What are some books about falling from grace?

what are some books about falling from grace?

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Your diary desu

that would require having grace in the first place

aggiee nooo

Story of Adam the nice guy and Eve the true snake of Eden.

No way wtf?

Aww man what the fuck went wrong there

Who is this? She isn’t much to look at in the first pic but she’s a train wreck in the second one.

Some ex ASMR youtuber r9k brought to insanity.

what was her youtube name again?

nvm found her. is the pic real?


She's Jewish.

That's a broken person man, not cool.
It can't just be the dumb orbiters on the Internet and those faggits from r9k

they tend to be mentally unstable. just like the majority on Yea Forums

How did she break?

what is the source?

I looked her up, I saw a vid which she made with her friend, turns out the friend is dead now, that in addition to r9k, and being already unwell, i would imagine can make u go nuts.


forgot where I read Jewish ppl have a higher predisposition towards mental illness

That's not threemilk, non facon, no way.

Fell from Rachel

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before and after listening to linkin park

Small genetic pool will lead to problems in terms of breeding. Just look at dog breeds, the most inbred have the most unstable behaviour.

Really makes me think, when i consider that the rothschilds were instructed to inbred in the testament of mayer amsel rothschild. Ton of influence and shit tier gentics (they are already jewish to begin with)

this lesbian weird looking friend? i guess. she was mentally unstable before tho larping as a child

depends on how strong the inbreeding is. also with dogs is a special case since the most mental unstable are in general not the most specialist breed but the breeds with no use case. especially these with an underdeveloped cranium.

how fucking big is his finger jesus christ

stop posting her, please

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setting sun by dazai

>stop posting her
>posts her

>even the most fragile, "different from other girls"-seeming girl is still a narcissistic selfie-taking narcissist at the end of the day

i know this to be true but it upsets me every time i re-realize it

not one woman in the world can resist obsessively preening, they have no interiority

god you sound like such an obnoxious cunt. i bet you can't take a selfie to save your goddamn life.

i know you are being provocative but it really does make me sad. women remind me of people who were introduced to drugs and partying at too young an age, or people who had incredibly overbearing parents who forced them into a very narrow lifestyle regardless of anything else they thought or cared about. before a woman can even think straight, 95% of her life is "about" the bare fact that she is a woman, that she is an object in the sexual economy.

if women were only crushed by this, it would at least be visible. the really sickening thing is that they're formed by it, it seeps into their soul and intertwines with them until there is no way of distinguishing between the original soul and the performative prostitution of "being a woman." their slavery to the flesh is introjected and internalized and therefore invisible. not only can it not be criticized, they will be the first to deny it and to identify even more strongly as slaves if you try to convince them otherwise.

every time a woman takes a selfie she is reifying herself as an object first and a person second, as "a chthonian machine indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it"

I see what you mean, but those things CAN be somewhat unlearned. A selfie is a sort of affirmation of desirability, like "I'm feelin hot today, check out how hot I am today." Which seems cloying, and often is, but I don't think that wanting a feeling of desirability necessarily precludes interiority. I know plenty of women who are more self-critical than me, take active measures to understand where they stand in the world, but they also post a mirror shot when they're feelin themselves.

>people who were introduced to drugs and partying at too young an age
I mean, this is kinda me. I watched a lot of friends get sucked into that shit and ruin their brains. I'd like to think I escaped to some degree. People can take the same path and turn out different.

Point is that I think you're generalizing a bit and decided to try to annoy you about it.

Take a selfie. It's fun. Just gotta figure out your angles, my g.

>I don't think that wanting a feeling of desirability necessarily precludes interiority
A lack of preclusion does not preclude occlusion. Your time on earth is limited. The time you spend "figuring out your angles" occludes the time you might spend becoming bigger than yourself. You're generating a habit that kills everything but itself.

Interiority is the problem. Obsession with the physical, externally-desired self creates an illusion of interiority, which can never be constructed into a good that benefits anyone other than you. Sure, yes, you can take a selfie. But every selfie is the degradation of opportunity for growth into greatness. Each one forms the substance of habit. It's the habit of self-for-self instead of the self-for-world.

Please. We don't have to be this way. We can be something higher.

i don't mean this as an insult, but i think it's much more likely that your own interiority is so compromised by these same social structures and dynamics that you mistakenly think women's interiority is anywhere in a normal range, because you're calibrating by your own (which you assume is more or less normal).

taking a gratuitous picture of yourself for a non-existent audience is a bizarre, degenerate activity. maybe in centuries we will finally, fully understand how badly the human soul was stunted in this era, because of the underlying structures this and similar trends represent. for all we know it's like people who work at slaughterhouses and have shriveled-up frontal lobes because of the brutality they have to force themselves to commit until it's a casual habit. similar things are probably happening when some worthless twentysomething who should be writing to rilke for advice on being a poet is posting pictures of their fucking food on instagram, to vent their junkie-like desire for validation and attention from people they don't even know, on a network designed to sell them procedurally generated content and use them to procedurally generate more content to sell to others, while also increasing their digital footprint so that they can be tracked by mixed corporate/state-sponsored algorithms.

again i just disagree with you so this isn't personal but your "It's fun" comment is a manifestation of the laissez-faire liberal posthistoire hedonism that very evil people use to keep you docile, by deliberately circumscribing your tacit feeling for where the boundaries of "come onnn, its human nature, haha! everyone does it! live a little!" are, while they also enslave people in shithole countries to keep making plastic doodads for you to play with. if i'm wrong and you're right then i am uptight and will have a bad time in life but if you're right and i'm right then we are in a metaphysical war for the spiritual health of mankind itself and you're my enemy. right now there are no consequences to this incommensurability but in 30 years there is a non-zero chance that your children will be exterminated as a necessity because they are spiritual cancer cells. you may want to look into the rilke thing and consider the possibility that selfies really are degenerate just in case.

>but if you're right and i'm right

i meant to say, if you're wrong and i'm right. but it kind of works either way.

Imagining it inside you?

I miss her lads

Do you have any more pics op?

she was a youtuber. that itself tells she craves attention
so she had the whole childlike schtick, she abandoned it and now is one of the daddy issues, rebellious, strong but acid teenagers, but the underlying desires and motivations are the same.

no, her intentions were pure

>taking a gratuitous picture of yourself for a non-existent audience

There is an audience though. And the size, composition, and engagement of that audience is integrated with selfie taking into a real time closed feedback loop.

Source me.

>This thread

Thanks for this post user, you've put to words things I have always thought but never consciously articulated. What do you think about memes?

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Yikes, she fell off hard.

She's a Jew and mentally ill and no one will tell her that's she's insane, but rather they are telling her she's brave and powerful.

Death in Venice
The Immoralist
The Lake
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea

How do you think he operates those big Tonka trucks he drives around rhode island

Books to read for this feel?

She's not, she's Romanian

I thought this was going to be pasta tier, but i unironically agree with you. And i have reached into the same idea some years ago, an advice i could give you; just give up to the clown world as a concious performer, because even the persecution of a true soul in this modern era is hyper realistic as its core because the machinic self synthetic process that has destroyed human social activities and conception of self, all this done by technology, has contaminated language so its serves a market production for meaning making the word a slave of the high speed network. Any persecution of any kind of soul in this modern era would sadly fall into a simulacrum

Sad but true
My gf is the most not like other girls girl you could imagine and even she will fall into bouts if selfie taking

Does she have any social media? Where is she

damn... it's true. well said.

some five-star posts itt

the art of the comeback