Game has optional extreme difficulty

>game has optional extreme difficulty
>gives no rewards

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Triumph is your reward.

The reward is getting to play the game without being bored to shit

>hardest difficulty is just the 2nd hardest one except it deletes your save when you die

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The sense of acomplishment is your reward

That to me looks like it's designed for people that need to vomit, with the bars being for stability since they're likely also drunk. Anyway,

>Game's last difficulty is actually its second-hardest difficulty, but you die in one hit

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>game has optional extreme difficulty that you need to unlock
>still faceroll easy because casual shits would otherwise complain they can't beat it
I'm looking at you Bioshock Infinite.

Is that vomitorium

>Implying the bars are not for you to suspend yourself in mid air with your bulging forearms as you shoot your stream in the urinal without missing a drop

If you're vomiting you're probably too drunk to stand up so it's useless

>RPG has difficulty levels
>higher difficulty levels just inflate numbers to make you grind
>early game doesn't give you any tools to properly deal with even the weakest mobs without constantly inn-resting

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I think it's s drinking fountain

A woman built that bathroom

>game has a hard mode
>fill out your dungeon book and get massive reputation bonuses

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This is exactly what it is. Has no one on Yea Forums ever been to a gym before?

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>hardest difficulty becomes easy as soon as you get some decent gear

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It stays hard all the way through that game.

>sense of accomplishment
lmao, imagine getting s sense of accomplishment from playing a video game. Do you get a sense of accomplishment from watching a movie?

What is intrinsic reward. I'll take things OP sucks for $500, Alex.


me too

if you cant get accomplishment from videogame then how can you get it from life if everything is transient and meaningless in the grand scheme anyways

dumbfuck low iq pleb retard

Gah, I love urinals. Theres something liberating about confidently standing in the open with your dick out taking a piss and not worrying about what others think.

That's a hand stand urinal

>needing a reward
zoom zoom

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People like a challenge because overcoming it is accomplishing. It's the main difference between video games and other things you can consume. Nobody feels like they've improved their life afterwards, it's just one of the most convenient ways to feel accomplishment

It's obviously a tactical chunder toilet. All it's missing is a hook to hang your suit jacket and tie.

As a semi-professional whisky binger I can tell you that I am capable of standing well into the third puke.

Aw sweet a swirlie machine

No video game has rewards.

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>game is open world

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What games reward the player for beating the higher difficulties then?
I know:
>Kingdom Hearts gives a secret ending
>Valkyrie Profile gives extra party members, dungeons and endings
>God Hand gives better moves based on level
>RE4 gives secret guns
>Onimusha 3 gives extra costumes (based on ending rank).
>Ys: Oath in Felghana gives points to unlock costumes.

What else?

There're probably shitton of bugs there

They aren't bugs. They are features.


why yes it's my personal urinal, how did you know?

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