>Master of Galan Karate
Why is it always karate fighters but never MMA fighters in games?
Master of Galan Karate
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she looks like she fucks little white boys
MMA is literally the reddit of martial arts.
She needs to put her feet in my mouth
Karate has respect of the opponent as a rule
Mma don't
We live in a society
Because Nips are shit at mma.
Because if you say MMA people will expect a realistic fighting style, while with something like karate or kung fu they can be as fancy and impractical as they want.
MMA is literally a nigger tier sport
>womens MMA
There is going to be so much foot porn of her.
I dunno OP, why would Japanese developers make their fighters karate champions and not MMA.
>imagine the smell
I can't wait.
We need a Jiu-jitsu grappler pokegirl.
This. Almost every clip I watch shows a guy getting knocked and getting wailed on by his opponent while passed out for 3-5 punches until the ref steps in. Looks like a WorldStar video.
Boxing Refs and even Boxers stop that shit because they don't want to cause permanent damage.
>delicious brown
>spats and shorts
>toned navel
fucking footfags i swear
>49 year old vs 33 year old on hormones
>he doesn't appreciate all of those things
The feet are just a bonus desu
That stance is seven different kinds of fucked though. With her leg raised that high she's completely off balance, not to mention cocking her leg that way means that she can only go for fast but weak high kicks because she can't twist her hips in for the power.
Why the fuck are trainers fighting?
If not, this shit is false advertising
Every sport is a nigger tier sport, they're the only ones any good.
i want her to karate kick my balls.
Good thing all she has to do is kick your pokeballs then.
MMA is literally THE martial art, you insufferable cuck.
because MMA isn't an actual style. you use styles IN mma
based and CBTpilled
The only balls she can reach from that stance are eyeballs though.
If I win, you put your feet in my mouth.
Wasn't Abel an MMA fighter?
>Sleeping on any Fighting type specialist and Brycen.
>implying she isn't going to put her feet in your mouth either way
>Master of Anal Karate
What did they mean by this?
>if you lose she puts you in a leg lock and makes you eat her out
protein shake farts are SUPER gross
She looks like she does Muay Thai
Would you eat Bea's Pad Thai?
Why is it never Judo, which is a Japanese thing? It's usually Karate or to a lesser extent Aikido I've noticed, and after that it's Boxing or Wrestling or something
The Brazilians have appropriated Jujutsu.
Because a grappling art is boring
No one watched Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee to see them flip people over their should
MMA is a meme
Judo and Jewjitsu are way different though rule wise. You cant roll around and have gay sex in Judo
tell that to all the butthurt asians
Because Asian are very proud of their martial arts history, but most Asian martial arts are focused on ART, not actual martial skill. They're a good work out and are spiritual in nature but for actual fighting they're shit. MMA is pretty much the best form of hand to hand combat that has been developed. If you don't believe me: There is a chinese MMA fighter who accepts challenges from masters of any other fighting style and he just beats the ever loving shit out of them. Karate masters, Wing-Chun masters, Tai Chi masters. Anything. They also all lose the same way: They're thrown to the ground and either punched in the face until they give up, or are put in some sort of lock and forced to give up.
Japanese people aren't gonna want to make an MMA fighter when professional MMA fighters could beat the shit out of any of their ancient, mystical arts. It would be like making a sword fighting game and then including a dude with a gun who just shoots everyone.
Judo does have ground-fighting as well, it's just not that existent in sports/competition variants.
Because strikes red better in illustration.
Can't demonstrate grappling in thin air, it just looks wrong.
>I want her to rape me and force me to eat her out as she denies me the sweet release of being able to cum by clamping my balls and dick.
Holy shit her fucking foot is so large. Gamefreak isn't even trying to hide their fetish catering anymore.
You have your own board, pokefags.
I'd rather eat her tom yum.
Dude this is Pokemon. If your main concern with pokemon is how impractical their make-believe karate is, I don't know what else to say.
MMA is not even that realistic. I trained in it for 4 years along Budo Karate and traditional Jiu Jutsu and there really is a limit to the practicability of the style for self-defense or even fighting in general. It is, of course, in the top 3 practical arts mind you, but my point is the only reason MMA is so effective is because of how basic it is. It focus on mastering the basics of full-contact MA which is perfect because your basics should always be polished waaay more than anything else. Everything else you learn is a mere complement. This is why I loved Budo Karate and Jiu jutsu. There was no pretense, only bare bone full contact karate without katas. I still think there is a lot to learn from less practical martial arts though. I tried Shaolin Kung Fu for a while and I really loved the more "flow like water" approach to the basics of how they move unlike Karate which is very rigid and MMA which focus on positioning. You still gotta watch out for mcdojo crap though. I tried one lesson of Sunfuki self-defense karate and I knew what I was in as soon as they showed me one of their self-defense technique which involved me grabbing a punch and hitting the guy something like 4 times before moving out of range. Anyone versed in actual self-defense knows that the less moves the better.
Big Boss' CQC is fun to watch.
It's not like the game is even remotely redeemable even with the cute brown girl, may as well have some fun analyzing what else is wrong with it.
Kyokushinkai is a pretty solid form of traditional made modern karate is you ask me. All that Kyokushin lacks is grappling and the fact that punching in the face is forbidden, meaning that most Kyokushin competitioners are shit at defending from punches.
Also since their body conditioning involves just conditioning yourself to eat body hits like they're nothing, so in competition they hardly block, move around or deflect, they mostly stand square in front of one another and wail brutally at eachother's middle section in an endurance bout and, sometimes, a dude throws a spinkick that lans in the dude's face, resulting in a K.O
she kicks high
>6" height disparity
>30lb weight disparity
>16 year age disparity
Grandma gon' die. This isn't even remotely fair.
mma is for gays. boxing is the REAL martial art. even karate masters praise its power
That happens in bushido blade 1 and 2 actually. The dudes with guns are easily the worst part tho and pretty much proves your point. On the other hand it also happens in sekiro and due to how that game plays it's not really a problem and beating the shit out of gunmen is great fun
Throh is a Judo pokemon
True, but it lacks in versatility.
Fuck a boxer's legs and he's done for. Mobility is everything in boxing.
MMA is gay.
>boxing is the REAL martial art.
Kid, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
kyoji horiguchi is a top 3 bw in the world and he's probably the best fighter at American top team, which is overall one of the best gyms in the world.
which is exactly why it would be hard to leg them. and its not like they skip leg day. every day is leg day with all the roadwork and constant speed training. and nothing is stopping them from learning some leg blocking stuff from muay thai if theyre going up against a kicker
sorry ken-sama but your thousand times folded karate pales in comparison to boxing
When I think of MMA, I think of the edgy Mountain Dew commercials.
MMA is just pure edgy cringe
Boxing Refs and even Boxers stop that shit because they don't want to cause permanent damage.
You don't know ANYTHING about either sport, boxing cares way less about people taking permanent damage there is no standing 10 count in mma if you get dropped the ref stops it immediately, you don't have a chance to get back to your feet and continue taking damage.
boxers are much more susceptible to long term damage than an mma fighter.
lmao, any middle of the road muai thai guy or wrestler would destroy a boxer they are not fighters.
I like girls with abs
Me too
youre a real fucking idiot. unironically. no memes. youre actually stupid. every fucking time theres been special mixed matches, boxers always fucking win. if you are taking your facts from "boxers" who couldnt handle it and moved down to mma and suck at it, thats not a mark against boxers.
Literally the Youmu of pokemon
Whats the advantage of boxing over kickboxing?
Imagine arguing about the intricacies of fighting over the internet with another liar, instead of talking about cute tomboys with awesome abs
Step it up people
nothing. What the point of any martial arts over MMA?
boxing and kickboxing treat the boxing part differently. Punches arent a big deal in kickboxing and you mostly use them to set up kicks.
Onion is cute!
yo brainlet, he's saying its a bad thing that the ref doesnt step in sooner.
Me in the leg lock
i agree
Me not pictured because I killed myself because I'll never be in the leglock
Meanwhile, the shota ghost gym leader found his destiny...
just go to a mma gym with a female trainer
Next few days are gonna be fun
its disturbing how fast porn gets made from pokemon these days. it used to be so innocent.
You sad kid, we are just getting started.
>MMA is a martial art now
The future is now, old man
>it used to be so innocent.
I mean, not really. Dudes were making porn of Pokemon back in the 90s too. There were erotic doujins of Pokemon Red/Green within the same year of release.
This hasn't been the case for a long time.
it's got martial arts right in the name
>>delicious brown
Yikes dawg that's pretty racist
I can understand a foot fetish, but I cannot understand a hyper-foot fetish. Aren't these sort of people attracted to feminine feet? Aren't big feet a masculine trait? It's not like big tits or a big ass. Feet should be dainty and soft if they're feminine, right?
I want to see a top wrestler and boxer go at it again, all the exhibitions they did in the past the wrestler won, I want to see if that holds up today with all the roiding.
Some people like dirty thing
who the fuck thought this matchup was a good idea
The porn for Allister needs to take off soon.
>even karate masters praise its power
given that karate is shit tier when it comes to actual fighting, not really high praise there
> Pokemon Youmu has fun with her ghost shota.
>Suddenly hex appears
>She steals the ghost shota away.
>Pokemon Youmu can't do a shit cuz she is fighting and hex is ghost
this shit writes itself.
no they fucking dont they lose every fucking time name one time a boxer fucking won, how retarded are you don't even respond just stop.
Double leg take down.
Game over.
>water girl has small tits
>fighting girl has moderate tits at best assuming sports bra/tape
>""artists"" draw them both with huge DD milkers
DCT > DFC, sorry bro.
In a kickboxing match, none. Boxers get btfo once they eat a leg kick and a knee from the clinch
>it used to be so innocent.
Only because you didn't know about it. Porn of pogey men always existed.
t. porn connoisseur
unbelievable shit taste
So, why she never got popular? Pokémon Youmu just appeared and she is already getting more attention and fanart than this bitch ever got.
I am sorry our tastes are different, but you do not need to be rude.
>No Drunken Fist Milf
Why even live?
D cup>A-B cup
Give it time dude...
Hello fellow trainers
Dawn, Cynthia etc etc
Yeah, for pussy martial arts that don't use weapons. I can't be the only one that wants to see people kill each other in the ring with knifes and swords and tonfas and other bladed/blunt weapons. I know what you're gonna say, "even gladiators didn't kill each other in the ring, it was the pro wrestling of its day", well yes that's true and the matches were staged, but that applied only to the 1% of gladiators. The rest were the scum of society that were intentionally sent to fight and die for our amusement.
I knew, it was just matter of time.
that's right, gorilla man feet are the gayest shit ever
We need a remix of the galar gym leader theme with this.
Randy Couture embarrassed James Toney a while back
She looks like she fucks brown men only
Fags who actually believe in the DFC meme immediately out themselves as pedos and also are genetic failures biologically unable to like the bigger tits that women have been gaining over the course of evolution. It's no surprise that those who draw the short end of the stick are attracted to those who did with the genetic lottery, aka chestlets.
Built for blacks.
>Poor little white boi.jpeg
I can't tell if is Youmu doing a bea cosplay, bea with a katana or a fusion of both girls.
I think you are mistaking something, that is not whitewashing, that is Konpaku Youmu.
Her hair is uncute.
What are they gonna do to that Onion?
She really would fit in DR. That user was right.
Death by foot odor
i wanna be next
>Konpaku Bea.
>A half ghost girl that also trained in fighting arts.
No one would sign up to die in the ring.
People are 2 fast
Holy shit my cock is throbbing at the mere thought of messaging her sore muscles after a workout and feeling my heads get all clammy from her sweat
All of the above past barefooted is actually a negative for me. People have different taste lmaeo.
So is this the game where we get fully implemented dating?
my dick has ceased functioning
God abs really are a god tier fetish.
Just use prisoners.
Japan is fucking racist. We should blow up that country for not respecting the diversty of em em ay.
I think I recognize this artist.
You're powerless
Is this the first time we've gotten a /fit/ gym leader? The game looks ass but this may have saved it
Gen 4 had one, but she was unpopular.
GTFO you fucking CIA glownigger
Would this trigger ignorants like /vp/?
what is the black one piece shes wearing called?
I'd be rendered powerless by Rosa's toes too
And you have shit taste
there are women with long feet that still loook feminine enough, but they're generally more slender, they differ from male feet
kinda like tall women, generally less appealing, but sometimes they look great despite being tall, or whoever is interested has a soft spot for them
You're mom's powerless to Japan's systemic racism.
I liked it better when we were shitposting about martial arts.
But this is Yea Forums. It's just a non assumed porn board. It's actually better that Yea Forums stays a blue board otherwise it would just be actual Yea Forums.
She looks like 2B with a worse hairstyle.
Like seriously, put the black headband over her eyes.
I'm not a footfag, but i'm super into muscular/toned girls and tall girls, which are most definitely masculine traits, so i don't see why footfags can't have a similar affliction.
Take a sniff
ITT: People who don't understand that Japan invented professional MMA way before UFC and also invented kickboxing
>Brown skin
>Bare feet
Gamefreak isn't even trying to be subtle anymore about their fetish fuel designs.
her 2d feet design are atrocious, though, just saying
user come on, if you're going to post foot stuff post good art. You're fucking embarassing me
I mean given how awful the game looks what else can they do? Honestly dinamaxing or whatever has got to be the stupidest shit ever.
Mate, that's pokemon fan art in general
>hex maniac
I think Lusamine most avoids that shit in terms of recent characters, somehow.
Internet wasn't the same as it was now (don't see everyone uploading shit onto social media, patreon shilling, some fags not getting enough of the nip stuff to store onto boorus)
Plus this was the same gen as Cynthia, who kept on appearing onwards.
There's still stuff, but nothing as big as other girls at the time (travelling companions in the anime or FeMCs) or as blown up as post gen 6 girls
I too, like ryona.
We don't care, we only care for Bea.
>kinda like tall women, generally less appealing,
>Here's a brown why-fooo
>Preuse buy our shit Games!
So what's the actual MMA metagame look like? I heard about some dude named Machida is kicking people in the face with Karate but is Karate making a comeback?
GENERALLY, I myself like tall women
You have to understand that I must defend the honor of QTs even if it is completely incorrect to do so.
I can't tell how ironic I'm being in saying this.
Tall girls?
Mma is the gayest sport ever invented
ITT: No one talking about martial arts instead talking abs and feet
MMA is gay and has shit fucking aesthetics.
*blocks your path*
What are you talking about?
Artist source?
>they introduced a busty attractive milkskin in the same trailor they introduced bea
>Milkskins: no no no please my kind is hideous please turn the brown girl into my kind instead
pathetic race.
I looked up MFS and didnt find anything
That edit is because she looks like a 2hu, you retard
feet are disgusting, they smell like cheese, i dont understand how you can like them
seething nigcel
I just like legs as a whole
I like Cheese
why would I be seething when I'm right?
I don't see it. but then again my perception is deeper than the milkskins, who can only see surface level.
I remember the days when being barefoot was a sign of innocence/physical fitness.
Imagine if she sat on your face and pushed out some huge protein farts on your face haha wouldn’t that be super gross? haha
>I don't see it. but then again my perception is deep
Sounds more like you're shitposting or just small brained.
I like cheese, but I'd rather play with washed feet instead. Try washing your feet at some point, it does wonders.
Why does everyone use twitter for art, just a pain in the arse to search
Thanks bby
His anal art of Skyla is great.
i wanna shrink so they look even taller
That's why it's hot. Barefoot girl = good gf.
No, it's simple. The milkskin sees the hair and bow and thinks "oh it's just like muh 2hu character with hair and bow. Whereas humans (beings of color) sees the entire design as it is.
For the west: because it not as moral fag as tumblr and DeviantArt
For Japan: pixiv did something that pissed off everyone.
Since the death of tumblr art has been hard to find with newgrounds, pixiv, and other image sharing sites.
>was going to buy pokemon shield
>now I feel like I have to buy sword because of this semen demon
Now I'm just thinking you're both of what I've said
The problem with trying to invent a racial slur for white people is that it's a good feeling to be reminded that you're white.
Why do people keep saying she’s black and African? She’s a tan tomboy. Look at any tomboy stuff from Japan and they’re darker skinned like her. Black female fetishists please go and stay go
liar, milkskins can't think.
See above. you can't think hard enough to perceive insults. it's why your kind is so good at war but flounder in peace.
Totally looks like she has a penis.
What did pixiv do? I remember it being real big at one point.
Foot fetishes are one of those things that are great in 2D but awful in real life
I wish more artists would use hashtags, you see a few just dump the image with nothing else of indication
Keep larping, user.
Immune to hypnosis!
No race is good at keeping the peace brainlet, to argue otherwise you'd have to ignore any and all conflicts throughout human history. Still feels good to be white tho, we conquer shit better than everyone else and look damn fine doing it too
only milkskins larp because they don't live in reality in the first place. they're not rational.
>No race is good at keeping the peace brainlet
If milkskins didn't turn the planet into a warzone in an act of infinite greed that embodies their beastial race then that wouldn't be true.
>only milkskins larp
So, you?
sniff her smelly feet!
No, you.
>We conquer shit
>Gets un-conquered.
what the fuck is a milkskin?
>losers seethe
Shitskin trying to come up with an insult
So we're responsible for all the conflicts in Asia and The Middle East before the 1700s? You clearly don't know your history like most "wypipo bad" brainlets
Some type of light brown skinned person. Can't be white because it requires melanin, most likely Arab or indian.
You damn fucking morons, the thread was derailed.
What do milkskins have to do with Chinese enslaving Africans and forcing them to work over in africa?
Atleast we were on top at one point, dindus can't say the same
you're falling for bait
Shut the fuck up already and stop giving it replies
>So we're responsible for all the conflicts in the middle East
Not that user, but...
You clearly missed the part where I said "before the 1700s" pal
Gib pokey girl tum plz
Skipped over that part, sorry.
Bea is nice but it needs more Oleanna
No, losers learn. We learned from milkskin domination that peace doesn't work in a world with milkskins in it.
Yes, yes you. Middle east was in constant contact with milkskins so they adapted their habits to fend them off while milkskins stole things like arabic numerals which they still use today because milkskins can't create.
The milkskin is a frail, yet violent animal. It attacks and enslaves and when others go on the offensive it plays the victim, preying on humanities better nature. Some white people have been freed from their milkskin heritage. They'll all be woke one day after the milkskins reach their final form: the incel. A being so disgusting it can't even reproduce.
It's all good user I do shit like that all the time
She is not causing much noise like Bea.
Licking Bea is STRICTLY forbidden!
She needs to complete her meditation, user
We can't, is her training.
She’s pretty much the MMA gym what are you saying also the water gym for emerald was a wrestler right
? Plus it’s a character archetype and “mma fighter” doesn’t even tell me how they fight much less show me enough personality to care
Milk is a nutritious and beneficial drink - every mammal on the planet produces it to help their children grow healthy and strong.
Shit is pure waste, all it does is stink and spread disease. Shitskin.
Obligatory mame
>Shitskin trying to come up with an insult
It's white leftists from chapotraphouse trying to piss off "racists". They enjoy it if you believe they're black or brown though. It means they can troll you more effectively.
>Hurr durr wypipo were the only people to ever invade the middle east historically
So the Mongols didn't steamroll over the middle east? You clearly don't know your history in the slightest if you think it was all the "milkskins" that still rule over your pathetic ass
>I trained mma for 4 years
>never competed
>dont know what the fuck you are actually talking about
Pick 3.
At least Bea can beat me into a bloody pulp.
Perhaps this will result in Bea yuri
literally old and busted
Is that brown Youmu?
>brown & pale hair
>karate master
>thigh gap
Gamefreak should stop designing games and only design waifus holy shit
this goes on vp not here fuck off furfags
>lose 50% of your manchild audience thanks to being lazy and incompetent
>pump out fetish fuel waifus
why doesn't more femdom porn have POV orders being issued?
Kill yourself
what's she gonna do to stop me from licking her, pin me down and put me in a head lock between her thighs? haha
Imagine sending a Girl who knows Jiu-jitsu to a mud wrestling competition? Speaking of witch …
Yeah a female mud wrestler would be too on the nose (than again this franchise is just keeping afloat on waifus at this point) but one of the things that I wanted on the new Pokémon games but I gave up after gen 4 was Hybrid Gyms, fighting type would be perfect for this example,
>Capoeira Fighting/Psy
>Kickboxing Fighting/Fire
>Shaolin Fighting/Ghost
>Wrestling Fighting/Flying
This however would need a full pokedex to work and we are not going to see that ever again.
I like girls
Because you need to be everywhere to be a popular artist
Of course
Based cute /fit/ fighting tomboy
The only time they had a boxer win was when they had the MMA fighter boxing too.
What is the bottom right from?
Looks like an interesting read.
>They enjoy it if you believe they're black or brown though
Oh, so it is larping
Got outshined
I don't even play pokemon but I jerk off to the girls
>Not wanting to see her big forehead glazed in cum
Jesus Christ you're gay
Is she really working up that much of a sweat from trying not to get hypnotized?
MMA isn't a a single "style" and is therefore harder to realistically incorporate.
Teppu, a short manga about girls doing MMA.
Main character is kind of unique because the author wanted to focus on a type of character who is always the rival or side character.
Bea is super strong!
Very few martial arts are actually practical for fighting, and none of them are from Japan. Japanese martial arts have this awful tendency to completely disregard the avoidance of self injury; they hyperextend everything like retards, and their strike delivery is so fucking bad that their joints are at risk every time they connect with something solid. They might be able to generate power and do damage, but it comes at an unnecessary expense.
Where did everyone go
Ran out of art to post that's sfw
Not with that attitude
Why the fuck does spreading things like a pussy look so hot FUCK
It's an invitation
MMA started as a no bars everything allowed bare knuckles competition where style and weight classes didn't matter. So tons of bullshido artists and street thugs entered. It progressively became more "respectable" since anyone with a bit of actual sports fighting background quickly did away with the bullshidos, but the genre really took roots when the Gracies came into the game and introduced their style: Brazilian homosexual wrestling and started buttfucking everyone with it. The world discovered that dry humping men was the most undefeatable style in the world. It remained a Pancration style competition, though as punching and kicking eas still allowed, so the full-contact sports styles took roots as well. The most common punch/kick backgrounds MMA fighters have are Muai Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing and Kyokushin Karate which are, basically the most efficient and simplified styles for sports fighting. Gloves got introduced later on because spectators really love to see dudes punching eachother and when it was bare knuckles, people were sparse with punching because it's easy as fuck to break your hand when punching someone or, accidentally, the ground.
People think gloves are for facial protection. Glives protect your hands mostly. There are even discussions about making MMA bare knuckles again because since the inclusion of gloves, cerebral palsies and accidental deaths are more frequent, but that would just turn MMA into a wrestling show. The average MMA fan is a total dumbass who don't know shit nor care about martial arts anyways.
god I hope not
thats very interesting. I've heard very similar things from some of my friends aswell.
This, keep that realistic shit away from games.
Akane is a terrible character.
I think you just proved his point.
yeah. I understand thinking nessa is black since she's basically as dark as lenora, but bea is obviously a tanned whitoid
it really is a fucking pain in the ass to use, and I definitely agree. hang people who don't tag their fucking posts. the whole point of twitter is for people to be able to find your work, so don't fucking make it a chore for us
Now I've got my personal opinion on where MMA is headed. I trained in it for 4 years total along my other more traditional Martial Arts background. MMA only used to be a term to defibe the fact that UFC was about MIXING all MAs into one competition. It was edgy from the start. But then when all the bullshit useless martial arts got pushed out, they just started taking all the best aspects of the styles that fighters had background in and madr a style out of it which is what you know as MMA today. Clinch, knees and elbows mainly come from Muai Thai, so does the low axe kick from the hip. They took the bare basics of boxing and BJJ. This is pretty much all MMA is. Kick boxing with knees, elbows and wrestling. It's barebone as fuck and even though it is very useful in its basicness, in the long term it's limited as fuck. All you do is work on your bare basics for years. As I said that's perfectly fine since the basics are the fucking pillar of your style, but having background in traditional styles I can tell you that as long as you're not a fucking idiot and you know how to think outside the box and be creative, there is a LOT in some traditional styles that is overlooked by MMA and, quite frankly, it seems to be on its last leg. It had a HUGE boom in early 2000's to today, we got MMA movies and shit, but I feel like people are bored with it. Most of the time it's trash talk between fighters and drama that sells fights so fighters all have clown personas they are basically forced to stick to. Virtually no MMA fans or even MMA practicioners have any knowledge nor interest in the vastness of the art of fighting and unless you look really fucking deep into it, it's prettybfucking boring to watch. I think there will be an intersecting point between more traditional shit and thepracticability of MMA because it's time for sonethibg fresh
>364 days of the year
>the one day a brown loli gets released
>brown loli
Clearly tanned tomboy. The nigger was the previous girl
Im sorry MMA is an actual combat style and not dancing around posing in karate kata which doesn't do shit in a real fight
>brown loli
>not a brown musclegirl GF
go away faggot
Hot ladies transcend boundaries
Christ gamefreak my dick can only take so much.
God I want to kiss every inch of her body.
it's a shame most of her fan art will be foot rather than ab focused
>anons arguing about the most practical martial art for fighting
>no mentions of marksmanship/self defense firearm drills
If you failed to deescalate a situation you are either a mongoloid meathead with a small dick looking for fights or your aggressor has lethal intent; in which case you defend yourself. Countries without freedom need not apply.
Jesus, this game's porn will have lots of /ss/ bleached.
The best type of porn
This is nice, but there's something off about her eyes though
I want to rub my dick on her abs.
I want to tear through her bodysuit with my dick and fuck her navel
I want to fuck her consensually and then have a big family with her.
>sweaty fit girl
Her FTEs made her a lot more likeable imo
Guys, quick, we need another touhou to copy.
Too far
Not far enough. Pic related.
Fuck that shit, brits should be fighting savate or some shit
They should make it 2v2. Can't win by gay wrestling when you can have someone come in to relieve pressure off you.
Tanned =/= Black
Theres a huge difference between nasty poop skin and glorious tanned skin.
through dick, unity
Tanned isn't Black.
Indian brown isn't Black.
Fuck off Nigger.
i just wanna hold her hand and take her on dates
she isn't black
>watch MMA
>it's just dudes slapping each other with a closed fist
>then they throw each other on the ground and do some wrestling hold
Like, at least Boxing requires actual skill.
Neither a MMA fighter nor your idea of a prancing karateka are real fighters. Real fighting is fucking dumb anyways and involve risks of getting fucking stabbed. Some guys are into that and they usually never trained in any martial art, they're just hardcore insane.
If you train in MMA for self-defense you are a FUCKING retard and I speak as someone who's trained in it and spent his life both training in martial arts and studying their origins and history.
Anyone discussing martial arts in the context of self-defense is an idiot. Knowing something will always be better than knowing nothing for sure, but real fighting usually involves weapons and empty handed styles can hardly ever do anything. Hell, even actual self-defense instructor say the same shit that I do. Best self-defense style is running away like a pussy.
Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to achieve
isn't MMA 90% grappling? a boxer-only guy would fucking die
>new bea art every time you refresh pixiv
I hope this never ends
But fighting is weak to psychic!
low poly 3D is just as bad
This is actually a thing bro. You have NO idea how many retarded fucking ideas they've tried to inject into MMA to breath some new life into it.
Free for all MMA was a thing.
Team battle MMA was a thing.
All you needed was Items on MMA to basically turn it into Smash Bros because they even had King of the Hill MMA, Obstacle course MMA and, I shit you not, ARMS WRESTLING MMA WHERE YOU ARM WRESTLE AND TRY TO KNOCK OUT YOUR OPPONENT WITH YOUR FREE HAND.
This is why I think MMA is eventually gonna sort of die.
At high speeds, breaking every tooth in your mouth. Because she's kicking you for being a creep.
>Because she's kicking you for being a creep.
I want to watch Bea's reaction to reading this thread!
I both love and hate her design. It supports one thing that makes me diamonds (muscles) and another that kills my boner at an eye's blink (feet). I'm conflicted and threads like this are like the lottery.
153 restraining orders and counting.
me on the right
also with a boner
You know they mix up Muai Thai and Boxing often for a reason, right? Muai Thai is reallt lacking in mobility and while kicks are retard strong, it's extremely easy to mess up and get horribly punished, not to mention you need space for Muai Thai and swarming boxers eat them like breakfast.
I want to be restrained between her thighs
>Best self-defense style is running away like a pussy.
I thought it was a gun
That's also good
she reminds me of the indivisible girl
>hates feet
You don't know what a restraining order is.
but better
*plays dead*
>top of feet and not the soles
fuck they got me. this is my fetish.
all the feet threads are always soles and shit but this is it for me.
day 1 buy
>woman in pantyhoses, squatting
Oh shit, my dick
Not every country allows it
It's more of a deterent unless you're really into shooting niggers.
that was brawly's thing
Memes aside: Boxing is much faster and much safer. Whiffing kicks leads to a loss in balance, and getting a kick blocked can lead into a full take down by simply grappling the leg. It's very hard to punish or do katas against quick jabs that set up a combination of follow ups.
You don't see any of the former hi-jacking a thread and then telling people who don't like it to fuck off.
I'm interested in budo, aka Body Artes. Introducing extensions of the body is outside of my interests, but if you like it you like it.
Of course....
>You don't see any of the former hi-jacking a thread and then telling people who don't like it to fuck off.
Oh you haven't been to Yea Forums
What's wrong with liking feet? We don't hurt anyone.
My Bea folder has surpassed my Ryza folder. Even if I weed out lower quality pics, it will still be bigger.
But this isn't Yea Forums. I'm right though, right?
It's kind of gross sometimes, man. But that's how every fetish gets sometimes, everything is alright in moderation. Sometimes bitch got cute feet, I ain't gonna judge
I'm butting in, I'm just one of the martialartsfag, but as someone who likes a bit of feet mixed in my porn and my sex life, what I find repulsive is an excessive focus on feet because, to me, feet by themselves are pretty disgusting, but that's me. Call me a fag all you want, but my dick, my fetishes.
Now footfags on Yea Forums specifically, I see you the same as furries. Can't go anywhere without making sure EVERYONE knows you are heavily into feet even when it's not on topic, but then if you call that fact out suddenly you're a hater.
Can't wait for the next step. Footcon where you fags dress up as a giant foam foot and claim it's not a fetish, but a lifestyle.
I guess.
fatfags definitely do
futafags as well because they deny being gay whereas the bara, fur, and trapfags stay in their own gay shit
>mma is for gays. boxing is the REAL martial art. even karate masters praise its power
Boxers train to only fight against punches. This is the problem. As soon as you introduce things like grapples, kicks, elbows and knees they're screwed.
Shh you might bring the autists back
If it's gross, tell her to wash it then lol.
I watched G1 Climax the other day. For someone whose only exposure to wrestling is Tiger Mask W, it was fun.
Hygiene isn't always a factor.
Theres a big difference between a chick sensually feeling you up across the table with her toes and wanting to deepthroat someone's foot lol
Everything in moderation, I guess.
This is a silly argument. If you're a professional boxer why would you train against illegal kicking?
Why would you train against punches in kickboxing?
Why train against anything other than grapples in MMA when the victory condition is to hold a submission for several seconds?
Ultimately all martial arts are a sport and they all train for their specific rules.
>m-my martial art would beat yours
This is literally the same level as toddlers arguing in a playground whether Goku or Naruto would win in a fight.
Fact of the matter ia that these days the only people who fight in the streets are uncivilized niggers and rednecks, and Martial Arts go out the window when sucker punches, multiple people ganging up, or weapons like knives are introduced.
>Tiger Mask W
man of taste
it's barely been 24 hours
What's the resisting hypnosis thing I keep seeing? There's about 8 pieces of art with someone using a coin on a string and her not giving in. Never seen this with other characters from the series before
What? I only saw two from the same artist.
passed out from the smell of her BO
>hasn't seen the hypno one
God I wish that was me
not anymore
The one thing I loathe about threads like this is I want to save these pictures on my phone later but I know for a fact some fucker is going to get this thread deleted instead of just letting it close.
The Hypno's will have their way.
Mark my words.
They will not be denied.
I want some Hooknosed Krav Maga master.
I'm not exactly a high-tier Ryza collector, but I was surprised. Right now I'm at 147 Bea, 122 Ryza.
>people literally cannot control themselves when a new pokegirl design is released
>new game will be a success
I hate this
That is not surprising at all. Atelier is a niche franchise, Pokemon is just one of the most popular franchises in the world.
If anything, it is impressive Ryza has so much art considering she is from Atelier.
Pokemon is the McDonalds of videogames. It doesn't matter that the product is utter garbage, people will still eat it because that's what they did when they were kids. It reminds them of their childhood they're so desperate to reconnect. That is why people who aren't nostalgic will hardly be attached to Pokemon, it can only survive on nostalgia alone.
I'm reaching my breaking point, guys
How can a man hope to resist such temptation?
MMA are the niggers of martial arts.
What is even wrong with that post?
God damn there are a lot of pics already out. The amount of fan art for the previous brown waifu didn't come out this fast.
Because she wasn't a brown Youmu.
cause shes a dark/fighting type
>I missed out of FFA MMA
Where the fuck was I during this time? I would've loved to see a shitshow like that go down on live television.
Waker from DPPt?????
MMA looks gay and unaesthetic compared to other martial arts
Karate is outdated and so are most martial arts. MMA is the future. Google that chubby guy that sucks at MMA fighting that whooped all of these faggot ass Chinese masters.
She's probably wearing a leotard if you think about it
We got some midriff with the water gym trainer, but with abs like those, I'm saddened hers aren't showing.
Replace Tenko with her and the game becomes 2x better.
found the retard.
fatfags regularly hijack tomboy/fitgirl threads and I despise them for it
furfags and homo/barafags used to be a plague infesting every thread they didn't like. I still despise them, but they've stopped doing it. the only group from there actively being a nuisance are fatfags, and they would get the rope but it wouldn't be able to their weight
>all the fucking musclegirl doujins that are going to come out
oh god oh jeez oh FUCK
He's right though
It's effective, sure but it doesn't make for a cool flashy videogame character
so is there any fat art of her out yet or
Yeah, even if the games themselves turn out shit, at the very least this gen is looking GLORIOUS for doujin.
Evil Greninja in Galar when? I wanna see what he does with an Alcremie.
They claimed ownership of everything posted there. They're legally allowed to print your art on a shirt and sell it.
god MFS art sucks ass
literally a meme sport only enjoyed by flips
>footniggers again proving how subhuman they are
>girl fetishist again proving how subhuman they are
Forget about the foot weirdos, man
Just pay attention to the abs and the rest of her perfect musculature
she's just really sweaty all the time and took up martial arts to have an excuse for it
this is britbongistan we're talking about
Her tummy is extremely sensitive so she's afraid if she shows it off someone's going to take advantage of that fact
wow, I've only found 18 images worth saving
I guess if you're a footfag there are more that would tickle your fancy though. of the 18 I have saved her feet are visible in only 6 of them.
>maybe I should give mma a try
>7kk views, must be good fight
>half of the first round is literally dude lying on the floor while other dude looking at him
>90% of the fight is two dudes hugging with close to none movements, either standing, sitting or lying on the ground
I've never seen something more boring in my life. Thanks for enlightening me.
>she's afraid if she shows it off someone's going to take advantage of that fact
A good fighter never lets down their guard.
Shes right to be afraid
>people really think fresh sweat makes for cheese feet
one of the best smells you can experience is your girl popping her tiny shoes off after coming home from uni and resting her lightly damp socks and feet on your face while she sits on your dick while your nostrils devour the light scent she makes
tfw the artist saw this post and thought he didn't like her. luckily a bunch of people instantly replied telling him it was the opposite, and that tons of westerners thought his short haired samus was qt as fuck
>Watch REAL Karate not the one being displayed 90% of the time all around the world for the amateurs
She can only beat off so many horny neckbeards
>not bjj
Oh yeah, forgot the best part
>dude who sucked the whole fight somehow won
not even unconsciousness will extingquish my immortal boner
>Feet should be dainty and soft if they're feminine, right?
But you can't tease and bully a cute tomboy about it if they're normal sized.
>more people realizing tomboys are top tier
Japanese artists browse Yea Forums?
damn there's saliva all over my monitor now
She’s so cute, and since she works out she probably has a really nice ass
>I guess if you're a footfag there are more that would tickle your fancy
pun intended?
Eh, most art so far has focused more on her tummy. A little bit I have isn't particularly naughty and I may delete those.
I also have the official art, a few in-game screenshots, and one or two edits.
Footfags here used to have standards. Now they just post whatever garbage quality deviantart crap they can find. I say this as a footfag.
Bea will always be brought up even when the rest of the new girls are revealed because the foot people will never let this go
>making a black girl white
>making a fit girl thicc
They still do poorly in fights except rare exceptions like prime machida or horiguchi
>straight to the puff or abs
this guy knows what's good
>no サイトウ or even bea tag
for what fucking purpose
isn't the whole point of twitter to get your shit out there so more people find you? why make it more difficult to find your art. god I'm angry
>not being a footfag
Why even live?
Why are there no hunters in the pokemon world? Guess that would imply cute little pokemon being hunted.
>Footcon where you fags dress up as a giant foam foot and claim it's not a fetish, but a lifestyle
Holyshit! How much are the tickets?
Obviously Naruto would win first. Then Goku would train as a spirit, come back, and beat Naruto. But as Goku walks away Naruto's corpse would poof into a log! The true winner being left to bicker about for all eternity!
imagine saving some gross 3dpd hamplanets feet on your computer
>not having a girl rub your cock with her feet while a second girl throats her other foot
Your vanilla as fuck.