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Video Games #4697
Video Games
What is the worst system you catually did play games on?
What's the most philosophically deep video game?
Is there really anything wrong with having sexy female characters in games?
So this is the average snoyfag, huh?
Starcraft: Cartooned announced and released an hour ago
Lonely Otherworldly Games
Moy deduction skills as a detective tell me you have quite powssibly... neveh had sex
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of MGS 4?
2019...I won’t ever give in
There is no way this game will be fun
Iori is super-cute!
Your faith in bannerlord holds strong, r... r-right user?
I hate the 'str vs dex' argument. I can respect a dexfag, he puts the work in and at least they'll fight honorably...
This board belongs to the Dark Realm
This is so good. Should I skip Stormblood after I’m done with it and go straight to Shadowbringers?
How would you improve harvest moon?
Released over a week ago
How do we feel about black luster solider
What's your opinion on Escalation missions? I personally find most of them to be tedious
In your opinion, which vidya girl has the best tits?
Defend This
Half Life Source
Switch release date thread
Look how much better the graphics become with a simple filter
What are your opinions on Dragoons?
Will Vinesauce ever stream Yakuza:Judgment ?
Game has perfect ending
Where did all the home threads go?
What does she mean by this?
Oh, you thought the icecream and cake pokemons were retarded?
Slayer threat level at maximum
*Blocks your path*
Will i enjoy Morrowind if i enjoyed Skyrim?
Egyptian girls in videogames
Video Game Comics
Pirate game
Thoughts on Billie Eilish?
Smash reboot discussion
"Hey there garlic lovers! My name is Dr. Wario and I'm here for your daily dose of garlic"
Shin Yakuza news tomorrow
At least we know Town is going to flop right? What were Game Freak even thinking? No way this is a successful game
Fighting games are fun
Why is she so perfect, bros?
Remake fans prefer this to the original Claire
What are some Yea Forums approved game engines???
He has to play on the hardest difficulty because "he's not a pussy"
New Study Finds Video Games Featuring Cute Girls AREN'T a Bad Thing!
But what if DMC bad?
They stripped the game of its RPG mechanics, and yet Im having to grind more than any souls game or bloodborne...
Add American Touhou
Do these games still deserve to be considered the GOAT's in 2019?
Post characters whose bath water you'd buy
Western porn games
Steam Summer Sale 2019
Play handhelds
Be asmongold
I think we can all agree that BotW is the best open world game right...
How do I stop myself from cringing while playing this game? I just can't do it
He hasn't Platinum'd Ace Combat 7
Should I get another OSRS membership? I enjoy the game but after a few weeks it always just feels like a waste of time
Do you think this saint was given proper representation in video games?
Name some games that have a more autistic and cringy fanbase than sonic
Does fanservice ruin a game for you?
Why aren't there more Dune video games?
Samurai Shodown
Geno's gonna be in smash
What fighting games require the highest input IQ to succeed in?
Yeah this board is shit
Fuck G*uls
*GASP* You play video games? Me too! What games do you play user?
Play Pathologic 2
How do i enjoy this?
They didn't even bother to remove that white spot
This is Iroha. She's the most popular character in her franchise...
Aether or nether?
Yakuza 0
Where are we going?
Did you see that? That crazy FO thread attacked me out of nowhere
So, how was it in the end?
What's the Cheetos Sandwich of video games?
This was the last game I purchased during the Summer Sale
FFXIV gets the best MMO expansion of recent memory
Companies are paying attention to internet culture more and more...
Post your top 3 kinos of all time, NOW!!!!!!!
"The people say like, where are the video game videos that he used to make and stuff...
What was her problem?
What's the Yea Forumserdict? worth the money + sub?
Hello, I'm the best JRPG
How do the Japanese public view the Yakuza in real life?
How come there hasn't been a good political video game since Deus Ex and MGS 2...
How did Nintendo get away with this?
Why are the Japanese able to just enjoy games for what they are while Americans shit everything up with their cancer?
Super Mario Maker 2
ITT We prove we arent newfags
What is this disease called?
Do you still play Doom, Yea Forums?
Anyone playing Kawase's new game? Still waiting for my copy to arrive
Find a flaw
What are some good third person shooters?
Honestly, was it really THAT good?
Remember, if you hate Bloodstained or Hollow Knight you should go back to plebbit and play Fortnite
Please tell me a game that will recover my love for games, please Yea Forums, I beg you
Why don't you have an RTX yet, Yea Forums?
Does you play video games with your significant other?
Is this game any good?
Why do you hate it so much?
Are they really the bad guys?
Just imagine how quiet and weird would be sex with her haha
Game aged gracefully like fine wine and is still pure joy to play 15 years later
This or smt4?
7th Stand User
You have 15 seconds to prove you're an oldfag
ITT: Only the most based people in the video game industry
Mfw some party member admits he is a virgin
Tfw 42ºC outside
What do gamers look like Yea Forums?
Until Dawn 2 when, also anyone excited for Man of Medan?
The Cuphead Show
Popular when really she shouldn't be
ITT: vidya mechanics that don't get enough love
Regenerative health Vs health bar
Protagonist is a nigger
Can we have a comfy Lobotomy Corporation thread, please?
PCs are a billion times better than consoles
It's out
Are these games actually good or are they just praised by dickbrains who want to put their penis in the main character?
They're all in
Is it worth a playthrough if I never played dead space before? Is the first one better or worse?
It will be finished this year, right?
Steambros, I don't know how to respond to this
When did you grow out of Pokemon?
*presses power button*
Bloodstained:Ritual of the night
Use your videogame knowledge to save the cheetah princess!
Game has optional extreme difficulty
Now that the wowsers has hella settled
ITT: tedious games no adult with responsibilities and actual hobbies would ever bother with
It's been 8 years, let's talk about this flawed gem
Who’s hyped for Shadowkeep?
VN recommendations
Almost a month since I've quit Dota 2
This is such a blatant shill pick it's not even funny
Would you fuck her?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Games for this feel
What am I supposed to play on this?
Why is she so crazy?
Games that normies will never understand
Command decks ruined Kingdom Hearts
Least Intelligent Comment of All Time Award
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
Wait, didn't Ubisoft say their games weren't political?
Why is this game so fucking boring, I cant play it more than 30 minutes before snoozing...
Make it Yea Forums related
Arguing for twenty years
Controller help
FFXIV Shadowbringers
Just bought a 2080 Ti so I can play Cyberpunk and Modern Warfare with raytracing
Redpill me on this
It costs $5 to play Dr. Mario World undisturbed for 60 minutes
A game from 1994:
What went wrong?
Trailer here if you missed it: (embed)
Play Japanese game
You gonna watch it?
What is your opinion on Shadowbringers? Did Square Enix knock it out of the park with this game...
CTR Nitro
Is Mario mainstream now?
Ummm dude you need to give that rare epic loot drop to [FEMALE GUILD MEMBER] now!
Cyberflop 2077: The BLUNDER of the decade
Risk of Rain
You haven't given up on your Twitch channel, have you, Yea Forums?
What went wrong?
Ryu mains:
7 INT to know the difference between letters and numbers
Megaman thread: still waiting for X9 edition
Shh, the doll is sleeping, come back to level up later
ITT: Good Ass Video Game Soundtracks
Why do people "collect" physical video games anymore...
He quicksaves before every fight
Anyone else think the Nintendo Switch is the best invention ever...
ITT: We post characters that have literally the same body as you
What games have the best plots about serving justice to criminals?
Todd did it, Fallout 76 is now basically Fallout 5 with bonus multiplayer
How do you respond?
Imagine being a relatively thin, normal guy, then becoming a fat fuck for no reason
Rip in peace Super Mario guy ;_;
Tell me what makes a good MMO
Congrats Nintendo, you can have the alt-right crowd
ITT: 10/10 masterpieces
What are your honest thoughts on Aigis?
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Why are there always dubs for both Castilian Spanish AND Latin American Spanish...
The music in this game is insufferable
All the guys I used to play with everyday have fiances, kids and work now
So, some of us probably have some ideas on who the two missing DLC characters might be
/scp/ General Meetups edition
Play Mass Effect
Tips for grinding TF2's Casual ranks more quickly?
Which games had the best soundtracks? SMT/Persona games (Meguro), Final Fantasy games (Nobuo)...
Post the best ADULT female heroines
Play healer in a MMO
Kingdom Hearts Thread
Do you still enjoy video games Yea Forums?
Ready Yea Forums?
What can change the nature of man?
Why are all gaming "personalities" Twitch streamers?
ITT: Games that need a sequel
Game matchmaking is severely unbalanced
What the fuck happened to COD zombies...
Play Fallout 4
Creepy. Why is nintendo and steam allowing this on their platform and store?
FF XI - The Adventurer is an extremely powerful individual but never the focal point of events...
Taking your time in a part of the game because the music is great
Why is it okay to blatantly sexualize men in video games?
Last minute Steam sale
You do kill all your clerks right?
What game is he playing?
I've been a part of viral marketing efforts, or "shilling" on Yea Forums for several games including CoD Black Ops 3...
Your daily reminder that
This is a Mexican wrestler
Video Game Tourism
Game has speedrun community
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Why did it become so popular?
The state of pokemon
Why do videogames still have problems with endings?
Give me examples where "OLD BAD, NEW GOOD" is in effect
Steam Chad Race
Who is the best Dragon Quest protagonist, Yea Forums?
Vocal songs in videogames you can't hear or understand for one reason or another but still love the shit out of them
Development began in 2011 (8 (EIGHT) years ago)
I saw someone here saying how despite the China area having billions of people there aren't many game studios there...
EA surprised mechanics
Master of Galan Karate
Cuphead is coming to Netflix
Is Granblue Versus vaporware? Where are the fucking character announcements it's been forever since the beta
He 100% fucks his android
Apparently all of EA's games are going down the shitter, with the exception of FIFA 2019...
Kills you with one move at 40%
This was the last good game the PS4 got before the platform was killed by Sony
Chinese gf knows I'm really into asian culture
Name 'em
Is she supposed to be attractive I honestly don't see it, also is this a 10 in Poland?
Soulsfags will defend this
Why aren't you making your own RPG right now?
Dr. Bowser Jr
Do you prefer soulless sterile manufactured generic garbage or soulful charming unique confy games?
The best thing this game did was trying to distance itself from all the supernatural...
He doesn't go through his backlog one by one...
Atelier Ryza gameplay
I love goats!
Is it worth investing into PC to be able to play the newest games?
Hey Yea Forums
Game has maids
Play Nintendo switch
What was his name again?
Being a gamer is part of his identity
Drop $1000000 or I kill you. Running away or disconnecting is failrp. Shooting me is rdm
What doe Yea Forums think about the og gamer girl?
Do japanese lawyers really dress like this?
Games with satisfying Revolvers
/CTR/ Crash Team Racing Nitro Fuelled
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
"Frown Note"
Breath of the Wild 2: Electric Boogaloo
Protagonist of the last game you played has been replaced by Carl. Is the game better or worse?
Do you trust fairies?
Why do so few (if any) Samurai games deal with the actual Samurai philosophy expressed in the Hagakure?
Is this the best RPG of the last 5 years?
Holy fuck this game plays smooth. Got it today
What is the worst game you have played?
*saves the videogame industry*
Whats the goriest game?
Getting butthurt that a streamer didn't say your name when you only donated under $5
Buy Kill la Kill IF
I want to lick between each toe and suck the soles
Whatever happened to extreme sports video games?
Funkos are trash, prove me wrong
Yea Forums's opinion on Lisa?
Video games for this feel?
What the hell happened to expansion packs that had tons of content?
Double jump
Am i the only one who thinks GTA 3 is better than GTA Vice City?
Here are your cyberpunk protagonists bro
Jesus fucking christ, what the hell were they thinking?
Squall is a fucking manlet!
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield hype thread!
RIP Granblue Versus
Over 300 million people
Why is this barely charting on any pre-order lists?
Is ePSXe really the best psx emulator?
Another brownie thrown in a new pokemon game
Traditional Drafts for Core 2020 are up on Magic Arena. Started up my first one. What do I pick, lads?
What's your favorite RPG Maker game?
Hey guys, does anyone know whether it's possible to get a free Minecraft account? If so, how?
The world has an estimated 2.2 - 2.5 billion gamers. And the number keeps growing...
Creative Assembly feminist community manager gets utterly buttblasted by a workshop mod someone made showing a sexy...
Too long and automated
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Are you guys prepared to waste another 100+ hours in Dragon Quest XI when the switch version comes out...
Jannies deleting a mouse thread
How come only Japan understands the concept of cool poses?
Game is boring garbage aside from fanmade hacks
Have you bought the last uncensored Senran Kagura game?
Why doesn't Namco just start developing Senran Kagura games on Switch instead of PS4...
Starting the expansion
$59.99 for a 3D-ish remake of an early 90s Gameboy game
Reminder that Demon Souls is a copy of Dororo
It is my birthday
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys
Who was in the wrong here?
I may look six years old, but I'm actually over a hundred, tee hee!
Is it any good?
If you hate Skyrim so much why do you have so many hours clocked on it?
It's another water level ruins the entire game episode
How do people have a "favourite" game?
Yea Forums BTFO again
Bad game
Good characters that are stucked in shitty games
He didn't play the Witcher 3 with his HUD turned off and the immersive over the shoulder camera mod installed
Metro Exodus
Is It true, Yea Forums? Are you the pale king?
Has anyone else realized they like building shit in games more than actually "playing" them as games...
His guild is competitive and active and in the top 10 rankings?
How do you stop screen tearing on old games such as Heavy Gear 2?
Looking at Steam sale today, and wonder to myself, what happens when the studio goes away like pic related...
Any other games with a similar feel? Not necessarily eastern horror or even horror...
Eldem Ring
Metroid Prime Hunters
Alright, fellow Channers. How do we turn Overwatch into the best Hero-Shooter on the market again?
What's the angriest you've gotten at a video game?
Bought it when I was 9
This is the peak of the battlefield fags
After 11 years, a new Turok game has finally arrived
Detroit: Become Human
Tekken Thread
When did you grow out of PC gaming
I need games with motherly characters
Anthem Was Ruined by Player Expectations Suggests EA CEO Andrew Wilson
Is this the greatest game ever made?
Why aren't you playing a lewd JRPG right now?
WEBM Thread
Translating gyaru to fashionishta
Is Sekiro the first triple AAA game to actually be released in its completed form...
Death Stranding
Name ONE character in all of Final Fantasy that is better than Adelbert Steiner
Rank em
Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread
Moments when gamers rose up
Obtained rare one-use-item:
What games do we play in the toilet anons?
So Asmongold openly states now that Classic is going to fail
"Would you like to insure your new game for an extra £2?"
Vice City Stories isn't on PS Store
Korea time
What went wrong?
So when is the Switch release happening
Play Touhou
What's the last thing you pirated?
Why are we gamers so mean too each other now, Yea Forums?
What do you want to see added to Mario Maker 2 as DLC? The first game already added a bunch of things as free updates
I love this game so much, its full of soul
Are there any video games (see: not VNs) about yandere or relationships with crazy girls...
Why is there a bunch of anti-g2a sentiment all of a sudden?
Have a strong urge to play video games
How do u crash the tf2 economy?
Detroit: Become human on pc anyone hyped?
Last minute steam sale thread
Game studios make females ugly on purpose
He does have a point
World of Warcraft leak 9.0 level cap zones
Mario Maker 2 Level Thread
Is the best villain in FF in your path
Are you satisfied with Smash Ultimate's newcomers?
INTRUDER ALERT! Red Spy is in the base!
Step aside, Kizuna Ai. Our new idols have arrived:
*appears in your mario maker level*
When did the story for FFXV start to fall apart?
He’s in
Sale almost ends. What's your haul so far? Here's mine:
Game is shit
What did he mean by this
Is this objectively one of the 12 greatest games of all time?
Feel like replaying this piece of shit again
MTG Arena
I know we all have many legitimate complaints about the new Pokemon games...
Leaks general, post all the leaks you have here
Name a better pokemon to fuck than Goodra
Games for this feel?
Have games helped you cope with loneliness?
Dokkan battle
How do we go from this
What are your opinions on characters with power armor?
Happy now?
World of tanks has 140 million players right now, why aren't you playing?
You have bought her game, right? Two dollars. Pocket change. Why not?
What do you think about politics in games?
This is the best map in any shooter ever
Release shit game
Damn...Nessa looks like THAT?
No, fuck off. Don't fix what isn't broken...
Why does Sony only censor women?
All that rice
So how's that game coming along?
You don’t actually play as a girl in videogames do you user?
This is Marie Rose
How the FUCK am i supposed to do the candy store raid...
Applause please!
/CTR/ Crash Team Racing
Gabe Newell will die in your lifetime, and Steam will be sold to some other jew
Any fun games where I can play as a monkey?
What game has the best druid gameplay?
Why are these erotic feet allowed?
What are some video games?
Have sex
Pokémon Sword/Shield
What are your honest thoughts on this creature?
25+ year old thread
Have you ever gotten married in an MMO?
Browsing tinder
Be honest Yea Forums, is this one of your favorite games?
Here I have to fucking go again
Someone mentions a rarely mentioned series youre a huge fan of
Should I buy this Yea Forums?
VR Thread
Is there any game that ACTUALLY makes you think?
What's the white cheddar popcorn of video games?
Games for this feel?
328 Ibs
If you do this you're fucking stupid
Well TJ...
Does Yea Forums like modding?
Peak Grand Theft Auto
Based Raimi. He was ahead of his time
Sooooooo matpats theory video pretty much confirms the knight being a reincarnation of the king. seems pretty kino to me
Go to cute quest giver
Ironsights are a crutch for consolebabbies. Prove me wrong
Shut the FUCK up MOM! I am watching my favorite streamer play video games. You're so lame you gross looking whore
What was his problem?
Tfw hentai flash games are dead
I'm looking to play a space game, this caught my interest but I don't think I can afford all the DLCs, is it worth it?
Playing multiplayer game
What have you been playing on your comfy 3DS?
What were they thinking?
Final Fantasy XIV Surpasses 16 Million Players Ahead of Shadowbringers Expansion
Cinnabar Island
What exactly did she mean by this?
Name the best 10 JRPGs ever made
She hasn't even started programming her game yet
Why does Yea Forums hate her so much?
Can your vidya waifu do the tea challenge?
Why does Yea Forums hate the new Dues Ex games?
Post god tier Rogue-likes
Drm free
/vr/ is the worst video game board on this site
What do you think about Bea? I bet she could kick your ass!
Make this vidya
Game has even a single missable collectible
Samurai shodown is the most entered SNK game in EVO history
Dark Crusade Thread
Official Yea Forums minecraft server
Does this still deserve to be considered the GOAT western game after nearly 20 years?
Go into thread
Post some absolutely KINO vidya moments
Was this actually good?
"Video Games can never be art"
428 Shibuya Scramble thread
Mfw every single casual match is filled with newfags and post-f2p shitters complaining about critical hits
UNIST Thread
Exclusives are the only way to establish compet-
Now that the dust has settled, would you be ok with him in smash?
So what the fuck was the main message behind this game anyways?
Tfw no japanese games board
OH SHIT user
Why is it so soulless?
Is he actually evil?
You have exactly 7.86 seconds to explain why you haven't hacked your switch yet
Why do boomers talk about how great this game was?
They're in
That one dead multiplayer game you loved
Crash Team Racing
1998.....I'll never forget it. It was the year when those grisly murders occurred in the Resident Evil thread
Anyone down for some jack box pleasure
Code Vein
How is it possible that a controller has battery life this fucking bad in 2019?
Gaming merch thread
Open the catalog
Is it worth it if you haven't played any other metal gear game?
I can't believe players still have problems with this dungeon in ffxiv
Find a redeeming factor
Quick Yea Forums, assemble your party to defeat the knight!
Hey uh, Yea Forums? Why... uh, why don’t you have Infra Arcana installed?
Pirate game
Not a Doom game
Smash Steve timeline
What would you do if you looked exactly like this?
7th Stand User
Makes a tower
Best girls in vidya
Admit it faggots, you loved this game when it first came out
What is your favorite kirby power?
Who did you vote for back then? Was it a veteran who came back? A newcomer who got into Ultimate...
What the absolute fuck was Bethesda thinking with this expansion?
This Female Barbarian will be your companion for today Yea Forums
Have you beat Dragon Quest XI yet?
How the fuck do I beat this thing
Have you ever played this? Surprised no one talks about it, I've started playing it and it seems like a pretty good mom
The kill la kill game is actually good. It's still an arena fighter but it doesn't feel as stiff as most Bamco ones
Why didn’t you tell me Shadow Hearts was kino Yea Forums?
Okay, so he got his power. Now what?
Dokkan Battle
How King Crimson would work in game online battle?
Ps4 or Switch?
$20 in steam sale
Read the manual
Pc gaming store fronts
Fan Smash roster, updated with the (now finished) Pokémon section. Up next: Fire Emblem. Thoughts and/or suggestions?
Did this ganon actually do anything wrong? All he wanted was to bring Hyrule back to the surface
Best thing to play while dabbed out? considering some Mario Maker 2, but want some suggestions
Protagonist ends up fighting against family member
I do not want to see this "news" in my fucking steam library
Skeleton boss
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @