>translating gyaru to fashionishta
What were they thinking?
>translating gyaru to fashionishta
What were they thinking?
they clearly weren't
bit lazy, what would you go with the is in accordance with keikaku?
don't translate it and add a TL note
I miss TL notes.
Actually reading the Wikipedia page makes it seem like a good choice but Wikipedia is honestly terrible because it's the go to site for lazy retards
DR1's translation was really bad. Doujin = fanfic was pretty stupid and a lot of the slang that Toko used was also heavily approximated because apparently people playing a niche anime game don't know shit about anime so we have to avoid any and all anime lingo?
doujin is literally fanfic
>Japanese: 恐ろしい事に、日本最大の暴走族の総長で、全国のヤンキー連中から尊敬と畏怖を集める男らしい。
>Official TL: The scary thing is, he’s the de facto leader of every biker gang in Japan. Gangs everywhere love the guy…
>My Rough TL: The scary thing is, he’s the leader of Japan’s biggest biker gang. Punks nationwide respect and fear him, apparently.
There was also dumb shit in the track names or chapter names. The last one I remember that had something like this was Phoenix Wright, which had "weeb names" and "normal names" as subtitle options.
It literally means self-published work.
I wish they didnt cancel fan translation of 2nd game. Was fucking horrible going from the fan translation to the shitshow of 2 and 3 translations
And fans started calling Togami byakkaua or whatever because they used his first name in localization but last name in original.. not like I cared that much taking part in the DR fanbase it's all fujo and faggots anyway
Doujin just means indie/self budget. There are doujin games, manga etc.
what's the point of having multiple different gangs if they're all lead by the same guy and essentially work to fulfill his wishes
how can you even be sure that there's no underground biker gang with a different leader
She’s still hot.
3's localization is actually really polished. It is heavily rewritten though and doesn't align perfectly (or sometimes at all) with the Japanese script. But it generally flows really well and doesn't have as many typos as 1 and 2. In fact I haven't see any at all.
Yeah wtf were they thinking?
Did you want them to call it 'ultimate blackface'? 'Cause 'ultimate gal' doesn't work on any level for normal English.
i'd fuck the middle one
Super Duper Level ESL
Gyaru litterally means "Fashion Girl" which is the same thing. If you're gonna be a seething weeb then at least know what the fuck you're talking about.
DR3 is an Anime
Do translators legitimately have autism? Do they not understand that these implied meanings are also captured via English, and a simple
would suffice? I swear they forget that they are translating and not doing a literary analysis. Or they just don't understand English very well.
Junko is for Naegi!
If it has an English wiki page with the word untranslated, it doesn't need to be translated.
Which one?
you're retarded
The whole translation is pretty bad to accommodate the dub. That's why English dubs are shit.
The one with the good luck.
You're retarded
This. Holy fucking shit.
A direct translation is absolutely perfectly reasonable though.
No, you're retarded. If the word can be used in English sentences on wikipedia, it can be used in English sentences in anime and it is the viewers responsibility to learn a new word or concept. It is not the translator's responsibility to teach me foreign concepts and interpret a person's likely inner thoughts when saying something. You're handholding and it hurts the medium by making it look more dumbed down than it is.
No you're retarded.
she clearly isn't the ultimate gyaro if she never made her skin darker
it should be the most extreme style afterall
so fashionista is actually more correct because she follows the western style of fashion more than she does the japanese one
They were assuming you knew very little about Japanese language or culture. That's how almost all localization's work that is the entire fucking point of localization.
>you don't have to translate the word if it's on gyaru
even the SA translation translated the word
gyaru isn't something most people except weebs would know in conversation
are you going to put -san next
I mean, you can’t expect people who translate anime for free not to be at least moderately autistic
Yeah, localization is like that, Ace Attorney series doesn't represent most localization efforts
Eat your hamburgers
I didn't know Japanese word lessons should be included in localizations
Half the dialog in Deadwood isn't something "most people" would understand, that doesn't mean it needs a translation in laymens. Stop treating your audiences like retards and your audiences will stop being retarded.
>wtf why isn't this article in english??? translate it weebs...
Are we really gonna pretend that most of the localization changes weren't for the better?
Like Super Highschool Level is a fucking mouthful even in japanese and the series treats them as if they were the Ultimate in that talent anyway.
Towards the end she makes a reference to Crazy Eddie's, a northeast US electronic chain store from the early 80s that was known for wacky commercials before it went out of business. It's not only an extremely timely reference but also extremely regional. Like you only saw these ads if you lived near fucking NYC in the 80s. This script was thrown together by some gen X faggot desperately trying to be funny.
You don't need to know about Crazy Eddie's to get the joke, though. I mean, I didn't even know that was a real store until just now but I never had any problem understanding that line.
Inserting unrelated, obscure references and memes into a script is the worst possible thing to do in a location. You should consider suicide for defending it, trash eaters like you are the reason the game industry is nothing but a race to the bottom.
you're retarded
god i want to impregnate her tits
im just here for the porn
am disappointed
ok retard
Get the fuck outta here faggot.
no u
Since when does tachi mean plan?
it's a meme you dip
Magenta is a special case. He's translating a show for little girls but it still takes him months to translate a single episode because of conversations just like that one.
t. brainlet who didn't get the ending
I'm 49 and I jack off to anime girls.
>gyaru isn't something most people except weebs would know in conversation
So it's perfectly fine to use it in a weeb game translation.
Replace all instances of katana by Japanese sword then.