Make this vidya
Make this vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are zoomzooms suicidal?
You got a chuckle out of me
Because living is haaaard, it's better to just end your life and get it over with. We all end up there anyway.
>Because living is haaaard
Not if you're a comfy zoomie
It's like a true Cyanide and Happiness comic
Is the zoomer dude a white chick or something?
I watched your video and now this is in my recommendations.
What's the original?
i dont have the OG pic but its about porn. goes something like this
>Panel 1: Man, streaming porn is the best!
>Panel 2: Hah, back in my day we had to wait for a single jpeg image to load!
>Panel 3: All we had in my day were magazines!
>Panel 4: Haha, back in my day we had to squeeze our asscheeks together and pretend they were boobs!
>Panel 5: ...
>Panel 6: Who are you guys?
>tfw old enough to have experienced no internet porn, waiting for a jpeg to load, and stream hd porn
Zoomers will never know this feel
Honestly, kind of feels like C&H humor. Good job.
wow look at you, youre so smart for caring this much about comics
This is the kind of a crop that turns Rhodesia into Zimbabwe
That's because it's the template being given, retard.
God you're fucking stupid.
This joke is too meta for the typical Yea Forums brainlet.
Someone had to do it
>Anything I don't like isn't video games
Smash and Consoles are both vidya related you sperg
>who cares about video games, another smash thread
I'm not sure if you know this, but Smash is a video game, user.
Interesting, thanks for that.
This annoys me because I'm going to notice this from now on.
Yes, truly the peak of video game discussion
Plenty of video game threads get deleted in favor of smash shit, which belongs on vg, not here
>Plenty of video game threads get deleted in favor of smash shit
I thought you were just complaining about too many threads being off-topic?
What's wrong with threads about video games (smash) driving them off?
You're being awfully inconsistent here.
kek, I skipped to the last panel
Smash threads are spam, which should be deleted, especially since they have a containment thread on vg, but doesnt
Video game discussion gets deleted for whatever reason mods feel like deleting
How is this hard to understand?
you forgot the joke
>you're allowed to talk about video games BUT NOT TOO MUCH
What kind of logic is that?
He's retarded and just wants to complain
what's wrong with that? Using a trope (this one more specifically) doesn't make a comic distasteful or poorly made.
When I was about 11 or 12 my good friend found a hustler thrown over the guard rails near his house. we must have fapped to every single page in that thing.
Why are you autists complaining about a beat.
>one video game thread is too much and will be considered as spam
>30 smash threads is a-ok, please continue and ignore the containment thread on vg
What kind of logic is that?
>one video game thread is too much and will be considered as spam
I'll take thing that never happened for $500, Alex.
>no cable box, just cable to television
>try to fap or get at least a boner under a blanket when watching shit with chicks in bikinis
>channel recall button to safe channel and quick mute double tap to remove channel from television corner if somebody pokes their head in
>jacking it to bra ads
>jacking it to girl characters in game magazines
>friend that raided his dad's nudie rag stash and was treated like a king by everyone
>finally getting dial-up and a good computer in the late 90s and destroying my dick to pretty tame shit
>discovering hentai
Literally "mom, look, I posted it again". No words needed.
Kys asap
>word sword sword sword sword swords
This is Yea Forums, anything that is popular (or even used more often than "rarely") is bad and clearly they are superior for knowing this and not using it.
I can't post images because I live near too many hardcore gangster motherfuckers
2 million hours in microsoft paint.
Imagine how smug this faggot was when he realized he got to post this link. I hope you die.