How the fuck do I beat this thing
How the fuck do I beat this thing
Kys atheist
You get good
shoot him till he dies
>things that dudebro added just to be a fucking slog
seriously makes me question it, everyone restarts at the drop of a hat anyways so they're all just gonna do that to get the best items and then he buffs the fucking health LMAO
greed or greedier?
that isn't greedier bro
hit the boss until it dies
greed. I'm trying to unlock lilith by beating him with Azezel
>bob's brain
>Experimental Treatment
>A shit ton of followers
You learn how to play the game better.
Press R: the game
they need to be shot for thinking greedier and delirium was a good idea
for starters stop being an incel and git gud
>not using Bob's Brain
Just fire into a wall to get it off your back when you need to fight close-combat enemies. Otherwise it's a free bomb for fights.
and hush
Tech X best item
If you're playing Azazel and can't beat greed then just get good, greed mode for Azazel is very easy
Adding content to BOI is like adding 1 fresh piece of gum to the 10 pieces of soggy, flavorless gum you were already chewing.
>yfw lasers are going to get thicc again in repentance
it sucks its gonna cost another 10 bucks
Git bad
While you can do that, what makes me mad about bob's brain is how it will often respawn while you are firing in close range.
dumb damage
Other way around: the content they add keeps dragging down the quality of the game.
Do you know what most of the items do?
>push the key under the Esc.
>type giveitem.
>go nuts.
Ask Northernlion
>bearded Ultra Greed
If you do that you let the game beat you.