What's the white cheddar popcorn of video games?

What's the white cheddar popcorn of video games?

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didn't you made a thread saying "What's the Kira Yoshikage of videogames"?

LITERALLY have an empty bag of this shit on the floor right now. Pure gamer fuel.

Of course I did, I make all the threads around here dontcha know

Doom WADs.

Are you me?

How do you eat the tiny bits at the bottom without making a huge mess?

god these are so f-ing good, JUST f my stomach up

I want some of this right now, fuck you user

dod 1.3

Hold the bag like you're drinking from a bottle.

Why is it on the floor user? pick it up

Your kbnm must be disgusting

>tfw get too addicted to munching on these every time I buy them and can't stop myself

I can't touch these anymore. It makes me addicted like no other snack food does. I don't even use my hands when I eat these. I eat them like a dog would, head dunked in eating the popcorn.

I honestly think I would eat this for every meal if I could

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Where do you buy it?

For me, its Pirate's Booty.

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They sell it in all the grocery stores by me, but I'm a canuckistan. This, buttered, and white cheddar seem to be the popular flavors here.

Oh man, I know what you mean, this one time, I bought a party sized bag and one of the generic snack sized ones, destroyed them both in one day.

I want to eat it so bad but it really funks up the house with that smell and I hear it came cause problems for your bloodstream if you eat too much of it

I would like this more if the white cheddar powder stuck to the rice puffs more easily.

Get on my level

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Super Mario World.

>it actually has zero intelligence

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