Wtf I hate Enlightenment rationalism now

wtf I hate Enlightenment rationalism now

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Based celibates, just like me. Wow.

>mfw children just appear under my supervision
>mfw I can't my dick didn't go into a vagina and yet these kids are mine

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If determinism is somewhat valid he has a point

Who is this and why should I care?

Yoram Hazony is an Israeli philosopher, Bible scholar and political theorist. He is President of The Herzl Institute[1] in Jerusalem. Hazony's book The Virtue of Nationalism (Basic Books, 2018) was selected as the Conservative Book of the Year for 2019. His Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture[2] (Cambridge, 2012) received the second place PROSE Award for best book in Theology and Religion from the American Association of Publishers.

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Every time

why are ///they/// so hell bent on steering us towards nationalism and conservatism

>jew being anti-enlightenment
that’s new

He wrote a book for nationalism. He says the nation state is the best form of polity. Says the holocaust wasn't caused by german nationalism. Says globalists think that and the EU and UN are how those thingscan be prevented from happening again. Says actually everyone should have their own nation state to seek refuge in.

Incredibly based

Jews have always been against true attempts at socialism.
They are enemies to the people
See: Doctor’s Plot and Trotsky

Pretty stupid to argue against someone's philosophy based on the fact that they had no children since most philosophers didn't.
I see where he's coming from but there are much more solid criticisms of Enlightenment philosophy.

I would say incredibly based if doctor's plot wasn't well known to be an antisemitic conspiracy reflecting Stalin's racism.


It doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work. Get it in through your thick skull. Stop advocating ways of government that have killed millions.

>the nation state and capitalism, separately, have never caused deaths

That’s what the Jews want you to think

>Nietzsche on married philosophers


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Holy FUCK. I need to read this guy

>married ironically

It was just a prank

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Kant was post enlightenment

Women are symbols of Time in that they represent the future in their reproductive capabilities, but thinkers are symbols of Space which are an extension from Time, this is why great philosophers don't father children

>liberalism was built by the incels
>now the incels are hated by the liberals
really makes you think

>but thinkers are symbols of Space
>Space which are an extension from Time
Provide support/proof for these two


Descartes Spinoza and Kant are indeed rationalists, moron. But what is meant by enlightenment rationalism is not rationalism proper but rather the idea that political sovereignty is a matter of choice, which they all agreed about (with the exception of another, afaik single, man, Hume). He's talking about contractarians.

>Stop advocating ways of government that have killed millions.
You mean liberal capitalism?

Time is Directedness and the world of facts, Time gives birth to Space which is Extension and the world of truths, the Nobleman knows he makes history but the philosopher merely writes about history, the Nobleman as the pure representation of Time isn't concerned with political or religious truths which are the realm of pure Space, likewise the philosopher as the pure representation of Space isn't concerned with the Nobleman's facts of Directed Time

>t. hasn't read Spengler

i.e. Time = Democrats (wear this pussy hat, let's march on DC and make history!)
Space = Conservatives (wearing a pussy hat is fucking stupid)

Time is concerned with Fee-fees, Democrat politicians cater to whatever the current fee-fees of the day are, regardless of how stupid they may be. Manipulate whatever is available to stay in power.

Space is concerned with what is right, what is logical and makes sense. It's why conservatives consistently win arguments but make little headway, and why all the (truly) religious people tend to vote Right/conservative

Hating incels really broke their party too. From caring about the oppressed to the oppressors in an instant. That and coming to Yea Forums. This place is the graveyard of egos, the afghanistan of the internet. Many will try to conquer it, all will fail and never recover.

>Implying procreating is a positive thing

You have it backwards, the pussy hat is a truth, something to be believed in. There are no great politicians or nobles of Directed Time anymore, think someone like Bismarck who was a man of pure fact, not truth. His realpolitik dealt with what is rather than what should be. That is Time.

no, the pussy hat is a Fact.
Facts don't have to be based on truths, they can just as easily be based on lies.
Third Wave feminazis are a fact, even though their ideology is wrong, and based on lies (for example, that fetuses aren't human, or that women make less than men for the same amount and quality of work, or that Western culture is a rape culture and that Muslim culture isn't, etc)
A Time-Nobleman will use whatever the current issue of the day is and promote it (or attack it) to stay in power, or gain power. It's why you'll see people like Hillary Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden, et al. be pro-borders and pro-immigration laws, then years later be pro-open borders and anti-immigration laws.
They're wishy-washy because they are navigating the world of Facts, trying to stay on top of the wave of sentiment/feelings.

Trump is Space because his views DONT CHANGE. Listen to interviews of him talking to Oprah, or anyone really, and compare them to his current stance. It's the same message. Pro-border, pro-immigration laws, pro-Law and Order. He even built a Space Force! (as compared to Democrats who keep saying retarded shit like "your Time is up").

Adam Smith wrote about economies of scale, supply and demand, technological progress, etc all while living with his mother who cooked and cleaned for him and paid the bills. He literally enjoyed a "communistic" lifestyle while he wrote some of the most world altering texts. A good idea is a good idea, it should not matter who it came from.

>Kant is a ratuonalist

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That was a great thread.

This is PATHETIC. A hick berating an engineer because he hasn't tasted mud. Parenthood is an abomination through the parents' self-aggrandizement alone. That relations contradict Morality, that it is readily admitted that they contradict particular Law, that the Law even yields, and that, moreover, the parties are still NOT satisfied; their narcissism only bursting like a cyst through reproduction - abomination. A sin mortal through obstinance alone.

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Socrates is not ha-ha ironic, but AWFULLY ironic.

They call him the onion man.

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>marrying uninronically

It's a good word.

no, it isn´t

There are conservative Jews and revolutionary Jews, just like all people. No people is monolithic.

Jews are incredibly monolithic and the most tribal people alive. They just create kosher sandwich scenarios where two jews take different sides of the spectrum and argue for positions that will both benefit jews.

It's not a criticism of enlightenment philosphy per se, but a criticism of conservatives who try and use enlightenment rationalism as a defense. True conservatism has deep roots than that, and must recognize that the enlightenment thinkers were the first blow against traditional values.

>incels shaped the current mainstream ideology in the West
Wow, Yea Forums is the future¡

They were also richfags who lived off their inheritance and never had to work a day in their lives.

Every people you know nothing about appears monolithic. There are almost more rabbinic traditions than Christian denominations. It is only the liberal, atheist Jew who appears uniform and unchanging, but of course it is precisely this Jew which is most like everyone else.

how do you guys pronounce it--hith-err-too or hither-to?

Jews are not like everyone else. They are a people who have evolved parasitic traits from living in other people's countries for millennia and obtaining resources for their group by pretending to be and share the interests of the host population.


You know nothing. And memes and infographics are not knowledge.

Praise cake

>I'm not free to choose my children
well you sort of are. that's what parenting is for

That is a convenient theory, but can you actually demonstrate it?

Just the facts. For literally thousands of years jews have been forced to acquire resources by parasitizing off of others, primarily whites. Deception and hostility toward "the other" is baked into their identity. They are not "like everyone else," they are a race of liars and parasites in the literal sense of the word. Parasites occur across the natural world among nearly all variants of life. Jews are the human variation.

Hazony triggers my autism. Rejecting reason is just absurd. If you really did reject reason, then you wouldn't make arguments and write books. You would just hit people on the head telling them to obey the word of god and tradition without even bothering to explain why. He rejects reason in politics and economics, but I don't see him complaining about reason in math and science. There was no divine book that taught us math, medicine, and physics, no tradition passed down through the generations (in fact you would be a retard for believing in traditional medicine). So why reject reason in one place but not the other?
He also doesn't put his money where his mouth is. If you reject liberalism and liberal values wholesale then go live in some third world country that still hasn't absorbed them. Maybe convert to Islam.
The icing on the cake is his belief that the united states shouldn't intervene in other states except syria because it's not really a state you know.

Have you actually known any Jews? Are you familiar with any Jewish literature or art? Have you attended any Jewish religious ceremonies? What do you actually know about the Jews? Instead of repeating the same broad thesis, please actually demonstrate in detail the history of this supposed process. Demonstrate it biologically. Please provide evidence.

Genetic Jews are merely the people who have been adapting the longest to the condition of living in cities.

Hahaha, what?! Get a grip mate

This is a reminder that the Jews were Spartans.

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If you mean err pronounced like the verb 'to err', then the latter.

Probably should have written it hith-air-tu or hiter-too

The issue here is not that I don't understand jews, it's that you don't understand jews.

Jews are an urban people who have moved from empire to empire and brought them down through parasitism. This is not a new phenomenon.

>le reason
Most historical societies have been based on myth, sacrifice and guiding virtues

Using rhetoric to influence people to agree with you is what politics is all about, not reason

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It's not the jews that are parasitic, but the whole cities themselves.

Parasiting? Like what, running inns in Europe? And evolving in span of two thousands years while mixing with local populations? Also, left wing beliefs were created from European culture with philosophical roots in ancient Greece and christianity. Liberal Jews have taken European ideology, not other way round.

Plese, tell me - did your "political education" started and ended on /pol/?

>the problem is not whether I understand, but that you don't understand
Sacre bleu, mon dieu, if you think I don't understand, than explain yourself you cretin. What kind of pompous pimple of a mind would lay so flatly such a wild claim, but then fatuously refuse to make it plain?

That doesn't make sense. This is about people, the different nature of people, and the different results when those those people are in charge of institutions, cities, or empires.

Peoples are nothing more than ideas. When the idea changes, the people change.

Not about left and right. Europeans have been embedded with a jewish universalist ideology for centuries. It's no surprise that when enlightenment thinkers finally broke out of it they adopted the same universalist framework. Universalist ideologies like Christianity, communism, and modern liberalism are pushed by jews because they are universalist and allow the parasite room to work.

Read Mitchell Heisman's Suicide Note

Listen, you can still read and learn many things. Some traveling wouldn't hurt either. It can really give you a different perspective on things.

inb4 kike/shill or whatever

I know that many Jewish topics weren't treated with honesty, especially post WW2. The Holocaust is a bit of a meme, Ashkenazis are indeed over-represented in the media and so on. The whole Israel thing is a mess.
But it really looks like you don't know nearly as much as you think you do.
Also, I know there are some reasonably smart people who say stuff about the Jews and it's hard to think for yourself, but give it a try.

Also, make a separate thread if you want to talk about Jews. You posting here is very parasitical.

The idea of universal truth is not the same as cosmopolitanism is not the same as colonialism is not the same as imperialism. The Jews had literally nothing to do with the embrace of humanism, which was instead a direct result of the interaction between post-protestant secularism and Classicism.

>Have you actually known any Jews?
Bullies and drug dealers
>Are you familiar with any Jewish literature or art?
Hollywood, capeshit, porn and perversions
>Have you attended any Jewish religious ceremonies?
The one where they torture chickens to absolve their sins or the ones where they mutilate and fellate infants?

People are the product of thousands of years of biological conditioning. Ideas and their real world manifestations are merely reflections of their different nature.

that's unironically based and redpilled. Οἰkονομιkά is the basis of Πολιτιkά

You could have just said no. No need to hide your embarrassment.

Universalism in any for is step in right direction from tribalism, Africa-tier tool of destruction. Nationalism is what caused devastation of Europe. Current problems with migrants and whatnot are nothing compared to that. But it isn't really about politcis isn't it? Identity, huh?

Your problem with Jews stems from a fact that you're a normie that can't imagine that something else than genes can affect behaviour. But that's wrong, just look at reality and think for a moment.

Also, you are clearly shoving away anything that might conlfict with your belief and therefore you create a fantasy in which everything necesarily fits together.

Zero arguments.

Jews and jewish ideology have been embedded in our societies for thousands of years. They cannot be separated as you're attempting to do.

cry about it more faggot. Why don't you tell me all about those weirdos mailer and roth huh?
>dude this black guy secretly fucked a white woman and never told anyone hes black lmao its called the human stain
>and then I jacked off in my sisters panties and thought about rapi g the blonde girl at school

Jews are the most tribal people on the planet. They force universalism on others because as a tribal strategy, which is why jewish ideologies created or shaped by jews like Christianity, communism, and modern liberalism are universalist in nature.

>Your problem with Jews stems from a fact that you're a normie
imagine typing this unironically

Everyone please just stop replying to this faggot.

He's right. That is why liberalism is dangerous.
I don't think Rousseau was a rationalist.

No, they are not. There is no science that supports this. Humans, as a species, took thousands of years to develop. Part of the human development was the capacity to be influenced by ideas and stories, other people's memories. These ideas shape the choices people make, which in turn shapes their development, which in turn changes the ideas. It only takes a small shift in ideas to change the course and trajectory, and it only takes a few generations for biology to change drastically. But, importantly, what was meant most immediately by "peoples are nothing more than ideas" is that cultures and biological groupings only come about when a collection of people agree on history and agree enough about the future to maintain that shared sense of history. These sentiments are easily broken, and are even more easily changed. It is conservatism which is unnatural and requires effort, and it is liberalism that is an effortless decline. It is patently absurd to think that DNA alone controls entire ideologies.

They can. You can't though, because you don't understand or know what Jewish thinking actually is, or how it's changed over the years.

What do they have to do with this conversation? Do you realize how much people like Mailer and Roth are despised by conservative, traditional Jews?

You keep beating the same drum. Jews are tribal? Jews in US that attack Israel for instance? What about Germans in the past? You won't attack them, won't you? And again - Jews never convinced anyone to anyting. Ideology and philosophy was always developed and spread by whites.

You are very limited and I suspect you are only repeating after your /pol/ buddies. If you would know history of Western philosophy you wouldn't be able to claim what you do.

You're a dishonest moron.

Ideologies and behavior aren't the same thing. Gypsies aren't really "ideological" but they are a less successful tribal example of what the jews do.

You are delusional. Ideas and their real world manifestations are purely reflections of the nature of the different peoples expressing or enacting them. You are thinking in some abstract bubble that doesn't align with reality.

>dude have you ever even heard of jewish art?
>no hollywood, capeshit and porn don't count
>their writers don't count either
get hit by a truck you slimey faggot

Jewish thinking is simple. It's purely tribal: "is it good for jews?"

Everything is filtered through that lens with them.

Behavior is downstream from ideology. The gypsies exist as they are as a result of what they believe about the world, what they value, and what they believe is their history. It is the same for all people.

>doesn't align with reality
Show me the genes which cause someone to be a rational materialist.

Okay dude I guess being a skateboarder is ideological too right? People who live in trailer parks for generations and smoke meth are entrenched in "ideology" right? Inb4 "yes"

Again, please, just stop replying to him. He's not willing to learn anything new. He invested a lot in his ideas about "Jews" and nothing will change his mind.

>Jews never convinced anyone to anyting. Ideology and philosophy was always developed and spread by whites.

Patently false. Jews are mythmakers and the primary developers and pushers of universalist ideologies. Christianity, communism, and the Marxist perversion of liberalism are jewish ideologies.

>two writers
>contemporary movie "genre"
Do you really believe this is representative of all Jews for thousands and thousands of years? It is like you are saying Camus represents all Catholic art, or Bollywood is an accurate window into traditional Hinduism.

Interesting. How do you know this? Who are the best Jewish thinkers who have expressed this? Is there no disagreement?

Genes are influenced by nature and selection and express themselves in different forms based on those pressures.

You are boring liar. Just read a book or two, it won't hurt you. Maybe you will even fill up your empty soul.

>dialogism is now a political dirty tactic

I guess all shcolastic philosophy and all Hellenistic school were corrupted by the Jews too.

If you cannot see the inherently political and revolutionary nature of skateboarding, I'm not sure how you can hope to engage in this conversation. And who would live in a trailer park and smoke meth for any other reason but broken ideas?

That is the jewish motto. There are of course disagreements but it's between themselves regarding the best way to go about it.

Oh so what you're saying is that if you just ignore the entirety of modern popular culture (while sneering down your nose at its mere suggestion) and the sick fucks that people wished won the nobel prize then I can uncover some true greatness? I guess because franz kafka exists I can safely ignore living in a world where everyone is addicted to superhero movies and weird fetish porn.

Have to whine like a faggot and try to shut it down because you have no argument. GTFO of this thread, pussy.

>jews are the most tribal people ever
>that's why they're the roots of universalism

Historical clownishness aside you're not even being coherent. Apply yourself bruh.

You are nowhere near my level. Just back out instead of providing snide comments with no substance.

Rough bro. Have fun being an intentionally insufferable piece of shit all of your life.
>growing up to work in a factory or chase phish is revolutionary
lol also speaking of phish their first three festivals were on military bases and the bass player is a jew who got beat up by the hells angels for molesting a kid backstage at a grateful dead show. Everyone knows this too and just ignores that it happened

Great job not answering the question.
>nature and selection
What, in humans, do you think is the primary environment and selective system? Ideas. We make conscious choices. These choices affect our reproduction directly and indirectly. They have an even greater effect on non-genetic, learned behavior. Choices can only be made in a system of values. Values are determined by ideology. These ideas not not exist in genes, but exist in a repeated pattern of behavior created by locality. The mental and emotional environment is the primary location of human selection. However, this environment, not being any fixed thing, but rather a dissipative structure, is easily changed by small shifts in behavior by a single individual, who only needs a subtle change in ideas/values to influence, directly or indirectly, the culture as a whole.

>it is because it is
Can you please provide me an example or any kind of source so that I might verify this for myself?

Jews push universalist ideologies on the goyim. They themselves are tribal; it's the tribalism among the host population that puts them in jeopardy.

>the enlightenment thinkers were the first blow against traditional values.
lmao at the historylet

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You said a lot of nothing here. Brush up on your evolutionary psychology. This is about nature, resources, and group competition. Ideology and everything else are merely outgrowths of that biological mechanism.

>Mailer and Roth
>two degenerates writers in a 3000 years old tradition that includes dozens of metaphysicians

You're the slimey one bruh. The fact that you care more about pron and capesht than about philosophy should have told you this.

>the fact that you care more about anything relevant than whatever i'm openly implying

Just Google the phrase. "Is it good for the jews?" is what all jews are taught to filter their decisions through. It's hard for whites to grasp this deep tribal thought process because we aren't very tribal, but jews are not like us, and thus think very differently from us.

You are trying to explain what is a decidedly contemporary concern as the result of millennia of Jewish conspiracy. What's more, you define this Jewishness not as a marker of its ideological heritage, but as the core of the entire ideology itself. You also are straw-manning with all or nothing thinking. The presence of some does not imply all. The Japanese, without Jewish involvement, are far from innocent in the rapid development of pornography and consumerism in the past 50 years.

You're a little late to the party friend, Yea Forums is a Marxist board

I am not trying to convince you since you're a liar and a coward. I wrote here to make some hypothetical defenseless anons think more critically.

This isn't even moving the goal posts; it's changing the fucking stadium. I said skateboarding is revolutionary, and nothing more. Rock and Roll is revolutionary as well. What's worse, you seem to think revolutionary is some kind of compliment or statement of respect, and not a statement of disgust.

Wtf jewish pop culture is irrelevant and nobody accused them of being parasitic for their entire history now? You have superpowers!

>I can't argue with what you said, but instead of giving up I will just tell you to read more, pseud
Resources and group competition can only take place in a value system, which in humans exists far beyond mere chemical demand.

Are you a zoomer? Go find everyone who skateboarded when you were younger. They are 80% working a shit job and at least half of them have seen phish one time.
>everything is revolutionary
>everything is ideological
The only disgusting thing here is you think you are even saying anything.

Japan is a vassal of the the postwar jewish-run west. All of the west's most essential institutions are run by jews. There is no "conspiracy." What is important to understand is how jewish nature differs from that of whites, and in turn how it is reflected through their domination of our institutions.

Why should I have to google it? You are the expert. You should be able to explain and cite sources without searching. "Is it good for the Jews" doesn't sound any different than any other in-group/out-group belief. What's more, it expresses nothing of the system of values which determine what is good or bad.

Just go. You have nothing to offer this discussion.

This goes for everyone else ITT too.

You're logic is awful. relevant=/=essential. Your thinking seems clear to you only because you dismiss out-of-hand any other consideration. All I am trying to suggest to you is that there is more to Judaism/Jewishness/Jewery than you realize, and what you take to represent the whole barely represents even a portion. Is it relevant? Sure. Is it everything? Absolutely not.

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Everything occurs on a spectrum. Jews are at the hyper tribal end of that spectrum. It's not that it's different, it's about how it is expressed in that form.

Smoke less, dude. Most people who have skateboarded are middle class, and most of them haven't seen phish (as though that is possibly relevant.) You really just seem to be blaming a phantom for your shit choices in life.

>married ironically
i'm imagining a wedding ceremony where socrates and all his pals are trying to muffle their giggles while the women look on confused

This is a bad argument. Jews are not individualists so viewing them as such is a mistake. Whites are individualists and we naively project that onto others, which is why we are so blind to bad actors like jews who are collectively working against us.

I forgot of the half that havent seen phish are eternally stunted mental 15 year olds who are into punk and metal
>making fun of you calling skateboarding revolutionary is *projection/insecurity/armchair psychoanalysis cring*
Kill yourself

The only whites that are individualists are Anglos, who are basically jews themselves

>dude just ignore it you have to put up with them and not even say anything about it

Enlightenment values are fucking gay. Democracy was a terrible mistake

They are very tribal by contemporary liberal standards, but not very tribal by any other standard. No more or less tribal than Greeks, Irish, Germans, Poles, etc., etc. What you're describing is nationality and ethnicity, not race. Learn some history. If you really want an eye opener, look at events like the Arab Uprising in the first World War, or the unification of Italy, or the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire. It is also particularly interesting to examine the developments of Chinese dynasties, or the cycle of isolationism in Japan. What is remarkable about Judaism is it's seemingly unique ability to maintain a conservative tradition through extended exile. It is not the level of in-group/out-group delineation that is different, but the remarkably stable history and law.

this. Most biological jews represent the revolutionary subversion spirit. E Michel Jones has a good book on it "the jewish revolutionary spirit". They gotta go

Meh. Whites are at the far individualist end of the spectrum as jews are at the far tribalist end of the spectrum. Jews do however encourage individualism in whites because it makes us less of a tribal threat to them. But white tribal consciousness and awareness of the jewish problem is the only way to defeat the internal threat posed by jews.

You are projecting this universalist understanding of the world onto jews, which is why you fail to understand the nature of jews. Jews have survived for millennia in other people's countries and have developed an in-group identity to keep their tribe together that exceeds any other example you want to give.

You realize Phish is revolutionary garbage too, right? Jam bands are the pinnacle of narcissistic degeneracy.

>backed by the united states government
So do you just use words as window dressings or what?

It's precisely that non-Anglo whites ARE tribalistic that makes them so vulnerable to these ideologies you say are being pushed on them by jews.
If they were individualistic there would be more resistance, instead you get the archetype of Sweden or Germany, where the second their leader class got subverted, the entire country fell in line behind them as a unified whole. The only reason you see resistance at all is because some rare minds are looking far enough ahead or some slow minds are still stuck in the past.

Why do you fucking foreskin heads have to be so retarded? I am trying to explain to you why, and you can't seem to get over the fact that Jews exist. What's worse, you take the slow unraveling of Judaism over the past millenia as evidence of some vast conspiracy.

>t. some assblasted jew

>the united states
>a liberal experiement
>born by revolution
>which has used its vast influence to liberalize other cultures
>not revolutionary
I'm not sure what I expected from a phish-head.

Jews are probably the most biologically diverse group of people on the planet. (Ignoring pseudo groups like "Americans".)

People who talk about the biological basis for Jewish characters are deluded.
Except, of course, if they only mean Ashkenazi Jews, which tends to be the case with American stormies/poltards. But they'll still move the goal posts to Jews in general when it suits them. Discussing with stormies tends to be futile, they're a bunch of stubborn average IQ dogmatists.

Also if Jews were as tribal as this sperg ITT claims, they wouldn't intermarry with non-Jews more than any other group in the US. Israel is more diverse than any European country. But again, can't discuss with dogmatists, because they'll twist the facts any way that suits their narrative.

Jews are a phenomenon of convergent evolution

>anyone smarter than me is a Jew
You "race-realists" are even more self-loathing than the the intersectionalists.

>Jews exist because they have the strongest in-group preferences
>Jews are the result of convergent evolution
How can you hear yourself think through such tremendous cognitive dissonance?

I'm not the sperg

So? Do you disagree? What is your brilliant hypothesis to explain "the conspiracy"?

I can't remember the book it's from but i remember nietzsche ranking it volcel > married > incel

Maybe in the 1960s but by the time jerry died phish and MKULTRA festivals were beloved and again endorsed openly by the military. This does not sound very revolutionary to me. My entire goal was just to get you to call everything ideological and revolutionary which you have done. Skateboarding and being impoverished aren't "ideological". Its *schniff* in fact just the opposite. Intergenerational stagnant poverty is just pure behaviorism. Skateboarding is assosciated with other risk taking behavior like smoking or drinking and alone will take attention away from things like studying in formative years. It doesn't even matter though because the point is you believe behavior is "downstream from ideology" and everything anyone does is revolutionary which is retarded.

>socrates married for the lulz

>I'm smarter than you because I said so
>"you foreskin heads" think everyone is a jew xD
>t. some assblasted jew

I'm qualifying your statement of biological diversity

It doesn't sound revolutionary to you because you do not understand the revolution, and you yourself are caught up in it. Few people involved in the revolution are aware of the revolution. Skateboarding is not merely dangerous--it is counter-cultural. It is an impractical toy which has been transformed into a statement about authority and social norms. It is not coincidence that it is tied up with graffiti. To skateboard in a place is to claim a territory. As much as the activity of skateboarding is against orderly life, it is a conquering of territory, an insurgency against the status quo. People do not take up skateboarding even primarily for its danger, but for the image it presents in this danger as a relationship to what "ought to be done." We do not call it extreme simply for its speed and intensity and risk, but because it exists on the extremity.

To what end and with what justification? Also, I am not that user.

>jew is an insult, because Goering said it once


Again dude are you a zoomer? None of the people who do these things are "revolutionaries". They become maybe a bernie bro.
>graffiti and adrenaline sports are revolutionary and ideological
Again you're retarded. These things are not thought through and your post-hoc narrative is clearly after the fact. Non-gang related grafitti and fucking skateboarding are driven by weed and pussy. Not "revolutionary spirit". Have you ever participated in any of these things? Its just thrill seeking.

>if I don't deny it technically I'm not lying also stop calling me a jew
>t. some assblasted jew

I'm saying that people who think that Jews are a super selective, pure race of nepotists are just as wrong as people who say there is no genetic component to the concept of "Jew".

That's not tribalism, it's morality-based group conformity that is a result of harsh winters where being perceived as dishonest or immoral meant ostracism, exile, and death. Sweden and Germany are not behaving in a racially tribal way, they are behaving in a morally tribal way, which is being levied by the jews running their media and other institutions, like the jewish Bonnier family, who owns most of the msm in Sweden.

Jews are a tribal race of nepotists. They are by no means a "pure" race, though, as everyone knows, since they pilfer DNA from host societies in order to better disguise their behavior. Jews are genetically half Italian from their infiltration of the Roman empire.

I am not a Jew, but I went to Jewish pre-school, grew up with many Jewish friends, and have been Catholic all my life. I am sure you will say this makes me effectively a Jew, but how could you know when you've never actually met a Jew? And how can you say it matters when you would call me a Jew regardless of my response, as though I am offended by it, and not as though it is some broken defense of your cognitive dissonance?

When do you think the revolution begins? What do you think the revolution is? Just thrill-seeking and pussy? Just hedonism? Just liberalism to the point of anarchy? How do you not recognize the revolutionary nature of your actions? What society can be built on such indiscriminate, reckless, and selfish pursuit of base pleasure?

>I went to a jewish pre-school (I'm catholic tho rly)
>lel dude you have L I T E R A L L Y never even met a (1 (one)) jew and I supposedly genuinely believe this because I said so
>t. some assblasted jew

I knew that would trigger you. Why do you find it so unbelievable that a Catholic kid would be sent to a Jewish pre-school? Why won't you admit that you've never had a Jewish friend?

>everything is the revolution dude trust me
What even happens to a person to make them like this? At this point your only move is to imply virtually no-one has agency and all behavior is rooted top-down in a "revolutionary" ideology peddled by people with immense power (IE the jews).

Why don't you admit that you raped that dog and axe murdered that girl?

>pussy and weed are everything
How can one man be so far gone? I do not believe that you truly believe this.

>t. some assblasted incel

Jews are a revolutionary people who push revolutionary ideologies that are good for jews on their host. This has been true for time immemorial. Doesn't mean that whites don't get caught up in it or don't have revolutionary instincts themselves. Not him btw, but it's not black and white. Jews have been embedded in our societies and have worked to influence it in their favor for longer than we know. Our identity, and for that matter their own, are not always easy to distinguish. This is how host/parasite relationships work.

Again I'm calling you a retard for defending things that teenagers do for fun or poor retards do because they are poor retards "revolutionary and ideological". You and I both know that you're just being a weasley faggot while continuing to defend that point, which is still a retarded point.

They are behaving in a completely tribal way.
Tribes follow the tribal leader. That is what they are doing.
They will continue to do so right up until they realize the leaders aren't acting in the interest of the tribe, or in some cases aren't even from the tribe. How long that takes to happen, or if it even happens at all is purely a question of information and attention manipulation.


But it is morality-based, not racially based as it is with jews. That's a big distinction, and highlights the major difference between whites and jews.

I'm not being weasley; you don't even know what ideological means. I can't help you if you simply ignore what I'm telling you.

that just makes you a goy

No amount of imagined solutions to illusory world problems will ever compensate for your failure to deal with the normal obstacles of every day life.

>literally everything is ideological because I said so
>even any and all myriad examples of ill planned, poorly thought out, spur of the moment decisions or the entrenched stagnancy of sloth are revolutionary and ideological
You're just spinning in circles man. If everything is revolutionary and ideological than nothing is. You're not saying anything.

>But it is morality-based
That morality doesn't run nearly as deep as you think

>t. jewish dog rapist and axe murderer

Unironically based jew
Fuck liberalism, cancer of the west

>look, the Jews had/have a word for people who are not Jewish
>They are the only ones to ever do this
>Completely different than pagans, barbars, Anasazi, and every other out-group name in history
Get off the internet and read an actual history book.

Fuck off mate. How many times do I have to say that not everything is revolutionary? And that everything is ideological is a pretty necessary corollary to any idealist perspective. Stop smoking pot.

Your pile of dirty clothes won't wash themselves.

When I say "morality" I don't actually mean being moral. It's about being perceived as moral. This is what white virtue signaling is rooted in. The issue is that our leaders are jews who dictate that being moral means destroying your nation and going along with your own invasion.

>literally everything is actually, literally ideological before because of a philosophical idea called "idealism"
You're a fucking idiot dude. Are you kidding me? Honestly unbelievable to see someone stick to their guns of retardation like this.

ok i will, goy

Wanting to be perceived as moral is the same mechanism as wanting to be seen as a good member of the tribe.

You are defending a people who view you as their enemy. That's worse than being a jew yourself, because it means despite your confessed exposure to them you still don't get it, and probably has a lot to do with you still worshipping one of them.

>t. assblasted jewish dog rapist

Before behavior* kind of critical and late to add it but whatever we're never seeing eye to eye here anyway

It's clearly very different and results in very different mentalities l. Not sure why you're trying to argue otherwise. At least you seem to accept the reality of that difference in nature, though.

> Jews are an urban people
Wrong in the first sentence

No object or behavior or location has any value in an of itself. We can only make choices by maintaining and following a value system, which consciously and unconciously determines which things and actions are preferable to others in a given scenario. As a system, these values are ideology. Once a person is self-conscious, every choice they make is rooted in ideology, no matter how crude and self-contradicting that value system is. Everything we do is driven by what we believe.

It's not wrong. Jews thrive in urban environments because they're a race of merchants with no agrarian or warrior class who can't feed themselves. There have been many instances where they were forced to be otherwise, though, as with the Pale of Settlement.

I understand why you can't see it.

I'm really just trying to help you not be so blackpilled.

>D E A T H
>F E A R
whats your hot take on global warming (pun unintended)

The only source you have of their beliefs is from people who would control you, who would wield you as a political weapon. You have not heard it from them, you have not uncovered it from their tradition. You can only maintain this position by ignoring the entire process of life. It only appears clearly to you because you have nothing else to compare it to.

If you ate less fast food, you would not only save money, but you wouldn't have to wipe so much.

its funny from our POV but he's acting out of a laden spite for what seems obvious to him

I'm not the blackpilled type. And I acknowledge that this fake morality can flip very fast and inevitably will as things decline further and it becomes less easy to ignore reality and go against the aware whites amassing on the opposite side of the moral paradigm.

>everything is a "value system" which I am such a fucking retard I think this is a meaningful statement to make no matter how contradictory or meangless the parts that make up my asserted whole are
I knew you would do this from the very beginning. Lay off the pot.

>Everything we do is driven by what we believe.
I don't think so, lots of what we do is driven by motives obscure to us that we invent reasons for, we don't understand ourselves very well at all.

You are choosing to remain ignorant. We know what jews believe and have been taught for centuries to believe. It is precisely those backward, talmudic, genocidal, and helpless victim narratives that have made them into the sick people we see today.

Yeah but my extreme mental caricature of you as an assmad jew is actually true lmao

>I knew from the beginning what you said from the beginning
Please read. You've made a waste of this conversation.

A child has no knowledge of what gravity is, but certainly acts with strong belief in it. We do not need to know what the sun is to expect that it will come again tomorrow. You confuse understanding and reason for belief and action.

>but certainly acts with strong belief in it.
I think you're the one that doesn't understand the word belief

Saying assmad instead of butthurt makes you neither more masculine nor more intelligent than your friends on reddit.

You believe retarded things that you think are insightful yet say nothing at all. Skateboarding is not an ideology. Neither is being poor. You're a retard user.

>t. dog raping, rat faced, axe murdering neurotic upset jew

I think there can be something to be said of someone's ideas of how to live by the actual way that they live.

Conservative Jews absolutely need to be hung from street lamps.

To have faith in, to trust, coming from to desire, or to love; to act as though it is true, with or without rational certainty; be(receiving, or having, or granted) - lief/leubh(care, desire, love, likely a deeper meaning that is inexpressible). In some sense, to desire that something is the case to such an extent that alternative possibilities are not considered. To live as though it is true, because it is desired to be true.

Typical liberal turns to excessive violence and degeneracy when threatened

I did not say skateboarding is an ideology. I said that it is a result of ideology, or put differently, it is ideological, and more specifically that it is unavoidably political. Further, I did not say poverty itself is an ideology, but that living in a trailer park and smoking meth are ideological.

lmao u kids are nerds

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 6.09.58 PM.png (3330x1816, 960K)

Being angry with other people will not subdue the anger you hold against yourself.

You should make it bigger

"Conservative jews" don't exist outside of Israel. There are jews who pretend to be conservative and of the right in order to subvert it and make it safe for jews by appealing to abstract and non-racially based values, such as the neocons, but the entire modern conservative paradigm is fake, precisely due to that post-Birch Society subversion.

No, they are behaviorist first because they are fun easy pass the time and might lead to pussy. The debate rages.

>no u are angry

it always makes think about Hitler

The most conservative man I've ever met in my life was a Jewish doctor whose family was from Chile, via Mexico.


You win when I am angry. I win when you are bored.

>pass the time
>desire for sex
These are ideas. These are values, determined by a value system, which also sorts how these things will be achieved.

nobody wins on this website

Because you are accepting an astroturfed version of that ideology. You don't view an ideology of "the right" in racial terms, you view it in abstract values terms created by the jews who purged the Birch Society.

the only way you win is by closing the tab

just like reel lyfe

Fuckin' gay. No wonder you don't have any friends.

>who is Moldbug

>desire to eat food and have sex are values determined by a value system which is ideological and this observation is significant somehow
You're retarded. Peace.

>the widely varied and culturally grouped behaviors surrounding otherwise universal and primal urges has got nothing to do with ideology
Why were you even here to begin with?