Recently started one punch man. Seems pretty good. Thoughts?
Recently started one punch man. Seems pretty good. Thoughts?
This is the literature board
Mob Psycho was better
I'm also reading shokugeki no souma and it's really good
If this thread doesn't reach the front row of reply count I will personally assassinate every world leader.
Also one punch man has shit animation nigga
They animated fubukis tits better than opening
Also will you assassinate Erdogan please
Summer faggots leave, you're a cancer to the site.
I want you to drive to walmart and buy some standard tubing, an oxygen mask, and a tub of helium, and asphyxiate yourself to death with them. It will be painless, and you'd be doing the whole word a favor. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Negroid keep your mouth shut THIS IS OUR BOARD NEOWBAHAHAHAHAHGAHZ8D8Si7usjds8UisieieoelJU8e9e9eorjdj
Holy BASED! Kek be praised, that other user on suicide watch
Thank you brother! Praise KEK snd may Emperor trump BTFO every libtard in existence! Fuck libshits are heil r/DT!
Stfu instatard
From Yea Forums, nice digits
Many thanks. You gay tho
Because you insulted me, you missed a dub, reconsider your words next time fgt
I am sorry, I did not mean to insult you. Can you find forgiveness in your heart for me?
No commit suicide
I will
Hi it's niggas mom he committed suicide. How do you feel
How do you feel
>this much summer