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Other urls found in this thread:


N'zoth is the final boss. Wowww who didn't see that coming?

blizzard is only good at making monster girls

Lor'themar has become a sexy daddy just like Khadgar.

>finally get to not!kill but kill? Azshara
>no Nelf in sight

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>build up nzoth since cata
>hes the last boss of one of the worst expansions yet

pretty underwhelming. he deserves his own black empire expansion

not an old god expansion btw

>no night elf in sight
a beautiful world. thank u sylvanas

>Here come the FF14 queers again.



>It’s an old gods are behind everything episode
Makes sense can’t have either the Horde or Alliance actually lose so there always needs to be a cop out antagonist
The only thing missing now is Sylvanas getting her redemption


Wow what a twist

STOP giving Blizzard your money!
YOU are the reason why they are shitting on diablo and letting Starcraft die off.

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That was kind of anticlimactic.

I was never a fan of n'zoth because it took so long to even know what he looked like and because he's responsible for most of the "lol corruption"
if we got a black empire expansion I'd want it to be c'thun/yogg power hour

Stupid theory time!

things we know:
>Sylvanas made a pact with Helya, Sylvanas got a lamp, but her side of the bargain was never specified (legion questing)
>Helya's kvaldir have been battling the naga for centuries for dominance of the seas (cataclysm questing)
>Helya survived her raid encounter and is expanding her influence (island expeditions)
>Helya had under her control, a large number of dark valkyr (legion again)
Basically my theory is Sylvanas' plot is her side of the bargain, eliminating the naga so Helya can rule the seas. Helya still has shit Sylvanas wants, as she was the original queen of the valkyr, and can presumably make more.

>Anime image.
Into the trash it goes.

You can't tell retards that the thing they invested so much time and money into isn't good. Retards don't like that and will protect that thing any way they can.

I genuinely think that the Helya stuff is gonna be ignored or retconned

Remember, what I like is good and what I don't like is bad. Objectively.

What's the point of shitting up threads then? Aren't you retarded for that as well?

>jaina and mr nobody killed Azshara
>mother fucking Azshara
>who was know to be on par with Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden 10k years before already
Of course she's not dead because muh twist but still. What the fuck

>What's the point?

Some people probably like watching people squirm and chimp out.

>there are people who expect blizzard stories to not be complete dogshit and cliche as fuck
They already ruined the Starcraft story in the same exact way.

holy fuck this expansion is so bad

Dude we beat up Sargeras last expansion just shut the fuck up about powerlevel bullshit ok

You are giving them too much credit, they probably already forgot that Helya thing

>muh powerlvl

Malfurion who is on par with Azshara can't even kill an ud archer.


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no you didn't, you beat up Argus, half a titan soul and a baby compared to Sargeras. The Titans "pulled" Sargeras into their room and trapped him there, you had almost nothing to do with it.


>literal retard
Yeah and that's fucking retarded


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all of them should come back, the writing at blizzard is embarrassing

Kill this dumb old roastie, and all her low IQ fans.

>Argus, half a titan soul
It was a whole titan soul, wut

your theory holds water because bwom/lich king have no idea what the fuck sylvanas is doing. the last raid will probably have helya taking azshara's place which was somehow part of n'zoth's plan all along.
that or and are right and blizzard forgot when they copy pasted norse mythology into the game

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Is Final Fantasy XIV so utter shit that the only way you people can make it look good is by starting flamewars in WoW threads?

Sounds pretty retarded and boring. Why not play video games instead?

>killed by players
>2 guys aproach and take all the fame

WoW is dogshit kys shill

Whats current player powerlevel atm? Are they stronger than sargeras yet? Why villians even trying to fight them at this point?

ffxiv's combat is still dog shit and the leveling system is still garbage so not playing
i do not care how good the story is

Did N'Zoth save mommy Azshara?

>Sounds pretty retarded and boring

Hey man, I gave you the only explanation I could think of. I don't understand the logic behind it either.

that's a quick way to push more people towards FFXIV

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So is this still how WoW handles cinematics? The players do all of the work and then the NPCs play out the story as if the players don't exist?


Wait, so you get to the end of this dungeon and you don't even get to kill the boss? She just gets whisked away?
I'd be fucking mad if I spent money on this.

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I don't give a shit about FFXIV.
I just want Blizzard to fucking stop ruining franchises that used to be good.
You retards giving money to a shitty product is only going to make them keep doing this shit.

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Where the fuck is Sylvanas?

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that's how it has always been? players didnt kill the lich king
or anyone, they dont exist in the lore

this is real shit cinematic

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WoW ran out villain.
She's going to pull a Kael'Thas.

where the fuck is everybody
especially malfurion and tyrande

Can you retards just let us shit on WoW in peace? Nobody cares about your garbage MMO.


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It's been that way for a while now, Illidan and Kil'Jaedan in TBC are the earliest examples I cna think of, but yeah.

>I don't give a shit about FFXIV.
Which is why you keep spamming VVXIV shit in WoW threads.

Wow, it's nothing.

You do not exist.
You are just a camera with HP bar.
You are there only to witness great deeds of other heroes.

You ever play Warcraft III? Notice how the plot always revolved around a central cast of hero units, even though there were countless foot soldiers in every battle? You're a foot soldier.


rent free

Apprently not you. You seem to be busy shitting in threads instead of playing.

When do they bring back Kel'Thuzad?
Why do the best villains get so little screen time?


The player was supposed to be someone like Rexxar.

Jaina and the blood elf leader dude beat Azshara? Fucking how? Isn't she supposed to be so ungodly strong that even the burning legion feared her?

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Why the fuck are they fighting side by side, when just a while ago the alliance assassinated a horde leader, fucked their fleet and tried to finish them off for good right before falling into Nazjatar. Can't we just throw this forced cooperation shit into the trash and stab each other? I hope they both blame the other side for releasing N'Zoth (sadly not going to happen and instead we are going to have some bullshit excuses because Baine wants to suck human cock)

Lovecraft was racist so that mean Blizzard is racist for referencing Lovecraft.

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what does this faggot trying to say?

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You can't save that game even if you brought back Arthas/Kelthuzad, etc. because exists

Shit writing.

a broken one and he still killed the players, it was literally unwinnable, you only beat him because the actual grown up daddy titans ejaculated over the party

Jaina literally has muh human potential

It's literally the same thing Alliance side.
>"beware of me... i'm listening now father"
>"oh Thrall your cock is so huuuuuge, wtf i love Horde again"

How underwhelming.

I want a Black Empire expansion, he deserves better.

Also Brann best be a traitor, otherwise the whole heart of azeroth stuff is cliche and generic as fuck

because most big villains weren't killed by the players, players either A) Injure them a little or B) Put them out of their misery once some lore character has already beaten them up

>tfw you try to stop the franchise from going to shit but are foiled by the most pussy whipped fucker in existence

Damn shame.

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It depends on the situation, really. You fit any and all situations, except you're not above named and voiced heroes. XxCloudStryfexX will never be the one who canonically killed The Lich King, sorry to say.

Nice english you retarded pedophile.

>people spamming FF shit in WoW threads, this is observable fact happening as we speak


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I don't mind that. But Rexxar, "champion of the horde" and his buddies are the one who killed Daelin Proudmoore for exemple.
Arthas shouldn't have been killed btw.


>early access for shadowniggers
>no audience/player engagement
>w-wait for f-full release!!
>launch happens
>even less engagement
>h-hehe people are p-playing instead of watching! h-he take that b-blizz!

Face it you disgusting paedophile trannies, your expansion launch got dunked on by A FUCKING CONTENT PATCH in BFA OF ALL THINGS! No one cares about FF, spamming/raiding wow threads will NEVER change that fact.

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WOOOOOOOOOOW no way you guise laik wooah

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Yeah holy shit he looks great.

Hinting at Overwatch 2

Genn still is Top Daddy of WOW

Next time try reading my post retard
But I'm not, I'm just the guy saying that WoW is absolute fucking garbage and that there are a million better MMOs out there. My posts never talk about FFXIV directly. I'm saying that Blizzard is a complete fuck up of a company and for the last decade and longer they have been doing absolutely nothing but shitting all over their beloved franchises. You are literally allowing them to shit over their products that people used to love more and more every single time that you keep giving money to this fucking trashfire of a company.

Anyone that pays money to blizzard is against gaming as a whole.

Thanks for reminding me about nu-Bliz murdering my favorite IPs.
I used to be optimistic about sequels.

Why don’t mods take down these threads? They’re 100% not fan made and are obvious stealth marketing.

Guess next patch it's N'zoth prison or Ny'alotha with him as raid boss. Where Sylvanas will do whatever she has to to redeem herself since she can't be a baddy bad with Golden as writer.

>twitch views don't count i-i-idiot

You mean wowfags game is so bad that they dont want to play the game, but cant live without it so they're watching it on twitch

based. True gamers after all.

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>tfw really enjoyed lovecraft before the whole "omg tentacles sooo old gods!!" normalfag craze
fuck this shit so hard

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>a million better MMOs

no matter how much WoW sucks it's still pretty much the peak when it comes to MMORPGs. FF is niche for weeb trannies, ESO is mediocre since the start, BDO is chinkbait and everything else is some form of Nexon-tier F2P cashgrab

honestly sometimes you don't need to kill the villain to make for a good dungeon

Fact: WotLK would have been vastly superior if it ended with the Lich King winning

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Wow... so much better and less predictable than Emet-Selch, Amaurot's Illusions and Innocence. Glad I have these cool Marvel cinematics to keep me up to date.

The villian winning will literally never happen in WoW

Even runescape and Maplestory way past their prime are still vastly superior to WoW.
Even fucking mobile gacha games manage to be a better experience than WoW, that is saying a fucking lot for a game where you gamble money for JPEGs

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Lets spend a moment to analyze quality of wow bosses and WoW lore

>Rag MC
Merely a setback, returns in Cata
>Onyxia Ony Lair
Merely a setback. returns in Wrath, and after that returns in Cata again
>Nef 1.0 Vanilla BWL
Merely a setback, returns in Cata
>Hakkar 1.0 Vanilla Zg
Merely a setback, returns in Cata, still doesn’t die
>Ossirian AQ 20
Literal who, dead
>C'thun AQ 40
Presumed to be dead
>Kel'Thuzard Naxx40
Merely a setback, returns in Wrath

As we can see, out of 7 major vanilla bosses only 2 dies. One of them (Ossirian) never mentioned before/after he was killed, so we can cross him out.

This brings us to 1/6 ratio of bosses actually fucking dying and to unprecedented lows of shit writing.


Since there is more than 0% chance that C’thun might be resurrected in old god xpack, this boosts quality of wow writing to 100% shit

Without counting double resurrections (Onyxia) and possible future resurrections (Kel’Thuzard in shadowlands xpack)

>But I'm not, I'm just the guy saying that WoW is absolute fucking garbage and that there are a million better MMOs out there. My posts never talk about FFXIV directly. I'm saying that Blizzard is a complete fuck up of a company and for the last decade and longer they have been doing absolutely nothing but shitting all over their beloved franchises. You are literally allowing them to shit over their products that people used to love more and more every single time that you keep giving money to this fucking trashfire of a company.
Wow it's almost like 99% of this thread isn't people shitting on Blizzard. You're preaching to the choir. You're acting like the first person in this thread who's come to that realization.



How is this guy not fired by now?

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Mods keep deleting our threads and we can't stand the literal faggots spamming in /vg/.

>Malfurion who is on par with Azshara can't even kill an ud archer.
He was never on par with her, he just disrupted her while she was performing the most difficult arcane ritual in the history of the planet

friends in high places.

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Why isn't there a single MMO with a good story?
Shut the fuck up, the story is trash and so are you.

now you're just exaggerating and you know it, fucking mobile gacha games? seethe all you want but I hope you realise you sound like a complete brainlet.
I could concede OSRS but even then RS is far more niche and it's not as widely appealing as WoW


So it's old gods are doing a bad again?

>Fact: WotLK would have been vastly superior if it ended with the Lich King winning
How would you even do that?
Imagine beating the raid, hearthing back to Dalaran, then what? Nothing's changed. That would feel like the most hollow loss of all time.

C'thun isn't dead, neither is Yogg, it was quite explicit in lore than Old Gods couldn't be killed or Azeroth would die, they merely got weakened/inprisoned again

Lmao who the fuck writes this shit? Its the same rollercoaster over and over and over and over again. Why did originality die ffs...

Oh i remember you. Read wc3 manual again instead of pulling shit out of your ass.

I love these kind of posts.

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>sylvanas isnt even fucking present

Maplestory has a good story
no i'm not joking, seriously.

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Would have been an amazing curveball had they done that with the Lich King
Fake-out everyone at ICC by it not being the final raid
Actual final raid is a follow-up to the Icecrown events where you act as the Lich King's enforcers as he takes back Northrend piece by piece and only in the aftermath of the Tirion boss battle do you get resurrected and freed from Lich King control

Would have both been a satisfying raid AND kept the greatest villain warcraft had alive for future use

Too much work on Blizzard's end. That's why the villian never wins.

Its so fucking easy too to salvage the finale. Have the xel'naga shit both destroy the zerg hivemind and be a massive psionic beacon to attract what remains of the xel'naga back. Have jimmy put a bullet in kerri then walk away while tychus talks to Valerian and recover her body. Keeps tychus around, insures that Valerian keeps the Mengsk tradition of can't be trusted and truly resolves Raynor's character arc.

Why sarcastically praise the twist? This is the logical conclusion to the narrative, which is absolutely fine. There doesn't need to be a twist.

>Vanilla : Nefarion, Kelthu'zhad
>TBC : Illidan, Kil'Jeaden
>WOTLK : Arthas, *old gods lmao*
>CATA : *old gods lmao*
>MOP : war crimes lmao *old gods lmao*
>WARLORDS : war crimes lmao *old gods lmao*
>LEGION : lmao some orc holy dreadlords
>BFA war crimes lmao *old gods lmao*

SWTOR's agent story was pretty fun.
I remember the Secret World being pretty interesting too.

omg so hyped guys.

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ff to 28:00 and this is the stupidest looking and sounding fucker I've ever seen in a video game.

here's where the timegating could have worked in their advantage
wait until someone has finished the Lich King encounter, then a week later announce this is the actual final raid

Are there time cards for XIV? I don't want to pay a monthly subscription.

old gods was already in vanilla

>punctuated greentext
Yep, that's a newfag.

Im under the impression that old gods cant just be obliterated by a titan like they did Y'sharj because it leaves a gaping would in Azeroth. I think that killing one is still fine, its just the titans arent able to do it and all the titan constructs failed

Why do people still watch this sperge

go read it again yourself, it clearly says she was busy with the ritual when he barged in

I 100% agree with this.
It's amazing how Blizzard are creatively bankrupt.

he kills the entire raid

found the nu-wow player

>This is a story we've been preparing years in advance and we are finally unfolding it before you

Thank you Blizzard! I love every little bit of it!

It states that she was "fully prepared" and that malfurion had the intention to kill her.
You think that Malfurion was a retard and didn't know her powerlvl? This isn't WoW.

Shit attracts flies.

> and he still killed the players
Uh, no he didn't.
>you only beat him because the actual grown up daddy titans ejaculated over the party
After you kick the shit out of him. They literally needed you to weaken him, otherwise they would have sealed Argus up at once.
That makes no sense your way

I wish they made Warcraft 4 which disregards WoW plot

Dude a couple of those NPCs directly DID die and were resurrected

It's really bizzare how badly all the new Hearthstone trailers rhyme and flow. The old ones weren't even that great but this shit is so bad it actually makes you notice. Same with the league of baddies expac.
It's like they had only one person in the studio who knew how to write lyrics and laid them off a while ago.

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>Literally just Lor'Themar and Jaina in the cut scene
Why does blizzard always do this shit

Like you go to fight the Lich King and fucking Tirion is in the cutscene. And Bolvar. Two characters that have absolutely FUCK ALL history with the lich king
What do Jaina and Sylvanas get? A quest turn in
Why is it so hard to do a cutscene with more than 1 or 2 characters?

This didnt even have any writing! They just carefully approach a dying azhara and watch what happens!

>the nu-wow players doesn't understand c'thun had so little lore and backsotry behind him he was never classified as true villain in vanilla wow

She is the only good thing to come out of this entire expansion because she makes me penis feel funny.

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Looks like they can't be contained in their own threads. Might as well just delete FF14 threads on sight, until they learn to stay in their /vg/ containment thread.

How being ressurected is different from not dying at all?

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>Vanilla: AQ40
>TBC: The Arcatraz & Shadowmoon Arakkoa

>Reap Soul
>12 sec cast
>All players are instantly killed. Were it not for the titans, all hope would be lost...

He became less and less racist over time, just like when a child grows into an adult.

>What do Jaina and Sylvanas get? A quest turn in
I hated this so much : Not only Arthas got killed by some who, but he has almost 0 interraction with people he knew. Instead he chases them like a Scooby Doo villain and FAILS.

>Being this retarded
He was literally the final boss of AQ40 kiddo

Imagine watching someone play an MMO, the saddest state of someone's life.

>He was never classified as a true villain in vanilla wow
Says user who speaks for the entirety of the vanilla wow playerbase

Opening the gates? Scarab lord? whats that lul

You can blame the assblasted wow janny for enabling XIV fags to shitpost

>muh leaks
I really hope you die in a fire, tired of seeing you retards on this board.

>Famed and beloved realm-wide War of the Shifting Sands event dedicated to unlocking two separate raids about him


>only way to progress is grinding
>after grind there's mandatory timegating
>after grind & timegate you fight robots in half-assed isolated scenarios
>PvP is totally dead
>playing around in the actual world is totally dead
>socializing is totally dead
>professions are totally dead
>nothing but PvE zombification and $15 pigs

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>jaina leads the alliance to azshara who she has literally nothing to do with, tyrande completely absent
how cucked can nelves get at this point

>he was never classified as true villain in vanilla wow
Your being retarded.

>implying soibois are allowed to like Lovecraft because he was racist

Fucking DELETE this!?!?

There's still some hope for them since she isn't dead.
I bet your ass that once we kill N'Zoth the Naga will become highborns again.

>Bring in outside talent and slap her name on your pre-made garbage
>Fire her and make people think things will be better
>Ion is still in charge
Don't be fooled. She is an Alliance fan, and seeing Jaina tortured and imprisoned for most of the expansion, isn't exactly progressive for the Alliance.

C'Thun was introduced in Warcraft III dumbo.

And they still won't be a playable race

LK failed on purpose, dumbfuck mop babby. His plan was to elevate players up to his power level by throwing undead hordes at them, defeat players, and then rise them as most powerful death knights of all time, all of which is reflected in his encounter finale.
Sadly, since villains cant win, Thirion Fordring pulled cheats on him and shattered frostmourne.

>more people watch the game than actually play it

Sure showed me, you shallow tribalism simpleton.

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Ayy. I hope she survives.

>there are people IN THIS VERY WORLD who expected the final boss to be ANYTHING BUT AN OLD GOD
how ?
how could people expect anything but this outcome ?

is that a timegate cinematic?

Because you have no standards and can't enjoy anything you contrarian faggot.

except for when all the major heroes call us “champion”

Well, highborne are pretty much playable, roll nelf mage.

He didn't fail on purpose to kill/catch sylvanas, jaina, etc. you dumbfuck.

C'thun wasn't, but the Old Gods as a concept were introduced in the manual, and there was the Faceless Ones and the Forgotten One in the Frozen Throne undead campaign.

You'd have to have no standards to enjoy FFXIV's story, you dumb cunt.

>That newfag who pretends AQ never existed
Fuck you

No negativity on the dojo, please.

Yeah it was later developed into Yogg, I dribbled my braincells.

>why yes I played on Northdale how could you tell?
Probably didn't even get to level 60. No wonder he doesn't know shit

>Old Gods as a concept were introduced in the manual
Don't remember that part.
Back when i was playing Vanilla/TBC i was hoping for stories about Arthas meeting the Old Gods, etc.

arthas suffered from blizz overreacting to TBC
>nobody got to see illidan unless they cleared BT, you'd bust your ass just to hear him
>lets have arthas hold the players hand in a dumb contrived plan to get all his dudes killed for 10/25 murder hobos
>"oh fuck that sword my goon I betrayed had broke my sword!"
same way they made all the greens/blues look the same to counter TBC's clownsuits
it's become impressive at this point how much ass blizzard dumps on night elves

>playing modern "mmos"
Just go to f-list, why spend 15 a month?

>Using twitch viewers as a metric for anything

Your zoom is showing

This can't be right? right bros?????

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Jannies already tried that and gave up because XIVchads are too powerful and just make 5 new threads in the time it takes them to delete 1.

>Arthas meeting the Old Gods, etc.
Wasn't there content about this that was scrapped except for one quest chain or something? I might remember wrong.

All of this FF tranny pedo discord seethe.


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Why is it always the old gods? They hype up the villain on the box or from the trailer buuuut then it turns it was Old Gods allllll along.

shouldn't you be watching assmongler?

hearthstone isn't wow

>Nefarian had presence ever since early game starting in Elwyn Forest and Dun Morogh, Defias, Black Rock Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarves, all of them around the Eastern Kingdoms
>Kelthu'zhad had own zones in form Plaguelands, and even on Kalimdor with the quillpigs worshipping him as god
>Hakkar just had STV and that one quest chain in Tanaris
>C'thun literally had nothing but copy and pasted zergs from SC not mention the Silithids had no real quests or dungeons to begin with.
Just because its a raid boss doesnt mean its the main villain you shiteating trodgolytes ;_)

>Lor'themar actually getting fucking screen time
do my eyes deceive me?
I wouldn't be surprised if they finally ditch the retarded faction fight that is what has caused most of the shit writing since cata, I simply cannot see them being that retarded that they think after all this they can go back to faction fighting for the third/fourth/however many time

If you genuinely care about Warcraft story/lore you have brain damage.

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>since cata
since vanilla*

I just can't wait for PSO2 to drop in the west so weaboos can finally move on to a different game than FF14 and leave WoW threads alone.

dude what if old gods merge into one monkaS

Jesus, this is literally
>If we kill her, she wins
What the fuck is this about? Azhara invites us to her palace for some reason, fights us while she drains energy from some seals, we charge up the seals bit then we use the power stored in the seals to "kill" her but then oh no the seals are gone now the big bad ancient evil is released. What the fuck? Why didn't azshara just stand there, it seems her mere presence is draining the seals. Why did we even bother going there?

She is the next night elf leader to be possessed.

she treats WoW as her sex fantasy

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Blizzard can't write without leaning on this shit. Diablo 4 is going to use it. Overwatch 2 is going to use it. Fucking readculous.

Tyrande is getting bred by powerful Orc warriors in Ashenvale and Malfurion is watching.

>it's become impressive at this point how much ass blizzard dumps on night elves
someone at blizzard HAS to have a hatred for night elves on an unimaginable scale. They've been getting dabbed on since cata with basically zero reprieve

World of Gaycraft more like

It pervades WoW, it pervades SC2, it will probably pervade Diablo and Overwatch as you said. Blizzard has no originality and can't come up with unique villains or evil forces and to top it all off, they're not even original about the Old Gods, they just blatantly ripped it off from Lovecraft.

mommy milkies

This, but unironically.
The Old Gods is the only piece of WoW lore that still holds its story afloat.

"there must always be a lich king" was the kind of shit writing I meant pre-cata which isn't related to faction fighting
pretty much all the major shit since then that has been fucking stupid or retarded plot points related to a faction fight that they can't resolve decisively militarily for either side ,but which they've also set up to be stupid and irrelevant several times now only to revive it requiring them to rape the plot further

>since cata
since vanilla*


you're right, I forgot for a moment the corrupted teldrassil quest line and all that other stuff


>Lor'themar: We may have found common cause here in Nazjatar, but the battle still rages beyond these waters. So long as Sylvanas holds Orgrimmar, there can be no lasting peace.




who the fuck, besides zoomers who never experienced the true golden era of Blizzard keeps shilling and sucking the dick of those jews?

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You think factions being back after wc3 wasn't retarded?
You think Nelves in Alliance and Undead in Horde wasn't retarded and forced?
You think the drama between Alliance and Horde as they were fighting the LK wasn't retarded?

how I'm a pedophile?

>So long as Warchief holds Orgrimmar, there can be no lasting peace.
No shit. It's in the fucking name.

>literally release an old god from his prison after 10,000 years
>nah gotta go get waifu
the fucking state of blizzard writing

disgusting ESL trash

maybe, for "the god of death" there was fuck all connection between yogg and LK besides the scourge building spiky shit with his metal blood.
don't worry, soon they'll pull out the OLDER GODS
sounds right. Gnomes, the joke race nobody respects have it better than Nelves

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Not that, but the fact that the nelves bow down to the humans, that there are still Orcs in Ashenvale and that Tyrande didn't even give a fuck (this was the main mission of the sentinels and why they were created).
That they send their nelf warrior to fight the scourge (somehow they should give a fuck about the human pala and their issues) but don't help the Belves like they did in Tft (nope instead they will kill them in TBC ;) )


What did she mean by this?

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N'Zoth's tentacle cock is just that good.

>scourge is just a human issue
you retarded?

I don't understand those made up terms burger be more detailed in your bullshit

HAHAHAHAHAHA HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! I remember years ago when FFXIV was so shit even Square admitted it

Needs the dick shadow.

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That's what it is in WoW. It's just the north of EK and they were already contained by the forsaken.
Tell me what should be the nelf priority if they had to send ppl to the EK : Help their cousins against the scourge who are trying to survive or help le strong human pala fighting on a territory which already belongs to the scourge?

Is this the with diablo as the secretly good guy who was doing everything to get the mortals ready for the unseen alien force?

Wait, is that really N'Zoth freeing himself?
That is it? One of the most powerful beings in the cosmos and that's what he gets?

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thats a defensive argument shiteater ;_)

Because night elves make up a large chunk of the cenarion circle and the land itself is infected in the plaguelands.

Will WoW cucks ever recover from this shit expansion?

Surprised? Nu-Blizzard has absolutely no idea on how to make a compelling story.

I honest to God don't think there's a single person out there that likes the games current ""lore"" direction/writing.

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to what level?
in general my answer would be only with some massive revamps and changes

>He became less and less racist over time
Oh it has a score?

It will teach you feminist how to raise a son in a world full of angry men ;_)

And that's not the case for the Belves territory? Seriously they are on the verge of extermination, you really think they shouldn't help them like they did in TFT?
But again that's just some small details. Like I said, in general, nelves were already butchered in vanilla, and it's worst if you read wota.

Old Gods were retconned to be just agents of the Void Lords, so they're not THAT powerful anymore. But that's not "it" either. Supposedly, according to some leaks, N'Zoth getting freed changes the state of the entire game world until the end of the expansion.

Who's that elf faggot?

Most people don't even seem to care at all about what's happening. They're just in it for the loot and the mountspetscheevos. I bet some don't even know who these people are.
>ah, some one eyed elf guy and these chicks I want to breed, pretty lame, where's my ultra cool mount I deserve for watching this waste of a time cinematic?

Why won’t she clean up her makeup?

classic. the problem with bfa is the only interesting thing left is the lore and raids (meh), at least with classic the lore takes a second seat as the gameplay and systems (bar the honor system) are interesting and engaging

I guess all out war between the Horde and the Alliance wasn't remarkable enough to change the state of the entire game world even though it was THE SELLING POINT OF THIS ENTIRE RETARDED EXPANSION.

This so much.

leaks were all bullshit larp (big fucking shock), Azshara is dead and the chains on N'zoth are broken and the world didn't change

>all out war between the Horde and the Alliance wasn't remarkable enough
That shit's been going on forever, and it's always extremely underwhelming.

I can't believe how much the tides have turned, it's ridiculous.
If you travelled back in time to 2010 and showed me this, I would laugh in your face.


Was the raid cleared on the live servers? I thought the trailer was only datamined. I don't follow this game all that closely anymore.

yes. They keep the cinematics hidden from datamining now

>hidden from datamining
How's that work?

The AMA leak is true after all

Attached: 1ymz26.jpg (1174x500, 71K)

Probably encrypted or something. Blizzard could easily hide all the datamined information if they wanted to, they choose to have it out.

god I hope this is true

When you beat the boss you download the encryption file or whatever which unlocks the cinematic, after that you can give that file to anyone and they too can unlock their cinematic even if they havent beaten the boss yet. You can read about in on wowhead somewhere.

You should know by now how Blizzard handles this shit 99% of the time:
N'zoth grabbed her, impridlsons/tortures/turns/whatevers her, she will be reskinned boss/villain ala Detheroc? Kael'thas and all the others, maybe a bit of sob story but ultimately a dead raid boss with N'zoth as the final expansion boss.
The obly thing you can hope for is that Blizzard doesn't want to upset people and tries to shoehorn some kind of redemption plot in for her and not killing her but letting her remain as a neutral/slightly friendly entity' which lost everything' and can be a humble not-villain npc.

whats so good about ff14, genuinely curious

Leak in question

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>hiding the fact that FFXIV has 1000% less reviews than WoW

>unsub from wow
>nothing happens
>unsub from xiv
>house demolished

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Hmm, so Azshara will be our friend?

Ideally I would like if she stayed under N'zoth but he dies most likely, so.. I hope at least she makes it.

Story is better than WoW and the main story quest is a bit less fetch quest bullshit than most of WoW's stuff. Thats literally it.

>a fake AMA "predicts" one of the most obvious twists in modern gaming

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except if allied races then turn into skin options, teh fuck happens to ALLIED races you've missed out on unlocking, makes 0 sense. What of their voice lines, story etc?

What were the leaks?

You sure showed em, wojakposter.

>no hooves

literally nothing. it looks cool from time to time but it's the same instanced autoqueue garbage as wow with the exception that pvp is flat out dead and the hypercompetive player vacuum is filled with damage meter worshipping losers.

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Wow I've been waiting for this since Cata.
I'm totally going to give Blizzard my money after a decade of stringing me along.
Just kidding
fuck you Blizzard.

I will now sub to your game.

Fuck it's like fly fishing with how easy to bait people in WoW threads

Well, Warcraft lore was always dumb in that regard. Medivhs mommy literally slayed sargeras while being just a human

>Medivhs mommy literally slayed sargeras

Can you imagine? If this were 15 years ago it would happen.

That was just a weak projection of Sargeras, while he was trapped in the void between worlds when the portal collapsed on him.

>Faction war shit with crazy Warchief that others acknowledges needs to be stopped with some old god shit thrown in last minute
So basically, BfA was just a retread of MoP, but shit

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but MoP was shit so its perfectly in line


Sounds like you described wow

The story might have been shit, but from pure gameplay perspective it was great.

The absolute state of modern MMOs where that description could fit anything. Make it fucking stop

The story or the actual game itself?

t. not part of the true horde


>Valor grinding on mindless garbage
>Charm grinding on mindless daily garbage
>piss easy world content
>personal economy fucking farmville
>hyper mobility in classes
>mindless resource management and endless CC
>16 fucking months of nothing
>scenarios being dogshit, mindnumbingly easy only useful because of aforementioned valor grind
>one season elite PvP set given away as participation award
>CMs literally just BrM+Disc priest playground, ilvl scaling sucking ass
>Garrosh character assassination
>welfare legenedary

The only redeeming part of MoP was green fire and even that was half assed because it was a joke in 5.4 because of timeless welfare gear

That was War of Ancient. He threw the fight against Medivh's mommy to possess the child she eventually would have.

Look at this dood

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I don't give a single fuck how retarded the faction war is on paper. Call me an edge lord, but all I want to do is to be able to play on the side that can kill every single gnome, dwarf or worgen I come across. (Pandas can just go and gas themselves, won't even touch such filth) Too bad that currently pvp in general sucks dick, warmode is basically horde only mode and sharding is literal cancer for everything open world related in general.
I simply refuse to cooperate with such lesser races. It's a fucking video game let one side play the edgy bullshit side in a fantasy power trip.

This entire cutscene is peak soulless. Feels like it was made by a Chinese company.

It was

>not playing OSRS

Attached: OSRS_snigger.png (515x135, 41K)



they both suck ass for opposite reasons
wow graphic is pure shit, we're in 2019 and the game looks like a fucking turd
14 is full of faggots and trannies, which speaks for itself

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>s niggers nigger
what did they mean by this

isn't jaina supposed to be a fucking top tier mage? did she not put 2 and 2 together and think hmmm maybe this palace is the prison for an old god?? did she think the wards around azshara were just decoration or what?

"You think you do, but you don't" guy is literally the CEO of Blizzard. If that's who is in power, you know everything else is fucked.

Blizzcucks brought this shitposting upon themselves when they constantly try to shit up FFXIV threads. XIVchads WW@

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I know majority of people in this thread don't play WoW but the ones who still does sould feel ashamed that your money produced such garbage.

>wanting to be different so badly that you say stupid shit on purpose

Great job, user

A character can't be smarter than the writers.


He is more like a messanger, not the director or creator himself. His job is to tell to the people what the higher-ups wants to tell.
Basically he takes responsibility for his jewish masters

Terrible troll. Off the top of my head I remember silithid quest lines in the Barrens, Tanaris and Feralas in vanilla.

Then they released a huge amount of lore about the black empire and the war of the shifting sands that I didn't read when aq launched.

Ah yes, the large blizzard fanbase that absolutely exists on Yea Forums and constantly talks about how great blizzard is. Yep that's totally real.

literally everyone LITERALLY everyone knows you just post the same antagonizing shit in both threads
>le epix trooool ecksDDDDDDdddd

So you're just throwing a tantrum and shitting up threads?

>comparing the same game
what did he mean by this?

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OSRS' story is unironically pretty good but it's ultimately all just side quests

Literally just got this in my Gifts less than a minute ago, Blizzard seems pretty desperate to hook players back in

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Silithid are also in 1k Needles and Un'goro. There's tons of quests dealing with them, usually speculating where they came from and what their purpose is.

what's the last raid going to be?

Attack on Sylvanas?

Why is the story of WoW so shit guys WHYYYYY

Lady Preston being Onyxia was like the only good twist in WoW lore.

Because they hired gayass fanfic tier roastie as their main writer
Because they hide the main plot behind books that aren't related to the game at all and you can't learn ingame anything about it just to make that roastie sell more books
Because they fucked up the lore so hard at the end of pandaria that they can't recover it anymore at all


>So long as Sylvanas holds Orgrimmar,
What the fuck is this shit why the fuck everyone want to betray the warchief jesus Garrosh was right

Multiple writers over the course of a long enough time leads to a lack of consistency. WoW's writing has always had flaws because it had to retcon Warcraft's writing from the beginning.

because you are a depressed individual who cannot feel anymore

Wrong. I still enjoy a lot of movies and video games.
And it seems that i'm not the only one hating WoW story.

Attached: blizzard leaks.png (1280x2088, 262K)

Final Fantasy XIV fan: Creates a million threads claiming how the new expansion is God's gift to mankind. When anyone that has played Final Fantasy XIV knows that the expansion can't possibly be that great.

World of Warcraft fans: Know the game is utter dogshit post-Ion, and persuade people to do as much research as possible before even considering subbing.

go away shill

they try to make a game for games workshop, but the ip was so expensive.

MMOs are trash

Okay seething blizzdrone, see you in the next XIV thread.

Getting upset at anime images on Yea Forums is like going to a swimming pool and getting mad that it's full of water.

oh actually there was one other good twist in WotLK, when Drakuru finally reveals he's actually been working for the Lich King the entire time.

>What the fuck is this shit why the fuck everyone want to betray the warchief
Because she betrayed the Hordes ideals and uses it as her army in her war against life itself, which is quite retarded considering non-forsaken races probably like to live, can see what she is doing and are STILL obeying her orders i.e. the majority of the Horde is still on her side and would obey her over their racial leaders probably.

time to get back to wow and buy all the expansions faggots

Didn't lor'themar literally say he doesn't give a shit about the war; and to a lesser extent what slyvannas is doing, as long as no one fucks with the blood elves a few patches ago?

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ESO has trash story

for real faggots
i play TESO since launch but i can really tell you blizzfags the pile of shit that blizzard did to that game.
wow is death, sell your account will you can otherwise you will lose your money and time like the others
yes, but i love my final game op weapons

>thinks a modern mmo is good
>tells other people they have shit taste

h-heh....they're the exact same game bros.....WoW is just as good as FFXIV.....no....NO NO DON'T LOOK AT THE SUBSCRIBER NUMBERS PLEASE NOOOOOOOO MAKE IT STOP

>doesn't give a shit about the war
>while taking a side in this war
This guy is retarded but thanks to the alliance being lead by a twink and a race traitor orc cock sucker, he will get away with this

>thinks a modern mmo is good
i never did that, i just say that wow is shit now

Her palace was just a setback.
Blizzard is creatively bankrupt, Golden is a hack

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Forsakens explanation of being in the Horde during vanilla
>It's an alliance of convenience. Much like the Orcs and Trolls, the Forsaken are widely loathed by the wider world and would stand little chance of survival on their own. However, since they share practically nothing with the rest of the Horde culturally they start at "neutral" reputation with the rest of the Horde rather than "friendly." This is also reflected in their questing and NPC backgrounds, as Forsaken are are often viewed with distrust and kept at arms length by the other Horde races, effectively making them the black sheep of the herd.

Forsaken now
>A tauren shaman will gladly start poisoning the earth and gassing the living with chemical weapons because an undead elf from another continent over asked him to.

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Oh let me guess, "i-i dont actually like the game ive been playing since launch, i swear haha"

How does Azshara gets defeated? A raid?
Isnt she meant to be spectacularly overpowered? Like, during the first invasion, she was hyped to be on par to Kiljay and Archy, and thats before spending 10k year in the maelstrom getting pumped by Nzoth

I'm waiting for mine

Players literally beat a corrupted Titan. There's no relativity in terms of power creep in WoW. One day you're struggling against the Naga, the other you're fucking up Old Gods. If you want a good story play FFXIV

>Final fantasy
>Good story
Lmao dumb weeb

>she was hyped to be on par to Kiljay and Archy
well they both got their shit kicked in TWICE so comparing their power levels isn't intimidating anymore. and an old god has never lived past their debut. so it all falls flat

>Players literally beat a corrupted Titan.
Oh yeah, there is also that.

I still remember when fighting a dragon was considered a massive undertaking in lore. Now we kill gods and the reaction is nothing but "Oh, but the REAL big bad guy is just around the corner!"

>chosen one shit in a multiplayer game
Why does it feel like mmo players just have awful taste and anytime they just happen to like a good game it's a coincidence?

They're not MMOs, they're THEMEPARK MMOs, huge difference.
A true MMO is something like Runescape and WoW Classic where you're just an adventurer and nothing else.

>the first raid's final boss is an elemental lord
Yeah I don't think there was ever any consistency.

It was at least neat when we fought C'Thun because it actually felt like a whole army taking on the Qiraji instead of a Seattle gang of murderhobos shanking everything in a corridor to get to the final boss who ends up being a jobber. A jobber whose corpse you can't even loot.

God I miss Garrosh, he just should have kill all these retarded fucks

Garrosh was pretty okay to be honest
Tired of all this alliance shit, every race should stay by themselves

Themepark and sandbox refers to the gameplay of an mmo, not the story.

Shadowbringers is pure garbage.

Will legit never understand how people think its good. 99% of the XIV threads I've got into have been lewdgarbage, people who care about the story more than the gameplay, and people arbitrarily shitting on WoW.

In the 5 years since ARR came out, I have yet to see even 1 argument gameplay-wise on how it beats WoW. It looks like the same shit except weeb flavored.

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Shut up I'm right and you're not.

Can't wait to see Orcs in Stormwind and Humans in Orgrimmar.

Fuck yeah Orcs don't need help from those fags

Both Alliance and Horde needed to ally in order to defeat Garrosh otherwise he would have won easily

I miss him so much. Loyal, cunning, honorable, decisive. Everything the Horde was founded on, character assassinated by women who can't fathom a leader who isn't either a complete pushover or tragically misunderstood.

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>In the 5 years since ARR came out, I have yet to see even 1 argument gameplay-wise on how it beats WoW.
It's not your fault, the human brain tries to make you forget painful memories in order to protect you.

dilate (unironically)

Do the classes in xiv has unique strengths, weaknesses and toolkits like in classic wow or is it just different flavors of tank/healer/dps like in retail?

Fuck off classes are far better now that they were in classic
>le shadowbolt spam

the second, there's almost no uniqueness among the classes, just arbitrarily complex rotations to make a class appear "deep"

Horde died with him

Attached: 99546.jpg (1280x1024, 480K)

>XIV bros are constantly keeping a thread up to discuss their brand new expansion
>janny tranny goes on a rampage (likely due to hormonal imbalance) and deletes the one (1) FFXIV thread that's up
>XIVchads just make a new thread
>Janny deletes that one too
>XIVchads refuse to go to /vg/ because by janny tranny logic, 90% of the threads on Yea Forums should be deleted, yet only FFXIV threads get deleted
>XIVchads BTFO janny and flood the board with FFXIV threads as retribution
>janny slinks back into his cave to dilate
yeah, I think FFXIV bros won this one

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Oh? What disappointment have they brought upon us now?

>Do the classes in xiv has unique strengths, weaknesses and toolkits like in classic wow
I fucking hate how everyone praises Vanilla for any kind of shit that it's 100 times better or fixed in current WoW. How the fuck do you find funny pressing one fucking button all the time and tank spanking 50% of the bosses?
I fucking hate Classic and all the Twitch culture around it, it feels like a fucking unhealable disease.
>we should revive WoW
>yeah! let's split the userbase, that sure will do

>only 1 min
> yass queen slay women are real deal

>tortured and imprisoned for most of the expansion
she was moping in thros feeling sorry for herself, once you go there and cheer her up she effortlessly beats up gorak tul and teleports home.

cry more irrelevant bfaggot

Seethe and dilate

You just don't like real MMO with soul.
You are soulless.

Have you tried listening to any of them?

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More buttons to press while raiding is cool and all, but that's only one part of a class. "Buttons you press while standing still in a raid and dpsing" is just one specific situation.

special type of retard right here

the classes have things that differentiate them but they also lack any sort of thematic coherence
basically the things that make classes "unique" are that they are designed to either be "selfish" or "supportive" i.e. blackmage (blm) is a selfish dps because it provides no group support through buffs/debuffs or combat ressing, it's "flavor" is to be intentionally overturned compared to every other dps but this isn't thematic it's just numbers

You mean "incredible" skills like the Eye of Kilrogg?

Wow.... you're right... I'm missing it... incredibly powerful and useful...
And anyway standing still in raid and dpsing is 90% of Classic gameplay

>the only thing that matters is my dps rotation while raiding
Look, you obviously don't want the same thing that classic players want, can't you just accept that they're different games for different people?

Blizz is in a shitty spot
If sylvanas gets raided, the Horde will seem weaker than ever, having sieged 2 warchiefs in like less than 3 in game years.
If sylvanas doesnt get raided, one of the most evil characters of the setting, who genuinely sees the horde as an expendable asset to be used, gets scott free.

>I don't want flavor or character in my role playing game

Absolutely, positively fuck right off you MOUNTSPETSCHEEVOS scum.

have sex

The obvious solution for all their racial incompatibility bullshit would be three factions, the introduction of a third faction would make for a great expansion and give it that DAOC feel on the pvp where you could make something more coherent out of the whole mess and more competitive on the warzones at the same time.

This would take creativity and coding which they seem to have run out of these days though.

I don't care about rotations, who the fuck would? Only someone who doesn't understand what gameplay means


Yes, because you are roleplaying as a warlock, not dance dance revolution

Leveling up in the world and WPvP is what 90% of the classic population does. Raiding isnt actually important

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Well for one, warlocks were the tanky cloth class that had all kinds of debuffs. As opposed to mages, who were really squishy but had tons of slows and cc to make up for that.

he's not wrong, xiv classes are extremely bloated in terms of raw number of buttons that you have compared to complexity

>diablo 4 is first person

please tell me you don't believe this

God the quality difference between WoW and FFXIV is staggering. Western games truly are the bottom of the barrel.

>made me check
I got one
I'll probably try to do some story things for the cut scenes since I haven't been watching them online. Not sure if 3 days is enough to power through everything though, but even if I don't get through it all I doubt I'll resub after.

WoWbros......it's over.....

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Okay, thank you for leaving retail and never come back please. Maybe they'll listen to real players who understand how the game works instead of the Moonguard erp élite. What the hell. I can't fucking believe it.
>"Let's ruin a game for muh rp"

Ok this is the problem here. You want a game that's just about raidlogging. Not everyone wants that though.

>why is the rp in an mmoRPg
never go full retard

Its logical. They cant compete with PoE.

Who are you calling queer? Ya queer.

to be fair the players are empowered by the titan soul of azeroth and fighting alongside jaina at the time

literally the same game

Hardly. FFXIV took what WoW did and improved upon it. XIV is what WoW SHOULD be.

Why wont you go and farm more world quests for AP, cuck?

There are many games where you can't RP but they're called RPG anyway, fuck off

Says the WOW Tranny.

goddamnit fag teso is shit
read it again

Because I think it's not makeup, but tear streaks burned into her skin

get back with me when their subs drop. Blizz treats them like shit because they take it.

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>xiv slow boring shit where you get some crappy anime storyline with no real pvp and its just weebs jerking off each other

>Wow Classic with Adults with full time jobs just enjoying their lives with their families and being happy playing a good game.

Why wont you go and farm more Elemental Waterlords reputation to join a stupid ass retarded spank and tank raid, cuck?
Oh and for the Mythic raid carry it will be 1 million gold thank you classicuck!

it's the exact opposite of what the core diablo fanbase would want and they know what the fanbase can get like when they see something they don't like.

>Jaina and Lorthemar are there
>Not Tyrande or fucking Malfurion two people who have more beef and history with this woman

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>even the cinematics are garbage
Amazing, Blizzard is truly dead.

It's a clone of post-wotlk wow. That's not a good thing.


you have a flawed understanding of what RP means

XIV is as shit as wow dude get over it


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Dont you have phone?

Metacritic begs to differ. Sub counts beg to differ.

Don't forget
>WoW's Hel equivalent was called Hela in Wrath (Jotunheim aspirants)
>The kvaldir were sealed away before naga even existed (per-Sundering) until freed by the player character's actions on Broken Hill (Howling Fjord questing)
>pre-naga kvaldir were called the ancient enemy of the naga (Cataclysm)
Warcraft is dumb.

>sub counts peaked in wotlk and have been declining ever since
Are you agreeing with me or something?

>metacritic begs to differ

here we fucking go. you probably use twitch viewer counts as an argument as well.

what a complex and indulging story Warcraft has, truly Kubrickesqe

Literaly seething from being cucked by daily farm

>Farming rep for elementals

She doesn't die anyway + nelves are busy getting raped in darkshore

Wow its fucking nothing

>lovecraftian ripoffs
Wow amazing writing

they're saving those two for the epic and cool tearing apart of the alliance.

>Hardly. FFXIV took what WoW did and improved upon it. XIV is what WoW SHOULD be.
it actually hurts that people think this, ffxiv took everything wow did completely WRONG and ran with it
in every way that wow lost it's rpg elements xiv goes balls deep in casualizing and neutering the mmorpg genre

and this is what zoomers and gamer moms actually want

XIV is thriving while WoW continues to die. No negativity in the dojo!


Give me five reasons to play FFXIV.
You can't mention that you get to hang with trannys or story.
I don't play WoW either.

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>XIV is thriving while WoW continues to die
its funny because this statement is 100% true and yet wow still has millions more subs than xiv

Are you actually trying to argue in good faith or are you just shitposting?


The student has surpassed the teacher

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>The two biggest submissive characters in WoW
>tearing anything

>Punctuates greentext
>Using stale memes unironically

Yep. Sure is reddit in here.

Blizzard hates night elves. This expansion confirms it, just look at the shit nathanos pulled with them.

but muh night warrior

Prove it.

>not a themepark
If you want a “real” mmo play Everquest or FFXI

Maybe a few hundred thousand, but if you seriously think they're still above 2 million, you're retarded.

Well, that says it all about this shit games resounding success.

>alliance ever doing anything slightly contentious ever
They let literal insane void worshippers join their faction that sucks light cock and there hasn't been a single mention of them not fitting in, once you put on the blue tabard, you become just as much of a pussy as their symbol

Blizzdrones will defend MOP 2.0 to their dying breath.

Attached: E56B074B-E343-4904-B0B0-739F122D4FFA.jpg (641x223, 65K)

just wait for the inevitable free weekend once the initial player count dies down and form an opinion of your own.

When did mmo players transition from people who wanted to play an rpg in a multiplayer persistent world to people who want to do nothing but farm raids and linear hallway dungeons?

The only Blizzdrones I see are on the official forums and MMOChampion, since literally anyone sane is banned from those places.

Why should I convince you to play something that you don't want to play, fag? Go play whatever tickles your fancy, I'm not a goddamned marketer.

Bitch just try the the free trial

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>wow still has millions more subs than xiv
Got an active sub count to prove it?

Shandris Feathermoon and Thalyssra are there

this was during the early content drought and doesn't include asian sub numbers
a new raid just came out today so this numbers is equal or up

xiv has AT MOST a million subs from player activity trends, but we'll never know for sure because they dont publish anything (even expansion sales)

if they were beating wow they would say so because it would get them huge press

literally who

holy macaroni when was the last time you visited

Blizzdrones don't defend shit, they just take it anyway.
They eat a pile of shit, bitch it taste like shit and then buy more shit to eat it to then bitch how shitty it is some more.

This industry didn't go to shit by the business alone, no, it took millions of fucking losers to play WoW for 15+ years for them to understand "hey we can get away with anything here"

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>Go play whatever tickles your fancy, I'm not a goddamned marketer.
Yes you are, hence the reason you can’t fuckoff from a thread that has nothing to do with FFXIV

I can go there right now and find people who shit on all criticism as "negativity", then see them cross-post in Politics to cry about drumpf. It's a double whammy.

Shandris Feathermoon and Thalyssra

Combat wise I would say that most classes have decent flavor but beyond that they don’t have any real non combat abilities like classic WoW

>doesn't include asian sub numbers

Don't you understand, silly? The Old Gods™ are nothing. They were pawns all along. The real threat are The First Ones™ pulling the strings from the shadows behind the shadows.

>Telling someone to play a trial of a game that doesn't get remotely interesting until 100+ hours in, much further than the trial lets you


When vanilla WoW came out


8.2 is a massive embarassment compared to 7.2

who? you're going to have to speak louder son

It's the ultimate theme park MMO. The end game is just running around and collecting currency from FATES. Ultimate bosses are a joke the progression runs range from 1-14 days depending on your groups skill. You're better off playing WoW unless you favor Japanese communities.

ah but the real threat is the older ones.>youtube.com/watch?v=ixtWdYkJbdE

yes? you do know that the asian api is completely separate from the na/eu one right
that's why they have to be manually updated on wowprogress (which directly accesses the api to report on na/eu boss kills)

Thalryssa has hardly any beef with Azshara because she hid in a bubble comfortably. And Shandris is a literal who among Nelves.

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>These people are re-writing Warcraft 3
How do I escape this hell


>Oct 2018

>1.7m 8 months ago
>"""millions""" more than an mmo that just crested a million

Are you a felplague guy by any chance?

Thanks for proving XIV is the undisputed king of MMO's.

>faggots play ff14
>great story... For a mmo
>the game has no content to do after finishing the story
>they constantly spam wow threads

Go back to your /vg/ faggot threads and fuck off faggots. It's a containment board for a fucking reason. FF14 players are emotional unstable trannie faggots. Your faggotry can only be permitted in /vg/.

Here's the leaked ending of BfA

Attached: 1562707107091.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Some irrelevant Night Elf sucking human cocks and some asspull retconned NightElf race who change their name and went to Horde but becomes Night Elf again just to steal the lore the the Night Elves and shit a little bit more on this race.

I kinda like old god lore
But the gameplay is just too trash in this xpac for me to resub

>t-the game has no content
Quality > Quantity

Nobody wants MMOs on this board, cuck. Head on back to your own tranny containment, of which there are what, three different versions? Because you can't decide which flavor of shit you want to eat.

What would be cool is if Azeroth actually loses at the end of the expansion. Warcraft hasn't allowed shit to happen since Warcraft 3.

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doesn't hold when quantity=0

Jesus, after experiecing shadowbringers I don't know how there are people defending modern wow, pure fucking garbage

The game has years worth of content because it doesn't become outdated and dead like WoW's content.

Where have you been? Almost every final raid boss isn't truly killed and you just banish them/put them to sleep for a bit and you rematch them a few expansions down the road.
>Vanilla Ragnaros
>Vanilla Kel Thuzad
>Kael thas in TK
>WC3/TBC Archimonde
>TBC Kil Jaeden
>Yogg Saron
>Lich King (Arthas is dead, the crown that is the true part of the LK is on Bolvar's head now)

Why are all the orcs in warcraft pansy faggots?

Why can't they be proper orcs?

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God Blizzard hates Night Elves

i do

can you read? that was during a downtime and a new content patch and raid that just came out
i.e. you'd be stupid not to expect that number to be equal or less than the current sub numbers
now provide ANY numbers that show xiv to be anywhere near that

>an mmo that just crested a million
got any numbers to back that up or are you just desperately floundering to not get btfo

I think we're going to unleash all the old gods and then its the end of the world(s). They will "rebirth" the game kind of like FFXIV. Too much shit to reboot at this point, It's the only way.

Because she wants everyone to know that she has a deepthroat fetish

It's so pathetic that the FF14 players even admit that there is nothing to fucking do in an expansion that released less than 2 weeks ago. And...
All classes feel worse. Gear is even more worthless. And all the content is time gated right now. You FF14 players are so fucking pathetic.

Hunter and Warlock pet control alone was game changing, especially in world pvp / AV and original Razorgore strat was literally dependent on hunter pet manual control. The fact that you are disparaging niche but obviously unique and flavorful skills really says a lot about your brain cells.

>that was during a downtime
It hasn't gotten any better.

less than a month after uldir (not even mythic) opening is not a fucking dead period retard

Nah, dude. 8.2 is 10x stronger.

goddamn night elf fans are fuckin intolerable

Why the fuck can't you handle Kel'Thuzad's name?

...That was it?

Sorry what is there to do in WoW 2 weeks after an expansion? Do you want to dig up raid release dates? Mythic+ release dates?

>You think Nelves in Alliance and Undead in Horde wasn't retarded and forced?
When I heard about this I knew better than to pay any attention to WoW lore.

Nah it's quite clear no one wants FF14 here. Trust me I tried to play FF14. To you wow players imagine this, imagine every full server is full of faggots from moonguard that make up of 90% of the community. The last 10% is normal people playing. The trannie memes are not a fucking joke on FF14. The game has the most mentally unstable players of any game in existence that cry for a safe space to be a little faggot. I have no idea how those 10% of players continue with this garbage.

nice toys gayboi

>it's the exact opposite of what the core diablo fanbase would want
No, that would be a chink-made phone game. Good thing that'll never happen, huh?

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>It hasn't gotten any better.
except for the new content they just added?

it is for the massive casual population of the game that doesnt even raid
at that point the game had already devolved into world quest farming that was the exact same as legion


>Fuck yeah Orcs don't need help from those fags
Orcs were never as successful as when they were by themselves.

>the new content

still waiting on those xiv numbers, tranny

It was always heading in that direction even from vanilla, the difference is datamining and established doctrines regarding MMOs weren't created yet and people were a lot more casual and clueless about it all, taken in by the mystery and gimmick of MMOs cause most people didn't actually play EQ or Ultima etc etc.

Vanilla also had a shit ton of unfair but fun elements that were slowly taken out, such as manipulating neutral factions to create gigantic fights in STV Bay. These unfair elements made the world more dangerous and prone to conflict natural or artificial.

Honestly the only reason TBC even had world pvp was because it came off from vanilla when server communities were still around and everyone wanted to fuck over the other guys from the other faction. Once daily quests and arena came along in full swing barely anyone cared about the over world outside of dailies. Dailies were literally the conception of player chores turning players into NPCs.

The pre-wrath event was the final moment when WoW still had any semblance of being an MMO, and guess what? Casuals bitched out it simply because they couldn't handle not being able to bank or AH or mail for awhile. They didn't care about an event where the enemy actually threatened them on their home turf, their base of operations, their safe space.

In fact, it's just a precursor to the current outrage culture of over sensitive pussies.

Why would they squish the levels to 70 instead of 100?

In before 20 replies from mentally unstable FF14 players saying "it's only that server not this one" and then another player saying "no its his server that's like not my server." EVERY FUCKING TIME.