How do you feel about stories where white guys marry brown chicks ?

How do you feel about stories where white guys marry brown chicks ?

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inferior to asian guys marrying white chicks

All race mixing is disgusting and produces ugly children with mental health issues and identity problems. Don't do it.

not when asian guys breed with white women

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Hapas are all low status abominations.

why do roasties feel the need to dye their hair

they do have an identity, that's the shitty thing, they're a new race with no home, a recipe for violence

They're the sad result of forced multiculturalism and jewish propaganda. They deserve their own homeland. Least that will get the freaks out of ours.

I wanted this to be an alchemist thread

>I wanted this to be an alchemist thread
Don't post a question about race mixing then.

Sure you did retard
Read your OP post

It's revolting in principle regardless of effect, and an act of biological warfare

>They deserve their own homeland
they are abominations and deserve death


never read one but i would probably hate them.
t. brown guy who hates when brown chicks go for white guys

Wasians are all mentally ill. I love them too, but they're sick women.

Most non-retarded people get their culture from the civilization they live in, not their nose shape or eye color.

I'm a white guy with a pretty strong preference for brown girls but I've never read a book focused on it because they would all invariably be written in the last twenty years by ugly brown girls trying to be Rupi Kaur and I want no part of that

They're inseparable

Dumb race traitor

Dumb identitarian

Your lack of filial piety is unvirtuous

Fuck the alchemist fucking retarded book.

I don't why people praise Siddhartha and shit on this book. Both books are awful and tedious. At least Sid has the benefit of being first.

Who does filial piety allow me to fuck, exactly?

People of your race

I'm a mix of English, Swedish, Irish, and French races, though, to degrees that my family doesn't fully know. Which race am I allowed to have sex with? Can I fuck Italians? Norwegians?

There are a series of concentric circles of acceptableness where at the center are non-blood related people of the same ethnicity, from the same area, participating in the same culture, expanding outwards to the same ethnic group from farther away, then related ethnic groups, etcetera. Your obligation is to reduce the muttification of your offspring
You are a member of the White American ertnic group. You should seek other members of this ethnic group, ideally those who have the same socioeconomic, geographic, cultural, etc. background


I'll admit that this is a much nore honest take than blatantly only skin color, but I still don't see why I need to maximize the similarity to myself in my partner.
How does that relate to filial piety? Two generations back, for me, not a single grandparent graduated high school. One side lived in an urban slum, and the other lived in rural poverty as sharecroppers. I have much more in common with a westernized college-educated middle-class girl that happens to be brown than with any of my ancestors. "Filial piety" seems like nonsense in this case.

All women are just for breeding, so no you don't have "more in common". The fuck? You don't want to breed an "educated" woman. BIG mistake.

I can't even have a conversation with the kind of dumbass women in my area who didn't manage to get into college. Have you never spoken to one? I wouldn't want to breed with them and have retarded kids raised by the kind of white mom that gets tricked into selling Herbalife supplements while I work.
If filial piety requires that, then I reject filial piety as a virtue.

Why would you talk to her for more than a minute? There's a reason men would tell their wives to shut up 50x a day in the past. Today's simps let them get away with too much.

The Y-chromosatic caucasoid was invented as a prized harem breed. They were never supposed to escape the Babylonian Gardens

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Permanently tying my life and progeny to somebody I hate sounds absolutely miserable. I will not allow your spooks to yoke me into that.

Given that filial piety is basically "respect for your ancestors", there's a natural link to ethnocentrism. The same arguments you'd make for "why should you love and respect your parents" basically apply to your ethnic group. Not to mention ethnocentrism is very much adaptive, Jews being the classic example.

More broadly, I'm inclined to moralize the preservation of complexity and differentiation as good, while simplification and homogenization are bad. Conservatism vs progressivism is basically valorization of either complexity or entropy; do you want more hand-crafted statues and churches and unique cuisines, or more Walmart and McDonald's? You can frame personal conduct in the same way: eating well, working out, reading, etc. are the grinding expenditure of energy to create something refined and sophisticated, whereas being a lazy idiot slob is just blowing your finite supply of time and energy on frivolous nonsense which reduces you; note the choice of word in calling this "dissolution".

Anyway, I'd sidestep your framing of dumb white trash vs educated mulatto and observe that an educated white woman would be the better choice over the educated mulatto. I think the dumb white woman would ultimately be the better choice as well, because your production of a quadroon with the mulatto would result in the destruction of your ethnic complexity, which I think is morally wrong for the reasons explained above. Ideally the world would differentiate into a confederation of very distinct ethnostates whose population sizes are at exactly the level to prevent inbreeding; and if they were to expand above that point, they would actively and consciously differentiate. Of course the story of the universe is a hopeless fight against the inevitable victory of entropy, but I think defying it is the highest form of valor

Marriage is an obligation. My parents fight all the time, but they've been together for 20+ years and have never considered divorcing. This utopian idea of a happy marriage is why divorce rates are so high and kids are spoiled. Man up. Just make sure to fuck your wife into submission.

This is a more coherent argument than I've ever heard for this, but a few points - I don't have an ethnic group, first of all. I'm a mutt. Making up the "white American" ethnic group as a brand new label for burger mutts is a bandaid solution, since any culture tying me to other "white Americans" is manufactured 20th century horseshit that just as strongly ties in non-white Americans.
This lack of ethnic identity makes me completely fail to see any value in attempting to maintain my "ethnic complexity." I'm frankly not even convinced that "ethnic complexity" exists for me in the first place, or at least not in any form that I could maintain and carry on by marrying the correct phenotype. Your idea of complexity versus entropy valorization is compelling and I like it, but ethnic features seem like an arbitrary category to place so much weight of it on. I don't get the concept of the ethnostate, I guess, as opposed to rigid groupings in any of the other hundreds of ways you could stratify human populations.

Ethnicity is foundational because everything BUT blood is a construction (except perhaps also, you know, Boden). It is the only immutable thing you can anchor an identity to. That being the case, it's the best nucleus around which to form our morally righteous [because] complex and differentiated [ethno-]cultures.

I don't think White Americans is invalid as an ethnic identifier. Basedkipedia defines an ethnic group as
>a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities such as common ancestry, language, history, society, culture or nation. Ethnicity is usually an inherited status based on the society in which one lives. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art or physical appearance.
These are all things which White Americans possess in a form distinct from other ethnic groups. That a lot of those components are shared with or derived from other European ethnic groups, or other ethnicities living in the United States, is not important. I think Wilson had a perfectly reasonable solution in defining ethnic groups (and their associated states) using the principle of national self-determination after WW1; if the people say they are a distinct people, then they are, and despite how tortured and halting this expression of self-determination has been in White Americans, it is still made, whether implicitly or explicitly

But even at the end of the first World War, "white Americans" would consider me an outsider for being part-Irish or for being Catholic. It's an incredibly tenuous group, and its inherent "ethnic complexity" isn't real if the only ethnic feature you can point to is skin color. Consistent details of ethnicities like facial shape, height, and distinctive facial features (a Jewish nose, maybe) don't exist for "white Americans" either. And if it comes down to self-determination, I've said this entire time that I do not feel myself a part of this group.
You could draw the line if you want, and I suppose if I had to nail myself down "white American" would be my only real option, but I reject the idea that I'm betraying any higher virtue by fucking cute Indian chicks.

>white guys

The book is about a brown guy falling in love with a brown girl

You're right, it is an awkward amalgamated ethnicity of dubious "legitimacy". But this is the case for every new ethnic group, which hasn't had time to develop a rich backlog of traditions which acquire legitimacy simply by the passage of time. I imagine you'd be more willing to accept Black Americans as a legitimate ethnic group, even though their genotype is even more diverse than ours, and whose ethnogenesis was similarly only a few centuries ago. Also
>its inherent "ethnic complexity" isn't real if the only ethnic feature you can point to is skin color
When I say ethnic complexity, I don't simply mean phenotype, I mean the whole sweep of [White] American culture, tradition, history, language, etc., in addition to blood and appearance.
>I've said this entire time that I do not feel myself a part of this group
If a random Japanese in the middle of essentially homogeneously Japanese Japan declares themselves to be not Japanese, is that valid? I don't think so; ethnic identification is at least in part determined collectively and externally, rather than solely being the individual's choice. Anywhere you go in a major city, all the black and brown and yellow people will instantly identify you as "white"; you can't escape that by rejecting it.
>I reject the idea that I'm betraying any higher virtue by fucking cure Indian chicks
The thing is, we observe that the mutts resulting from such unions tend to have identity crises, with the void filled by bullshit, inauthentic corporate culture. Some higher virtue has been betrayed in the genesis of that situation. (Not that "purebloods" don't tend to gobble down Kardashian horseshit as well, but at least they have something authentic to reach out to and confidently identify with if / when they want to)

Signalling. Everyone does it

Your last point is the gist of what I'm trying to express. I would consider myself the mutt of a long series of just such unions, lacking anything to confidently identify with, and so see no need to pretend I have a more concrete identity to cling to. You claim I'm not just because all the ancestors I have happened to be broadly European, but none of their cultures have had anything to do with my family for centuries.
Bringing up black Americans is interesting, because my dad's side of the family from rural South Carolina were the sharecroppers I was talking about. Being poor farmers, they lived very closely alongside black families of former slaves, and they all spoke a dialect almost identical to Gullah/Geechee. My dad and I went to an exhibit in Charleston with some Gullah historical reenactors, and he code-switched and spent several minutes fluently going back and forth with them while I tried to understand what the fuck he was saying. I'm not trying to say I'm black, but I thought it was fascinating, and it's a good example of how historically fucked "white Americans" can be.
This probably seems like a blogpost, but I think my experience is pretty generalizable to the confused feelings a lot of Americans feel in regards to identity in general. Lacking a coherent religious/nationalist backbone, a lot of the bullshit Americans stereotypically cling to (consumerist "fandom" garbage, self-hating white liberals calling themselves colonizers, self-aggrandizing white conservatives trying desperately to claim European traditions they never understood) seems to be a stand-in.

>brown chicks
do you mean a fecal golem? weird, there's only one reference in all of literature.

Did we read the same book? There was no race mixing in this shit, it was all protagonist mudslimes. I think there was only one white guy, the Englishman, and he was the most educated and well read character in the whole thing. I'm trying to find an ebook of the book called "hippies" by the same author but it's not on libgen

What is this meme shit? Who is Rupi Kaur, anyway?

any books where hispanics/latinos marry mena women