New Study Finds Video Games Featuring Cute Girls AREN'T a Bad Thing!

>Contrary to expectations, results from the current study did not find that sexualization increased body dissatisfaction or aggression toward other women. Media influences from video games appear to be minimal.

>Results indicated that exposure to a sexualized avatar in a video game did not influence any outcomes for female participants. These results indicate that, at least for video games, exposure to sexualized females may not have a substantial impact on female players.

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I implore you to have sex.

Don't women also appreciate sexy women?

Based and titpilled.

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The problem with sexualized women in media is that it makes men happy, not that it makes women unhappy.

You implore me? You implore me? You always were one for fancy words. Well, things are different now, John. Now, I'm in charge! No more Dutch, and no more you. Implores. I, I implores you to go back and tell them to send someone just a little bit more impressive next time.

Who unironically believed anime girls had any impact on real life women?

Every female I know that actually plays video games always make a really pretty girl given the chance to customize their character. Always. None of them make a dude or just an ugly girl. They make them hot girls, pretty girls or a combo of both.

Now redo the study with the women's bfs in the same room with both them observing the vidya girl. The women will seethe more.

(and it's beautiful)

Real girls that aren't pink haired chubby ultra "socially conscious" psychos do, but they aren't the vocal, attention craving crowd.

That was never the argument. My argument was that guys who play as cute girls are gay AND homo. Of course girls should play as girls.

Crazy bitches with a useless degree

Women with bfs aren’t worried about competing with cartoons, it’s the average-below average Chad chasers who are still holding out and don’t like their backup plans having alternate sexual release.

people that are ugly on the inside and want everyone to be a robotic grey blob like them which includes liking only what is widely accepted and dictated by society

I knew one chick that made a dude. She was also a lesbian

Further reinforcing that dudes who play as women are gay.

This post is deep.


ok, but objectification isn't what is bad. weebs are fucking degenerate brainlets. wheres your study disproving that?

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women hate anything that takes attention away from them

I'm not a brainlet.

What are you doing here if you hate weebs?

So CA's Grace is actually just mentally ill?

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You know the rules

Stream that film, if youre so great.
tfw every streaming site worth a damn requires some bullshit phone two-step authentification or account so you cant actually stream good shit anymore

Wow, it’s almost as though games have no tangible effect on reality or something.
Also SK is based.

>the biggest cancer sites in gaming like polygon will never cover this