>literature can never be as emotionally moving as music >literature can never be as inspiring as sculpture or architecture >literature can never be as engaging as film >literature can never be as memorable or creative as anime >literature can never be as immersive as video games
>literature can never be as emotionally moving as music It can >literature can never be as inspiring as sculpture or architecture It can. >literature can never be as engaging as film It can. >literature can never be as memorable or creative as anime Okay this is epic >literature can never be as immersive as video games lol neither can the Arts.
Cooper Clark
>literature can never be as refreshing as an ice cold Coke®
>literature can never be as immersive as video games Reading what your people wrote though the centuries immerses you in the History of your people. What are video games compared to that? Nothing. When I read the writings of my ancestors, when I touch the characters forming the words they wrote, I can touch their souls with the tip of my fingers.
Gabriel Ortiz
Well my friend you're free to do whatever you want. Talking about different arts (besides videogames and anime) you're making the error of not taking the singular piece of art as something you could learn from or being fashionated by its beauty. There are lifechanging books as well as lifechanging albums and lifechanging movies...
I'm gonna end this post with something that has really made my Life different:
"(You) were not made to live as Animals But to follow virtues and knowledge"
Literature is the ultimate midwit filter. If you think it sucks, you’re low IQ. If you think it’s good, you’re average IQ. If you think it’s ok but inferior, you’re midwit IQ. If you realize it’s the single greatest form of media, you’re big brained.
Ayden Parker
>most music Plebian >the rest Pseudian
Aiden Brown
Yeah, but what type of music do you think the fuckheads you're referencing listen to? Absolutely soulless, corporate, meaningless, mass-produced garbage, that's what. The musical equivalent of YA. If you can't find and experience the legitimately transcendent nature of true music, you might be diagnosably autistic.
Books and literature is the springboard where artists get the inspiration for those things you have mentioned
Hunter Lewis
>no art form will ever be as emotionally moving, inspiring, engaging, memorable, creative AND immersive as the VN literally why bother with anything else
Christian Hernandez
I can feel the jealousy eminating through the screen, the seething envy. Your entire existence is consumption, you could never aspire to create. You pretend to read for social credit on an anonymous imageboard, but just beneath the surface is a bubbling recognition of inferiority. You will never immerse yourself experientally in art. It will flow through you emptily, like radio waves. You will never participate. You will never master an instrument to the point of being able to let your soul flow out of you, into existence. You are an insect.
>Posting pictures of pseuds while defending a plebian art I can smell the pseudness through my screen.
Carson Carter
Cant get why you faggots fall for this bait
Nathan Brown
You could finger your butthole and it'll feel better than music, architecture, film, anime, video games.
Adrian Cruz
What you're left with in your mind is not pictures, words or sounds, but meaning. You remember the things that matter to you. Worrying about the medium used is silly.
Isaiah Johnson
>master an instrument LOL
Lucas Lopez
I'm going to go purchase an ice cold can of Coke, but I want you to know that I'm doing it ironically.
Oh my fucking god, I would take pleasure in beating you to death. Literature is genuinely the most pseudointellectual artistic medium. No other artform has attracted and given a platform to so many talentless morons. Almost every other medium requires endless dedication to produce anything of value. Painters must learn to paint. Sculptors must learn to scult. Musicians must learn to play and write music. Truly great films require perfect synergy between all contributors. Meanwhile, any faggot with a pen can shit out his verbal diarrhea and call it literature. And fucking pathetic, snivelling carcinomas like yourself will lap it up, simply for the chance to be falsely acknowledged as an 'intellectual'. You are a waste of oxygen. You now have my permission to resume reading wikipedia summaries of what you have been told are "great works of literature", you worthless scum.
>Shittiest thread on Yea Forums was made by a frogposter Why am I not surprised.
Mason Torres
I agree with most bullet points* but literature conveys more content than those other media (unless you have a really really long winded video game)
*to elaborate, I don't think sculptures are all that inspiring and I also think that there are too few good animes (Ghost in the Shell, Lain,... that's about it as far as I'm concerned) to make them count
Jaxon Flores
>Implying Sam Raimi's Spiderman series is not the ultimate corpus of 21st century art.
>Painters must learn to paint. I can also shit on paper and call it abstract >Sculptors must learn to scult. Pic related is probably the only valuable piece of sculpture ever made. >Musicians must learn to play and write music. John Cage made the perfect piece of music without playing or writing anything. Everything else is pure pseudery and shouldn't even be considered as art >Truly great films require perfect synergy between all contributors. >Tarkovski is so deep
What you just said there proves you've never grasped the full complexity of world class literature. It takes years to master that, and still only a select elite of super-intellects have been able to pull it off.