Any other games with a similar feel? Not necessarily eastern horror or even horror...

Any other games with a similar feel? Not necessarily eastern horror or even horror, just a game that makes you feel that feel

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The Cat Lady and its sequels, Downfall and Lorelai.

the original ones

Clock tower, the gameplay it's inspired in it.

I can't stress how amazing these games are, even with the hilariously bad voice acting

Really? I've heard that they're very edgy in the 14 year old kind of sense

Not even remotely, they tackle mental health in a solid way and don't pull punches in terms of violence, gore etc.
It's not edgy for the sake of shock and awe, it has a narrative purpose which causes unease.
As long as you can get past the voice acting you're set.

First Downfall is kinda rip off SH and some moments, but it's pretty good and it's own thing.
The rest starting from Cat Lady on other hand is kinda ehhhhhh... Well each to their own. Lorelai is worst offender
>they're very edgy in the 14 year old kind of sense
The dialogues can get there sometimes.

I would add Fran Bow to that pile. Its been a while since I played it, but I remember it being similar.
Outside of side scroller adventure, recently released Pathologic 2 was great.

I came here to suggest this too. Also what? Lorelai came out?

I preferred Cat Lady over the second Downfall. Is the first Downfall much different from the remake one?
I thought Cat Lady started very strong but kind of waned once the weird supernatural stuff took backseat to the real world dangers.

Ok well that was good news to learn it actually came out after the wait, but after googling it I saw that both Yong Yea and Jim Stirling are in the game. So can anyone who played it reassure me that it's good and still as enjoyable as The Cat Lady?

>Is the first Downfall much different from the remake one?
Yeah. Downfall (2016) is pretty much different game it's basically trying to tie all strings with Cat Lady. Kinda sad. Consider that in original game, Joe was like special cameo (or huge easter egg) Anyway orginal was it's own thing and worth a shot. It's more grim and create a feel of schizophrenic dream.

Question. Will I ever get to buy Devotion or we can only pirate it?

You will get to buy devotion only if there is regime change in China or Taiwan becomes independent both of which are incredibly unlikely in the foreseeable future. Currently the only ways to play devotion are as you said through torrent or by watching a playthrough on YouTube.

How about Lorelai? I was surprised to see it came out this thread. I would have expected at least some threads to have popped up on Yea Forums when it happened.

Harvester games never really popular to being with. Aside from Cat Lady.
I dislike Lorelai. They really improve overal quality of picture. But the plot and the rest is kinda went really off. It holds a different tone, compare to other games. Based around some cheap family drama and have "ebin" references all over the place. Which unironically made me "cringe". Biggest offender is how simplified this game compare to the rest. Puzzles not that clever and have only one straight solution, no pixel hunting or using you big boy brain here a all. Endings is even simplier to obtain, the game in youre face about all stuff. There no more "bad" or "questionable" decision. You are good gal, didunuffin.
I can say it's still enjoyable to play and have that gory shit. But not too much. No more shock value. No.

>Harvester games never really popular to being with. Aside from Cat Lady.
Yeah Yea Forums is pretty much one of the few places I've ever seen it discussed.
Shame it didn't hold up to the other games. I'll give it a go then if it's at least enjoyable, plus the games are usually short and with no various endings to worry about it's not like it'll be a big time sink or anything if it isn't that good.

Lone Survival.

I liked this game
Shame about China taking the sequel away from us

>I'll give it a go then if it's at least enjoyable
Well maybe you will like it. Who knows.

Lone Survivor

what's your first language?


neat, now I know what accent to read your posts in
spasibo tovarisch