best thing to play while dabbed out? considering some Mario Maker 2, but want some suggestions.
Best thing to play while dabbed out? considering some Mario Maker 2, but want some suggestions
Hotline Miami
mario maker 2
Maximum Action
Is that black tar? Motherfucker I have to wait until tomorrow for my darknet drugs to arrive. Fuck you
Get some help, junkie.
fuck i'm sorry your dabbing that. I get some great gold live resin with diamonds in it. So fire
Its weed you moron
Quentin was right about everything.
Rehab, you drug addict
Where do you live user? Texas?
LSD Simulator or a walking simulator like Journey or Ico.
I can’t concentrate for shit while blazed. And my tolerance is quite high too, I get really stoned once a week.
Your poop looks weird.
drus!!! xd im SOOO high im so cool i love damaging my body with dangerous and illicit substances hey guys im COOL and EDGy drugss!!! DUDE WEED
can't ban me mods, i have a dynamic ip. kys americucks
>not using a vpn anyway so you can fake flags
kys britcuck
why r u so mad
>junkies going so low they have to smoke concentrated resin
lol. really glad my brain is still in-tact.
unless I get really fucking stoned I don't lose much of my concentration and critical thinking skills playing vidya. controls will evade me if they are complex though. some games are simply more enjoyable high anyways
RPGs are good since they dont require alot of inputs plus you'll can feel more immersed in the story
I knew immediately what this was without seeing anything like it.
looks like a headache.
did someone sell you old pipe resin?
Katamari Damacy
The fuck am I looking at?
low quality drugs
Do you smoke that or something? Like how do you get high from that
they melt it onto a spoon then use one of those sugar needles to shoot it into their arteries.
What the hell? No way