Command decks ruined Kingdom Hearts
Command decks ruined Kingdom Hearts
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Kingdom Hearts ruined Kingdom Hearts.
If nobodies were called something else like alters or shadows so you think kingdom hearts would sound less retarded?
No, because Kingdom Hearts was getting called stupid before it even released. Kingdom Hearts is the only series where people apparently have problems with the concept of battling against darkness.
No, it fit at the time. Then Nomura went full retard around DDD.
command decks are good idea but was poorly executed. the cooldowns are too long and you don't get enough slots.
Dream Drop Distance is one of the worst games I've ever played.
fpbp, Kingdom Hearts 3 to be exact
Wasn't it Square Enix who literally DESTROYED the team that made Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix ad permanently put them on:
- FF Versus which turned into FF15 due to LONG development.
- FF7 Remake which has LONG development because it's Episodic.
I blame Square Enix. They're the stupid Japanese Jewish sons of bitches who neutered one of their pillar franchises. When it eventually fails due to lackluster gameplay I will blame them exclusively.
>FF Versus
>FF7 Remake
>All had a long development
There's something in common with all three of these.
>Apparently they brought the KH2 combat designers to FF7R
>But not fucking KH3, where it was desperately needed
I didn't think it was absolute garbage but that retcon was unnecessary and ruins 2 implicitly.
Which one
It's not even in KH3, and that's easily worse than all of the Command Deck games.
I'm playing through it right now and having to go through each world a second time as Riku is even more tedious than it was doing it in CoM
The nobodies growing hearts shit and how he knew all along, it makes Xemnas' actions throughout 2 and Days completely nonsensical.
command deck was fine in Re:coded, actually let you to continuously combo normal attacks into Commands and having the freedom to quickly dodge roll or air dash away if need be, not to mention the added abilities you get with accessories and the type of keyblade you have equipped
Command Deck in BBS and DDD was terrible though because they make it so its better to just spam a broken command deck and let it do all the work for you
Square Enix itself is the reason why most of what they make now is so mediocre
KH3 and FF15 could've been fantastic games if Square Enix weren't incompetent greedy corporate heads trying to milk the fuck out of their franchises with bare minimum effort
They were absolutely fine in re:coded where they were quick and to the point, feeling more like extensions of your combos than a fancy little move you pull out inbetween combos. Being able to cancel finishers into them helped make them more desireable to use too.
Honestly, re:coded just did a lot of shit right with its combat, but people shit on the game too much for everything else and now I'm sure Square Enix never wants to revisit anything it contributed ever again. Keyblades having entire trees of auto abilities was fucking great as well.
he was working on dissidia nt at the time i believe. not everyone can work on multiple projects at once like nomura for better and for worse
People don't like Re: Coded because they're Storyfags. Story driven fans don't care about the gameplay of a videogame. And because sadly Coded is kind of the biggest case of Canon Filler for story....that's why it gets insulted.
FF7R's combat is basically "what if BBS Command Deck had effort put into it".
Story isn't the ONLY reason to hate recoded sadly. As much as I fucking love its combat, it is completely wasted on this game because it finds as many excuses as it can to NOT use it and make you do something else entirely with Olympus Coliseum being the most obnoxious offender.
>Combat is turn based here, and you have Hercules and Cloud as party members!
>It's extremely shallow and gets boring and outright tedious after you see it 2 or 3 times.
>Thanks game, not like I wanted to actually try out the keyblade you just gave me before coming here.
>There's something in common with all three of these.
Square Enix
>FF7R's combat is basically "what if BBS Command Deck had effort put into it".
I see it as a more refined Type 0 since each party member plays differently
True. The game also being another retread of KH1's worlds also doesn't help either. It feels fresher to try the battle mechanics on new types of levels, not the same ones from the first game.
I agree, Re:coded had too much gimmicky bullshit, revisiting of worlds you are seeing for the FOURTH TIME NOW, and most of the data diving is in boring looking same digital spaces
ultimately the story is pointless and the game just doesn't look as good as BBS did
shame that it has such nice things with its combat and such shitty things when it comes to anything else the game offers
>hey, hey user
>you like minigames right?
>ofcourse you do
>and I'm Pretty sure you like
>so how about we take abilities and
>and combine them together
Re:coded had some of the best gameplay
Best combat you mean. When half the game is forcing you to play some half baked minigame to progress instead of the well designed combat system, you can't exactly call that "best gameplay" as a whole.
>here's Destiny Islands to get used to everything
>okay cool now here's Traverse Town to play around with it some more, but now the game is a 2D platformer
>now let's move onto Wonderland where half the game is stealth segments with no action, also the boss of this world is suddenly a shmup wannabe for some reason
>now do Olympus Coliseum where you get NONE of the combat system at all
>time for Agrabah, you can finally have a little of that sweet action again, but then you gotta play freeze tag with Jaffar
>next is Hollow Bastion, we're taking away the combat system again so you can guide Donald and Goofy's AI around instead
>okay it's the final world of the game, I guess we can let you play with the combat system for real now
>Square Enix
Try Nomura. He was in charge of all of these messes.
>the concept of battling against darkness
is one dimensional and stupid.
A group like Shinra is much more compelling than the Organization.
>*clearly shows emotions*
Nah, if anything the fact thats a "twist" is retarded
>he didn't pay attention
It's all a fucking act, retard. They spell this shit out at the beginning.
Wow you're retarded
>gets the explanation fucking handed to him all throughout the game that their "emotions" are fake interactions based on their memories
>nah lol, I'm gonna make up some headcanon to defend Nomura fucking up the story with his shitty retcons
>This is the best KH3 has to offer
>Absolutely nothing and shitty cutscenes
Yikes from me
better than XV
I bought the Story So Far bundle.
Are any of the games that got reduced to cutscene movies worth tracking down and playing?
no, gameplay is absolute ass in all of them
>better than anything
Maybe in your own head
Not really, they're easily the lowest priority in the series in terms of experiencing fully and properly.
It's better than XV but let's not pretend that's any kind of achievement.
just play 2fm and call it day, fuck cards and fuck dream eaters
Eh, 3D is kinda fun but I didn't like the others
>He thinks KH3 is above anything
This game doesn't even have more content than PS2 games that released over a decade ago, not to mention how it's borderline unfinished with so many plotholes and gaps in the story. Hell, KH3 doesn't even have an ending.
It appears that Dream Drop Distance is an actual game in the bundle.
Exactly, it's a statement on how garbage XV is that it actually managed to be worse than shit like KH3.
Oh, my bad. I kinda forgot which ones were turned into movies.
I like to think that Osaka team didn't go full cinematic retardation because the DS couldn't handle it, so they went with a more minimalistic apporach to them
it would explain why the game with the worst graphics has the best command deck battle system
Glad we agree KH3 is shit
Didn't h.a.n.d. develop re:coded instead of Osaka Team?
I really liked KH3, glad it was the best-selling game in the series.
way to expose yourself kun
Osaka NEVER made Days or Re: Coded.
We never didn't agree, we just said XV was worse.
oops my bad
DDD as a movie would have been better.
I actually agree, that's why I figured it was a movie. To be honest though, I kinda liked 3D overall when it didn't drag
I only liked DDD for the TWEWY cast but that was just about it
Is TWEWY good? Been looking into trying out the DS version.
hell yeah it's amazing
I really doubt anything can be worse than KH3
that's because you're shitposting
I really hope the TWEWY cast come back for the next KH game. Hanging out with Neku and the crew would be kino.
half of the kh games released in the series are worse than kh3
Or because unfinished games with less content than what came decades prior, plotholes and loose-ends ontop of loose-ends, and a lack of a fucking ending are bad? KH3 is slap on the face bad. Nearly 14 years wasted for this cash grab that requires DLC to even be a game, and even then it's still bad.
Nope. They're bad, but KH3 is terrible. You must have a serious case of Stockholm syndrome if you're going yo sit here and defend KH3 as if it's not the worst thing to ever happen to the series.
kh1 left loose ends and lacked an ending too, bbs too, ddd too, days too.... you're fucking retarded
Imagine Chain of Memories combined with DDD’s Flick Rush but it’s actually good.
>KH3 is the worst thing ever
Hyperbole sure is dumb
>Hoping for a cameo
How about an actual sequel instead
>11 (Eleven) (Once) years since release
>Still no sequel
After that blueballing from Remix SE better fucking deliever or i'll commit mass sudoku
>they're bad
we have nothing else to talk about xv-kun, someone who seriously thinks that the entire kh series is bad doesn't have the right to judge kh3, only people who like a series have the right to judge the latest title in the series.
The only KH games better than 3 are 1 and 2.
Christ, what a shit series...
That makes KH3 better how? And all these games had conclusive endings, sorry that you're retarded and missed it.
>Nearly 14 years wasted for this cash grab that requires DLC to even be a game, and even then it's still bad.
again you're mixing up XV with KH3, you're perfectly describing FFXV
The gap between KH3 and 1 / 2 is so big though. What a pathetic excuse of a long running series, definitely would've been canned by now if it weren't for the disney bucks
kh1 didn't have a conclusive ending, Riku trapped in RoD, Kairi and Sora separated and Sora goes on a random journey following Pluto isn't a conclusive ending. It's literally a cliffganger, just like every KH game ever.
Only KH2 had a conclusive ending, except it shat on it after the epilogue and gave us a cliffhanger again that led to DDD.
also this
XV is better than KH3. FF fans agree that XV is anywhere from an okay game to a great game that brought new life into the franchise, which is why it was such a successful title. Meanwhile KH fans are torn between if KH3 is the worst in the series or the 2nd worst.
>FF fans agree that XV is anywhere from an okay game to a great game that brought new life into the franchise
Only in your delusional head xv-kun
>FF fans agree that XV is anywhere
Have you even been on Yea Forums? There was just a thread on here flat out tearing into the game.
>which is why it was such a successful title
KH3 is a successful title too retard, 2nd best launch in company's history and best and fastest selling title in the series.
>FF fans agree that XV is anywhere from an okay game to a great game that brought new life into the franchise
I guess we're just gonna tell huge fucking lies in this thread huh
>Riku trapped in RoD
You're using future knowledge to judge the first game in the series. What Riku did was realize his mistakes throughout the story and "sacrificed" himself for the better, even if that meant being trapped in the other side of that door.
>Kairi and Sora separated
What does this have to do with KH1 supposedly lacking an ending? Things aren't always positive suck it up. This also leads directly into the sequel with Sora's goal being to reunite with her, as only a complete autist would think KH1 was a stand alone game that wouldn't have gotten a sequel.
>Sora goes on a random journey following Pluto
FM exclusive, and this leads into the sequel.
KH1 had a clear ending and also set the foundation for a sequel to be made. Meanwhile KH3 doesn't have an ending and requires changes into the story to account for he gaps and a sequel because KH3 doesn't have an ending and instead just sequel baited repeatedly.
>What does this have to do with KH1 supposedly lacking an ending? Things aren't always positive suck it up.
So wait why doesn't KH3 have an ending then?
Yeah so compelling that nobody ever gave or gives a single shit about anything Shinra that isn't Hojo, and drool behind the prettyboy silver haired swordman instead.
>FF fans
>Yea Forums
KH3 is nowhere near the cash cow that FFXV was, it even dropped down to $20 now only a couple of months after released. KH3 only sold off of name alone after being hyped up, while people bought FFXV because they saw it as a genuinely good game.
>You're using future knowledge to judge the first game in the series.
No retard, Sora literally closes the door and leaves Riku and Mickey trapped, Mickey being there all along since the start of the game means Riku isn't "sacrificing" anything, it's perfectly clear they're going to survive just like Mickey survived up to this point.
>What does this have to do with KH1 supposedly lacking an ending? Things aren't always positive suck it up.
So kh3 doesn't lack an ending either then. Suck it up. Sora was looking for Kairi the entire game only to be separated from her in the ending, it's literal not a conclusion.
>KH1 had a clear ending and also set the foundation for a sequel to be made. Meanwhile KH3 doesn't have an ending and requires changes into the story to account for he gaps and a sequel because KH3 doesn't have an ending and instead just sequel baited repeatedly.
KH3 literally closes all gaps in the Xehanort saga and sets the foundation for the sequel. Nothing less and nothing more than that.
You mean kingdom hearts 2
Nah, Square Enix being retarded and Disney meddling ruined KH. H.A.N.D proved that Command Decks can be fun as fuck.
>KH3 is nowhere near the cash cow that FFXV was, it even dropped down to $20 now
KH3 is a huge cash cow and also had a smaller budget than XV. The $20 price is a summer deal not a price cut, unlike XV which could be found for $24 by February of 2017.
>implying FFXV isn’t more of a cash cow I’m guessing the movie, anime, mobile games, and Noctis DLC for Tekken just don’t exist, huh?
There's literally a gap in between when Sora sacrifices himself and when Kairi comes back, not to mention all the rushed reunions that barely have any coherency to it. We all know Sora is fine because throughout the story they kept baiting for a sequel (wild card), however they act as if they weren't setting this up and "he's actually gone" even though anyone with a brain knows he's not. What's the ending of KH3? Sora brings back Kairi from the end and dies with no build up? Nice ending lel
>KH3 literally closes all gaps in the Xehanort saga and sets the foundation for the sequel. Nothing less and nothing more than that.
Nigger it spends 20 hours fucking around with nothing then resolves literally everything in the last hour
how the fuck can you justify that
disney ruined kingdom heart, but also final fantasy ruined kingdom hearts. these 2 franchises don't work, they should be 2 separate things.
Oh fuck off, Barry.
>There's literally a gap in between when Sora sacrifices himself and when Kairi comes back, not to mention all the rushed reunions that barely have any coherency to it.
But user they still have those reunions, and you said yourself that "Things aren't always positive suck it up". Actually, you seem to be arguing that KH3 doesn't have a very good ending, not that it doesn't have one. Did you even read this before posting it?
>Riku isn't "sacrificing" anything
Except his freedom? There was no certainty he'd escape and KH1 would have you believe he wouldn't.
>it's literal not a conclusion.
KH1's ending is bittersweet while KH3's is just autistic and nonexistent. Sora saves the day but also gets separated from the one he loves reassuring her he'll come back to her as she returns to Destiny Islands as the other worlds return from 'Kingdom Hearts'
>KH3 literally closes all gaps in the Xehanort saga
>"Xehanort "die" so that the ending of the Xehanort saga and it good and concise!"
It literally doesn't end though since right after Sora goes poof, nice try though. Not to mention all the other Organization members and even his timetraveled self which all have unfinished plotlines that were sequel baited.
>Nigger it spends 20 hours fucking around with nothing then resolves literally everything in the last hour
I don't think it fucks around doing nothing, and according to your own words it resolves everything. What is the actual issue?
>KH3's is just autistic and nonexistent
How can KH3's ending be nonexistant when you described it
>It literally doesn't end though since right after Sora goes poof, nice try though.
...What? I read this like 5 times, it makes no sense
>Things being terribly written is the same as something being bittersweet
Why must you be autistic for replies? How can you justify the reunion of Ven and Chirithy, Namine and Riku, everyone on the beach, and even Sora and Kairi in the ending? That's right, you can't. You're just being autistic for a (You).
>You seem to be arguing that KH3 doesn't have a very good ending
Nope, that's your argument since it's either bad or nonexistent. KH3 doesn't have an ending since there's so much left open at the end and nothing really ends with it's "conclusion" as the credits roll.
>described it
It's autistic that Nomura thought he could ship out KH3 without an ending after fans have been waiting for a decade and a half.
>Xehanort saga is over
>Sora poof
That's a continuation of the "Xehanort saga", or are you arguing that Sora poofing wasn't a direct result of that?
But it doesn't so this, there's plot stuff happening the whole time?
Uh so do you know what deus ex machina means or what
>It's autistic that Nomura thought he could ship out KH3 without an ending
But you openly admitted it had an ending and described it.
>That's a continuation of the "Xehanort saga", or are you arguing that Sora poofing wasn't a direct result of that?
I still have no idea what you're asking, honestly.
>How can you justify the reunion of Ven and Chirithy, Namine and Riku, everyone on the beach, and even Sora and Kairi in the ending?
I'm confused why I have to justify it? They all don't have to fight for the time being and they can hang out. I'm genuinely curious what has to BE justified.
>Nope, that's your argument since it's either bad or nonexistent.
But user your argument is that it's bad or nonexistent.
>My opinion is fact but yours is an opinion!
Oh you're shitposting, ok
Autistic is the word I used to describe the lack of an ending, sorry your reading comprehension is also lacking.
>I still have no idea what you're asking, honestly.
Not surprised, I'm really not.
So, what happened here? There was a countdown for something TWEWY related?
>But it doesn't so this, there's plot stuff happening the whole time?
What fucking plot stuff?
Sora dicks around doing literally NOTHING to contribute to the plot the entire game because Merlin told him to. then,
>Uh so do you know what deus ex machina means or what
at the very end, Sora suddenly just hears Ventus's faggot voice call down from the heavens and go "OH YEAH YOU HAD THE POWER OF WAKING THE WHOLE TIME SO EVERYTHING YOU DID WAS TOTALLY POINTLESS LOL". On top of that, Aqua is found through a LITERAL Deus Ex Machina where Eraqus's keyblade just fucking shows up and Sora just gets a random hunch that it's at Destiny Islands for no reason whatsoever. Sora is able to REWIND FUCKING TIME to save everybody for no reason whatsoever. Namine is able to somehow fuck with the timeline and summon Lingering Will, who shows up and does absolutely nothing but take Terranort out of the plot for long enough to deal with the other shit. The Union X keyblade show up and help sort for literally NO OTHER REASON than a random, shitty Deus Ex Machina. Fuck You.
Dream Drop Distance one of my favorites. I love how powerful Riku gets compared to Soara and how it sets the stage for three with time travel shenanigans and bringing back dead villains.
>and Noctis DLC for Tekken
Man, fuck you for reminding me of this. What happened with Harada? How do you go from sweet guests like Akuma and Geese to fucking Noctis and Walking Dead guy? Where the FUCK is Kiryu?
>Autistic is the word I used to describe the lack of an ending
Oh so you just made up your own definition of the word.
>sorry your reading comprehension is also lacking.
By "reading comprehension" you mean I should have known your made up definition of the word?
>Not surprised, I'm really not.
Well of course you're not surprised, the question was phrased really, really poorly. You need to take English lessons.
>What fucking plot stuff?
Finding out about the other hearts in him, saving Aqua, everything going on with Maleficent and the Organization and Riku.
>Sora dicks around doing literally NOTHING to contribute to the plot
I guess if you ignore al the stuff he does to contribute to the plot, sure.
>at the very end, Sora suddenly just hears Ventus's faggot voice call down from the heavens and go "OH YEAH YOU HAD THE POWER OF WAKING THE WHOLE TIME SO EVERYTHING YOU DID WAS TOTALLY POINTLESS LOL".
Yeah that's not deus ex machina, in fact that was set up long in advance.
>On top of that, Aqua is found through a LITERAL Deus Ex Machina where Eraqus's keyblade just fucking shows up and Sora just gets a random hunch that it's at Destiny Islands for no reason whatsoever.
That's not it either, that was also set up in advance.
>Sora is able to REWIND FUCKING TIME to save everybody for no reason whatsoever.
But this was also set up
>Namine is able to somehow fuck with the timeline and summon Lingering Will, who shows up and does absolutely nothing but take Terranort out of the plot for long enough to deal with the other shit.
Um Namine met Terra/Lingering Will in the Final World, that's what the conversation with her star was about
Ok so you don't know what the phrase means, that's obvious
>I'm confused
>why I have to justify it?
Because you made the arguement that "just having these reunions" excuses them for being poorly written, rushed, and overall downright terrible addition to an already bad game. But then again you're just autistically baiting and don't really care about proving your point or moronic statements you make.
>But user your argument is that it's bad or nonexistent.
Again, nope. My argument is that KH3 is completely missing an ending and the only other alternative is KH3 having an ending so bad it fails to accomplish what an ending is supposed to accomplish. Pick your poison.
>Strawman fake quote
>Oh you're shitposting, ok
Ironic. Also love the lack of any sort of argument, that's the number one sign of a blatant shitposter.
>the question was phrased really, really poorly.
Maybe you should re-read my post until it finally gets through to your thick skull, because it's written in proper English, which I know you struggle in despite that being your native language.
>Because you made the arguement that "just having these reunions" excuses them for being poorly written, rushed, and overall downright terrible addition to an already bad game.
But user, it's just your opinion that they're poorly written, rushed and overall terrible additions. So I have to justify your bad opinion?
>But then again you're just autistically baiting
This is just ironic
>Again, nope. My argument is that KH3 is completely missing an ending
But you keep admitting it does have an ending, just a bad one. So does it have a bad ending, or does it not have one?
>Ironic. Also love the lack of any sort of argument
Dude that's because you haven't given an argument. You keep saying "I'm right, KH3 doesn't have an ending. There is no argument."
>Maybe you should re-read my post until it finally gets through
I tried a couple more times, but it really, REALLY is badly written. Like, terribly so. Maybe you could run it through google translate in your native language?
>Finding out about the other hearts in him
He literally states that he already knew about Roxas, suspected at least one more, and the fact that he knows this is hardly relevant whatsoever since they would have found it out when going to wake Ventus anyways.
>everything going on with Maleficent
Oh, you mean literally fucking nothing?
>and the Organization
Oh, you mean the things that don't become even slightly relevant until the endgame, along with some things that literally NEVER become relevant?
>I guess if you ignore al the stuff he does to contribute to the plot, sure.
Name fucking one.
>Yeah that's not deus ex machina, in fact that was set up long in advance.
Where? Where, user? Where was the part where anyone, anywhere says that Sora had the power of waking the whole time before that moment occurs? And even if it WAS set up, that still wouldn't justify having Sora spending the whole game basically fucking around instead of going and using the Power of Waking right at the start.
>That's not it either, that was also set up in advance
>But this was also set up
>Um Namine met Terra/Lingering Will in the Final World,
Something that was never shown to have happened before.
Something that was never used nor addressed until it was used as a Deus Ex Machina.
Here is the literal fucking DEFINITION of a Deus Ex Machina.
>an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel.
You agreed with my sentiment since you said just having these reunions, even though they're terrible, is better than not(?, which isn't what I'm saying since I'm fine with just not having them, but this is what you're arguing.)
>your opinion!
Um no. These reunions are objectively poorly written, rushed, and terrible.
But feel free to tell me otherwise as to how Ven meeting with Chirithy and being best friends instantly, or even how Chirithy came back from the "Final World" to the real world, is the best writing to ever gace this planet.
Or how Namine suddenly getting her heart in this replica despite Kairi being you know, dead, and suddenly feels a connection with Riku through Repliku even though we saw Repliku erase from existence, is top tier Nomura writing.
Or how Sora and Kairi's reunion isn't rushed and poorly written with all the gaps in the timeline and order of events. We don't even know how Sora revived Kairi outside of "muh power of waking" dues ex machina.
>Rest of your post is low tier bait back and forth with no present argument about anything I'm discussing
I accept your concession, and wholeheartedly except only the lowest of low baits coming out from you after I click post.
>He literally states that he already knew about Roxas, suspected at least one more
Yeah he suspected one more, but when Vanitas tells him Ventus' heart is in him it's a revelation to Sora, Donald and Goofy
>and the fact that he knows this is hardly relevant whatsoever since they would have found it out when going to wake Ventus anyways
Seemed pretty relevant for the whole Monsters Inc. World and for Sora learning the power of waking.
>Oh, you mean literally fucking nothing?
It was something though.
>Oh, you mean the things that don't become even slightly relevant until the endgame
Yeah that's why it's a buildup towards the climax. That's how stories work.
>Name fucking one.
Learning the power of waking and waking up Ventus.
>Where? Where, user? Where was the part where anyone, anywhere says that Sora had the power of waking the whole time before that moment occurs?
They say it at the beginning of the game when they say that Sora needs to relearn the power of waking.
At the end of BBS when Aqua confronts Terra, and in 0.2.
>W H E R E
3D, this is where the time travel stuff was brought up.
>Something that was never shown to have happened before.
And it still happened.
>Something that was never used nor addressed until it was used as a Deus Ex Machina.
A Deus Ex Machina happens with absolutely no setup. Otherwise it's just foreshadowing.
>Here is the literal fucking DEFINITION of a Deus Ex Machina.
And Lingering Will isn't an unexpected power, Namine even directly namedrops Terra.
Not Lingering Will in KH3, that's for sure.
Again, you're just outing yourself as someone who struggles to read basic English. I seriously can't dumb down what I'm saying any more than I already am for you. I even used Sora poof autistic speak just for you, you surely can understand after you give it a couple more hundred tries. I believe in you Pablo.
>You agreed with my sentiment since you said just having these reunions, even though they're terrible, is better than not
I never said that though.
>Um no. These reunions are objectively poorly written, rushed, and terrible.
Right, and that's your opinion. Your opinions aren't objective fact.
>wholeheartedly except only the lowest of low baits coming out from you after I click post.
I like how you basically admit this post you made is shit and you'll be ignoring any future posts. Quality shitposting.
xiv just calls them sin eaters and they look the fucking same, hell the first boss one you encounter has the same kind of head shape as the mook nobodies
>Again, you're just outing yourself as someone who struggles to read basic English.
No you just did an extraordinarily bad job at phrasing the question. Maybe you could just try to retype it? Show your English teacher that post, I assure you he'll agree with me
>Ignores all my points because he can't bring it in himself to diverge from low effort baiting for a single minute
>I never said that though.
>But user they still have those reunions, and you said yourself that "Things aren't always positive suck it up"
I accept your concession dementia riddled retard.
you kingdom hearts players sure are a contentious people
>Literally "No you"
Don't reply to me until you can understand English and respond to my post.
I don't really understand this post, maybe you could rephrase it.
>I accept your concession dementia riddled retard.
user, I literally didn't admit that even in the quote you posted.
>>But user they still have those reunions
And the "positive" folowing that was obviously referring to the emotions of the scene, not the subjective quality.
Are you not smart enough to have picked up on this? Wow.
Days is crap. Coded is alright. Don't know about the mobile ones.
If you look at the early BBS trailers, you can see that the combos were there, no idea why they took them out
Because Osaka can't do anything right.
iirc BBS was originally gonna be a traditional KH game like 1+2, but that was changed in development.
Making normal combos less rewarding ruined Kingdom Hearts
469788991 (You)
Your story ends with you being unable to understand a simple question said in simple terms, so you decide to pretend to be retarded for the next 30 minutes because you're so unworldly autistic you decide to make 6 posts saying "no u" "im dumb and can't read english"
Good job, you successfully made yourself look like a retard unable to refute any of my points so you try your hardest to change the topic, but ultimately fail making yourself look like a handicapped olympian unable to do a basic task like reading and understand grade 1 english.
If you would just rephrase that original question I'd actually try and answer it, but it really comes across as someone who's just learning the language.
Also pretending your post made sense is just sad.
>the emotions of the scene
you mean all the positive reunions like Saix suddenly becoming best friends with Roxas (who tried to kill him) and Xion (someone he tormented and looked down upon)? If this was the case and you were talking about the "emotions" then why did you use something I said? Because clearly, if you played this game, you would know all of these reunions are puddle deep positive reunions with nothing "not positive" about it.
>not smart enough
Yup I know, trust me. It's not really a surprise to anyone that you're retarded.
I'll repost so you can ask your English tutor to clear up for you the parts you're struggling with.
>Xehanort saga is over
>Sora poof
That's a continuation of the "Xehanort saga", or are you arguing that Sora poofing wasn't a direct result of that?
>you mean all the positive reunions like Saix suddenly becoming best friends with Roxas (who tried to kill him) and Xion (someone he tormented and looked down upon)?
Yeah, because Saix wasn't a Nobody anymore. And they made it pretty clear there was no long grudges.
>If this was the case and you were talking about the "emotions" then why did you use something I said?
BEcause in English words can have more than 1 meaning.
>Because clearly, if you played this game, you would know all of these reunions are puddle deep positive reunions with nothing "not positive" about it.
The entire ending ends with Sora disappearing, the most "not positive" thing that's happened with the character in a while. I completely disagree.
>Yup I know, trust me.
You're openly admitting that you're not smart? Brave.
>It's not really a surprise to anyone that you're retarded.
Oh so you didn't understand that I was insulting you?
I guess I'm not shocked.
>Xehanort saga is over
>Sora poof
That's not a question, user. That's little better than caveman speak. I'm still confused as to what you're asking here. Are you asking why Sora poofed? Why didn't you say that then?
Not that guy but I also have no idea what you're trying to ask him. What exactly is a continuation of the Xehanort saga?
My biggest problem with Kingdom Hearts is that there is so much shameless asset reuse in this series. The worst offense that I can remember is when you go back to the Colosseum (again), Sora's fucking trophies are there even though it takes place before the first game.
And on the subject of BBS
>win boss fight
get overpowered by the weakest enemy in the game
Having played Re:Coded, that's mostly an issue with the boss fights. The general gameplay is normal outside of those and the entire point of the data sectors hunting and fighting enemy waves.
Though naturally, the best parts are when the game actually gives you a boss that you fight normally, namely Pete, Riku, Sora's Heartless and Roxas
>I'm a retard: The post
Just admit you have no clue what you were saying and just forgot the things you said. This panic desperate damage control is just pathetic to watch.
>All these reunions were clearly rushed and had no coherency to them adding to the fact that KH3 is unfinished and lacks a true ending.
>Okay and? At least they happened, as you would say "things aren't always positive, suck it up"! haha get btfoed!
>Feel free to justify these reunions being anything other than poorly written in your mind.
>W-Why? Why do I have to do that?!
>Because you made the assertion that just having them excuses them being bad
>That's just your opinion!!
>The one that you agreed with, and then later excused in the same sentence.
>N-No I didn't!!!
>Yes, you did.
>I-I-I meant the emotions!... yeah... that's what I meant!
>You're a fucking retard.
Fans (not secondaries) talk about Jenova, Rufus and the Turks all the time.
Same thing happens in KH3, nearly eight fucking times.
>That's little better than caveman speak.
>Implying that wasn't intentional
I outright stated it was. Sora poof.
Sora vanishing at the end of KH3 is a direct result and continuation of the Xehanort saga, showing that KH3 couldn't even properly end the one thing it was set out to end, the "Xehanort saga".
lol kh3
Another different, but so? That could be a lead-in to the next saga of Kingdom Hearts. Doesn't mean Xehanort'll be back again. does it?
The Xehanort Saga was basically the story of Sora and friends fighting against ehanort's machinations, hence why every villain besides Marluxia and Sora's Heartless was some form of Xehanort.
Xehanort is gone now, so while Sora disappearing was a consequence of the Saga, it isn't part of the Saga. it's just the tie-in to the next.
the attractions bs did
>one guy calls KH3 triangle to win
>he says this while also saying BBSFM is one of the best games in the series
Speaking of mechanics, how do you guys feel about command styles (and Keyblade transformations, I guess)? I thought they were kind of cool
I don't reply to retards who couldn't understand simple English.
Sora being gone and no longer united with his friends, essentially sacrificing himself autistically for Kairi, was a direct result of the Xehanort saga. Meaning, the Xehanort saga isn't technically over since Sora vanishing was a direct result of this whole thing. If the goal was to satisfyingly end the entirety of Kingdom Hearts' main plot pre KH3 you don't do that by leaving things open that tie into it at the end. KH3 couldn't even end the Xehanort saga my sides. And there are people who think this game is anything above a genuine 3/10
Ghost Drive is my fave, along with Wingblade.
They're great when not hampered down by other garbage like attractions and command deck bullshit, they feel like an advancement of drive forms.
Adding on to this for clarification. Sora vanishing at the end is like everything being wrapped up but they forgot to save Terra. The Xehanort saga wouldn't be over until they save him since Xehanort's the reason for everything bad that happened to him, and ending the Xehanort saga would be undoing the things he's done.
>I outright stated it was.
If you intentionally wrote the post to be confusing, then why were you surprised when people found it confusing?
>Meaning, the Xehanort saga isn't technically over since Sora vanishing was a direct result of this whole thing.
Heavily disagreed. Especially because this is an extremely limited view of arcs, does literally everything need to be reset to 0 before a new arc begins?
Plus they also set up that MoM basically set up the Xehanort saga to occur, so arguably the Xehanort Saga was just a part of the larger MoM saga anyhow
>Understanable caveman speak in the greentext makes the whole post confusing when in reality it's just reiterating what I said in the normal non-green text post
You're just a retard who struggles to read basic English.
I suppose. This seems to be a matter of semantics overall.
Is the Xehanort saga over when they defeat him for good, or when they repair all of the damage he did? Personally, I believe it's the former.
>Sora being gone and no longer united with his friends, essentially sacrificing himself autistically for Kairi, was a direct result of the Xehanort saga. Meaning, the Xehanort saga isn't technically over since Sora vanishing was a direct result of this whole thing.
It was a direct result, but whatever Sora is going to be facing next has nothing to do with Xehanort. Thus Xehanort's story, the Dark Seeker Saga, is over and now we get the Foretellers Saga or whatever.
>Sora vanishing at the end is like everything being wrapped up but they forgot to save Terra.
Depends on what you mean by "they forgot to save Terra". If Terra was put in a place because of Xehanort, but otherwise completely disconnected from whatever Xehanort is doing, then yes it'd count because it overall isn't tied to the story. If you meant Terra being Terranort, then no because Terra would still be possessed by some form of Xehanort and thus that'd be a plot point.
It's more like if they didn't need to wake up Ven, and only remembered him after Xehanort was defeated, only to find that somebody else moved him. Yeah, Xehanort caused it, but Venus in this scenario is a disconnected plot point. In the same way, Xehanort indirectly caused Sora to vanish, but given that it was indirectly and Xehanort is no longer a factor, that's not really a point for the Xehanort Saga to tie up.
There was the countdown
The music changed every day
The timer reached zero and we got TWEWY mobile port while everyone was expecting TWEWY2
>>Understanable caveman speak in the greentext makes the whole post confusing
Yes, that's the point. Also it wasn't understandable, and you misspelled the word
Holy shit, that sounds godawful. I feel bad for you guys, goddamn.
>does literally everything need to be reset to 0 before a new arc begins?
No. But something major like the main protagonist vanishing in it's "conclusion" isn't how you successfully end one arc and start anew. Sora vanishing is just another effect of the Xehanort saga meaning it technically isn't over until he's saved. Or do you believe they'll just instantly jump to the next bad guys? No. Sora's put into this situation because of Xehanort/Kairi and because of the Xehanort saga. Effects of a saga that's should have been concluded shouldn't have an impact that changes the entire direction of the story.
But it doesn't end there
There was absolute silence until the gang appeared in KH3D
Which led to nothing again
Then the switch port happened which placed some sequel bait but we don't fucking know if we'll get TWEWY2 or not
Does Square just hate TWEWY fans or some shit? Jesus Christ.
>Then the switch port happened which placed some sequel bait but we don't fucking know if we'll get TWEWY2 or not
A New Day was not canon, fuck that garbage.
SE hates anything that isn't FF or Related to FF
I still remember when they went full lockdown and even ip blocked DQ Builders videos on youtube
>tfw even Days had better combat than KH3
Every keyblade having a unique combo tree was fucking aces. It's so much closer to KH2's two-button combat system that it really puts into perspective just how lackluster KH3 is.
> Or do you believe they'll just instantly jump to the next bad guys?
Part of III's entire thing was setting up the Foretellers/the Master of Masters as the main villain, up to and including the ending. At absolute worst, it'll be a re:coded situation with a new villain.
>Personally, I believe it's the former.
Because you're a retarded contrarian who refuses to admit I'm right and KH3 isn't actually how you view it, in reality. If Sora "killed" Xehanort without rescuing Aqua and Ven the Xehnort saga would be far from over.
Except you're viewing this with the knowledge of the future baddies because Nomura's a faggot and tried his damnest to advertise these furries. In actuality, Sora isn't just going to instantly jump to these new bad guys ignoring everything, he's put into the situation he is now because of Xehanort and the Xehanort saga. KH3 didn't successfully conclude the Xehanort saga, it just opened a new chapter in attempts to branch off to the new main bad guys during the hamfisted sequel bait.
>tfw even Days had better combat than KH3
No, user. No it did not.
>first equiping Olimpia
>"this keyblade has a different combo, it sucks"
>after the Hercules RPG adventure I had it equipped as much as I could
It was a strong point on Days as well, shame the rest of the game was ass
You at least had to use your brain for Days combat
>In actuality, Sora isn't just going to instantly jump to these new bad guys ignoring everything, he's put into the situation he is now because of Xehanort and the Xehanort saga.
Given that the Master of Masters in a similar area to Sora and/or Riku, odds are he's going to run into him while trying to get out. While Sora was placed into that situation by Xehanort, it was indrectly and all of Xehanort's selves are gone now.
For reference sake, this is like saying the Frieza Saga in Dragon Ball goes on until Goku's heart virus is removed, since he picked it up while in space after Namek blew up.
Nope. Because Goku's heart virus was a plot point created that tied into the future arc and was separate from Frieza, meanwhile Sora vanishing is a cause of the Xehanort saga that may lead into the furry shit but ultimately fails to conclude the Xehanort saga with KH3 alone, since there are still loose ends surrounding Sora. Also YMX is still left opened as he said he'll return to his own time at the end of KH3, this is just another instance if KH3 sequel bait and the abysmal attempt, if you can even call it that because it's clear they didn't, at concluding and satisfyingly ending KH3 and the Xehanort saga - aka the entire KH story pre-KHUX
user, most basic ass Keyblade combos and a quick magic spell here and there will have you flying through Days with flying colors. And that’s not even getting into shit like the forced stealth segments, having to use a stick to fight at some point until Xion got her Keyblade back, terrible bosses like Ruler of the Sky, etc.
Shit, one of the bosses like the flower one just required you to jump up and hit shit.
FF7R is FF Type-0 mixed with a shortcut menu
Yeah Days has bad gameplay, but we're talking about combat. KH3 is mind numbly retarded, you don't even need a brain to find success in this game. You can probably just press random buttons and still succeed, especially in the later half of the game. In Days at least you had to use your brain at times and think about stuff like your setup and what would be good for that scenario, not to mention thinking of what would be the beat option here. But for KH3 you don't have to do any thinking like that.
Not in any capacity
> Because Goku's heart virus was a plot point created that tied into the future arc and was separate from Frieza, meanwhile Sora vanishing is a cause of the Xehanort saga that may lead into the furry shit but ultimately fails to conclude the Xehanort saga with KH3 alone, since there are still loose ends surrounding Sora
Yes, but Goku got that heart virus as a result of being in Space. Because he had to leave Namek. Because of Frieza. By your logic, since Frieza indirectly caused Goku to get that virus, it is still an extension of a Frieza Saga plot point.
By the time Sora disappears, most of the other Xehanort Saga plot point is wrapped up: The other Norts are gone, the apprentice trio are back, the Days trio are back, Namine is back, the only other loose ends are something brought up in that very game (and seems to be more of a Union X plot line), and something at the very end. I guess the Black Box is an unresolved plot point, but that seems more involved with the Foretellers' plotline.
>Also YMX is still left opened as he said he'll return to his own time at the end of KH3
Yeah, and live out his future: The future that the old man who kills Kairi a moment later is currently living. If Young Xehanort does still show up somehow, it more than likely won't be in the same role as in the Dark Seeker Saga, AKA main antagonist.
>this is just another instance if KH3 sequel bait and the abysmal attempt, if you can even call it that because it's clear they didn't, at concluding and satisfyingly ending KH3 and the Xehanort saga
If Sora didn't vanish, would still be saying that?
It's not even better than BBS, and being better than XV is a huge hurdle for any party based ARPG that has yet to be bested.
>If Sora didn't vanish, would still be saying that?
Not him but it'd still be garbage to me there were more things done wrong in that ending than just Sora poof.
It's a statement of how garbage KH3 is that it has a 4/10 review score on MC while XV doesn't. KH3 is objectively worse.
Conclusion: 1 and 2 FM are the only good Kingdom Hearts games
KH3 is fundamentally objectively worse.
I'm mostly referring to the "sequel-bait" line, since the crux of his argument is that the Dark Seeker Saga isn't over because Sora disappeared.
The combat isn’t better, user. Physical attacks suck ass, combo strings are incredibly weak, bosses are incredibly damage-spongy, the enemies lack variety, etc. Xion was probably the only fun fight in the game and she was the final boss.
kh has always been mediocre. babies first anime
No he's perfectly describing only KH3
XV over 15 unique weapons types and movesets
KH3 barely 6 unique weapon types and movesets
XV directional inputs
KH3 none
KH3 only only 10 unique looking places mostly empty coridoors with nothing to do
XV a whole world with over 12 unique looking dungeons place 6 unique regions on top of that with actual exploration
XV characters have character development
KH3 has none
XV has an ending that conclusively ends the story
KH3 has no ending
KH3 is literally unfinished, XV always had a solidified ending and that never changed. KH3 never had an ending it just sets up sequel bait and has the climax of kairi being saved from being dead entirely offscreen which is core main story content blatantly missing
any "gaps" in XV are not even gaps they're just parallel sidestories from other characters perspectives that aren't crucial to the main story, the characters are all set up and ended in XV
KH3 doesn't end anything and only sets up sequel bait which is also for shit that happened offscreen
between the two only kh3 is unfinished
Fuck off, Barry.
Well there's that, plus the never before mentioned subject x that Nomura deigned a good idea to waste time on because ??? And that stupid fucking box.
RPGsite best FF poll with over 10k votes, XV in top 5
1: Final Fantasy VII
2: Final Fantasy IX
3: Final Fantasy VI
4: Final Fantasy X
5: Final Fantasy XV
6: Final Fantasy VIII
7: Final Fantasy XIV
8: Final Fantasy XII
9: Final Fantasy IV
10: Final Fantasy XIII
11: Final Fantasy V
12: Final Fantasy XI
13: Final Fantasy III
14: Final Fantasy II
15: Final Fantasy
Gameinformers top 300 games poll with XV in the top 5 FF games listed
270. Final Fantasy XIII (#12 ranked FF)
244. Final Fantasy III (#11 ranked FF)
235. Final Fantasy XII (#10 ranked FF)
164. Final Fantasy XIV (#9th ranked FF)
146. Final Fantasy IV (#8th ranked FF)
128. Final Fantasy XI (#7th ranked FF)
97. Final Fantasy VIII (#6th ranked FF)
51. Final Fantasy XV (#5th ranked FF)
49. Final Fantasy IX (#4th ranked FF)
33. Final Fantasy X (#3rd ranked FF)
13. Final Fantasy VI (#2nd ranked FF)
7. Final Fantasy VII (#1st ranked FF)
Game informer top 5 best games in series, XV in top 5
>Final Fantasy
>1. Final Fantasy X
>2. Final Fantasy VII
>3. Final Fantasy VI
>4. Final Fantasy VIII
>5. Final Fantasy XV
Shirrako FF poll with 21k+ votes had XV in 1st place and top 5
Famitsu best games of Heisei era, XV again in top 5 for the FFs listed
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Legend of Zelda BOTW
3. NieR: Automata
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Okami
6. Legend of Zelda OoT
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow
9. Dragon Quest V
10. Xenogears
11. Vainglory
12. Suikoden II
13. Mother 2
14. Splatoon 2
15. Tactics Ogre
16. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
17. Kingdom Hearts
17. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
19. Final Fantasy XV
20. Final Fantasy XI
20. Pokémon Diamond/Pearl
You keep posting this everytime and yet XV is still one of the worst action/action RPGs I’ve played in a long while.
Yeah, and I acknowledged those in my most recent post. Those are lingering plotlines and the only justification I can think of for those is that they're based more heavily in the UX/Foretellers plotline which is stretching it for Subject X and doesn't excuse Pete and Maleficent having that as their driving goal in the later half of the Saga.plot points, especially the Black Box. Maybe he should argue those instead of pointing to Sora disappearing.
wrong, kh3 has been less than half price since may even in japan and was $40 by March
KH3 has not even sold its launch stock yet and is still sub 5m sold, it only shipped 5m to retailers
Just XV game alone it had sold over 6m in its first month, 6.6m by 11 months, 7m after 1 year, 7.7m by July 2018, 8.1m by September 2018, 8.4m by November 2018 and is now over 9m+ worldwide in 2019
KH3 only shipped 5m in January but it sold less than that
noctis is the most based pick
>By your logic, since Frieza indirectly caused Goku to get that virus, it is still an extension of a Frieza Saga plot point.
Nope and this instance is different. 1) Everything was already wrapped up completely 2) That was a new plot element introduced that almost immediatedly got touched on and lead into something mean. Meanwhile for KH Sora's disapperence was a direct cause of Xehanort and the Xehanort saga essentially leaving something Xehanort saga related unresolved. If KH3 was deadset on ending the Xehanort saga, instead of sequel baiting for the next, nothing related would be unresolved, yet here we are. It's basically confirmed Sora's disapperence will tie into the next saga, but that doesn't mean it's not just another chapter in the Xehanort saga being opened to ultimately bridge to the next saga (which will definitely take time and not just two seconds like Lol XD guess Im fighting furries now who is xehanort again?). KH3 didn't resolve the Xehanort saga fully, it just sequel baited and left everything unresolved. KH3 is unfinished and lacks an ending.
>By the time Sora disappears, most of the other Xehanort Saga plot point is wrapped up
Still doesn't excuse the last minute loose ends. KH3 was supposed to end the Xehanort saga, not give us more questions.
>live out his future
Re:Mind trailer says hello, YMX will definitely come back moving forward and will have a role to play.
>If Sora didn't vanish, would still be saying that?
Kairi would still need saving. But also hypothetically removing that and completely fixing KH3 and making it have an ending to the main 17 year long story, I guess I wouldn't. Why? Because then that would mean they concluded the main Xehanort saga without leaving any unresolved plot threads related to it.
Still though, that wouldn't excuse the borderline rushed plot of everything else. KH3 was a mess.
When it stopped being a coming of age story tied around expirimental rpg mechanics and became a roundabout and needlessly convoluted tale is honestly when it was ruined. You are right to blame command decks as they are a part of the games that have the aformentioned shit, but this series shouldve never progressed after one.
Anyone else miss how based and fed up with things Sora was in KH1?
You know how arguments here work, someone autistically focuses on a single point in someone's argument and the whole thing focuses on that, then suddenly when it's realized that that one point doesn't even matter and there was never a rebuttal for the other points it's "backpedaling".
Fuck off KH tranny
No one values your shitty opinion so nothing you say matters
Say what you want about BBS but at least it felt like it had content worth a shit despite being the beginning of the franchise's dissent from grace.
This. Anyone expecting this dumpster fire of a franchise to get better from here on out especially under the B team deserve to feel disappointed. KH ended after KH2FM and it will stay that way.
Kingdom Hearts definitely needs a soft reboot that trims all the fat and goes back to being simple and clean. It can still star Sora but most of the OCs need to go away somewhere.
You mean Kingdom Hearts 1.
I refuse to even acknowledge final remix's existence. Literally a textbook example of how not to "upgrade" a cult classic.
>No one values your shitty opinion so nothing you say matter
Ironic coming from you, Barry
I've thought about what if things from the beginning were like a Digimon Adventure type of deal and you get a new cast of characters each iteration, with old ones returning here and there.
Friend of mine and I mused about a what if scenario that had the Twilight Trio (or just specifically Hayner) somehow leaving to chase Sora after they realize Roxas' disappearance is tied to his time being active in the town.
Instead of being chosen by the Keyblade, Hayner would use the chainsaw sword Sora was supposed to have when he was designed to be a furry character in concepts of KH1, and struggle bat as a joke weapon.
Hey they even updated numbers since the 5 mil announcement? Wouldn't be surprised if the actual amount they earned back was much less especially after that low budget looking Re:Mind DLC trailer.
Everything directly related to Xehanort was wrapped up. Sora disappearing at the end is no different than Goku being left on Namek, especially since we didn't know what exactly happened to Sora until the secret movie came out. Of the three plot points that are still open, none of them are related to Xehanort himself. Xehanort has passed on, the people he's messed with are back and while Sora did disappear as a result of misusing the power of awakening, it wasn't like Xehanort was standing just out of frame laughing at him. As far as the protagonists were concerned, it was all over. The next game will mean less than re:coded to this Saga since it's just an excuse to throw Sora into a new arc, especially depending on how much time they focus on it.
>but that doesn't mean it's not just another chapter in the Xehanort saga being opened to ultimately bridge to the next saga
It kinda does, given that Xehanort is dead and gone and has little to do with what happens in the future. It'll be like re:coded except even that had whole "Nort's coming back" scene that made it clear it's not done.
>Re:Mind trailer says hello, YMX will definitely come back moving forward and will have a role to play.
Yes, a DLC trailer, with little context. That sure showed me. And does Frieza showing up at the beginning of Android Saga or being part of the Universal Survival Saga mean that those Sagas are extensions of the Friea/Golden Frieza Sagas respectively? Because if not, then re-read the last part of that reply.
> Because then that would mean they concluded the main Xehanort saga without leaving any unresolved plot threads related to it.
But even if Sora didn't disappear, that leaves Subject X and the Black Box. If those don't count, then why should Sora disappearing at the literal last second, long after the conflict is over and everything else is resolved, should?
Why can't nomura write for shit? Why did he have to go full autism over a fucking disney jrpg.
>Tfw no real sequel to KH: Chains of Memories
>Tfw just a bunch of Spin offs like BBS, DDD, 1, 2 and recently 3.
Ironic coming a kh tranny that lets barry live rent free
>saying Barry in the third person when it’s oh so obvious
>tfw i could never finish KH3
>tfw all the gameplay is mash X, then suddenly press triangle for keyblade transformation that allows to press X with more flashy animations or just suddenly a cutscene that does damage
>Then suddenly die from an attack that came off-screen because i'm playing on critical mode and the whole combat is a clusterfuck
>Tfw no real sequel to KH: Chains of Memories
The real sequel was the World Ends With You
>90% of what we see in the trailer was not in the full game
BBS had the potential to be even more kino and with a somewhat decent gameplay but Nomura is a retard
In the fiscal year financial report SE said they had a decline in operating income despite a rise in net sales
aka despite selling ok they didnt recoup costs and there was a decline in operating income, aka kh3 did not profit despite its sales
Yeah senpai I'm incredibly excited to see the fandom embracing absolute mediocrity to where future installments will continue building off the worst aspects of the franchise instead of giving us the real successor to KH1 & KH2.
Fuck this is the worst timeline to be a KHfag.
>Seething kh tranny still having barry live rent free
>trying this hard
We all know it’s you, fag.
Is that better or worse than MGSV/KH3 where 90% is in the trailers because there's almost no content and too many trailers?
t. tranny
>FF15 could've been fantastic
>an already admittedly pretty good game could've been even better had Nomura not left and worked on the game in accordance with his own vision if not more interesting at the very least
It's like you people summoned me or something. Didn't we already expose that dumbfuck larper Zeal? What're we talking about?
In other words, hello again, Yea Forums. XD
Square Enix was a mistake and Nomura is an autistic hack.
Bring back Squaresoft.
I can't believe I was a massive KH fan that played every game up to 3D and only realized how garbage the series was when I played 3.
That reminds me. What the fuck happened to the playable Mysterious Tour from jump festa 2015? The game is already devoid of meaty content in original worlds and yet even after 6+ years SE still can't ship their flagship HD titles without cutting shit out.
Stockholm syndrome is more powerful than anyone realizes.
I'll take BBS plot over KH3 any day of the week
He’s even trying to start shit in TWEWY threads
well at least we know that nomura wants it to happend
so like 8 more years give or take
Oh wait, here’s the link
I think it was just my tastes weren't refined. 3D was like 7 years ago.
After 3 I want nothing to do with Nomura ever again.
Jesus Christ. What an autist.
I can agree with that
t. tranny twewysperg
I'll take BBS itself over KH3 any day. No joke.
At least during inception the command deck despite its flaws was at least fun to mess around with on handheld format, KH3 feels like a half-assed measure of combining the command deck & menu together resulting in doing neither right whatsoever.
Also Mirage Arena >>>>>>>>>>>>> battle gates, you know there's a problem when a handheld release has a stronger post-game content than a mainline title on HD consoles, and that's vanilla BBS to boot.
Yep, called it.
I'll still buy VII Remake but that's only thanks to based Takahashi putting Nomura on a leash with combat planning + the benefit of not being an original project so that there's minimal instances of donut steel autism shooting itself in the foot.
Otherwise yeah Nomura's dead to me at this point. I just can't anymore.
t. tranny twewysperg
>there's minimal instances of donut steel autism shooting itself in the foot.
>the watchmen of fate
takahashi did not make KH2s gameplay, kanemori did
Barry, did you even check the filenames?
KH2 > KH1 > Coded > Re:COM > POWER GAP > BBS > KH3 > DDD >>> Days
This is the correct order.
>Re: CoM
A console remake of Re:coded could fix all of this
>ultimately the story is pointless
Ironically it seems to be the single game Nomura is most hellbent on making relevant through additional scenes and the continued pursuit of narrative elements like data and the Journal/Book of Prophecies
Shinra is just capitalist darkness
Yes, the remake of COM which is better than the original version and better than BBS, KH3, DDD and Days. What about it?
>He doesn't like Command Decks
Days is putrid, rancid trash
Re:coded is fun
Back Cover is not an adaptation so you'll have to watch the cutscenes for χ[chi] and Union χ[Cross] regardless
>BBS > KH3 > DDD
But BbS is easily the worst-balanced, worst-designed and clunkiest of the entire series bar Days
Still better than KH3 at the moment, but things may change once the FM version is released, or whatever they're naming it. The balancing is on part with KH3's, that is, pretty awful even on critical and somewhat decent on critical level 1. Both have terrible designs, especially the level design. BBS isn't really that clunky if you use the right commands, but KH3 is less clunky I agree. What BBS has over KH3 at the moment is much more content, actually challenging secret bosses(they're shit compared to the greats like data org and LW obviously), a much better story, and an actually good endgame.
>challenging secret bosses
You mean poorly designed
>Still better than KH3 at the moment
>the balancing is on par with KH3's
>Both have terrible designs, especially level designs
>implying KHIII and BbS level design is even remotely similar
>BBS isn't really that clunky
>What BBS has over KH3 at the moment is much more content
Nothing you've said was true
This entire post is just a blatant lie
They're not poorly designed for the gameplay system they're trying to counter. Vanitas LW is beatable with any character without having to resort to "cheap stuff". So is armor of the master and No Heart. MF is the only "poorly designed" boss, in that there's only only consistent and sometimes viable strategy to beat him, which is stacking 4 cures and 4 thunder surges. After that he's not really that bad, since he was made to fight that way anyways.
>Absolutely no arguments
>y-you're lying
try again harder next post
There's no argument to be made against a complete lie other than to call it like it is
I shouldn't have to hold your hand through all the ways you've simply disregarded demonstrable truths that are self-evident to anyone who's actually played both games
I shouldn't have to explain to you how KHIII's damage output is absolutely nothing like BbS's, which was so bad that EXP Zero was given KHFM-esque buffs to make LV1 tolerable.
I shouldn't have to explain to you how KHIII's massive worlds with many vertically-oriented maps are nothing like BbS's flat planes and glorified corridors.
I shouldn't have to explain to you how BbS's animations are so stiff that they literally do not flow into each other and how this is completely different to KHIII which literally allows you to cancel into other attacks/guards/etc.
I shouldn't have to explain to you how the bulk of BbS's optional content is minigames and the grind for command completion.
It's so fucking obvious that of course all I SHOULD have to say is that you're lying.
Better plot/pacing, more original disney bosses, higher quantity selection of disney worlds, waaaaay better climax + ending, actual post-game, etc
How is it not?
He's not wrong
This I'll agree to an extent
Its fucking true though.
>Nothing you've said was true
>This entire post is just a blatant lie
Not an argument.
KH1 was good
everything after it was just garbage
At least OP didn't say command decks ruined mtg because i was about to come in here and flip shit
Dude don't hit the camera
no, it's just that the terminology the series uses, along with the dialogue in general, all sound terribly autistic unless you yourself are also an autist.
and don't get me wrong, i say that with a lot of love for the series.
>I shouldn't have to explain to you how KHIII's damage output is absolutely nothing like BbS's, which was so bad that EXP Zero was given KHFM-esque buffs to make LV1 tolerable.
KH3's damage output was the exact opposite, you do way to much damage and everything dies too quickly leaving zero room or need for using different abilities. I'm taking the EXP zero buff into consideration as I'm using the latest version BBS in my comparison.
>I shouldn't have to explain to you how KHIII's massive worlds with many vertically-oriented maps are nothing like BbS's flat planes and glorified corridors.
KH3's worlds are expansive but have zero depth. They're essentially just battle areas linked together, just like BBS which are battle corridors linked together. The only decent world is Toy Story, but other than that I fail to see any advantages over BBS's world other than they playable area is bigger.
>I shouldn't have to explain to you how BbS's animations are so stiff that they literally do not flow into each other and how this is completely different to KHIII which literally allows you to cancel into other attacks/guards/etc.
KH3 has a case of over-animating things. In order for attacks to look flashier and better they take too long to finish the animation, making your character feel unresponsive or "floaty" as people put it. BBS might have bad animations, but it's on par with KH3 on how responsive it is. I don't care about animations as long as the game feels good to play. It's why I stopped playing RDR 2 in a few hours since that game has amazing animations, but your character feels like he's doing everything in slow motion. However I did say that KH3 is less clunky, which is true, but it's not on the level of KH2.
>I shouldn't have to explain to you how the bulk of BbS's optional content is minigames and the grind for command completion.
Just like KH3 then? Anything that's not post game bosses and story missions is pointless, and BBS is the winner there
Honestly they were wonky and unintuitive as fuck. But no user, Kingdom Hearts 3 ruined Kingdom Hearts. For good this time. I'm never going back wasting my time being invested in that series again. I was on the wiki and /vg/ trying so hard to understand all of the plot intricacies. Then it turned out Kh3 was a dumpster fire. Fucking zoomer, flashy light, Disney glorified, immaturely written dialogued heap of trash.