Where did all the home threads go?

where did all the home threads go?

Attached: wow-classic.jpg (1024x512, 93K)

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they ran out of shill money

sent to vg youre only allowed to make home thread about different games as an homage

>classic is DEAD, you literally think you do but you don't, hey guys get on 8.2 it's great, MOUNT OFF gogogo

Attached: BnUUh5KE.jpg (512x512, 29K)

48 days buckos!

why do I have to see this retard's face everywhere

Mods are faggots, also layering is literally sharding and that killed the hype.

The entire hype has been killed by streamers and their shitty degenerate audience, also the microchanges made by nu-blizzard (a lot of shit but layering is the most incisive) completed its death.

Shills stopped getting paid

He has a nice face user.

Shilling is over and layering is destroying everything.

Yes, it's the layering.
Not 15 year old game design which was flawed even at the time.
It's the layering.

layering is stopping me from getting into classic
it's literally phasing but with another name. what a fucking retarded idea it is. dynamic respawns or login-queues would be highly preferable over this fucking dogshit

Yes it's the layering only retard, age has nothing to do with the game quality and design was better 15 years ago than actual wow.

I'm pretty concerned about the layering ruining the whole experience even though I'm still gonna give it a try.

fuck off assmongler

What exactly is wrong with layering? The way it’s described makes it sound like a good addition.

hype died when asmongold announced classic failure

I wouldn't mind a queue if the game was fucking 0 a month, but paying and not being able to play is fucking retarded kys for even suggesting it

For a punching bag, sure.

Yeah, Nostalrius had 25,000 people on at a time and over 100,000 registered users


Bet you'd want a face just like that huh?

I want to cum on him

>streamers stopped streaming classic because they didn't want to show repetitive content, so that means classic is dead
>implying that a game's success is based entirely (or even mostly) on fucking Twitch streamers
This is the current state of Yea Forums, full of fucking zoomers now. I'm in my 30s, I should be having a family now, but I'm still a virgin, therefore I can see through this fucking bullshit argument from a mile away.


Attached: tarrant.jpg (1000x600, 40K)

They're in a different layer.

>30 year old virgin
>on Yea Forums
lmfao like clockwork

Like others have said the impact of layering makes me think that initial leveling journey is gonna be the equivalent of phasing , ruining a significant early part of the game. Leeway and spell batching are another 2 huge issues and added all together I'm hoping for a miracle at launch that some type of compromise is made to improve all these problems or I may not play.

So you finally admit huh?

They'll make changes as drastic as adding fucking layering to save on server costs but they kept the fucking cross-realm BGs added at the very fucking tail end of vanilla that everyone hated because of how it killed pvp server communities. Hard pass.

Ah yes, home.


Attached: 1561787796446.jpg (667x1000, 258K)

They are on Yea Forums - Layer 3

imagine the smell

They got lost somewhere on another layer

I really don't understand why zoomers follow these disgusting millennial losers. As a millennial, listen to me, do not look up to us at all. We are screw ups, largely by design, but still.