Holy fuck this game plays smooth. Got it today

Holy fuck this game plays smooth. Got it today.
I'm early into it but it seems DmC is back to form.

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Fuck Tameem for making me eternally triggered by a lower case 'm'.


I thought Tameem's self-insert game used "DMC".

To clarify, I've played every devil may cry game, except that one.

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Good for you. Just don't call it DmC instead of DMC around here, there's a distinction and many people care deeply about it.

I had the right idea, but I pulled it off in reverse.

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Why Donte has gray hair now?

I like how they made Danto look like a proper daddy in this game.

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No, it’s DmC: DMC.

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I'm hella early, just met those guys with the cleavers for the first time.

Am I in for an equally good time the rest of the game or what?

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It turned white at the end.

Yes. Enemies only get more infuriating from here on out. Just wait until you meet the Furries.


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There's a boss up ahead isn't there? I recognize this amount of player upkeep pandering well into a level.

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Impressive how it manages to trigger me everytime even though I like reboot too.

I'm amazed at how well my potato runs this game, but it's starting to smell like hot plastic so I think it's time for a break.

Fucking summer and it's hot ambient temperature.

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To be fair, those fuckers shove your shit in at first but when you start figuring out their tells and attach patterns they're legit fun to fight.

Fuck Hell Judeccas though, whoever came up with them needs to get kicked in the scrote.

user if you can smell it then you have a problem

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I thought so too but I checked and GPU was only at 55 C, surprisingly.

CPU at a cool 30, might be dust. I haven't cleaned the ol' cabinet in a while.

The first time I heard this was Life is Strange and it makes me annoyed when I hear because it because I remember how the yurifags on Yea Forums memed me into wasting time with that absolute garbage and how much I hated it and everyone character in it.

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Fun fact: it was only ever called DmC: Devil may Cry because someone at Capcom saw a draft logo Ninja Theory did, thought it was cool, tried to copyright "DmC", realized it wasn't legal to copyright 3 abbreviated letters, and added "Devil may Cry" to get around the problem.

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>not realizing that Life is Strange is garbage at a glance

You only have yourself to blame.

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>my computer isnt THAT hot
Based Chad not giving a fuck

Its a troll thread, genius. Way to step right into his trap.

A DMC thread that isnt bait? Havent had one of those since april

OP here. Actually it was an honest mistake, believe it or not.

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I had just played the first season of that walking dead "game" before it shit the bed, so I was willing to give it a try. Didn't play any more of those because based Lee was dead so I lost interest. Thankfully I pirated life is strange. I couldn't even bring myself to finish it, I played to episode 4 and dropped it. I had zero interest in finishing it and made me realise just how much trash yuricucks will eat up as long as "muh purest love" is present.

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How did you get past the first episode?

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I don't know how, I guess I have a high tolerance for trash before dropping it. I hoped since it was just a new thing it was just a rough start, I recall the first episode of walking dead being somewhat rough. I hate leaving shit unfinished when I start it as well. That said I just couldn't care by the 4th episode and looking back on it I like to head canon it was the best ending. One main character dead, another likely going to die shortly followed by the whole town when the tornado or whatever it was hits it.

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I know CD-I is suppose to be the punchline but for these I always found Animated Series generally the most funny.

The mods are amazing.

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Which one is the best?

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I wish V had more feedback when you command Shadow and Griffon. I feel like I'm just mashing buttons while they fight, like I'm not even controlling them.

Third one. It reminds me Force Edge.

and then you realize you can't switch devil breakers and die a little inside.
then your forced to play as V and any last hope of you wanting to replay this game disappears.

They really should have tied devil breakers to the dpad like breakable styles.

Is the 5th suppose to look like Rebellion? 3 is good as well because

4th looks like the DmC Rebellion.