What is the Yea Forums equivalent to XRA
What is the Yea Forums equivalent to XRA
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Fuck off with that gay zoomer shit
trip by tao lin
This show is on it’s own program
When this show came out zoomers were like 8 years old and it was 1am. This show being Yea Forums has also been a meme since at least 2013. Dumb zoomer reddit shitpost retarded cockswallower just lurk moar.
>Gay hyperpostdeterrirony.
KYS, zoomers.
Honestly? I think maybe Illuminatus! Or Book of Lies
Something good intentionally buried in shit
Sadly, there isn’t anything. The closest are goofy boomer tier moralists like Vonnegut, self-important experimenters like Barthelme, or the wackier moments of pinecone. XRA captures something that would be incredibly difficult to capture in literary form.
Illuminatus! is literally gravity's rainbow fanfiction (BUT WE TOTALLY WROTE IT FIRST WE SWEAR, DONUT STEEL!!!) and the book of lies is literally a shitty series of poems, largely about jacking off, written by a rich heroin addict who would have browsed /x/
Makes me even more interested in reading those books
stop pretending you're not a zoomer 90% of Yea Forums is do you really think 25+ have enough time to spend shitposting in Yea Forums?
I'm 24 and I've been here since the age of 13. I think there are many like me.
I'm married, have a dog and a house and new car and am having a kid next year at 28. I've been using Yea Forums since 2006. If you want to read "my story" the most recent jack morgan arrest pasta with the most clarity is probably on the /qa/ archives if they exist but I've posted it on Yea Forums and the weiner dog joke on /x/ I think if /qa/ isn't on 4plebs
>he didn't get introduced to Yea Forums in 2004 by a guy who is doing life for kidknapping
Is it even possible to be this new?
Corpus Hermeticum
Here's the Yea Forumstard including his half hour arrest and the rescue of the girl. he was the looking-back-definitely-a-pedophile guy we met at the mall. His name is Jack Morgan, which I never knew until after this arrest happened and an old acquaintance found it and got it out to us. He always told us to call him "Wolf", or ostensibly his real name was "Tyler" (like fight club, in retrospect). He never hurt anyone but he was like 22 crashing our sophomore highschool dances somehow and shit. He also was later rumored to have a cp drive he had shown one of our slightly older edgy friends.
He also told me a joke I still tell to this day. Now the trick to this joke is to repeat it very slow and promise its good and has pay off. There is a lot of repetition, if the setting is right try to do it close to 10 times
>so this guy is walking through the woods right
>and he stumbles across a 10 foot long dachshund (weiner dog)
>and he says
>"man you have got to be... the biggest weiner dog... in the world"
>weiner dog says nope
>follow this path you'll find a weiner dog even bigger than me
>no way
>yes way
>guy keeps going through the woods, finds a 20 foot long weiner dog dachshund
>you have got to be the biggest weiner dog in the world
>weenie dog says.... nope! Keep traveling through the woods and you'll find an even larger dog!
So basically repeat this formula for as long as you think is appropriate or in whatever fractions of length to get to the punchline:
>he finally comes across and unbelievably long weiner dog, 100 feet long
>astounded, the man says "you have to be the biggest weiner dog in the entire world",
>weiner dog sighs and says "yep"
one of those self-published lit shitpost novels probably
for real though: What doth life?
native american mythology
bizarro fiction