Post shelf age and favorite condiment
Post shelf age and favorite condiment
Frank's hot sauce
Tabasco sauce
Man I sure wish I lived in the upside down realm like you user
22/HP Classic BBQ
Stop being materialistic scumbags. We all know none of you read these books.
why is this always the lame screed of the shelf thread hater.
could it be poverty?
>tfw I wanna show off my /tg/ shelf but I'm in class
Admittedly Butterfly is a little apprehensive. She starts to see herself doing things for me and gets scared.
It just goes to prove my point still further though: she is a qt :3
>Celtic myth
>Tim Cook
Hello fellow Canadian
>Critiquing without posting bookshelf
Coward and gaypilled
I don't own any physical books
>Data mining thread detected.
Who could it be?
>Reading from a phone
Get out
Got a problem?
Yeah, I do pal
why are you watching hentai?
> Cringe/10
I'll take it
Why aren't you?
just turned 18. Buffalo sauce.
>He explicitly reads philosophy
>that Human Condition box set
very based user
>tfw no friends like this
You seem cool user I wish we could hang out.
Every fucking bookshelf thread some commie pig gets triggered by people's book collection. Just accept that people actually like to read books you poorfag.
The first shelf that actually doesn't look like trash. Well done.
20/honey mustard
>Lynch dvds
Movie taste is based as well
You have to be at least 18 to post here user
3XX / blood
Would General Chemistry be good if I wanted to get into Chem?
3XX / still blood (not like *still* still though, i mean warm and liquid is still preferred)
no u
it's pretty old, but the author is highly regarded. it's sufficient if you're doing basic shit with household chemicals and nothing-fancy temperatures. i got it for a few reasons (all legal), but mostly for understanding how black powder works.
You should check out Robert Rinker's Understanding Firearm Ballistics, just for fun. The defensive handgun projectiles section at the end is out of date because of the new developments in hollow point tech in the past 30 years but it's still got a lot of really good physics in it.
if you really want to get good, take a class and use that book.
> 3 and 3.5e
Why not just go full pleb and start playing 4E while you're at it
i'll look it up, thanks user! i'm just getting into reloading and actually prefer the simpler way of doing things. would be helpful to have something like that for a rainbow trajectory cartridge like pic related
because 3.x is what I grew up with after a childhood of AD&D.
top-notch flame mate
fuck off Marxist pseud
kindle because is cheaper and books in spanish have terrible covers, not worth the space imo.
X to Doubt
>Pop Vinyl Bubbleheads
Did you just skip over the whole shelf?
Occult fag detected
99.9% chance you are an incel with that recessed chin.
It's a normal chin. I'm alpha as fuck.
what do you think of the Jodorowsky book?
do it for him meme. haha nice
what vid are we looking at?
It's good if you're interested in Marseilles tarot decks, his interpretations of the cards are pretty interesting
Hahaha what a faggot
Would you guess that I’m younger or older?
Calm down
23 / stone ground mustard, as of late.
>the chad ipsissimus
what A.*.A.*. lineage are you a member of?
reeeeeee STEMlord begone
solid shelf knick-knack aesthetic
ya ok
what did you think of limmy's book
god I love these threads
22/I'm unsure. Probably boring-ass-ketchup. I usually dont get anything exotic.
Also please rate. I've never shown people my shelf, people at work know I read a shitton. Even calling my break my "designated reading time"
This is just what i've gathered in the last few years. My dad has a shelf that he owns almost all save a few Louis L'amour western books.
Also that ukulele on the bottom is self made. I made in wood shop as a sophomore when schools actually had fun electives.
nice ukelele, worth more than the entire shelf.
fucking weaboo
Grande Sertão and Mein Kampf must be even closer, please. Throw that Ulysses away!
>Throw that Ulysses away!
>AR500 armor
>map of skyrim
>mobile suit goddamn
>beautiful runner
8/10 authentic person. Post rifle. Then start with the Greeks, if you want. Or don't.
My room is lined with running bibs, along with flags and stuff ive stolen from races to write my times on.
Babbies 1st AR. also have a CZ75 compact, M9A3, a Heritage Rough rider .22, and a JC Higgins 12 Gauge. and those are just the funs I own.
desu I think you've likely read enough fiction for enough time now. Try getting around to reading something that is exotic to your tastes, like some history, or philosophy. I'm not disparaging your taste, but it would be substantially improved with a bit of diversity.
Or put it on other place, I don't care. I just want to see Guimarães Rosa and Hitler closer together. I don't have any good reason, but it was quite funny to see those books on the same shelf.
So let me guess, you hate non-whites and you will be on international news in a year or two
You're right. I have started with more Non fiction, With the "every man be armed", "Homecoming" about the soldiers returning from Vietnam and stuff. I have been wanting more non fiction.
there you go fren
I do, but I'd respect a black man in a suit and is a respectable person. Its just 90% of them I meet give me problems as I work retail at the moment. Its ironic since i'm half Mexican even though i look white. Mom says its because we have more Spaniard blood than native mexican. It'd explain the awesome curly mustache and pointed goatee I have.
I'm more isolationist, I dont care about the jews or the blacks or the muslims as long as they do it in their own place. But even still, i'd never hurt a soul unless theyve tried attacking first.
>CZ75 compact
Nice! I've already posted my shelves so enjoy a nice picture of some cordura and steel and rimelig inserts.
thank you. I'm happier now
Absolute banger. I also collect milsurp stuff. Ive got an old steel helmet. like 10 camo jackets, that artillery shell on my shelf, an Israeli gas masks (ironically they make good gas masks, live and learn.) and some other stuff.
it's a pleasure.
and not saying rosa was a nazi but he wasn't so distant from hitler, after all he was a diplomat in germany from 38 to 42 lmao
Tem que ser muito pseudo pra ler Dostoiévski em inglês, puta que pariu.
Also opinions on Landmark's Dante?
dá um desconto camarada, paguei 10 conto no Karamazov zerado e C&P e Notes peguei em rolo de troca em sebo. De qualquer maneira já há muito tempo que apenas empresto livros da biblioteca pública.
>Also opinions on Landmark's Dante?
digo confiante que é a melhor tradução para o português, e tem o italiano ao lado. Não é barato mas vale a pena, especialmente se pretende aprender ou se já fala italiano.
Papel é de qualidade também e a espinha é forte, já lí duas vezes e como mostra na foto parece que nunca foi aberto.
É boa essa edição do Órganon? Como é a tradução? Tem notas boas ou é que nem a Ética a Nicômaco, que quase só tem notas com o termo em grego/original?
Pode postar um trecho da tradução da Landmark?
19, mustard
Hahahaha that's my boy right there
>Lutheran study Bible
>that's my boy right there
>stacking books on dvds and not the other way around
this really triggered me somehow
29/Mayo (so versatile)
Genre stuff
lit section is pretty lacklustre, but films are based
22/Tomato Ketchup
I got the Lutheran Study Bible from my church after I was confirmed (Lutheran affirmation of baptism). I'm pretty much an atheist now but I'm still going to read it through someday.
I'll give you my frank's hot sauce
I know it's not a shelf, but this is pretty much my last few months of reading, just the rest of LotR and The Left Hand of Darkness to go before I need to buy a few more books
based and redpilled except LeGuin is an abortion advocate.
Not proud of this, but I moved around a lot (changing countries as well) so this was more necessity than choice.
Oh fuck sorry
you goofed yet again, brainlet.
what did you READ on your virtual shelf.
>ya ok
Why do people keep saying this?
yeah, but he "restored" the deck so do you think he will have added some shit that wasn't there.
como pode ver, o tradutor frequentemente "adapta" palavras para que fiquem o mais próximo possível do italiano ou até mesmo igual.
Se quiser algum Canto específico ou outras fotos, só pedir.
eu não tive problema com a tradução mas a espinha se soltou quase completamente apenas com 1 leitura. Meus livros geramente ficam intactos depois de ler, ou peguei uma cópia mal feita ou essa edição é muito fraca.
>dá um desconto camarada, paguei 10 conto no Karamazov zerado e C&P e Notes peguei em rolo de troca em sebo
Tudo bem, meu post na verdade era só inveja porque eu não sou bom o suficiente em inglês para ler livros com tranquilidade. Diálogos são OK, mas eu sempre me perco completamente em parágrafos descritivos. Preciso de alguma forma aumentar meu repertório de adjetivos, acredito eu.
>digo confiante que é a melhor tradução para o português
Melhor do que a da Ed. 34? Não li nenhuma das duas mas geralmente o pessoal puxa muito o saco da 34 no geral.
Also, não sou o anão que pediu o trecho da tradução mas obrigado mesmo assim.
na capa fala "tradução original a partir do grego" mas já li algo sobre essas edições Edipro terem origem duvidosa.
E a maioria das notas são sim sobre palavras gregas, mas tem também as mais "úteis", sobre contexto e referências, como a pic
I think the only way is to read more.
I was fortunate to have english classes for a year when very young, after that I was constantly watching movies and playing games in english, when I got into literature a couple years later english was already pretty natural.
I recently learned italian and it was a pain to read in the beginning, I would have to read several times the same passage and often look up words but eventually it starts to flow better.
good luck
I don't need a shelf.
29, the home-made chili-sauce from my local Asian noodle vendor. He always puts a little plastic cup with my take-out. I use it as a breakfast spread.
What edition of the odyssey is that?
Infinite jest is the mayonnaise of literature. Pure unnecessary lard consumed only by people who don't know better.
>the greeks
>bookshelf bar
What's with the blurred book?
are philosophy books essentially self help books?
depends on the philosopher
marcus aurelius? sure
schoppenhauer? the opposite of self help
Lard and mayonnaise are not the same thing bucko.
>decision points
snowden gives you cringe but not the bottom shelf, really dude?
>The meme trilogy facing forward like some literary triumvirate
What did he mean by this?
>having the holy trinity the only books facing out
What would you do if Amazon bent your Calvino, anons? I’m so fucking angry right now. It’s not even printed by the same company, it’s got some weird fucking soft cover instead of the cozy textured paper cover, meaning that amazon printed it themselves.
Fuck, I’m not even in the right fucking thread. I’m gonna fucking off myself
>democracy by henry adams
based. his history of the united states 1801-1817 is great
it's translated; you deserve it.
how is Room to Dream? Never heard of that despite loving Lynch
>meaning that amazon printed it themselves.
That isn't at all what that necessarily means. And regarded it's your own fault for not checking isbns before placing your order. That said, Amazon has replaced books for me every time one came damaged and I cared enough to contact them about it.
Well I guess since I’m here I should post my shelf too. There’s also Transformers because I sometimes use them as book ends. (1/2)
I have another book that my friend self published with amazon and its got this exact same cover texture. Either way, thanks, I’ll look into getting replaced.
>you shouldn’t read Calvino in every language it’s ever been printed
Fuck off, brainlet
(2/2) I’ve got more manga than actual books but I’ve only gotten back into reading pretty recently.
why did you stick your books to your wall
It’s just the picture that turned sideways because of some bullshit
27, Grey Poupon Dijon
38 and Rudy's BBQ Sauce
I just started reading again, pls no bully
Based christchad
>abridged archipelago
yeah really. I was at the agency when Snowden did what he did. right action or not, he deserves the rope.
I've also been through this a couple times, It's more of a teaching aid than a "book" but the short stories are enjoyable.
Younger, all the books are beginnerslevel.
careful theres alot of pedos on this board
This shelf comforts me
malt vinegar
>Neil Gaiman
I'm reading Neverwhere right now but it feels kind of lame. Is it worth finishing?
Now this reminds me of high school.
Do you have friends? Like non autistic looking ones
I hope I read most of these before I die