker accent or just down south of there another in Boston, and indeed even the historic slavery and the large (roughly 13%) Black population are likewise parts of American culture and history for better or worse. There was slavery literally all over the world, though, so don't feel bad about it.
And so, having been so utterly ignorant of my own cultural and racial heritage, I'm now not far from 30 and it seems I've only opened my eyes to it to find it crumbling. To see how 2nd wave feminism has lead to the destruction of the family structure in the West. To see more recently how leftist-pushed mass-migration is causing huge destruction with all the rape, grooming gangs, grenade attacks, and terrorism in general including in Edmonton within about 8km of where I once lived and along a street where I once walked
The destructive spread of divorce, the growing phenomenon of widespread single parent households leading to prisons being filled with poorly-raised criminals (roughly 85% of US criminals were raised in such households to my knowledge), the rejection of Christianity, among other things. Nietzsche didn't say 'God is dead' as though it were some sort of triumph over an ancient oppression, but saying it with warning; "God is dead, and we killed him. We will suffer the consequences", and we have gravely in the 20th century (which he predicted) and we continue to suffer them. Studies show children raised in intact households turn out better on average than children raised in single parent (broken) households, and for centuries Christianity has promoted marriage. Seems like it was a good thing. Studies show, as I recall, that someone whom has had multiple partners is more likely to be unfaithful in a monogamous relationship (which doesn't look good on me since I used to view sex hedonistically and it lead to me laying with over a dozen women). Again, Christian monogamy wins, and it also wins in the face of all the sexually transmitted (and seemingly growing number of) diseases/infection.
A part of Christianity is to take on the humble fact that we're all sinners. 'Sin' is an ancient archery term which is essentially synonymous with 'miss'. When you fire an arrow and it misses the target, that's literally 'sin', and in the religious context it means to do something that is not ideal, something that is straying you down the incorrect path. Since nobody is perfect, since literally nobody can meet the standard set by Christ's life, everyone is a sinner. This, I believe, would be great help in pushing people away from political extremism. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", if only that bike-lock bastard had given heed to Christ's wise words. Or how about all those Antifa who throw things, break windows, beat people up (or attempt to), steal, etc. Indeed if the Christchurch shooter had been a Christian (which in his manifesto he says he's not or at least he 'doesn't know') then he would not have killed 50 Muslims. I hate Islam, I think it's a vile, disgusting, oppressive, divisive faith but with that said what he did was NOT GOOD. Technically, I imagine the Crusades weren't good either, especially the Christian vs Christian stuff, but admittedly I look sympathetically on the Crusades done against the Muslim hordes whom had oppressed so many people of so many faiths for so long.
There is even a great amount of free speech in Christianity, for there is only one sin that is unforgivable. I won't say what it is, but even blaspheming against Christ and God is forgivable, says so right in the New Testament. Only ONE thing can never be forgiven. Christianity is also a very individualistic religion; every Christian has a personal relationship with God. This individualism would likewise pull people from toxic Marxism/Communism/Socialism.
>the highest racial IQ is the Ashkenazi Jews at 115
Kind of reminds me of how Owen Benjamin brought his mom on his stream to say he had an IQ of 147.
Anyhow, Hell of a rant, but I do believe I have the correct views to be able to write such a book that shows the degradation of the West, the loss of our foundational values, and the declining birthrates of our people. The answer to that problem is NOT an increase in immigration and CERTAINLY not an increase of it from the bloody third world shitholes in Northern Africa and the Middle East. No, we need to fix our divorce laws to remove the present incentives for women to destroy their family unity, and perhaps also provide more incentives for remaining married. Promote monogamy, reject the ridiculous concept of 'casual sex' (as someone who's supposedly had quite a bit of that, I reject that it's possible for sex to TRULY be casual), encourage Christianity, and bloody well keep our borders secure and immigration both well-vetted and limited to SOME degree. What we need is more local families, not families from other parts of the world with different (and worse) values. They should share our values. The fact that 50% of Muslims in London think that homosexuality should be illegal again and that 95% or so believe that homosexuality is completely unacceptable... those go against our views.
Even as a bisexual, someone whom is capable of finding traps and feminine/submissive males sexually attractive, it is hedonistic and indeed a 'sin' for my purpose is to have a family with a woman in a monogamous manner. Sexual relationships with other males (whether they appear to be female or not) doesn't factor into that equation. Still, if other people wish to sin, or indeed if I end up sinning in such a fashion before finding my future wife (or having my eyes opened to her if I already know her) then that right should be available. Sinning should be discouraged, but not made illegal if it doesn't infringe on anyone's rights. Like Christ said, "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's", it is not the state's responsibility to keep people from sinning, not their responsibility to judge people for it if they didn't infringe anyone's rights. God will judge them in the end, just as he'll judge me, and I certainly have quite a few things to fess up to when my time comes. Thankfully, I can pray for forgiveness, and if I truly mean it in my heart then forgiveness is essentially inevitable. Okay, I'll stop now...
In France we would say that the women of the middle ages "portent la culotte" (wear the trousers). They were the bosses of the home. The church considered that men were irresponsible and would drink away their money so a husband was expected to give his earnings to his wife who was considered more responsible so that she would manage the household.
Yes. And this is not new for them. Being a trap lover is an age old tradition there.
>dude lmao just smoke weed and play videogames
Based degenerate. Rome fell cause of people like you.
I used to be a fan of Owen Benjamin but not so much anymore. One night while drinking I checked out his stream only to find that he was drinking too, and outside as well if I'm not mistaken. All right, awesome, I kicked back to enjoy until he said "have you noticed that no janitors are Jewish? There are no Jewish janitors! Like, what's up with that?" It was getting pretty damn close to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Firstly, I don't believe it to be true that there's absolutely no Jewish janitors, though I do believe that there aren't many of them out there. Why? Simple; high IQ. Custodial occupations are low-skill, LOTS of people can be trained to do it, including low-IQ people to some degree (at about 65 it's so bad that they likely won't even be able to learn to read so at that point, unemployment is essentially a lifelong guarantee), so why would people of such high IQ bother with it? The average in Africa is around 80-83 I think but let's be nice and say it's 85. Okay, 15 points behind Whites (the West is about 100), which itself is 15 points behind the Ashkenazi Jews. This helps to put things in perspective; the US Military will not accept anyone with an IQ below 83 because with over a century of testing/studying IQ, they've found that below 83, there's absolutely no task they can assign the individual without it being utterly counterproductive. They are, to put it bluntly, "too stupid to be able to do anything productive in the US Military".
So, a White person with an IQ 15 points below average (at the average level for Africans, though I think African Americans have a higher average than actual African Africans) is still JUST smart enough to be able to serve, while an African 15 points below their average is to the point that even learning to read would be difficult if not impossible, meanwhile a Jew 15 points below their average is at the standard for the West. At 100 IQ, you can still have some fairly complex jobs available, perhaps not big-time managerial positions (can't remember but there's lists of various occupations that require a sort of minimum IQ to be able to perform them properly) but certainly you can have a skilled trade of some sort. So it would take a SEVERELY unintelligent Jew to have to settle with janitorial stuff. This 'racial IQ' theory also explains the 'Jewish question'; why are so many Jews at such high positions in society even though they have such a low population? There's your answer! They're bloody smart! Far smarter on average than my fellow Whites. Why are Blacks doing so poorly in America? Well, besides the Democrats constantly telling them to just stay back, stay on welfare, because 'the man' is going to keep them oppressed (which would obviously disincentivize putting effort into furthing one's self), the unfortunate situation of average Black IQ explains it quite well.
As for my own, online tests (dismiss them at your leisure if you like) suggest round 120-127 or so. Decent.
>Rome fell cause of people like you.
What is this suppose to mean exactly? The fall of Rome gave us the rise of the European identity? Why should anyone give a shit about Rome?
I'm not surprised that it's the French who cooked up this concept; you lot are the primary ones to develop cultural Marxism, but thankfully this is somewhat offset with the fact that the French may very well have contributed the most of any nation to the advancements of firearm technology in the past 419 years or so, so for that I thank you. From flintlocks onwards, the French were often ahead of the game in terms of firearm technology, I guess somewhat comically in spite of the fact that most people rag on French Military history. They sure as shit held their own in WWI, and were there from the very beginning... brutal war for the French, and it disgusts me that President Emmanuel Macron took the 100 year anniversary of its ending (Nov 11, 2018) and decided that that was a good day to condemn nationalism and say that patriotism is okay. I suppose in his mind, though they're essentially the same thing, nationalism is antagonistic to globalism (and I rather agree). He puts the EU at greater importance than France.
Ever notice that the Yellow Vest protests began the first Saturday after that anti-nationalism Remembrance Day speech?
>you lot are the primary ones to develop cultural Marxism
This isn't true, assuming cultural marxism is a reference to the frankfurt school that was latter pushed mainly not by french people but purebred american capitalists and american universities. weird how "cultural marxism" took off so easily in america, almost like it was preinclined to it.
I don't want to go on a dick waving contest but if we were to determine who is the most liberal country between the US and France, the answer we would reach would likely surprises you
is this pasta?
2nd wave feminism was just the political fallout of the invention of the pill. To call it anything other when it so manifestly failed at its intended goals is putting the cart before the horse.
I'm not aware of a connection between Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism, but I can tell you that two notable philosophers of Cultural Marxism to my understanding were Derrida and Foucault, whom were French. It think it was also Derrida who claimed that the West is 'phallogocentric', 'phallo' meaning 'phallus' as in 'masculine', 'logo' meaning 'logos' which if I'm not mistaken means truth/logic and would be the Christian element of this term, and then 'centric' of course suggesting that the rest of the word indicates central values of something, in this case the West. Well, 'logocentric' I can't really disagree with, but I think it's more 'gynologocentric' with women held up. Women are not forced off to war to fight, women make up less than 10% of workplace fatalities, women are given lighter sentences than men who have committed the same crime, women are also HEAVILY favoured in divorce court with over 90% of custody battles in which the mother actually shows up getting to walk away with custody of the child(ren), and women of the modern West are the safest and most privileged women in the history of the world by my estimation. Seems to even have more rights than men, and even now women make up most of the people in post-secondary education.
Anyhow, I still firmly believe that Cultural Marxism was primarily devised in France, that's the generally accepted location of its conception (with the 1960s being the decade generally regarded as WHEN it was initially conceived).
As for liberty, I am not American, but America definitely has the most freedom. With the 1st Amendment they're the only nation of the West who TRULY has free speech, and the 2nd Amendment easily makes them the most pro-gun nation in the West though Switzerland has a lot of good things going on with them, allowing soldiers to take their assault rifles home with them after service as they enter civilian life. Also, French has such regulations to my knowledge as requiring all vehicles to have 2 yellow vests. That's not liberty. It can be perceived as smart, sure, but that's authoritarian. Then there's the French connection to the EU, whom are actively trying to stifle freedom of speech on the internet and forcing member nations to allow other member nations to fish in their waters. They're even considering forcing a tax on nations such as Poland and Hungary for refusing to partake in the suicidal mass-migration of third-worlders into the civilized West. France certainly doesn't allow as much gun ownership, and to my knowledge they don't even allow civilians to own firearms or ammunition that fire stuff used by the Military? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Frenchmen cannot own any 7.62 Nato or 9x19mm ammunition or firearms. I assume also no .50 BMG or 5.56 allowed either, though if at least .308 and .223 were allowed then that would be pleasing to hear.
That assumes a completely meritocratic environment. They're more tribalistic than us and use ethnic nepotism to lift their fellow Jews into high positions. This doesn't necessarily relate to their competence. Jews are 2% of the US population but make up 20% of the college population. Isn't that unusual?
Modern 3rd wave feminists would certainly love to think that the 2nd wavers accomplished nothing, but no, they did accomplish some things and not all of them bad. Laws across the West that make it illegal to discriminate pay based on gender, also women truly began to become a presence in post-secondary education then to my understanding, divorce became easier (which is something that I VERY much oppose as a man who hopes to be a husband someday), and even Camille Paglia spoke of her own example at the time when the girls in College weren't allowed out at night because they could get hurt, which in truth, they could. Camille believed that women should be allowed to make that decision themselves, to face the risk, just as men do, and indeed men today are both the perpetrators AND victims of most violent crime. Also, if we include stats from Prison, men are also the most common victims of rape. Anyhow, a part that she had partaken in during her experience in the 60s was the push to allow girls to go out at night, and it would seem she succeeded in that too.
The wage gap exists for various reasons, and if sexual discrimination is one of them then it's both a VERY small part of it and, thankfully, a VERY illegal part of it. Most of it is from the natural decisions that women are inclined to make based on the differences between male and female psychology. On average they work fewer hours, more likely to take time off, less likely to work overtime, and many women whom have children decide to be a stay-at-home mom if that option is afforded to them, and I hope to be successful enough to present that offer to my future wife. I'd be overjoyed if she decided to stay at home and put her efforts into being a good wife and mother instead of putting unnecessary efforts into work, especially if I can support the household myself.
The fall of Rome put Europeans into a dark age that lasted for almost 1,000 years and allowed the rise of Islam.
"cultural marxism", or rather the destruction of traditional structures, is a necessary evolution of liberalism, I wasn't saying France was more liberal than the US as they at least got antiliberal thinkers including left-wing thinkers in contrary to the US and by extension the UK
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but Frenchmen cannot own any 7.62 Nato or 9x19mm ammunition or firearms
You are wrong
Oh I'm aware of the 'ethnic nepotism' as you put it, and might I say that I will likely adopt that term myself. Much more precise than merely 'nepotism', and I'm fine with them engaging in ethnic nepotism. The Jews are a very tight-nit people, it seems to me, and I myself had technically benefited from familial (perhaps the general form of) nepotism. Also, to be perfectly honest, if I were to ever own a business someday I'd likely seek to only hire males so as to maximally decrease the possibility of any sexual harassment claims and probably also aim for White people too since it would be useful to have that sort of familiarity and connectivity with my employees. So technically, if this is how it would go about, I too would likely partake in ethnic nepotism in a way, and hey, if it's my business, it's my right to be able to do that. Though to be fair I'd be open to hiring Jews too because, as mentioned, they're clever buggers.
Again, the high IQ answers your stat (which I don't know if it's true or not but I'm inclined to believe it is) that 2% of the US population make up 20% of the College population. I guess the Jews, like Whites and Asians, are likely being oppressed by affirmative action. Anyhow, I think the high IQ element perfectly explains the Jewish question, even if a part of the equation is nepotism. Or rather, ethnic nepotism... I really like this term, thank you for bringing it to light. Perhaps if I were a Socialist and thus had some level of distaste for the wealthy, I'd be more inclined to believe you. I think it's no coincidence that it was the Nazis (National Socialists) who ended up committing that huge genocide against Jews.
Speaking of the Holocaust, don't the French make it illegal to espouse any Holocaust denying rhetoric? I'm no Holocaust denier and I think it's foolish to claim it never happened, but still, I support the right for people to say such things if they want. "I disagree with what you say but I defend to the death your right to say it." Now THAT is classical liberalism/liberty/freedom and it is far different from what modern leftist 'liberals' generally believe. I find it disgusting that the supposed 'Liberal Party of Canada' has such a far-left ideologue at the helm of it; Justin Trudeau. Hah, ironically, considering this discussion, a FRENCH Canadian. No worries though, a French Canadian is very different from a proper Frenchman of France.
And why do you breed? Out of pure egocentrism "muh blood", "muh genes", "I need to keep existing somehow", "muh christianity and muh civilization"
Has anyone noticed that the person in the last panel is a trap?
I think she has an older brother. If you pay attention her mother has a kid but is also pregnant
>ITT: a bunch of losers who are afraid of even talking to a girl role-playing as robust, Tolstoy-like men of large families.
You are all going to marry the first woman who takes pity of you and will treat her as your boss for the rest of your lives. Also: many of you are Christ-fags trying to fit in in “my culture” mostly out of fear and anger towards those sand-people who are flooding your countries. It’s mostly fear and pride.
By the way, today is not that easy to force your wife to stay home taking care of kids: you will need to help too. That means many hours wasting time with kids while you could be reading, writing, fucking whores and traveling.
It would seem as though you are correct, BUT, it is clearly FAR more difficult and restricting to have Nato (or even 7.62x39) ammunition. Seemingly at most 2000 rounds per year and you can't own any more than 1000 rounds at a time. Even in Canada I'm certain there's been times when I had more than 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 at home, in fact I can guarantee it! I've bought... was it 1080 round packages of the stuff? I'm pretty sure. There was also a deal; an SKS and 1080 rounds of surplus 7.62x39 for $500 CAD (roughly 330 Euro) though to be fair this deal was from like 10 years ago and likely is no longer available. Perhaps up to $600 now. Anyhow, I digress.
Even Canada seems to have less strict gun laws, at least to some extent, and we've had anti-gun far-left ideologue Trudeau as Prime Minister for over 3.5 years though thankfully our Federal Election is coming up in October and it seems to me to be very likely that the Conservatives will win, though I'll be voting for Maxime Bernier since he's the only actual right-winger running for Prime Minister.
>The wage gap exists
The wage gap is a mathematical mirage
> your countries
So you're not a westerner, but you mock westerners cause they bemoan the death of their culture? Lol!
I'm not him, but the West needs more people. The West is a White civilization, built by Whites, so why not populate it with more White people instead of bringing in people from the third world who don't share our views? Personally, if I end up economically able to do so, and with a wife who will be able to accept the burden and pain, I'd be fine with literally impregnating her as regularly as she can manage right up until menopause, even if it means over a dozen children, and they will likely be home schooled since I don't want them indoctrinated with leftist bullshit. I don't need some stranger making them question their gender, their sexuality, whether they're 'privileged or not', when they're only small pre-teen children who haven't even begun puberty yet!
Also, Christianity is truly a God-tier religion. Islam is shit-tier. Judge a tree by its fruits, and well, the West is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind while the Islamic world still has slavery, legal wife-beating (as per Sharia Law), polygamy (again, Sharia Law), legal rape for a husband's wife (Sharia...), and then there's all the gays being thrown from rooftops. Yeah, no, as far as I'm concerned, Allah is essentially Satan and Islam is not an Abrahamic religion. At the very least, Allah is not the same God as in Judaism and Christianity. We have our God, meaning the Christians and Jews... Allah is a monster of Prophet Muhammad's making, that disgusting, pedophilic, wife-beating warmonger.
Not him, but the wage gap does indeed exist. It just doesn't exist because of what the leftists think. They think it's pure sexual discrimination. It's not... it's SERIOUSLY not. Maybe a SMALL percentage of the gap is from that, MAYBE, but the bulk of it is simply due to the natural differences between men and women and the different choices we make.
I'm from Canada.
As for culture: any people in the world is capable of producing meaningful culture. There are even a lot of features of European culture that are taken directly from Asiatic (see the influence of Asia on the Greeks) and Judaic traditions (what’s the Bible?).
And if you are talking of high culture, of the work of geniuses (Beethoven, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Newton, Michelangelo), this is the work of individuals, not of your father and grandfathers and not of the people you see on the street. You people don’t have the right to talk as if you were also responsible for those great achievements.
By the way, if you are all so pro-Europe, why don’t you kick Christianity away and embrace some Nordic mythology or something like that?
How could you believe we are underpopulated???
>Also, Christianity is truly a God-tier religion. Islam is shit-tier. Judge a tree by its fruits, and well, the West is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind while the Islamic world still has slavery, legal wife-beating (as per Sharia Law), polygamy (again, Sharia Law), legal rape for a husband's wife (Sharia...), and then there's all the gays being thrown from rooftops. Yeah, no, as far as I'm concerned, Allah is essentially Satan and Islam is not an Abrahamic religion. At the very least, Allah is not the same God as in Judaism and Christianity. We have our God, meaning the Christians and Jews... Allah is a monster of Prophet Muhammad's making, that disgusting, pedophilic, wife-beating warmonger.
You do realize that if you apply all the laws of God found in the Bible he is going to look like a monster, just like the Allah of Islamic fanatics, right?
>n instant self-gratification and short-term pleasures.
not an argument
I like how you didn't even try to say something like "I'm white" or "my ancestors are European", but rather picked the vague "I'm from Canada" retort as if that contradicts anything I said.
Humans are social animals, we create social groups and social hierarchies. In-group mentalities exist for literally every demographic out there and it's evolutionarily based because it increases your group's chances of survival.
You can mock people for being irrational or stupid by caring for their group, but the groups that will replace Europeans will still display those characteristics.
Elaborate. I'm aware of the Old Testament stuff in the Book of Leviticus. Very brutal indeed, but what did Christ say? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", and since we're all sinners, there is no person who could stone someone or put someone to death with God's consent. In Christianity, the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament; if there's any confliction then defer to the New. So those calls of stoning people and putting people to death in the Old Testament (Book of Leviticus specifically names several instance of incest/bestiality/homosexuality that should be met with death or at least rejection from society), those are disregarded in Christianity. The New Testament is FAR more peaceful than the old, and to my knowledge the Quran is viewed by Muslims similarly as Christians view the Old/New Testaments; what comes later is what is deferred to. It's just sad that the Quran is MORE violent towards the end while the Bible is more PEACEFUL with the later New Testament. This seems quite representative in the huge amount of Islamic terrorism vs the comparatively far more rare cases of Christian terrorism, in fact I consider the Westborough Basptist Church to be Christian extremists but they're just abhorrent rather than violent, and thank God for that. Perhaps literally. If they were Muslims, they'd be the people conspiring, plotting, or perhaps even enacting violence in the name of religion. That would be terrorism.
Also it's interesting; the Christian Old Testament is essentially the Jewish Torah. But the Jews don't follow the New Testament, well, unless they converted to Christianity. Ethnically they'd still be Jewish (people of Israel) but I digress, why is it that there aren't gays and homosexuals being put to death in Israel? I mean... you'd think they would... why is it that the Jews won't do this? I'm still trying to work that out... guess they're just overall not as murderous as Muslims even though when Muslims try to invade Israel, it seems to me that generally FAR more of Israel's enemies die than Israelites themselves. Them Jews know how to fight, just like us Whites. I've heard it said that "no man can wage war like the White man", and history seems to agree. Usually when a White Military meets a non-White Military, the vast majority of instances result in White victory or, if the Whites lose the war, our enemy ends up with VASTLY more casualties than we do. I'm quite proud of this element of my racial history. We're fucking badass, and we earned most of North America along with the continent of Australia along with New Zealand because of it. Mexico even speaks a European language, Spanish, because of how badass we are! Hell yeah.
You didn't address anything he said.
>social animals
It can be controlled if you are willing. Which you seem not to. Weak.
How did I not address anything? Your individualistic and libertarian mentality is not impractical and cannot exist because humans are social animals by default.
You can't just accept all the benefits of our social interactions while refusing to believe any of the negatives.
I'm also glad you didn't deny my obvious implication that you're not white.
>It can be controlled
What can be controlled? An in-group bias? Sure it can, but for what purpose? Europeans in our modern age seem very tolerant and progressive, and all this ended up doing is making Europeans an inevitable minority in most countries as well as European hatred a mainstream sentiment.
So again, why would anyone in their right mind abandon an in-group bias in such a tribalistic world?
By favoring the mentality that increases your chances of survival? How?
is not practical*
Desegregation in the US was literally enforced at gunpoint
Am I supposed to not be angry about the systematic displacement of my people or what's your angle here?
It may very well have been, interesting note. I need to give it more thought, and considering South African Apartheid, I have also given some small degree of (likely to increase) consideration to segregation. It may be more wise than currently believed, because there ARE differences between the races. That said, I do believe that people should be free to love who they want to love, at their peril.
Stuff like bussing white kids to black schools had to be enforced by police after rioting and protests in some places, so it's not a "maybe".
Again, I'd have to do my own research. I do not accept information from random people online as fact, at least I try to consciously avoid such. I prefer to do my own research to confirm matters, before I lock it away in the memory bank for distribution in conversation, as it were. I don't want to spread potential misinformation.
Also, I'm doubtful that if White parents didn't want their White children going to a school with Blacks, that the Police would FORCE the children out of the house, FORCE the children onto the bus, FORCE them to go to school with Blacks, and FORCE them to STAY at that school until classes ended. I mean, that's a level of authoritarianism that I doubt America has seen since the end of slavery and Native genocide. Which, by the way, we in Canada are not innocent of. The Beothuk tribe, they've been extinct for almost 200 years now to my understanding, the 1830s or so. We killed 'em off, and it's a sad part of our history, but a remembered part. There's buildings named after the Beothuk, streets, and I even heard of a homeless shelter named after Shawnadiddit or however it's spelt, and she was the last Beothuk known to have lived. Important to remember history, even the unpleasant aspect.
Thank you for extracting yourself from the gene pool.
These geniuses of course were individuals but they were still the product of a culture which they expressed in their own way, Beethoven wouldn't even have made a name in the antic era because people didn't regard musicians as artists (and it stay so for a very long time), there needed a specific social inclination for Beethoven to make a name as an artist and that's only accounting for one thing among many that made beethoven and his works what they came to be.
I'm a right-winger, but hey, if a woman or man doesn't wish to be a parent, I believe they should have the right to choose that. I do not include in that right 'abortion'. If they can afford it, okay, but I don't think abortion should be Government-funded. I'm open to it being made available to LEGITIMATE victims of rape, perhaps particularly for victims of incest... though then again I hear that 50% of Black babies are aborted and I don't particularly want Blacks increasing their percentage of the US population so... that's something that I need to think more about myself, as dark a topic as that may be. No pun intended.
If you make it illegal but don't enforce that maybe some of the mothers will off themselves by undergoing unregulated operations!
I'm an alcoholic. I could undergo a night in which I attempt to drink a whole 26oz/750ml bottle of 75.5% liquor in a single 24 hour period which is generally about twice that I would usually consume, and it could lead to me 'offing myself'. Also, I didn't say that abortion should be illegal (in fact I don't even actually believe that it should be), I just said that I don't think it should be Government-funded in ALL instances. You can read, and that's good... but try thinking at the same time.
In many western countries a) it's illegal to homeschool and b) the jobs are located in major metros (which are getting browner by the second), so yes the government is basically forcing your children to go to school with blacks
Feminism is an ideological shadow of industrialization, urbanization, and reliable birth control. It is perhaps the most destructive contradiction in capitalism. Foids suck, of course, but their current state is the result of larger material and social processes.
You were rethinking your stance since it would have deleterious effects and I pointed out an alternative that would actually have beneficial ones. It would also have some of the characteristics of your preferred solution: the government doesn't pay for it and people can still get abortions if they really want to (with safety dependent on their personal choice of provider, which probably correlates with their value to society). No need to rudepost, user.
I also don't see how the information about your alcoholism was relevant, desu.
Yes you dumb race denier
They were also religious
I'm dubious that home-schooling is illegal in 'many Western countries', and there are jobs you can find outside of major metros. I need some information about the former claim, and as for the latter claim, that's just weak.
I was about to say that I'm skeptical of your claim of major metros "getting browner by the second", however with the high immigration outside of the US, it's true. Many new migrants just end up on welfare, and people on welfare seem to primarily be within major metros/cities, so it's likely that you're right; major cities/metros in the West outside of nations like Poland and Hungary are becoming more and more non-White, but that still doesn't equate to me as forcing Whites to be schooled by non-Whites. You need to give me some proof that home-schooling is illegal in 'many Western countries', and even then, America is the primary one I'm worries about because America seems to me to be the last true beacon of freedom and liberty in the West right now with how wild the left have gotten in so many other nations in the West.
I don't understand your reply at all. How was I 'rethinking' my 'stance'? What is 'deletrious'? What 'alternative' and what 'beneficial' ones (I assume by 'ones' you mean 'effects' or 'affects')?
As for my alcoholism, that's relevant because just like a woman could recklessly try to undergo an abortion even though she doesn't need to, I could recklessly dive into drinking even though I don't need to. As for cases in which the baby poses a direct risk to the mother, firstly it's not always true that a doctor saying that the baby is a risk turns out that it would be fatal to birth it. Secondly, in spite of the previous fact, I'm actually pretty sympathetic to the notion of aborting a baby of medical experts judge that it's a risk to the mother's life to attempt to birth it. Still, I regard abortion to always be a tragic thing that ideally would never have to happen. That just seems like an absolute fact; ideally it would never happen. I mean, if I had a loved one and they were pregnant and not particularly intent on aborting it, would I suggest such? HELL NO! You ought not either, if you have any heart.
You're also not allowed to kick people you don't want to associate with out of your store.
No, you didn't. The difference between traditional and modern society is qualitative, not quantitative. You have mentioned the symptoms, but they don't make a cause.
I'm afraid daddy won't be dispensing any (you)s today.
without your special sekrit club you wouldn't be welcome in anything resembling a society. you were desperate and pathetic enough to buy that "willpower" and "belief" supersede empirical reality. that only works if everybody joins your hivemind, kids. you're a disease vector. you need other people to accept the narrative you've chosen to replace reality because the only purpose you have in life is the recruitment of more brain damaged individuals to support your fantasy of persecution. and you're probably not even getting paid to evangelize the god you currently worship - the god called Tradition, or Family, or Whiteness, or whatever fucked up thing you latched onto and initially decided to crusade for. you probably genuinely believe in "the cause" or some other retarded faggot bullshit. you're probably doing all this for free.
I'm watching you and people like you, whom you are functionally indistinguishable from, dribble shit from their mouths, attempt to invent words, misuse high school vocabulary, display humorous ignorance, and in general shove yourselves as violently as possible into the same clown car, and I have to admit I'm enjoying the view.
Even when legal it still is often difficult
>dude if you disagree with me then you're STOOOPID
>hehe what I believe? Nah, no need to get into that, just trust my intellectual superiority
Wow! Very based. A disciple of Rousseau, I presume?
Imagine actually falling for the US is le freedoms meme lmao
I took the link and opened it in a new tab. Not gonna lie, presently I'm in the process of getting quite drunk and I also just had a toke. Quite hedonistic, I know, but well... this is where I am in life at the moment and I deal with it as best I can. Cannabis isn't a problem, and well technically I don't view alcohol as one either but I do suspect it's an addiction. I digress, I'll be checking that page at some point whether it be tonight or tomorrow because I DO wish to home-school my kids in the future because I don't want them indoctrinated with leftism. I'll add that I'm actually fine if my future children end up with Black friends, however, am I cool with them entering a sexual relationship with Blacks? Biologically, no, and indeed I myself don't want a Black woman as the mother of my children because I want the best possibility of success for my future children and giving them half-Black IQ actually gives them a disadvantage. Sounds extremely racist to some, I'm sure, but I do believe that racial IQ is a thing, and I trust the stats that show IQ to be the greatest predictor for long-term economic success in life. As such, I want my children to have the highest chance of of having a good IQ, and as such I would also then desire my children to not be with a Black person.
God damn, that's... that's a fucking BRUTAL thing to say. I mean, that sounds COLD, that sounds CRUEL, it sounds like someone that nobody could ever hear and feel good about it... but truths aren't always 'warm' or 'kind' or makes people feel good. Some truths are gut-wrenching, and it could make you feel the universe is utterly unfair in this game it's unraveled to us, no, that it's thrown us into, for nobody gets to choose the circumstances of their birth. Still... we must follow truth... and so if a future child of mine ends up falling in love with a Black person, I will indeed be particularly observant of how they act and what they say... and hopefully, he or she (for some reason I would prefer she) will impress me with their intellectual capacities and so I can give the union my blessing as a father. If I suspect the connection is purely lust and that he likely wouldn't stick around if my cherished daughter got pregnant, well, obviously I would be inclined to instruct my daughter as to how this is not in her best interests, but regardless, I would teach my daughters (and sons too) how sex can be VERY dangerous, and how they should seek an ideal (or at least a likely good) partner, and that monogamy works best, meaning the person they ultimately consider bedding (or allowing to be bedded by... suddenly I feel like I'm discussing firearms but I digress) should be the ONLY person they ever end up laying with. (A bit more to come; one long sentence.)
(the continuation that I didn't have room for.)
Bloody Hell am I yammering... and given I'm semi-drunk and a bit stoned, I fear it may not be of good quality, but I suspect that, as usual, I aim for as accurate a shot at truth as possible... even if that shot may offend many, and hey, maybe they're right to be offended, maybe some TRUTHS are correct to be offended by, I DON'T KNOW... I just recklessly share what I perceive to be truth
The woman seems Russian, so I doubt that with Russia’s current state
"... it sounds like SOMEONE that nobody could ever hear and feel good about..."
Just want to clarify that I meant 'SOMETHING'.
Islam had a renaissance too you know. Jesus is also the most quoted prophet. Why do you talk like a 15th century Christian talking about the satanist 'mohammadens'. That's literally how you sound.
Are you aware that Jesus wasn't white? The fact you go from 'christiantiy is paeceful' to 'white people always wins wars' is shockingly dysfunctional
White noise by delilo
I'm fucking 36, married, and desperately want kids but our finances are fucked. Even just daycare is over a thousand a month where we live. Our careers are really starting to kick off but the regular raises from earlier have completely halted and neither of us want to possibly fuck things up and screw our chances of further advancement. We're just looking for our first house which is going to put us back in debt
Seriously fuck this country, all I want is at least just one kid. My grandpa bought the house where he raised 6 kids without going into debt at all on a postman's salary and look at me now. We are unironically fucked if housing and having kids doesnt become more affordable.
Yea Forums is a product of the society it exists within. If someone were truly sick of it they wouldn’t troll around here, they’d remove themselves from it
this is really cringey, jesus. like literally just a distillation of every blackpill thread on this dumb site. grow a fucking brain and think of an interesting concept
People are commodities these days rather than economic agents themselves. It is not profitable for the powers that be to encourage white people to produce children. It is significantly easier to just import them from foreign countries. They will milk the white community dry of all of their productive capabilities and then fill in the gaps with immigrants. They have no care for the fate of the white community, their only use is to produce profit.
Only if you have a +200 IQ
34 and in the same boat. We have both said we want kids but dont know if we'll ever be able to have them.
Daycare? What do you want kids for if someone else is raising them? One of you should quit, and homeschool your kids. Find a job somewhere cheaper, or better, live with the grandparents if you can. You probably have too much stuff anyway. Yes you'll be poor but better you'll actually have something of value.
What an ugly bitch, non of those women should have children
Imagine going home to a gf who loves you haha
It is the duty of the citizen to create workers, it is the duty of men and women to provide loving homes for children and it is best when it is their own children.
>One of you should quit,
That's literally one of my points. We have careers that we enjoy and dont want to throw away for kids
>Find a job somewhere cheaper
It isnt that simple. I'm an engineer working R&D and my wife is in medical research. We can't just "find" our jobs in other places, we have to go where they are and neither of us want to move from our community.
>live with the grandparents if you can.
My dad is dead and my mom has lung cancer and lives with my uncle. We're paying with my uncles, aunt, and brothers for her chemo and shit. Even if they were well I wouldn't want to move in with them considering their house is small.
>You probably have too much stuff anyway.
We dont even own a house yet
>Yes you'll be poor but better you'll actually have something of value.
What a stupid line of thinking. "Something of value" is entirely subjective, in our Capitalist society "something of value" is tied to its monetary value. My wife and I are making an economic decision, we love where we live, it's where we both grew up, it's where our friends and family are, this is our community, we are both very passionate about our work and want to continue pursuing our professional lives. We really want kids but do not want to throw away our careers and community as this is what we appreciate as "something of value". We fully accept the decision as responsible adults to not have kids, our lifestyle is not compatible with child-baring in the modern economy and we are willing to accept that unless anything in our lives changes to make it possible.
There's tens of thousands of workers waiting in foster homes around the US. We could just train them. We could force them on the childless NPC's in cities so the state/taxpayers arent taking responsibility either.
Don't forget they were given new teeth as wedding present.
I noticed that too. I think panel 4 is a trap.
Are you retarded?
nihilism is concerned with meaning
Bitch go drive through wyoming.
>free to be whatever they want to be
I can appreciate your commitment to your community. And it sucks about your parents (sidenote, chemo frequently does nothing but destroy quality of life for the last months. But your medical researcher wife should be able to read the journals well enough. (But I know no one listens when I call chemo a scam.)) Otherwise... look, you're jobs are unimportant.
>We dont even own a house yet
I owned nothing more than a bag and its contents for two years. When I finally got a roof, I discovered very compressed clothes at the bottom I'd never worn. Because I still had too much stuff. So I say again, you have too much stuff.
Also the implication that children need a house is just bizarre. A baby can't even move what does it care about your two car garage. An engineer can afford rent, you'll be fine The schools in your neighborhood don't even need to be good since you should be homeschooling anyway. I think you are making excuses.
>I'm choosing a career over children
Your thoughtless consumerism pisses me off. Go back to Yea Forums or wherever. Enjoy your meaningless lives and furbabies I guess.
You're the historical inept one who doesn't understand different times and cultures. No, medieval women were not typical mid 20s middleclass American women of today, do not hold them to that standard.
I've read enough of the Quran and its teachings to know that I find Islam reprehensible, a source of evil unless it is reformed into something better.
Jesus was a Jew, just like his disciples to my understanding, and as such they weren't White. I never claimed that they were. I still hold pride in regards to the fact that White Military Forces tend to be the best in the world.
are you asking because they didnt immediately recognize the obvious
male goes to female in panel 4
Wait, no, this IS 'him', I was mistaken. Disregard the 'I'm not him' bit.
Had a look, it would appear that homeschooling is on the rise in America. I don't think we'll manage to come to an agreement regarding your theory that White and Black students were forced to integrate.
You sound like me 2+ years ago. America is the brightest beacon of freedom available, and other beacons of the West are dimming. Canada, France, UK... the left are going mad, things are getting more and more authoritarian. Thank God for President Trump.
>Unless you have some bullshit metaphysical/spiritual notion of what a country is, in which case why should we take your nonsense seriously?
Imagine being a materialist lmao
That pic is actually a great example of the losing of humanity through generations
That link was from different user (me). But forced integration has definitely been happening since the 1960s. Also right away they teach elementary school children "why it's a good thing". Although only Massachusetts (maybe one? more) still requires children taught by certified teachers.