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not doing so well lads
Why's that?
>its already 4 AM
always thought i was the funny guy now im starting to think im really unfunny
I swear it's been a bitch and a half to get any proper fucking sleep for the past week, oh well at least my flight is in 3 days and after that I will have no barriers to me finding some decent work.
Also I've been playing FFIX for the first time in 3 years and it's a bitch getting the chocograph pieces. I also bought MM 3DS and Sonic Generations 3DS because they were cheap and I wanted some portable fun.
>whats bothering you?
>what have you been playing recently?
That's the gayest thing I've heard today.
drug addiction
mario maker 2
What drugs?
>random guy sends friend request
>think it's another online guy i know
>few days go by
>talking with guy i know
>"Nope, haven't sent you an invite yet, my name is in game"
>another few days go by
>random guy is in our group
>he's asking how to get comms working
>he starts talking about how he's knew and stuff
>no idea who this guy is, my group dont talk with him
>he gets the hint and leaves
I legit feel bad. Even worse because I unfriended him.
Like. Legit feel bad about it all.
don't kill yourself bro because of some random nerds on the internet
This website does wonders for making you resistant to all forms of insults
I gotta leave the country in less than two months but haven't bothered to book a flight yet.
icba to do anything
Where are you flying to?
Don't feel bad.
Some 10 year old kid messaged me on PS4 over and over again about him helping me on Bloodborne for something. I blocked him.
i played wwe 2k19 online and the guy messaged me afterwards saying "That was a great match!"
i called him a retard and blocked him
But who was he, how did he get your name and how did he get into your group?
based, kids shouldn't be playing M-rated games
Miami to Madrid Barajas
It's an route that I have been flying to for 14 years, on at least 4 different types of Aircraft
Sounds like someone needs a cuddle.
the game has a really weird crew system. and i think he was somehow able to add another friend of mine to his list. my friend thought it was the guy i know and somehow the random got on his friend's list. so my friend invited him to the group and that all happened.
In these last 40 or so days i lost my PS3, PS4, PC, my parents got back together but immediatly broke up again and my internet is acting up making it so i can't do my shitty online job which has been getting on my nerves as of lately
The only thing keeping me sane is my trusty 3DS
The future feels impossibly out of reach for me
monster hunter world
Actually no I made a mistake
I've been flying between Miami and Madrid for almost all my 21 years of existence actually
whats your shitty online job
i want to work from hoem in my underpants
I learned that there are actual paid shills and mods take down posts for copyright infringement on /h/ yesterday, as bad as I thought Yea Forums was I can only be thankful we haven't crumbled to such a sorry state yet. Maybe it's a good thing gookmoot doesn't care about videogames.
I want to go back, this timeline is terrible.
Fuck I have to wake up in 3 hours for a 12 hour shift
I miss my dad and having a healthy colon.
Fuck lads I have a horrible headache because my ear is clogged. Put some hydrogen peroxide in there to help loosen it up, and it ended up going through my ear down my throat now I got a headache and a stomach ache.
If you're in this situation are you better off just staying awake or sleeping the 3 hours?
I thought these threads were banned now, like the Yea Forums daily dose threads
>4 minutes late
You know what? Don't fucking bother.
Eh not really, it's board culture
sleeping 3 hours waking up will suck but you're gonna want to be as rested as you can be
t. haven't slept more than 2 hours since june
>in your ear down your throat
Nigga what?
Yeah and shitty /pol/ bait and eceleb threads aren't allowed either but that doesn't stop anybody.
user, your ears and nose both drain down your throat.
ears nose and throat are all connected bud, its why you can get ear infections from a bad cold
>tfw barely sleep anymore
the mods that have been running this place since moot left are absolutely terrible in general
>slept 14 hours again
I would rather get 2 hours of sleep then experience this hell
I'm reading homestuck again because I forgot nearly everything about it because I'm playing Overseer which popped up out of the nowhere and I really liked it
Lads, I've been RPing with a what I believe to be a 12 year old girl for about 9 hours straight. It's really taking it's toll on me. Convince me not to kill myself right now.
Are you shitting like a race horse?
>want to sleep as its the only time I don't feel miserable
>never sleep when it comes time to
At this point I think I might be a masochist
Yeah but I'm properly medicated and seeing a GI. It just sucks I have to deal with so much ass pain and blood, but at least it won't kill me yet.
How does that even happen?
Working for Lionbridge, basically i evaluate a bunch of google searches, the idea is that working hours should be super flexible as long as you reach a minimum quota for the week but instead i'm only able to work a hour per day, only 7 hours per week is a shitty pay and the way their system work i get to the hour limit without even making a hour of work. To top it off my brazilian jew bank takes a huge part of that money, i got to the point i'm kinda wishing i get fired
Based I was in that thread too, shame the devs abandoned it
Dont forget to bring me some pudding.
I am too kind to children.
It's what happens when it's summer and neither party has anything better to do.
that place was home... then it was /jp/. Now I'm permanently in this dump.
>have a job
>hate having a job and wish i could neet all day
>neet all day
>miss having a job to give me something to do
I can't win at life
honestly I can at least respect them for keeping pepe/wojak out of Yea Forums. I like pepe and wojak when it's done right especially in /pol/ and /biz/ but most of it is usually really fucking cancerous on most other boards
I miss Sims threads
No I mean why should I convince you not to?
This still doesn't explain the how.
Be careful that can be some FBI faggot watching you
what kind of RP?
I got fired a couple of weeks ago so I’ve just been stressed out recently.
Mostly, been playing Smash.
It's VRchat isn't it
is she cute at least?
What did you do to get fired?
Hey its me goku
Shit I didn't know that. Water always go into my ears but it never went down my throat.
kys my man
>I learned that there are actual paid shills and mods take down posts for copyright infringement on /h/ yesterday
Oh I don't know man. You don't have to.
I honestly don't remember at this point.
We're just doing random shit, it's no big deal. Glow in the darks aren't gonna arrest me for having fun.
I honestly don't know at this point. Started with wizards and shit, no idea what's happening now.
Nope found her on Youtube.
Don't know what she looks like, just guessing and hoping she's 12 and not a crack addict or both.
I guess I'm glad I never went full anime. I only come by every week or so for komi and nagatoro tls or if I happen to finish reading something good. I can't imagine being one of those people who follows and talks about anime by the season, maybe that's more to do with tv media since vidya isn't really like that.
That's because it usually goes out the other way, like your earwax does. It only goes down your throat if you have something blocking your ear up.
literal fakku shills post with tripcodes, it's mind boggling
>talking to cute girl for almost a year now
>gonna meet soon
>extremely worried i'm not good enough for her
>every day that passes i feel worse for even talking to her to begin with
>know if she doesn't like me i won't be able to take it even though i usually don't give a shit about that kind of thing
the worst part is i'm on painkillers whenever i talk to her so the edge is off and i don't think i can be with her face to face without being on one it gets worse but i can't bring myself to say anymore
>jaw hurting for no reason again
Same. It is misery no matter what so I might as well make money. The only good part is the first week or so of neetdom after quitting or getting fired from a job.
Im just going to refuse to belive this unless you post proof
>that dull pain in the middle of the chest is back
holy shit. do people get banned for posting torrents now too?
Nigga, you're dying.
Try sucking less dick you gigantic faglord.
Well basically missed too many days for them. I only missed 3 days for the 2 years I worked for them. I don’t miss it though my co workers and my boss didn’t like me anyways.
that was me a few years ago, apparently I subconciously clench during the day and when I sleep
jaw started locking up and now I wear a stupid bite guard at night and wake up to drool everywhere, shit sucks
Don't be the guy who's too silent or seem too distance making it obvious that he's worried about something so she makes some kind of initiative, be as assertive as you can
>I only missed 3 days for the 2 years
yeah thats probably not the reason then
unless you missed the 3 back to back last week
you're probably grinding your teeth a lot without realizing it, supplementing magnesium or getting more of it through dietary means can help out immensely with that
don't say I didn't warn you
happens if you don't sleep, go to sleep
Can't I just took some adderall.
if you're meeting up (not enough context but w/e) she must have some kind of interest in you so just do your best to pretend something nice might happen in your life during the time and save the existential dread for when you're back home
>pain in my abdomen suddenly flared up really bad a week ago
>always came and went, not too bad, but this felt like someone was sticking a spear into my stomach
>went to the ER and it turned out to be appendicitis
I'm an appendixlet now but holy shit it turns out I've had symptoms relating to this for months. It was apparently even affecting my sleep since I can rest much more easily now.
stop doing that then
thanks anons
But it's all that makes me function now I've been on it too long.
I'm fat, getting fatter, buncha burgers on my platter and every day is getting sadder
I might finally get a full time job working at a grocery store. It’s not much but for my lame life I feel like it’s a step up from working Part-tike at McDonalds.
I just wish I could find what I want to do with the rest of my life. I dunno what career I should go for and it scares me because I’m too old to still be thinking about it
>everyone just insults him
Way better than what i expected
>get random sharp pains near my heart once or twice a day for about a year now
i-i'll be okay right
still the fact that they don't even try hiding it and aren't being banned is the disgusting part for me, at least the blatant shills here stay anonymous
Laying in bed waiting for the sleep that never comes is currently the worst torture. I dread it every evening. Alone with my thoughts and free from any distraction my mind just starts going wild with ever culminating regrets, shame, and anxieties to the point where i'm thrashing around under my sheets, punching my headboard and screaming into a pillow in impotent rage. My only choice is to tire myself out so heavily that i practically pass out when my head hits the pillow to avoid my nightly confrontation with my self.
I lost my job at the end of May after being neet for years and I still don't know how to feel about it or being neet again. I guess that's the problem? Working is dull, not working is dull, don't really care about money so long as I can keep what I have
tl;dr I wish these antidepressants weren't a meme
How did you explain years of neet to your interviewer?
i'm right there with ya pal, i haven't slept in 36 hours
even though bloodstained looks mostly like shit i'm glad iga kept his trademark polish around with little things like jojohannes saying different shit based on the time of day
he always asks me that
A quick google search makes me think it might just be Precordial catch syndrome (which is harmless but slightly rare in adults) but that's just a random guess. If it ever gets worse I'd get it checked out.
I've always just said I spent a lot of time traveling and now I'm ready to settle down and establish myself, they seem to eat that shit up and don't even ask many questions
>sick of dealing with people
>switch to overnight shifts
>work is 10x more bearable
>sleeping schedule is fucked
>try to sleep in the morning
>end up staying up past noon every day
>wake up at 9 PM
>feel absolutely miserable
I really wish I could have the benefits of overnight work without having my brain fucked from trying to adapt an unnatural sleeping schedule
I'm seriously contemplating killing myself
please dont
do it
Are you cute?
Why not?
I will. When I run out of money or the new school year starts and my mom eventually kicks me out I'll do it.
kill yourself
Why would you care? He could be a serial rapist for all you know.
If you're miserable whenever you're not asleep, its time to let go, make peace with anyone you think you've wronged and spend time with your loved ones if you've got any then do what you think is right, its all any of us can do
No, I'm a skinnyfat white guy with long messy hair and atrocious fashion sense. Only middle aged women think I'm cute.
>If you're miserable whenever you're not asleep
The only time I'm not really miserable is when I'm on drugs, so close enough.
I will.
My tinnitus is fucking killing me.
Sounds cute to me
You need a good amount of time to adapt to a graveyard shift user. You need to have your sleep schedule constantly fucked in order to sleep during the day.
t. user who has prolly seen about 40 hours of sunlight in the past 6 years
Ritalin was a meme bros this is hell
Life is a shitty video game, but if you die than life wins, so fuck that faggot and keep grinding until you beat it, if for nothing else than to spite whoever made this shit game
Have you tried ritalout
Saying gay shit like this is probably going to make him do it faster you resistors are so corny when you try to be motivating
it ain't called robocoke for nothing
>user looks at the camera
this makes me want to kill myself even more
good it's working
>kill self
>cant fap to taokakas ass
It see this as an absolute loss
I don't care about "winning" or "losing" or grinding or spite. If admitting defeat means I get to end this, I admit defeat.
Then why are you waiting for someone to change your mind