What went wrong?
What went wrong?
nothing, notch got punishment like the alt-reich nazi he is
Yeah I guess having a billion dollars is pretty stressful, agreed!
It got featured on the TF2 blog and got too popular too quickly.
they changed engine somehow, at least it feels that way
after notch sold the game it really did lose its soul
The current devs are programmers, not game directors
Stop talking about politics tranny
IDK, it got made?
It really wasn't ever a good game. It was blatantly generic and unimaginative. Why are you acting like it should have improved? It was Mediocrity: The Game!
boring game with nothing to do
Boomers are still hung up on le old days of no hunger and zoomers ruined unironic enjoyment of the game for anyone over twelve. Glad that the stigma around Minecraft is finally wearing off but it's replaced by le ironic memes about it instead.
It gets even better as time goes.
You can still play older versions if you want.
People who complain about the hunger update are faggots who think stopping to eat for 3 seconds ruins the core gameplay.
Too much focus on rpg and fantasy elements instead on the survival mechanics
Stop getting mad at weak poltard bait you obsessed ugly fruitcake
they made it even easier now you can hold food in your offhand perpetually
Literally having fun everytime I boot it up. Currently filling out a maximum sized map with an ender chest for the exotic loot
>played minecraft
ffs, at least get your memes right if you're going to force them like this. kids these days
>get a billion dollars
>move across the globe and buy a mansion in LA
>attempt to have high class celebrity parties but nobody will hang out with you because you're an autistic incel
>start spending all your time alone crying on twitter about normies having fun
Surprised notch hasn't fucking killed himself yet desu what a massive betamale
adding a bunch of shit that doesn't matter when they should be adding shit that extends the longevity of it. I always reinstall it every few months, build a nice house, dig a fuck huge mine, and do everything there is to do, but then there is nothing else besides building more shit to keep you invested and once you get bored of that you kinda just stop playing. Fuck the faggots who say they need to revert it to where it had even LESS shit to do, that's retarded. They just need to add more interesting things that aren't shallow as fuck
make a fucking cave update jesus christ
You still need to stand still and eat it.
Village Raids can be tough if you underprepared.
It probably is stressful to become massively successful at a youngish age only to realize you're still isolated, depressed, and unfulfilled. Now hes back to shitposting all day just like he was doing before Minecraft blew up
Find your own objectives
It's not that hard
Cave update and fix the terrain. Im tired of the same repeating patterns. Playing handcrafted maps like Eldaria really opens your eyes.
>Still a billionaire
nothing, minecraft is getting better with each update, stop being a nostalgia fag/being a typical 9yo pvp server player crying over rework or combat system
>Has $1bn
>Doesn't even try to take over the world with it
Pathetic for an evil Nazi genius
1.8 beta, when they changed terrain generation and fucked over the nice warm color palette. They also made the game waaay too bright, even on moody it's still not dark enough, I really miss that alpha darkness.
For one the base game wasn't designed well before M$ purchased it. You have a world of cubes where building shit is the main draw. However, building stuff is tedious and you have to switch game modes to make it easier. There shouldn't be two game modes. This is just an attempt to have the best of both worlds, but having the worst of both. The survival elements are half-assed as are the creative. Player movement shouldn't be constrained by gravity. There doesn't need to be a potion or in-game explanation for why the player can float. It's a fucking infinite cube world. Trust in suspension of disbelief.
There should be way more blocks, and categories of blocks. All neatly organized in the UI. There's a lot of quality of life improvements that still need to happen.
The food system and other survival stuff needs elaboration. The armor system is shallow. They've barely managed to hack together a proper village AI only recently. Yes it's improved under M$ but it's still a gilded turd covering a very small pearl.
>Game been recieving updates for more than a decade
>Still pretty much the same shit
Whats their excuse?
Their underage fan-base is allergic to change.
>Stop getting mad
Follow your own advice tranny.
based furfag
>allergic to change
>Most of the fan-base use mods of some kind
I get what you mean, but no
Notch should just spend all his money on high class 10/10 escorts, he will literally stop bitching about everything, I guarantee it. Politics is just a cope for people to distract themselves with when you're horny, especially when you are poor and they actually effect your livelihood. He will never find true love or friends since he has too much money and everyone he will meet would only want to be with him for his money, so that is no longer an option. Just go all out on the hedonism.
found the brainlet with 0 creative ability
>There should be way more blocks, and categories of blocks. All neatly organized in the UI
Already implemented grandpa. Your pasta is stale and old
What incentive do they have to change considering most people seem to be okay with its current state? Remember, despite what youtube let's plays might have you think, most minecraft players are children.
>Most of the fan-base use mods of some kind
I think most play on console.
>Be a billionaire
>Wastes time arguing with some literal who furryfaggot
Proof that money doesn't bring happiness.
I hate furries, but god damn notch what kind of fucking "comeback" is that
>Proof that money doesn't bring happiness
>spending time arguing with furries on the internet
Money can bring happiness as long as you're not retarded.
Why argue with a furry when you could be relaxing on your private pool?
As of 1.14.2, it is not zoomfaggot. The UI still sucks. Try reading what I wrote instead of assuming anyone who criticizes your autism simulator hasn't played since infinidev.
You were 2 years old when Notch was a regular poster on Yea Forums and we all played pre-release Minecraft. I know what the game is.
he's in a position where his survival doesn't depend on his public image anymore, so he can afford to be as cringy and annoying as he wants so long as he's enjoying himself
I for one respect the guy for that, he could get away with just tweeting written fart sounds at things he doesn't like for 12 hours a day but instead he doesn't, a greater than than I (pfffftpflfflfpfff)
are you one of the people in that screenshot?
>as long as you're not retarded.
He's not retarded, he's just miserable. Retards don't become billionaires.
>Pewdiepie thread
in recent update changed the way that the game handles lag, and now mobs will behave like they're in a multiplayer server sometimes and just zip towards you after being frozen on the spot for ages
it's a real pain in the ass and hopefully it gets fixed
Recommend me essentials mods.
guys F's in the chat for joergen
Anyone knows what happened to Vayeate's server?
Can't get in because I'm not "white-listed" or whatever that means, and I can't contact him through discord since the link is expired.
I just want to be able to craft a saddle and put it on a manta ray, that's all
They should have seen it mostly as a building game and gone from there. The focus on adventure shit was a mistake in my opinion. The appeal was always the building to me but it got boring quickly since they didn’t focus much on it.
They have focussed a shitload on building idiot. The shitty part is the adventure. If you want to build fuck off to creative mode. Doing anything in survival is shit and boring because nothing can touch you and there's very little reason to explore.
The game was supposed to be a sandbox, but shit like hunger and the new world generation ruined it
creative mode?
Tough life
They focused way more on the adventure shit than building for like the past 6 years
No idiot. They have not. They added what, hunger and crossbows? What can they do to building except more blocks, which they've added in droves.
Things like the new world generation ruined it for me, it just looks so boring
Christ, imagine getting mogged on by a fucking furfag
Adventure update? Aquatic update? And they hardly add good new blocks just new minerals mostly.
Is it bad that I'm far to much of a brainlet to build a nice house in minecraft? This fucking dude made a 1-1 recreation of hyrule castle in a server and my base was just this shitty dirt thing on a platform
>Fuck the faggots who say they need to revert it to where it had even LESS shit to do, that's retarded. They just need to add more interesting things that aren't shallow as fuck
Fuck the faggots who fucked the game up by wanting mindless busywork and reworks of certain mechanics because it was "OP" such as the enchanting system, Terrain Generation and Monster/Mob AI and spawn mechanics.
The adventure update was 8 years ago and the aquatic shit added a shitload of blocks and aesthetic features. They added a single new mob that wasn't a reskin.
Nothing? It's still pretty fun.
anyone wanna make an official Yea Forums server?
there was one but it was full of tranny RPers and general attention seeking
big red flag was having their own discord
>Notch should just spend all his money on high class 10/10 escorts,
How do you know he isn't? is there a livestream of his life I'm not aware of?
I mean its miserable, but not tough
>ruins your server
He really is fucking pathetic. Was he the actual mastermind behind minecraft?
He copied it mostly from infiniminer. Taking advantage of an opportunity is it's own form of genius though.
he really didnt know what he had, if you followed the development you can see it.
>the building mechanics of snowmen
>the random shit added in for seemingly no reason
>what the fuck was the whole of "minecon"
>an autistic person is able to dedicate enough time to one good idea to make it into a successful project
colour me surprised
Jeb was the real mastermind behind minecraft, you retard
>Retards don't become billionaires.
user, I...
>you're a bigot respect my pronouns reee!
Is that the best they can come up with? Also nice samefagging
>couldn't even win a presidential race
Jeb is a mess, user
Yeah, he must be so miserable in his mansion with all the vidya, food, and time he needs for several lifetimes. Get real, and while you're at it, get a job.
Made in Java
Managed to a lazy retard with no work ethic who got lucky
Added lots of retarded stuff like half-assed survival/RPG mechanics instead of just adding hundreds of new blocks and block variations in a game that's primarily about BUILDING. I don't want to be the guy who starts off the Terraria vs Minecraft shitshow but it's crazy how many new decorations and building/design blocks Terraria has gotten since launch compared to Minecraft.
You're not a billionaire, fuck off.
>Letting a fucking Furfag make you look like a clown
To be fair he stole from some other game dev and used to post on Yea Forums so everyone loved him. Since he left, the game has only seen positive changes and is seeing a resurgence because of e-celebs
You're ruining our nice servers with your shit.
Learn to build or go away.
There are still some really good mods for the java version of the game. I reccomend the "Feed the beast" mod packs for anyone who felt like the original game were lacking.
>some random dogfucker made billionaire notch seethe
i don't like this
cmon notch step up
Dilate and don't fuck dogs
yeah but I put it away on a platform, because I knew it was shit
>this is my first week on Yea Forums
lmao pathetic
one of the admins on a server I used to play on sold me a plot of land with a pre-built in exchange for mining some resources for him
this is a good way to deal with the problem of uncreative home-owners
>the point
>your head
If he was actually angry he would of have come with a clever comeback
Most play on java and get super August about people who play on bedrock so no, mostly pc
Thank you.
I miss the old style of house protection in servers, now its all plots and shit
>the point
You didn't made any, thats the thing, it was just one of those Twitter tier pretentious replies.
That's not how it works. As a matter of fact, the fact that he DIDN'T come up with a clever comeback is more of a byproduct of seethe than anything else. It means he was worked into such a sputtering shoot that he couldn't say anything clever and instead relied on angry ramblings.
seethe harder trannies
I used to gather resources and shit in exchange for a house but this cunt was focused on building the 1-1 hyrule castle.
I fucking hate autists
Not enough focus on the actual fun parts of the game like building and adventuring and no focus on shit that could be fun like survival.
You never made one yourself, you projecting sperg.
Is W10 edition any worth?
Runs really well yeah
You get it for free if you have java version
>You never made one yourself
You literally quoted it , dumb nigger.
No multicore support for servers.
Not really much of one is it? Like I said, seethe more, nigger.
>Runs really well yeah
Yeah but content wise, how does it compares?
>Not really much of one is it?
Its an literal fact, thats why you could only come up with some faggy Twitter tier reply, get the fuck out of here retard.
it's the same but with less mod support and a lot of jewing for community content packs
If you just want a vanilla smooth experience play w10, if you feel like doing some modding and be more free play java
Imagine being so shallow (or poor) that you think having money automatically leads to a more fulfilling life. I guess all those rock stars and actors don't kill themselves at all and it's a giant conspiracy
Notch sold it to SJWs and cucks.
>pop ender eye to find a stronghold
>it flies off and explodes
Thanks, game. Do strongholds really exist? I've never even seen one of these ender portal shrines in the flesh.
Holy obsessed. Did Twitter kill your family or something? Keep crying about your shitty life though, we're all lapping up the salt.
Does it supports shaders? I can't stand this game without it.
>Still no valid point, only buzzwords.
Take the L and leave, faggot.
You sound too in experienced to know what you're talking about. Money isn't everything, but rock stars are pretty low iq people that spend all their money on drugs and then cry because the drugs fry their brain. Expanding your horizons and improving yourself help immensely, and money allows you to do both of those things.
What do you think about new new combat?
Ok, how should UI be reworked?
1.12 was basicly more blocks – the update. What fucking more do you want?
If you have friends who play on consoles.
Based Mr. Shake Down poster.
>Still no valid point, only buzzwords.
Right back at you, newfag. Yet all you can do is bait without any semblance of argument or conversation. You are what's wrong with this website. Now get out and go back to where you came from.
Re-Logic made a better game and now I can't go back to Minecraft, no matter how much nostalgia I have
I love how you just pretend that the statement I made doesn't exist because you know you can't properly refute it, shame on me I guess for replying to some underage who can only spit new learned buzzwords. Have my last (You), nigger.
>now you can hold food in your offhand
Your what?
>billionaire argues with some poor furfag retard and doesn't take it seriously whatsoever
I hate you fucking zoomer slimes
>rock stars are pretty low iq
For someone calling out the other user on how he doesn't know what he's talking about, you sound pretty pretentious yourself my man.
Glad to see you've learned when to let go.
Expanding your horizons and improving yourself can be done (at least initially) for next to no money at all. The only thing money does is it gives you the best possible safety net. So it makes you calm, but not happy
Tom and Ben are best nu-yogs
And I want to do lewd things to Leo
Based as fuck
I had a grueling 12 hour job and didn't have any time or energy for anything. It was horrible. Once I quit that, I just neeted it up for a few years and lived some of the most fulfilling years of my life which really helped me prepare and grow as a person. Genuinely great post
You got old.
I don't know what attention whoring faggot you're talking about, but if he uses Discord he isn't worth your time.
Is there a way to force everyone into having the same name, serverside?
That should get rid of most of the attention whoring.
arrest yourself
>wanting laggy framerate
LA is trash. Should have moved to a third world country. You dont want to be a billionaire in a country with human rights.
>powercreep and cheese: the game
Lol no.
>new world generation
Explain please, because I tried out the switch version and it looked like my world was made out of 3 biomes tops, extending and repeating endlessly. Last time I played used to be in the old leddit days, when you got new biomes every few minutes of walking. Did they mess with it and now worlds only have limited shit?
what an odd idea
imagine a creative mode server where nobody has name tags or skins, it would be even better if there was no chatbox and players were invisible and had could phase through each other
I can imagine a dozen virgins furiously writing angry signs
they are very different and appeal to different crowds. It just scratches your NUMBERS itch.
>just make your own fun
Where have i heard this
Redditor faggot who entered random Yea Forums servers and dedicated himself to raid and shit up homes and buildings that Yea Forumsros made.
Imagine getting BTFO this hard by a twitter furry
Yeah but in minecraft there's actual opportunities to have fun. Unlike this turd.
You talking about Vayeate's server?
Stress is relative so no matter how much money you make you'll feel the same
Modders one-upped the actual devs tenfold.
I wrote all of these btw
also I'm gay
>for God's sake, I'm a furry and the best he can come up with is "fuckiest of nuggets"
It went to shit when they fucked with how the world was generated. Now you get nothing but flat bs.
True, the weird old world generation was way more interesting
Really? Maybe you're just getting unlucky with the random seeds?
Nigger stole my enchanted crossbow
>using crossbows
>not using dispenser chainguns
combat sucks anyways
Oh hey let me just chase someone up to a thin platform at height limit and start slowly building that and hope he just walks in the line of fire
>getting dabbed on by furry trannies on twatter
fucking hell man
no you silly, you only need to kitty them into the blast zone
A 5x2 chaingun dispenser filled with tnt will shit out more than half a stack of tnt before getting blowed up.
You need to leave all your valuable stuff hidden in a safe place, but the ammount of salt you get from kids that though they were invincible is enormous
have you paid your respects to the fishing gods Yea Forums?
>Hear about the latest update adding pillagers and village raids
>Try it to scratch the nomad raiding outposts itch that I usually scratch with New Vegas
>Spend all my time playing SimCity: TESTIFICATE Edition instead
10/10 update would play again
Kids and manchildren, like always.
Can anybody explain to me what official updates add to the game that mods YEARS AGO haven't done already and better? Updates just break the game for good mods
What about them?
nothing. I still play vanilla minecraft from time to time.
>tfw spent hours trying to get a mending book from fishing before I learned how to make an afk fishing farm
and thank god for that because even after hours and hours of letting it go I only got like 2 of them