Why are left wingers so much more well read than right wingers?

Why are left wingers so much more well read than right wingers?

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Obviously because they need rationalizations and justifications

They are B+ readers in a B- society. Many leftists don’t engage seriously at all with cannon. They just feast upon their favorite academic’s pop book; mental fast food to satiate their pseudo-knowledge lust. This is for modern day “liberals.”

The socialists from the early 1900s were undoubtedly more well read than any sector of society, even more than the old aristocrats (though many socialists did come from aristocrat backgrounds).

we think DIALECTICALLY bro fuck ur toxicly masculine occams razor shit, hope it's not a gillette occams razor or ur balls are gonna shrink lmao

because left-wing ideology, whatever its flaws, seeks to get to the bottom of things and is therefore closer to the truth, which is why people who read and study a lot tend to end up closer to the left on the political spectrum. right-wing ideology, generally speaking, is grounded in "tradition", prejudice, and defense of the status quo. this isn't to say that no right-wing beliefs are correct. in terms of understanding of human nature, they're often right, but people who hold these views rarely get there through an understanding of history, biology, anthropology, etc., and many of these beliefs, such as, say, a genetic basis for intelligence, or differences between the sexes, are taboo, since they can be used, and have been used, historically, to justify political oppression.

It's the replacement for the priesthood.

>seeks to get to the bottom of things and is therefore closer to the truth

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So much contribution being made.

"The Truth" within a given community about some state of affairs in society is contingent on power, so insofar as the left "seeks to get to the bottom of things" it is trivially always "correct" within the context of liberal society.

>people who hold these views rarely get there through an understanding of history, biology, anthropology, etc
but they do, how do you think people conclude that there exists a genetic basis for intelligence differences or sex differences?

I dont think your average left or right wing person differs much in their interest in truth, more in what they value. People who are obsessed with truth don't gravitate towards politics, they become philosophers or scientists, and typically what they have to say very few people want to hear, because lies are almost always more satisfying.

This is actually an interesting point.

>this is what leftists think is intellectual

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It is. Some things are so evidently true one has to use as many artifacts possible to say otherwise — Sad!

What is left-wing right-wing supposed to refer to? Do you mean socialism? Leftists are incredibly naive and think they are smarter than everyone but they are not... even if they read a lot that doesn't make them smarter... they all gravitate towards the same dogma of trying to intellectualize and put a theoretical cap on their socioeconomic analysis but they fail to grasp or even conceive of a system of distributed intelligence on the issue of free market capitalism that's why most college professors are leftist morons

Is this the "blame everything on Britain and America, t. Nigel and Billy" pill?

The right wing ones are usually just mercenary pedants who are spoonfed numbers. Sargon of Akkad is probably more well read than anyone who writes for The Daily Caller.

>leftists read Bill O’Reilly

Different values. A right winger is more likely to put energy into climbing the social-economic ladder.
also left wing is most appealing to those who need to cope and reading can be a form of cope

CTH are brocialist liberals, not leftists. Some of their fans are pretty good, though. I think they seem them as a way to release anger against the right and actually come up with funny stuff. Not being ironic or stupid but the reddit CTH sub is actually pretty good. Sometimes.

>the reddit CTH sub is actually pretty good.
i have rarely seen this level of needing to go back

Engaging in the Yea Forums versus Reddit dichotomy is pretty liberal too. Unironically shoot yourself.

I dont care about your opinions you just need to never post here again

Theyre better at reading wikipedia or biased articles I guess

Intellectual hyper-trophy
leftists are merchant/rogue class, rightists are warrior tanks like in world of Warcraft

because current intellectual mainstream is left-leanings, so naturally most people coming into contact with culture end up in the left

No it isn't

I know this is anecdotal evidence but I live in a SUNY town and am a "nazi" and all of my old drug doing phish touring friends are kind of sort of Bernie bros or communists and two trannies. My wife and I present as basic bitch conservatives for obvious reasons but the point of this story is that I am much more well read than my liberal "friends". Even my pal with a literature degree is into serialized fantasy and horror at almost 30 years old. My buddy with a philosophy degree is running a successful business and owns his own land and house at 24 with a philosophy degree and he is similarly "redpilled" though he is a hermeticist. We and another friend of mine who taught himself japanese reading light novels are behind the pedowood MKULTRA threads from 2012/13 on /pol/. We're talking years before this pizzagate nonsense. Dan Schneider is literally in hiding now after being fired from nickelodeon. I never thought I would live to see the day.

If you consider Divergent and mortal instruments and whatever they spark notes'd in high school well read then sure

this will you all fucking leave

this is also why they can't meme. right wing memes make immediate sense because people intuitively know them to be true. Lefty memes don't make any sense unless all of the mental gymnastics behind them is explained which ruins the meme

The average right winger may not be smart but 90% of the western canon is still right wing by modern standards.

>being this spooked into tribalism

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Stop being an imperialist piggu.

> I wonder why all the well read boys from the madrasa are Muslim. Total mystery.

I don't get it.. are you comparing Universities to Madrasas? Maybe the reason why the academic departments are so left-leaning is because reality has a left wing bias? Really makes you think doesn't it?

> entire world order collapses
We sure do have reality figured out.

It's because the social sciences and cultural studies exist as leftist think-tanks. I think most of these academics would be willing to admit that their fields have an activist dimension to them.

It is impressive how leftists lose the ability to approach the production of their knowledge base critically.

Are they doing the Slav tracksuit thing ironically?

>People who are obsessed with truth don't gravitate towards politics, they become philosophers or scientists
This. Politics has fuck all to do with capital T truth in a direct sense. Political movements can have a philosophical or scientific basis behind it, but at the the end of the day politics is all about figuring out how to meme people the hardest to join your side. Politics mostly involve sophistry, demagoguery, polemics, power games etc.

>because left-wing ideology, whatever its flaws, seeks to get to the bottom of things and is therefore closer to the truth
the modern left hates the truth
the truth is its worst enemy

It's actually not clear who's better read. The university indoctrinates people into the left-wing and obviously university students tend to read more. The left also has a higher share of females who naturally read more. But left-wingers also have a significantly lower average IQ and income. My guess would be higher overall quantity because of females but lower quality. The left is also quite ideologically limited. It's not like a feminist could read something real about history or biology for example.

I'm unironically very anti-imperialism.

Then leave our peaceful board with your poxxed ass. please.

Intellectuals are more likely to be brainwashed

They like the image of being more well read than actually being well read desu. Right wingers dont even pretend like they read.

This is the people's board, capitalist cuck.

>No, you see, I'm very well-read, I've read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, Zizek, Badiou, the list goes on...

the skew towards being urban and pro-education vs rural and anti-intellectual

The only good leftists are rural and anti-intellectual.

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right wingers in America embraced racism and science denial, both of which are indefensible positions, and after decades of this it has resulted in left wingers thinking that ALL conservative positions are indefensible

this is why conservatives no longer have a place in universities, and if they want it back, they're going to have to earn it by becoming non-racist conservatives

Unironically because having knowledge about history and the world about two levels deeper than the average moron will bring you to a leftist position. The nominal right wing position is literally just establishment moronic propaganda, like football.

That's not to say some interesting right wing positions don't exist, but they're mainly stuff like sloterdijk or land, which isn't what people think of as right wing anyway

No position is truly indefensible. They only seem that way due to lack of institutional support within a post-fasicst human rights oriented international system.


>The nominal right wing position is literally just establishment moronic propaganda, like football.
The left's control of the universities system makes them the only establishment that exists. The university system is the fourth and most powerful branch of government because it mediated the composition of all other branches. The left's domination is so invasive that they control all social spaces, including language itself.

To believe that a non-left establishment exists is to be dishonest.

Racism is incredibly easy to defend, it is antiracism that is hard to defend. There is literally no evidence for antiracism, it all supporst racist conclusions

>fourth and most powerful
It's the priesthood, other "branches of government" (a total fiction) rely on a moral tradition (and language obviously) to engage in day-to-day activity, all of which is under Progressive curation.

This is your brain on burger propaganda.

The only thing the right really has is some niche industries, kind of it.

oh fuck off you whiny cunt

"wahhh college students wont let me speak my bullshit on campuses and college professors arent indoctrinating them in MY religion! unfair!"

Let me let you in on a little secret.
Nearly EVERYONE in some sort of influence outside of politics holds left wing positions. Even outside of universities. Because right wing positions are literal ideological bootlicking insanity.

The tragedy of the world is that it doesnt actually matter who believes what, the system simply keeps on running, it uses people towards its own ends not the other way around


You live in a bubble that's going to get burst, either by fascists or contact with immigrants who really don't care about your progressive values

The lefty holds positions that should be considered treasonous within the discourses that should in any community concerned with its self-preservation. Within national discourse they advocate for the destruction of the nation and propagate the belief that colonialism is illegitimate within nations with colonial beginnings, yet they are allowed to organize and commit acts of violence with impunity. Their deaths are turned into some sort of national tragedies even though their long-term goals entail the destruction of the nation. Entire industries will churn out articles at their defense, and academic institutions which receive major funding in order to advance leftist theory and political strategy. The left is far more subtle and smarter than the right. they understood the importance the production of knowledge has in an highly technological society, and have used it to dominate the business world. All corporations can be made to bend the knee by the left no matter how they present themselves in their marketing. Through this they have managed to accrue economic power that the right could not possibly match.
>Nearly EVERYONE in some sort of influence outside of politics holds left wing positions. Even outside of universities. Because right wing positions are literal ideological bootlicking insanity.
Thank you for your honesty. Of course the left has more or less colonized all social spaces. But you need to drop the narcissism. There's no reason that you or anyone else is deserving of autonomy or liberty that is is detrimental to the nation.

>The lefty holds positions that should be considered treasonous within the discourses that should in any community concerned with its self-preservation.

moralfag gtfo

this is why right wingers are useless. everything they say is boringly fascist. at least the italians had style, sort of.

there are leftists that have been here for years. you newfriends are shitting this place up so hard it's making /pol/ look tolerable by comparison.

>accusing someone of being new

How new are you?

Boring. Even using the term treason is a transgression within our national discourse. The left can babble on about destroying the country itself and the government will continue to subsidize them through federal funding, and our judges will dismiss charges against them when they get violent. Also, there's no such thing as an amoral leftist participant. The analysis can sometimes be amoral, but the politics itself can't be, and that morality tends to agree with the post-war human rights paradigm more than anything else. This can especially be seen by the extremely tepid leftist critiques of the concept of "human rights."
The left has a monopoly on banality these days.

>at least the italians had style, sort of.
The futurist style is better than anything that any leftist affiliated movement has come up with. It's the only redeeming quality the fascists had.

constructivism is explicitly communist and is better and way less pretentious than futurism

*laughs in your face*

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the Fascists were good at reducing crime, but it's not like that's actually hard, it's just a matter of will.

Why are you so anti-fascist? You're not as intelligent as you think you are.

you have all of reddit to yourselves. why are you here, colonizer?

Lefties are huge moral fags. Wat. They just have a higher appeal to "not god but whatever global principle I can."

I don't have allegiances to shitty Internet websites. Neither here nor Reddit. Why are you such a tribalist retard? Go Internet oogabooga about something else, you netnig.

>what if we steal the interesting aesthetic from the suprematists and turn it into sterile government propaganda
It's honestly worse than when the futurists abandoned their original principles and dedicated their time to drawing pictures of Mussolini as Caesar. Eisenstein was the only associated person with any talent.

I'm not anti-fascist in the sense that it is typically used. I'm merely an anti-leftist who is willing to acknowledge fascism's failure as a movement.
>You're not as intelligent as you think you are.
I don't believe myself to be intelligent at all.

im not a leftist im just saying leftists are more rigourous in their thinking and knowledge overall than right wingers are. because they are. the right stupidly thinks all leftists are like college students and cnn anchors and not the vast majority of writers, artists, philosophers, scientists, etc. whereas right wingers are just politicians (lol), commentators, and economists (basically politicians)

> literally regurgitates the reason people all over the world fucking hate baizuos

liberalism and its descendants have been moralist from their inception (yes, Marxism is a derivative of liberalism)

Marxism as a school of thought is often amoral, but socialist/communist organization and political action never is.

>leftists are more rigourous in their thinking and knowledge
They're really not, they wouldn't be so quick to censor if their positions stood up to scrutiny. Also once again it's clear that the Left hold all the real power so most people will go along with it, it's not because everyone is independently reaching the same conclusions through rational analysis or whatever you think is occurring.

Striner literally Marx out of his moralism. What part of 'Nothing to lose but our chains.' is moralistic?

>the right stupidly thinks all leftists are like college students and cnn anchors and not the vast majority of writers, artists, philosophers, scientists, etc.
Because you're talking about an American or British context where there is nothing outside of liberalism.

Right, they're just another iteration of radical anabaptists, Diggers, Joachimites, etc.

>more rigourous in their thinking
forming fake but convincing theoretical models on false premises does take 'rigor' i suppose. it takes a lot of work to make left-leaning beliefs line up with reality, because they have no basis on reality, but are fantasies of coddled urbanite children.

Same reason why right wingers are more physically fit.

it is propaganda claptrap to compel low iq factory workers towards a fabricated moral imperative wtf are you talking about

finally, someone names the prot.

Anti-intellectualism has always been a key part of the Right

>university system is the fourth and most powerful branch of government

The first Communist party was formed by a merger with a Christian organization. In the real world, it's a moralist movement.

Joachimites were Catholic. It's not anything new in history really, these movements will always be with us on some level.

Propaganda claptrap sure, but not one based on morality but pure self interest.

Laws are drafted by people coming out of academia, and 'experts' are consulted for all manner of policy. Academia controls public education as well to a large degree, which is a great deal of control over what the next generation will believe. Even Foucault recognized that academia was itself a power structure that controlled the way discourse was framed.

I do consider myself an anti-intellectual. But recognition of the place of and the power inherent to the educational system within a technological society is inherently anti-intellectual. But if that sort of attitude is necessary to maintain a critical view on those charged with the production of knowledge, then anti-intellectualism is a good thing.

>The first Communist party
Which one?

The Communist League, which is considered to be the first Marxist party, was formed out of a merger with the League of the Just, a Christian Communist organization in Paris.

It is by no means a weak institution, but it is not the strongest around nor is it a branch of government...

If academia was so fucking amazing, there would not be merchants of doubt around and so much anti-vax, anti-climate change movements around the world

>Why are left wingers so much more well read than right wingers?
Think about why they are left wingers and you'll have your answer

And how did the League of the Just injected their moralism into the works of Marx and future communist/socialist parties?

They aren't.

It plays a role similar to the one previously occupied by the church, you cannot make any sense of contemporary politics without looking at academia. It is really the complex of academia, the press, and the civil service, who are all made up by basically the same social circle, that is the unofficial organ of government in question.

>If academia was so fucking amazing, there would not be merchants of doubt around and so much anti-vax, anti-climate change movements around the world
Anti-intellectual as we know it is really the only form of possible resistance against intuitions which more or less govern the standing of every single individual within a community. Their prevalence is because so many people have an axe to grind with intellectual institutions, and that frustration allows people to ignore the absurdity of these positions. Academia's uncontested power, rather than their supposed lack of it, is why fundamentally absurd positions come into existence.

And yet it is still unable to influence politics like the press and other institutions (civil service is the already officially part of the government moron) as I already said.

>god damn cathedral, only thing keeping me from using homeless people as biofuel

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>why fundamentally absurd positions come into existence
And these absurd positions gain traction everyday and is coded into policies and parties which proves academia's impotence.

>it is still unable to influence politics
It influences politics to a huge degree, the political class literally come out of academia, and if you look at whatever the Ivies are pushing in a given year, 50 years later the government seems mysteriously to have adopted it.

You are operating with a very childish understanding of history and the state.

>right wing memes make immediate sense because people intuitively know them to be true.
define intuition

right wing memes are uber-palatable because they appeal to cultural and psychological biases built in to what is already a right wing culture (in US at least).
understanding left wing memes requires at least a cursory understanding of philosophy, history, logic, ethics and so on. it takes effort, studying and reading to gain that understanding as well as a mind prepared to accept new information

it's much easier to meme "abortions murder jeebus bald eagle patriot iq race real" when theyre already built into the culture and dont require any intelligence or openness to absorb

They don't arrive at absurd positions due to their power, some of them arrive at positions that are politically useful to the progressive oligarchy, and said positions are signal-boosted.

>And yet it
It controls the educated labor force which makes it essentially control both the government and all business entities. Calling it the fourth branch of government is an understatement. It's essentially the power behind the throne.

>understanding left wing memes requires at least a cursory understanding of philosophy, history, logic, ethics and so on. it takes effort, studying and reading to gain that understanding as well as a mind prepared to accept new information
The failure of leftist humor comes entirely from its didacticism.

>I do consider myself an anti-intellectual.
straight into the trash your views go

there really isn't much to laugh about once you gain perspective on life and its machinery

It seems like both of you are intentionally misunderstanding me to repeat the same talking points like some NPCs. I never disargeed with how academia legitimizes and grooms up-coming members of the elite, but pointing out that its own agendas' impotence and the power behind the pushback behind it to be proof it isn't as strong as you are making it out to be

That's because every leftist is ultimately a sentimental humanist no matter how hard they try to hide it or rationalize the feelings away.

No one on Chapo Trap House is remotely well read. But the reason left wingers read more in general is the same reason they’re often into a bunch of obscure bands or art house films. They have a childish sense of collecting. They think adding more of something is inherently good.

You really have to be blind to not recognize Communism as a replacement for the Church. It has its own scriptures, prophets (Marx, Engels), saints (Lenin, Stalin, Mao), martyrs (Luxembourg, anti-imperialist third-world leaders, and more) ecumenical councils, heresies, schisms, dogmas, and so on.



Men are men, women are women, niggers are stupid; no amount of mental gymnastics and no amount you donate to the SPLC changes any of this. The left is at odds with reality which is why their memes make no sense and don't resonate.

You can attach that parallel to almost any political ideologies

Take antiracism, it took over academia in the early 20th century, with key figures like Boas. 50 years later the civil rights movement happens, and then another 50 years later and being labeled racist ruins your life. It receives pushback from the (meagre) democratic forces that still exist, like Alabama recently banning abortion, but in the long term and overall it has a huge impact.

One thing it could never do in the US was properly seed Marxism into the public consciousness, in large part because the USSR was a PR disaster for communism, and the capitalist class in the US took advantage of its native libertarian tradition and pushed huge amounts of propaganda to counter any Marxist ideas.

I suppose so but it's so blatant with Communism that you really can't miss it unless you do so willingly.

delusional /pol/tard

the right really have a very easy game to play, it's not hard to make a ridiculous position look ridiculous. The internet removed the social consequences for doing so by providing anonymity which is why memes are so reactionary.

Nailed it.

It is more blatant with Republicanism that you are missing it willingly

delusional leftist pseud who thinks denying basic tenets of reality makes him intelligent

I don't know enough about early Republicanism to know who/what would correspond to all the things I listed.

The problem is that you misunderstand why the push back itself has come into existence. Academia does more than just groom elites; it sets the path of all people by the age of 20 and makes it incredibly difficult to deviate from that path. That combined with both its influence over government and industry make more controlling (both directly and indirectly) than any other power-wielding entity that exists. These positions exist as mode of resistance against this control. The academically oriented western society is so disgusting that people would rather take positions that will likely kill them. The waste produced by academia's production of knowledge is a deadly nihilism that it dumps into the public's drinking supply.
Your inability to think critically about intellectualism and the concept of intelligence itself is kinda sad.

>it's not hard to make a ridiculous position look ridiculous
especially when the position is ridiculous

Antiracism and abortions rights did not come directly from academia and had other things going besides it.

>One thing it could never do in the US was properly seed Marxism into the public consciousness, in large part because the USSR was a PR disaster for communism
Are you forgetting both Red Scares and COINTELPRO?

>it is another right winger weaponizing his ignorance

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>Reality has a left wing bias
Lol. I remember being 19...

Again, I never disagreed with the existence and nature of the pushback, only highlighting the weight behind it is proof that academia is not as strong as you think it is retard

the 'red scares' were absolute memes with almost no real consequences. A government that wanted to actually ferret out anyone with marxist sympathies would have looked very different.

Antiracism definitely came from academia, there were hardly any other groups pushing it as an idea in 1900. Maybe a handful of protestants

Antiracism started out as a geopolitical issue, the US obviously felt it would have a hard time gaining allies in the Third World while having segregation at the same time. This trickled down to "promote antiracism in academia" to "send the troops in".

But that's precisely where you're wrong. The push back has only reached this magnitude because of the overwhelming power of academia.

>Antiracism definitely came from academia, there were hardly any other groups pushing it as an idea in 1900. Maybe a handful of protestants
I don';t know if you could go that farm. The contemporary CRT informed version sure, but it can't be said about the entirety of that movement throughout history.

>in large part because the USSR was a PR disaster for communism

Fall of USSR was the disaster. Now there are only very few relevant far-left parties in European parliaments (Syriza, Podemos, KPRF, KSCM, KPB) and over the past 30 years the far left managed to seize power only in one country IIRC.

The Red Scares purged a lot of extreme left wingers and is the reason why the New Left was the way it was, impotent and not based on class.

>Antiracism definitely came from academia
No it didn't, eugenics and racial science were and still is a thing in academia.

Holy fuck, this thread is a mess. There are no examples, pieces of evidence, or real arguments. It's just shit slinging back and forth.

Yea the overwhelming power of academia to deal with climate change crisis and crushing the anti-vax/GMO movement.

>rationalizing why your memes arent funny this hard

do u know where u are or no

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>eugenics and racial science were and still is a thing in academia.
They were run out of academia. By the 50s or 60s you could barely talk about that stuff and there are like 5 guys in the past 50 years who did research on it and they're lepers in academia.

Again the red scares were nothing- imagine if you will 'denazification' (as it was in Germany after the war) but for Marxists. Very different scenario

eugenics and racial science is still a thing in academia?
that's news to me...

It was a disaster at least as early as the Anglo-Soviet split(for anglo countries) and outside of certain circles it was not looked at favorably before that.

>New Left was the way it was, impotent and not based on class.
The new left was smart enough to realize that they were not in a situation where revolution was possible. Most of America (rightfully) sympathized with the national guard in the Kent State shooting, so they incrementally began to colonize all existing social spaces.

They still are here and around. Do you even know what Merchant of Doubts is? People are still writing this shit.

>Very different scenario
Yea a lot of people got arrested, purged and imprisoned for bullshit reasons. Stop downplaying it.

I will downplay it all I like because it shows that there was never any serious attempt to stop Marxism in the US.

>bullshit reasons
Treasonous organizing isn't a bullshit reason no matter how much are academic overlords are able to justify it.

>so they incrementally began to colonize all existing social spaces
Which made the New Left a total disaster...

what a productive thread guys.

dozens maybe hundreds of people get fired from shitty bureaucratic positions
>dont downplay muh human rights
millions of civilians starved to death in camps followed by decades-long foreign occupation and mass compulsory brainwashing with harsh punishments for stepping out of line
>this is fine

>Do you even know what Merchant of Doubts is?
i've never heard of that book but it sounds interesting so i will read it, thanks
but what does climate change have to do with eugenics and racial science?

They've achieved a cultural hegemony that will be quite useful when a revolutionary crisis occurs.

Not an argument. To this day even important figures that were swept up in the Red Scare have their history blue-washed and the decline of redistributive policies is proof that marxism was dead in the usa coz of the Red Scares.

>They've achieved a cultural hegemony
what about internet culture?

It is absolutely an argument, I just gave you an example of what actual pushback looks like, it looks like denazification. There are still Marxists at Harvard to this day, loads of Democrats clearly have socialist sympathies, etc.

>dozens maybe hundreds of people get fired from shitty bureaucratic positions
That was part of the Second Red Scare though

>millions of civilians starved to death in camps followed by decades-long foreign occupation and mass compulsory brainwashing with harsh punishments for stepping out of line

Which has never come, the New Left attempts to trigger everyone to incite revolutionary was a failure. And none of what the New Left (which was pretty mild compared to its predecssors) wanted is commonplace in culture. Racists, chauvinists and imperialists are still very much alive and well in USA.

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>I just gave you an example of what actual pushback looks like, it looks like denazification.
Yes something similar did happen in the First Red Scare.

>There are still Marxists at Harvard to this day, loads of Democrats clearly have socialist sympathies
There are a lot of nazis in America too so what is your point?

They're working on homogenizing that to their liking too. Can't move too fast without looking like a genuine authoritarian, so they move slowly just as they have in the other social spaces.

The New Left completely won on the racist front, nobody in mainstream society will be openly racist, unless they some ancient boomer like James Watson who has just stopped caring, and then you get kicked out of your nice position.

>They're working on homogenizing that to their liking too
so i've seen
but they are doing a real shitty job

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>There are a lot of nazis in America too so what is your point?
Can you not see the difference between Harvard and a shack in the woods that hosts a bunch of toothless hicks?

There are no nazis at Harvard or Google you cretin, they're the lowest tier of society, literal criminal gangs. Besides which even then the white gang in a prison will be considered a white supremacist gang, while the latino or black gang isn't, evne though everyone just sticks to their race. The numbers on 'hate crimes' have been massively padded by adding instances of those gangs


>nobody in mainstream society will be openly racist
No it isn't... Just because you are in some liberal bubble doesn't mean everyone else is.

Are you being intentionally disingenuous? Nazis are in way better positions than that and you know it.

>There are a lot of nazis in America too so what is your point?
alright folks, pack it up
it's a retard tankie

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usually justification is good for an argument

They are in the military and elsewhere retard.

Name a prominent figure that has said that one race is genetically on average smarter than another, or an equivalent statement. There are none other than the handful like Watson I mentioned, who get in deep shit for saying so.

typical leftist: reads arry podder and some YA trash and a handful of oprah winfrey endorsed titles a year
typical alt-liter: listens to a few podcasts of some shithead video game addict and thinks this makes him educated
typical "centrist": same as the leftist but without the leftist conclusion

Shoot banksters. Shoot politicians. Shoot usurers and war mongers. Support gay marriage, abortion, drug legalization, the environment, gun rights, freedom of speech, and the NAP. Not your body, not your business. The role of the government is to prevent tragedy of the commons, enforce basic laws for public safety and personal civil rights, urban planning and interstate infrastructure coordination, and prevent invasion by a foreign power. Anything else is illegitimate.
Illegitimate. Cagers are a cancer and support of cage infrastructure is literally theft. Take the /n/-pill. Trains are built in the image of God.

A bullet for every cager, two bullets for every NIMBY.

>Nazis are in way better positions than that and you know it.
It depends on what you mean by Nazi. Are we talking about real Nazis or the leftist euphemism for "those whom violence is justified against in a non-revolutionary setting?" And when it comes down it, everything is a shack in the woods compared to Harvard.

So some cannon fodder has an edgy tattoo or something? You know the military has nonwhites too, and it's getting infected by the bureaucratic progressivism that the rest of the government is, just more slowly.

The smattering of orthodox Marxists I have met have all been exceptionally well read, and I always come away with a bunch of great book recommendations from them. Your generic mainstream left-liberal progressive just recites talking points they hear on TV or from their narrow online community.

>Give me examples except the ones I already discounted in my head
There are academics like Rushton that still does this shit

Plenty of groups use the military as a means to gain combat training. If this is your concern, you should be just as worried about the Bloods.

This kills the communist.

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To be an actual orthodox marxist involves reading...marx, which is going to thin out the herd considerably. The millions of basically illiterate people who are some sort of 'socialist' are a different matter.

Nice pivot but I am not biting. The standard 1488 white nationalist kind.

Downplaying is not an argument.

antiracism is christian superstition, a far cry from empiricism

>Anything else is illegitimate.
what about physical removal

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That is not an argument. My point is that they are better than hicks in the middle of dumb fuck nowhere. Just coz others are in the millitary doesn't undercut my point

Rushton is dead but yes he is probably the biggest one, his colleagues literally celebrated his death, but the fact that he was allowed to exist in academia at all is admittedly a point in your favor here.

But name like a CEO or politician or something, I am almost positive there are none

>Nice pivot but I am not biting. The standard 1488 white nationalist kind.
Name some who are in positions comparable in power to any member of the faculty at Harvard. That's all you have to do.

You like the word downplaying but again some soldiers having 'white nationalist' tendencies(I can only imagine what they think qualifies as WN) is not structural power. You cannot seriously argue that the military itself is in anyway a white nationalist organization, especially when it seems to exist to do whatever Israel tells it.

>be drumpfth
>get elected to remove taco
>import more taco than ever
If it can't manage to build a functional train system in its native environment, it is subhuman and needs removal. Only nips and europeans can come in. Trains are God.

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I can't watch it what does he say?

>open a thread like this
>marxist gets btfo'd every time

Attached: everyone is stupid.png (500x376, 288K)

jbp starts by saying iq seems to have a strong biological basis, stefan says a bunch of stuff about race but jbp avoids mentioning it specifically

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It only goes to show that that being in the military is only ever so slightly better than a shack in the middle of nowhere. I don't think I'm even capable of expressing just how slight that superiority is.

>It was a disaster at least as early as the Anglo-Soviet split
Communism peaked during those years. Great patriotic war was the best PR hammer and sickle ever got.

>for anglo countries
Those are irrelevant ITT. Far left never gained traction there.

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Maybe lobsterman is edgier than I thought but I have trouble believing he'd come right out and say it, if he even believes it himself. I feel that we would have heard about it from people wanting to ruin his reputation. He strikes me as a kind of delusional person so I don't know what kind of opinion he would have about that kind of topic.

The thread has sort of vaguely been centred on the US m8. And I agree that communism never properly gained traction in the US, but it has still had a presence, especially in academia and the arts.

Hes a kikeshill

Marxism itself never does, but leftists who like to pretend that they are completely lacking in power and influence always do.

his position feels like "it's horrible but it's true, oh isn't it so horrible, i'm going to say it's horrible one more time". i think i remember a feminist journalist trying to grill him about it a while ago too but i can't find the video now. it wouldn't surprise me if he realized the issue was way too hot after 2017-2018 and decided to just not talk about it at all.

Steve King counts?

Why are you moving the goalposts? I never said they were as powerful as marxists but they sure as fuck weren't idiots in the middle of nowhere

>You cannot seriously argue that the military itself is in anyway a white nationalist organization, especially when it seems to exist to do whatever Israel tells it.
Well it was a good thing that that wasn't what I was trying to do anyway.

>Splitting hairs this hard just to backpedal

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I read that book on gnevhis khan and that author is such a faggot. His prose is shitty and his "history" is literally just regurgitating shit that was already written. Terrible book.

You're such a brain dead retard. Which wing in the EU and US want more regulation in private life? Left. Which wing enforced hefty censorship and social ostracisement on those disagree with them? The left. What view believes the State should drastically intervei in the economy and redistribute the wealth? The Left. Which wing perpetuates thought and language policing? The left. You've always been totalitarian. The hippie rebel face is a total fake. You're false conflation of Enlightenment era thinking as some predecent for your contemporary idealogues is a sham and a lie.

Steve King is without doubt a racist but you'll note that even he won't actually come out and say 'white are genetically superior' a la Rushton(leaving aside that Rushton actually put East Asians as the 'superior' race).

Some of these guys literally won't even admit to themselves the actual core idea of race differences, they will only go as far as saying 'separate but equal' and similar memes.

>Why are you moving the goalposts?
This part of the exchange started with with your attempt to create a false equivalence between the presence of Marxists at Harvard with the presence of nazis in America. Every response to you has been arguing that your assertion is absurd. No goalposts have moved.
Not really. He's just getting caught up in a form of hysteria being used by the left to expand their cultural domination. What's happening with these "nazis" is no different than what is occurring with other groups he's perfectly willing to ignore. It indicates that the power gained from joining the military is only notable when it's convenient for him. Soon he'll start telling us that Hitler and McCarthy are hiding under his bed.

Only person who got it ITT

Err I guess, it was a long shot anyway. But that is why this kind of shit can only exist in academia since they can wrap around their racism with citations and shit. CEOs and politicians can't do that except with maybe business or corporate jargon or dog whistles.

>your attempt to create a false equivalence between the presence of Marxists at Harvard with the presence of nazis in America.

I did no such thing. I only said that just because there are marxists after the Red Scare doesn't it wasn't successful since there are nazis after the denazification retard

The default response all /pol/tards make
>muh denial of reality

Can you tell me what the fuck reality is? Everything you say in response to that question is going to be garbage because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. If you are going to argue dont base it off of your percrived conception of YOUR "reality"

I think the real reason it can exist in academia is tenure which is specifically to allow for people going against the grain. Also Rushton you simply cannot accuse of being some kind of rabid Nazi who is cooking stats to support his hate. He was not 'wrapping his racism with citations', he was just drawing the obvious conclusions from the data that exists.

It is illegal to be a nazi in Germany, which is where the denazification occurred. It was a comically totalitarian process

>use leftist or rightist in post
>Guranteed replies

Fuck this site

This was your post:
>There are still Marxists at Harvard to this day, loads of Democrats clearly have socialist sympathies
>There are a lot of nazis in America too so what is your point?

You responded to a post about the power accrued by Marxists (which is awfully reductive and should have been a claim about the broader left) with a response that Nazis exist in America. If anything it indicates that they survived the so-called red scare to become more powerful than ever. The presence of communists in a place like Harvard gives them more power than someone like Eugene Debs ever managed get. There's a colossal difference to existing, and holding the dominant positions within a society.

these threads are fun though. Where else on the internet do you get to debate people who absolutely hate you and your opinions but nevertheless for some reason engage you for long periods of time, and you can say literally anything you want.

>academia is tenure which is specifically to allow for people going against the grain.
No it is literally the same as pretending to be retarded for the (You)s. People do this shit all the time regardless of racism. Again Merchants of Doubt.

>Rushton you simply cannot accuse of being some kind of rabid Nazi who is cooking stats to support his hate.
But i didn't though...

>he was just drawing the obvious conclusions from the data that exists
Clearly you don't read scientific papers as part of your job.

I thought you were talking about the usa. Anyway that makes your benchmark way too high. Especially when nazi were the dominant ideology while marxism was not in USA.

you can do that in real life

That is the reason behind tenure, that's not really a controversial thing to say, it's to allow for academic freedom.

Also if you look at any of the data involved in race differences you'll see that the term 'obvious' very much applies. It is the same story and over in every study, with no counterexamples. People who haven't looked at it(which is to say almost everyone) might not understand how ridiculously clear the picture is because the mainstream position is that racism is 'pseudoscience' formed by bigotry, hate, ignorance, etc.

I spend most of my day being angry about leftists and their social omnipotence. These threads are the only thing that allow me to vent.

>Harvard gives them more power than someone like Eugene Debs ever managed get
I think you overestimated how powerful academia is or underestimated how influential Debs was to the labour movement.

>with a response that Nazis exist in America.
Yes and? That is less about the success of the purges and more about how resurgence after it.

> If anything it indicates that they survived the so-called red scare to become more powerful than ever.
The fact that the DSA isn't planning to run its own candiatate to advocate overthrowing the system is proof enough that marxists are not as powerful as before

People bait for citations, tenure or no tenure

>also if you look at any of the data involved in race differences you'll see that the term 'obvious' very much applies.
I actually did recently and even the people themselves who does this studies don't jump to the same conclusions you did.

Get a life senpai

>People bait for citations, tenure or no tenure
Even when it is not regarding politically hot topics btw...

skipped kant and went straight to foucaultian solipsism, bravo, you are the perfect specimen to parade as an example

>Get a life senpai
I'm an edgy set of political beliefs reacting to stimuli more than I am anything resembling a complete person. My every sensation is incorporated into a broad system of anti-leftism. At this point it as become as natural to me as digestion.

They are better read because they have a wider body of contemporary literature. They are not better read in stuff like Hawthorne or Spenser or that sort of thing.

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you actually looked at those studies and you're not at least somewhat convinced that there's something there?

The twin studies were the hardest thing for me to ignore back when i was still trying to avoid crimethink. Also the fact that nobody who criticizes the twin studies wants to do a more rigorous study. If they actually were sure that there were no race differences they should jump at the chance to disprove the idea by doing a rigorous twin study experiment, it would be massive ammo for their side.

>I think you overestimated how powerful academia is or underestimated how influential Debs was to the labour movement.
Any individual member of the Harvard faculty is more powerful than the entirety of the labor movement at its peak. The former controls all a social mobility that exists within this country.
>The fact that the DSA isn't planning to run its own candiatate to advocate overthrowing the system is proof enough that marxists are not as powerful as before
They have a long-term strategy to bring in revolutionary communism through Trojan horse. They're smart enough to know that outright communism has no appeal in a non revolutionary environment. Their superior strategizing has given them far more power than any past manifestation of the labor movement.

>the left is bad because their views are supported by facts

Most leftists are bourgeoisie

These studies usually only find correlations, which can be explained by a wide variety of factors.

>The former controls all a social mobility that exists within this country.
By being part of a system that staddles everyone with debt. Come now, the labour movement has more to contribute to social mobility than a professor.

>They're smart enough to know that outright communism has no appeal in a non revolutionary environment. Their superior strategizing has given them far more power than any past manifestation of the labor movement.
I won't disagree if you really think they are playing 4D chess now but the influence they have still isn't at the height of when Debs is around.

>A bullet for every cager, two bullets for every NIMBY.

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>These studies usually only find correlations, which can be explained by a wide variety of factors.
I am sensing you haven't really read the studies, or you're not being very honest with yourself, but I know better than to expect any kind of open dialogue about this subject

Not an argument.

I know it's not an argument, but I dont think there is any argument I could come up with that would convince you, because if you were open to being convinced you'd see pretty clearly from those studies that it isn't 'correlation which can be explained by many things'.

he's correct, and you are just way off base with how you think people become/are racist. I'm actually curious to where you live, because that is just so outlandish.

Slaves are naturally introspective, so it only makes senses the 'left' indulges in reading more.

you really have no idea about just the last 70 years US history.
what an embarrassing post

Leftists are such fucking niggers. We dindu nuffin, actually not real leftists.

Ah, typical /pol/tard using "reality" as the foundation of his arguments, how uneducated


hey newfriend, I don't think you understand how 4channel works yet, so allow another leftist to tell you what's up:
the people here are so delusional that they refer to their delusions as reality. they will force you into one of their preordained stereotypes, and if you don't fit into any of them, you're either lying or don't exist. everything not consistent with what they already believe is a psy-op or (((shill))) to them. nothing is real but what their prejudiced parents told them, which their prejudiced parents before them believed in turn

just want you pseuds on Yea Forums to know that mentioning /pol/ is cringe as fuck as that place is long dead and irreverent. it's the new Yea Forums Everyone knows the /pol/ caricature is dumb, you aren't convincing anyone you are smart for disliking /pol/

Yeah, facts are fake and gay. You think Napoleon cared about having views supported by facts?

Left wingers tend to have a small group of well-read and intelligent folks among them but they are closely followed by people who like to -think- that they are intelligent and well read but are just as stupid as the idiotic right-wingers. The only difference is that they have more modern viewpoints which make them "right".

There are a lot of intelligent and well read right-wingers, the problem is that they tend to be very religious, hold onto prior-generations belief's, or purposely ignore and invalidate other opinions because they will eventually conflict with their beliefs.

most accurate post so far

60 years ago the left wasn't the same as it is now. Back then it was internal desire for justice driving the movements. However, upon seeing the success of the social movements of the Civil rights Era, foreign powers, (as in, from rival nations) globalist powers, (the hyper wealthy to whom borders are meaningless) and treasonous powers, ( ideologically motivated treasonous internal powers) co-opted leftist movements, political parties, talking points etc. and use them to destabilize the U. S.

Really I think it's mostly globalist forces playing the other two as useful idiots for destabilization purposes rather than a dark coalition

Nice try, most poltards are reacting against their liberal boomer parents.

Also, psy ops and shills are real but their nature makes them inherently nebulous, Sowers of confusion, etc.
This is actually an interesting and fun point to talk about. Politicians say that journalists operate in the "reality based community." this is in contrast with the world that politicians operate in which is more about image, talking points, what could be, etc.

choose one (1)

From my experience, most of the well-read people I know are left wing, but most of the VERY well-read people I know are on the right.

>this is in contrast with the world that politicians operate in which is more about image, talking points, what could be, etc.
But that's exactly what journalists are doing too, they just add a layer of "facts" (things viewed from their pov that they then try to make an objective truth) to hide it

So you just don't want to argue coz you are scared you can't convince me? Thats pretty pathetic

Right wingers constantly tell and retell the narrative about leftists as and when it pleases them like this . They whitewash or ignore past figures or historical trends.

>Harry Potter.
>Well read.

>fascism's failure as a movement


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>B- society

>Harry Potter
what are you even talking about? there were obvious overtones that the Death Eaters were depraved leftists and the Muggleborns our heterosexual youth

Leftism is inherently based on the triumph of intellect and reason over 'common sense' and tradition. It is no wonder they are more involved in literature and philosophy than rightists, who have a much simpler ideological foundation.

Farmers vote right. Small towns vote right. Big cities vote left, uni-students vote left. The further you get from the real world, the closer you get to leftism. When everything that surrounds you is artificial, you find yourself applying the same logic to people and society.

>We can change people, reform them and perfect them
>X is a social construct

Once you step away from the idea of natural law, once you step away from the unspoken acknowledgement of Chesterton's fence, then you become a leftist.

The "the left can't meme" thing is untrue, of course they can, and have been doing so with massive success for the past 50 years. The very origin of the "the left can't meme" meme itself is a right reframe (a nuh-uh gainsaying of reality, itself an effective starting point), to what they know very well to be true: the first-world left has been steamrolling on memes for the past 50 years, and massively winning the culture war every step of the way. It's only in the past 5-10 years or so that the right has managed to appropriate the disingenuous dirty dog rhetorical tactics of the left, effectively to their own ends.

The right is succeeding exactly because it now deigns to use intellectual dishonesty, to simply
Win. Exactly as the left has previously done for many years. To its credit, the political right is constitutionally more principled than this, (the Trump/Never Trump divide), and of course this is why they fail. The splintering of the right whereas the left always manages (unfortunately) to coalesce against its own opponent.

Way to engage with my argument.
Its true. I know smarter leftists (true communists even) than you and we can agree on most things, because if you care about people and have less than ten million dollars net wealth we have far far more interests in common than not. But you are too blinded by ideology to even think properly or engage with reality. Fuck you.

This is from a traditional view of journalists and journalism. In the modern day, ""journalism"" has become highly political, compromised by ideology. I think it's a natural consequence of the consolidation of 'ivy league' journalism so to speak. Proper, local, community oriented journalism serves a vital role in the health of a community, but how can an ivory tower in New York speak appropriately for the whole nation?
I also think it's at least somewhat intentional. If you're a hyper wealthy globalist, you'd want to be able to maximize your own power and speech by limiting the voice-amplifying opportunities for non wealthy speakers. You do this by buying out websites that aren't under your thumb, consolidating newspapers and forums, etc etc.

Lit is for socialized people. And leftists are the most socialized people, almost by definition. In a nutshell, lit is for people without lives in the real world trying to vicariously live them through a fictional or historical figure, or else engage in a surrogate activity and mental masturbation to distract themselves from the fact that they have no real lives. In the wild, you don't want for books, you're totally content and at peace. literature is the sign of a decadent and corrupt people, and a sad and unfree people. It's also a sign that the society lies to itself and to each other. The more elaborate and developed the literature, the more sophisticated the lies. It's a lot more difficult to lie on a mass scale with simpler writing.

So, a lack of lit is a good thing in my book. Rousseau was unironically right...but our society simply moved on technologically and was forced to ignore him.

And then Kaczynski, well, he is the ultimate embodiment of this. His two books are amazing. The ones he's written in prison. And he's read literally thousands of some pretty dense books in prison, but when asked about it, I remember him saying something to the effect that in the wild there is no need for books, and he was totally content and at pease without them.

Attached: Anti-Tech Revolution_3b.jpg (1000x1500, 1.51M)

Prioritization of effort is a foundational principle of strategy.

>So, a lack of lit is a good thing in my book.
by your own conviction, the fact that you have a "book" is a bad thing, so I can disregard everything you just said

>neoliberalism is now fascism.....

Maybe you reds you should stop "uniting" against socalled "nazis" and voting for the continuiation of the neolib status-que (biden)

Good post, but there are many kinds of intellect. "Boerenverstand" here is attributed to farmers and country folk, a sense of cleverness and understanding of the world.

Better to have used would be education, because the type of intellect you mean is educational intellect. If all universities in society ceased to exist this type of intellect would perish with it.

Maybe a better word could be found idk. Thanks.

The Fasces seen in the USA are a reference to the Classical heritage of republicanism. Many of them predate the fascist movement.

Imagine living in a world where you actually believe the permanent political class and people like Biden and Obama are "liberal"; This must be the enlightened and well read leftist mind I have been hearing so much about.

No kidding, my point was the United States is functionally a fascist country, in the literal sense, not the Berkeley acid headed 1960s "everyone with a fucking suit or uniform is a fascist" sense.

>common sense
the problem with this is that a lot of leftists see their views as common sense. why should we judge people based on the fact that their skin is darker? why should we arrange society such that you can be born into wealth through no accomplishment of your own? a lot of right wing ideology seems to go against simple logic, or put another way, common sense
>natural law
if I take this at face value (nature is the final arbiter), then it seems to summarize rightism as survival of the fittest. while being a part of rightist ideology, it certainly isn't central, and it is contradicted by plenty of other rightist ideas. if I take it as a philosophical term, then it makes more sense, but then it contradicts what you were saying about rightism being detached from philosophy
>Chesterton's fence
this seems completely irrelevant, care to elaborate?

Because right wingers are Christians and Christians tend to take things for granted without questioning.

I find that it makes you a misanthropist.

What? I'm not a leftist at all you brainlet, try understanding what i wrote.... I'm just an outsider who can see the USG for what it is without it being clouded because a sense of tribalism.

>closer to the truth

What is truth?
John 18,38


The fact that you think discussion is combative is pretty pathetic

This. Leftism is the religion of the toxic femininity that inevitably follows the destruction of the family unit.

>Way to engage with my argument.
It is not even an argument but a grand telling of a narrative. I can't disprove fiction if you won't prove it either

>we have far far more interests in common than not
Just because we do have common material interest doesn't mean I have to agree with everything you say retard.

>all those buzzwords

do you guys really want to confront the fact that every black country, every black city, and every black minority in every city that exists, are universally below the other races in every single metric that exists, gpd, crime rates, iq, etc,

do you really want to do that?
i was trying to be nice

The Right doesn't have anything to read. Evola and Guenon only go so far

Because Yea Forums is leftist

Most leftists seem to be against urbanization though seeing as capitalism is what is causing it

to make it even clearer for anyone still here

There is not one single example of a black population acting like a white population, not a single one. your entire worldview is based on a ludicrous dream that doesn't even begin to approach reality, your mind is laughably retarded, and you can't answer even one single counter example of black people acting civilized as a people

You are lying to yourselves because you are fucking cowards

This entire thread is full of buzzwords.

>Wakanada 5ever

The very first sentence in this post is false.

75 iq nigger vote left too you retarded fucking bootlicker

suck that dick that you know you have to to not be cast out by society you pathetic fucking piece of shit, youre worthless trash

They are more well read than the average person, in a society where the average person is not very well read.

He’s on your side retard

no he really isn't i am not right wing, you fucking disgust me

shut the fuck up libtard cuck I wasn't talkig to you

I should've been clearer with definitions.

When I said common sense, I wanted to create contrast between the normative goals of leftism, and the learned realities of rightism.

Besides, you're trying to strawman me and failing badly.

>Why is humanity near-universally xenophobic, especially of people who look very different from ourselves?
>Could it be that the trusting ones got wiped out by foreigners?
>Is ingroup loyalty a competitive ideology?
>Nah, let's just ignore a universal phenomenon, it's just irrational nonsense.

I argue that rightist philosophy is simple, not non-existant. Fundamentally, it is about respect for the forces that push on everyone, also labelled as gnon and what I prefer to think of as natural law. Equality? People aren't equal, also Harrison Bergeron. Inheritance? How else do you motivate people to create wealth... tax evasion...

Leftists are all about trying to make the world better, while rightists point out that they're usually making things worse.

Chesterton's fence is at the core of conservatism and thus close to the heart of rightism. It is the argument against doing away with the old, on the basis that we can do better. You might say that they aren't necessarily the same, however I don't think leftists value the argument at all. They are the root of revolutions, after all.

why would you try to impersonate an user on Yea Forums you fucking ugly filth
go look at your face in the mirror and just agonize over how fucking horrid it is

Because this (dissidence incentivises arguments), but on a more serious note, also because the left has had a monopoly on humanities, or the mickey mouse courses that have been introduced into humanities over the past 50 years. It's also an Anglosphere thing. The most well read people in the former Eastern Bloc are to the right of the political spectrum.

>Obviously because they need rationalizations and justifications


protip - the more mental energy you need to defend your positions, the bigger chance is that you are lying or hiding smth. e.g. simple number of pages an soiboi philosopher writes like Fromm or Hegel compared to a bastepilled laconic speak author like Nietzsche

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>The most well read people in the former Eastern Bloc are to the right of the political spectrum.
East Yuro left is relatively conservative in the issues critical in western discourse (fags&migrants) though.

Coz they are poorer in general?


They aren't.

No, you don't think at all. Leftism has recoiled from any kind of masculinity, and this is demonstrated by looking at any average Democrat male, because masculinity means being accountable for actions. Witness the wisdom of Saint Thomas Aquinas:

>“An effeminate man is one who withdraws from good on account of sorrow caused by lack of pleasure, yielding as it were to a weak motion” ST II-II q138 a1

what is being for government-providing-everything, from services to free money to police protection if not the surrender of one's own responsibilities?

Imagine constructing an artificial left/right dichotomy, mapping that onto Dems and Reps (jesus fucking christ) and then arguing about politics as if it all makes perfect sense, while not even making sure that people agree on the terms being used.

I can forgive normies on reddit/twitter/pol for being this retarded, but I expected more of Yea Forums. You've disappointed me.

Although to be fair, the situation is pretty fucked up and you basically need to be an intellectual rebel to get out of it and that comes at a cost. If all you know is American mainstream politics and culture you're really living in a bubble that is very well isolated from outside ideas.

Attached: left_right_political_spectrum_011.jpg (800x400, 50K)

Left doesn't have arguments.
>We should kill the rich, non-jewish people!

I truly hope after what you just said that the image you replied with was selected out of irony. To be so verbose and yet retarded would be a dichotomy my little pea brain could not handle.

Elaborate on that or be silent forever.

Efficiency. Good luck performing yourself an apendoctomy, when your gut starts aching it and good luck protecting yourself individually when you meet a band of raiders.

The pic was an example of retarded left-right thinking, dummy.
Every left-right pic you can find on the internet is retarded.

Pic unrelated I hope.

>reality has no universality whatsoever and is just whatever my opinion of it is.
pure solipsism.

Based and justicepilled

you're putting the cart before the horse here

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>(((Andrea Freeman))) ?

another one

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Carl Schmitt vindicated again

Reading Harry Potter is not being well read

get bent

children of african immigrants are actually some of the highest educated and well off groups in america.

If you knew anything about Pat Buchanan then you would not have posted that.

That's actually a really interesting abstract, I'd like to learn more about this.

Because leftism is the current political narrative, and therefore more books are produced in that direction.

The academic left is a meme for a reason.

Also there are more leftists than right-wingers, so naturally there will emerge more "well-read" people.

This while answer ignoring my doubt about leftists actually being more well-read than right wingers.

this has to be one of the most embarrassing recent examples of what is clearly a form of public autofellatio I've seen

Lol typical. Resorting to name dropping to discredit whatever I said.

>if you read and understood kant, then blah blah blah
>you sound like youre a solipsist so you must be a foucault zealot blah blah blah

Say, have you even read kant?