What are your opinions on characters with power armor?
What are your opinions on characters with power armor?
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Shut up user just post more porn
This is not a very popular niche, user
fixed for my autism
Power armor is for pussies.
Not in this case
I think i i've been wrong all my life, cute girls in games need MORE ARMOR
Armor is the best lingerie.
My opinion is that they are hotter with the armour on, usually.
Anons assemble for we will prolong the next era of porn
we are the future
>samus will never rescue you from alien pirates
>she will never feel entitled to a "reward" for saving you
>she will never take off just her armour's codpiece and forcibly insert your penis into her
>once she's done, she will never take the armour off and force you to get in
>she will never then also step inside, smushing your tiny manlet body up against her 7ft amazonian physique while she goes on missions
But is not a girl user
Kardia is not a girl, she's a WOMAN
wtf i love saryn now
The artist sometimes slapping a dick on her doesn't stop 90% of her art being female
I love it. I just with there were more stufd done with lewds of Samus in armor. So fucking sick of her just maked or in her zero suit.
>What are your opinions on characters with power armor?
male characters are dude bros
female characters are lewded
very simple
I love it. I just wish there were more stuff done with lewds of Samus in armor. So fucking sick of her just naked or in her zero suit.
>Slaanesh wins the war in one year
They are for purity not for lewd you xeno loving heretic!
a porn thread on Yea Forums that's actually video games?
finally someone said it
>Zeru suit samus = tit-let and butt-let
>ywn have dark Samus as your cute maid
full comic
full full comic
Fuck you leatherman
Prove it. Show me your Dark Samus folder right now!
But that's just regular armor
I fucking LOVE faceless/masked women in form-fitting suits.
No, those pictures are for my eyes and mine only! You wouldn't share pics of your girl, would you?
Hidden within Teke's HDD is the greatest collection of Varia/Dark Samus porn in existence, and he won't release it.
>tfw Anthem had some sexy designs but the game sucked and we'll never see them again
Show me the size of your devotion to her.
Ha ha what if Dark Samus covered her phiddies in burger grease and made you suck up the juices can you imagine
Filthy Phazon, aways adapting to new forms in order to assimilate the universe
Man, that would be strange indeed, haha.
It's actually all hidden behind her private twitter.
Private Twitter???
I have already said too much.
Woah woah woah, cant make claims like that and not provide proof that such a thing exists.
Better start talking, mofo
>Smashfags love porn but their knowledge of Metroid begins and ends with the zero suit
>Most Metroid fags have much more knowledge of the series but are too autistic to enjoy lewds
All I want are artists to use the games as a driver for the porn instead of making nothing but generic zero suit pin-ups is that too much?
Beside some cheap (You)s, what do you hope to gain from saying this?
>"artists" (i hesitate to call the slop they produce "art") that draw zero suit dark samus as a blue ZSS
I've seen so many renditions of zero suit dark samus I cant think of the best one
>not loving mommy Saryn from the beginning
You disgust me.
Best is girls in full body super skintight (latex or other material that makes the body look smooth and curvy) with armor pieces on top.(easy example whould be female ghost armor.)
Bonus points if the helmet is faceless.
They tend to be shit from my experience
thanks for bumping the thread friend
Fuck, what have you done to me. I now wanna fuck literal metal pieces.
wait until we get you hooked on bone and cartilage
Let's move to the next step of the conditioning
>what have you done to me
we gave you good taste
youve ascended
Orisa needs more love.
The best combination is fully armored on the outside but scantily clad or nude on the inside.
The zero suit made Samus boring. She needs to go back to rarely leaving her armor, but showing a lot of skin when she does.
I like this thread.
Not enough people appreciate these sorts of ladies.
>curvy body
>no skin blemishes
>faceless, can imagine the wearer looking like anything
if you don't like power suits youre gay