How do we feel about black luster solider

how do we feel about black luster solider

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no one must know of our forbidden love

Yugioh is a shit game. It's so fucking bad. It's imbalanced as fuck and convoluted as shit. In the show they played this card "Pot of Greed" every episode but I still can't figure out what the fuck it even does.

Prime YGO

favorite card, though some idiots think bls is a woman

Slick, black, that shit is nice.
*jerk off motion*

Cool card, but i'm more of a Brickster Blader guy

I feel OP should fuck off back to

i feel you should shut your bitch ass face you fuckin nigger

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golden YGO years. everything went down the shitter halfway through the Xyz's

I wish they'd make new types of spell and trap cards to go with all the new monster types

How does Yea Forums feel about Jim "Crocodile" Cook and his pure blood Australian shitposting deck?

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Make way chump

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It was OP as fuck and I'm still mad they banned it though nothing will make me madder than Cyber Jar getting banned

More like Lackluster Soldier lmao

I feel like they would need to either completely revamp the game to do that, or make the new cards weak and boring.

its unlimited now

Why is his lust for black girl booty part of his title? Was that the most notable thing about him during his tour of duty?


It's not like they didn't try to revamp the game to include some of the new monster types.

Is there any hope for YGO shifting away from the handtrap disruption linear gameplan meta anytime soon?

Seems pretty fucking powerful just from the convenient special summon conditions.

black lusting soldier

*blocks your path*

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Yusaku, I am trying to fight Borreload but I am dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting him

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feels like I had him when he was just a ritual card until some fucking mexican stole him, if you din't have a ring of thieves all stealing from eachother in middle/high school for shiny cars, did you really have anything.

No. They'd have to rework the entire core of the game even deeper than MR4 to do that


MTG cucks are seething