>good story
>good gameplay
pick two
>good story
>good gameplay
pick two
JRPG good story
people will forgive bad gameplay, see Nier
Nier isn't a JRPG.
the game you posted was pretty much good story good gameplay for me
but if I had to choose just one it'd definitely be gameplay. if I really want a good story I can just play a VN
name ONE (1) single JRPG with a good story, every single JRPG can be boiled down to:
>Teen saves universe with power of friendship and grinding
>Religion is bad
>God is bad
>Organizations are bad
>Chaos good
Yes it is you fucking absolute dumbass.
Pick neither for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The music and art style were great though.
>can be boiled down to:
And you posts can be boiled down to
>Manchild faggot acts superior to other manchildren faggots.
yet you seem to have it in your head you're any better than anyone else.
Called it, here’s the falseflag thread
Dark souls
lawfag spotted
Nier gameplay isn't that bad. It's not challenging but it's fun and pretty.
Name ONE (1) story that is good, every single story can be boiled down to:
>Something overcomes something else.
That's a weird way to qualify things, there's literally not a single story ever written that's good when boiled down. There's a reason people still read original texts rather than cliffs notes.
How? It's an action game.
I pick all three.
ARPGs made in Japan are still JRPGs, but not all JRPGs are Action RPGs. Understand?
Since a JRPG with a "good story" is pretty much impossible, I will take the good gameplay thanks.
No, I don't think it's a JRPG.
Good story and good gameplay. The JRPG aspects always drags the game down.
It doesn't matter what you think. It's an ARPG like the Tales games, Dark Souls, Star Ocean and Dragon's Dogma.
Vagrant Story.
Name me a WRPG without those too.
You don't think at all.
can i just pick big tiddy instead
Mindless game play that shitters can feel accomplished in beating but not difficult enough to distract from the fapping and mouth breathing when you see DA BRIGHT COLURS flash on the screen and based waifu that 1 million other neckbeards are simultaneously fapping to. KINO KINO KINO KINO KINO IS THIS BASED BROS?
>t. Faggot neck beard thinking yakuza had challenging game play
You're last thread just died, cabalposter.
>Teen saves universe with power of friendship and grinding
Use summons and read notes from other players, have to absorb other people's souls and humanity and increase your stats to win; you can't succeed on your own
>Religion is bad
The leaders of Lordran made up a prophecy to manipulate some human into killing Gwyn and taking his place
>God is bad
Gwyn is God and he killed millions of his own people just to stay in power
>Organizations are bad
Covenants are run by gods and other more powerful beings so they can use humans to carry out their own desires
>Chaos good
Ending the current government and embracing darkness is the clearly more redpilled option
Keep trying, DSfags.
XB2 has boring gameplay though.