What are some Yea Forums approved game engines???

what are some Yea Forums approved game engines???

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Anything but Unity.

a jar of piss with visual studio 5 disks as the coaster

Whatever gets the job done.

Why is Love2d such shit?

Like any Yea Forumsirgin even understands what the game engine does.
Any discussion will sound like a bunch of kids with the downs discussing high finance.
They may know some of the words but will have no idea what they are talking about.

Unity for solo/small team. Godot is good too but have to wait for the Vulkan update so you can do anything good with it


Game maker (one)
Any open sourced engine
Unity or unreal depending on what your doing.

What's wrong with Unity?

What's wrong with Unity?

Unity is slow and its retarded design means even a trivial patch will require redownloading almost the entire game.

Bros what the fuck is wrong with Game Maker Studio 2? I want to make video games

Overpriced mostly
If you want to use it then use it.
Just use the demo first

the one you make yourself
fuck unity, fuck unreal, and fuck brainlets

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>just reinvent the wheel bro.

What a complete waste of time.

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Only Godot and Unreal Engine

Unreal and unity, they are the only engine with decent documentation and tutorial.
Even lumberyard has more tutorial than Cryengine.

It's a shame, CE was the first engine I ever used.

Nothing, it's a meme from the special kind of autist who spends 3 years building his own engine to discover it's already 2 years obsolete

meme engine that never produced a good game

if you want to have complete ownership of your game but youre a complete brainlet at programming an engine: godot

if you dont care and want to get shit done fast: unity

theyre both pretty much the same in the hands of amateurs

So many broken and unfinished tools and unoptimized systems that you might as well start an engine from scratch.

You talk as it was easy to make an engine.

What's wrong with Game Maker 2

there is only one good engine

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Is it an existing one?

not at all, in fact, i was talking about myself

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the God engine