Read the manual

Read the manual.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't read the manual.

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I'll shove the manual up your ass.

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Also read the working history.

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Name one videogame that came with a manual this year

Lobotomy Corporation

Anything released on consoles :^)


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play a good game

Every single Vita game comes with a digital manual that details the lore, introduces characters, and has control diagrams.

Shit nigga I wish I could read

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I want to shove my manual up Malkuth's ass if you catch my meaning.

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Only if you let me impregnate you with at least three of my children.

MarisaLand Legacy

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i want to impregnate mal

I want to Hod Hod’s Hods

Retro manuals are kino. Modern ones however...

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Taking a break for now. Got Blue Star's gear before memrepo-ing it so I feel good. Hopefully I'll be able to deal with Hod's suppression tomorrow. Anyone got tips for it if you lack a sufficient amount of chads?

Rip my dude, at least I finally beat her now

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>Playing for the first time
>Get a noon ordeal
>Oh sweet this should be alright, gather everyone up in the same room just in case
>Send weakest person to trigger the ordeal
>Great Love For Us

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It got me the first time, too, user. Don't worry, just retry the day and keep in mind to move your dudes into the hallways right before they arrive.

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I'm sure most people who played the game had this happen to them

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I would fuck hod so hard she wouldn't be able to walk for a week

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>tfw pretty much all the hokma and binah conversations
What the hell is going on
Is this what hell is like

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Hokma is quite easy to understand. Binah talks most if the time in stupid double speech.

Name the abno which has given you the most PE boxes.
For me, it's Laetitia

Just don't look at the drawer faggot lmao

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Skull Jesus

Something something bucket and a well

Laetitia because easy attachment training, followed by La Luna because lots of power for little hassle.

he's pretty okay

What are ways to prevent crashing just lost a days progress because of it.

Laetitia, Der
WN, grinding an ALEPH ever since Day 11 kinda forcibly moves the scales to its favor.


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malkuth is for hugs not fugs

New LoR teasers WHEN?!

Entering an abnormality's containment room!
Conversing with the abnormality!
Feeding the abnormality!
Grooming the abnormality!
Gently touching the abnormality!
Cleaning the abnormality!
Watching TV with the abnormality!
Playing games with the abnormality!
Hugging the abnormality!
Kissing the abnormality goodbye!
Getting the abnormality's gift!

Being an agent is such a great job!

Being horribly killed by the abnormality!


The basement bucket hag

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The ass says otherwise.

It's not easy to be the best department.

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Most ALEPHs at 999 so probably the ball of feet did it, since he's easy to work on even with high overload.

The abnormality is sad to see you go, it seems to want to follow you!
Manager! Nothing there has escaped! Please handle it soon!

The thing about Blue Star is that it doesn't freak out even if you get a bad work result, fucker's surprisingly chill

Mountain of Smiling Bodies is so easy to farm, he was the first ALEPH that I kept because Day 17 CENSORED is terrible.

Why is this image so goddamn large?

It's extremely difficult to get bad results on BS anyway

I was trying to ask this in the general but no one answer. Can I play one run forever or do I have to start a new save at some point? I want to know this before buying the game

You can jump back to the last memory repository point any any time. You keep the EGO gear and encyclopedia entries you get from before you pressed the repository button though. I think there's an endless mode, too?

You can keep using memrepo to reach the true end on a single run, provided you split upgrades between departments from days 36-40, but even if you go back to Day 1 you'll keep your collected gear and abno research.

>Meat Lantern escapes
>Decides to chill in front of his containment door

How do I clear Hod suppression when I have Blue Star in central?

Vita has games made for it?

It has 2 on its counter by the start, if it only melts down once you're safe even if you don't meet the stat check.

Just hope it doesn't meltdown, that or have an agent with capped Prudence with +15 SP from gifts, OR, have YMBH
For the most part the Star is fine. Its counter goes down if you have Prudence 4 and below. It only instagibs if you have Temperance 3 and below+lowers counter.


Yeah what I want is an endless mode

So there is an ending to the game? Can I avoid it and keep playing forever until Day infinity? Going back to day 1 is like doing a new run

Yeah there's an ending at day 50, but that unlocks Challenge Mode which is basically endless mode that picks up where day 50 leaves off iirc.

What tools do you have? I cleared it with Blue Star and having good tools helps a lot.

You want to keep playing even after day 50?!!
You are a big manager...

>Chesed Suppression
>he chills out so much he spends 90% of the Day with Pale/Red as chosen damage types
>adds White at the end
>never puts up Black
On top of that Crimson Dusk was at the last Meltdown, so I didn't even have to do it.
It really was just like drinking coffee in a rainstorm, I had nothing to worry about.

if I play to day 60 can my employees get some vacation time

>tfw Silent Orchestra's monocle helps me cheese every single damage or stat related suppression

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What's happen on day 50?

I'm going to buy this
Can I still just keep playing the pirated version? Or does it override that somehow?
Can I switch around saves?

Something really epic

You see the ending, if you can reach and finish that day.

>tfw got Green Dusk with red damage boost
Shit was fucked, managed to pop two factories beforehand but my agent in NT's armor set off the event on the other side of the facility so he had to take a face full of buzzsaw.
Still lived though because NT's armor is fucking broken vs. red

I wish it would stop making me read the manual and let me play the game
Then I realized it wasn't about building an SCP fort and instead about sending waifus to interrogate a collection of eldritch horrors. And i was disappointed.

masturbating to the sleeping abnormality!

The big FUCK YOU actually comes in day 49
Day 50 is the last straw and you will problably have your IRL sp very low because of it

Bought this piece of shit hoping for an SCP management game instead I get some stupid bitch telling me about how she can't go outside then this stupid bitch yammers at me in more badly translated exposition. Can I skip this embarrassing shit and just play the game? I can handle the ugly art and annoying music, but not this VN nonsense.

I hope you at least watched the trailer or read the tags I don't know why so many anons fall for it

Refund while you still can lol

I never minded the VN bullshit as it helps dole out some exposition for lore at times, but yeah, the lack of a "skip" option is kinda weird. Just power through it as best as you can, you can click rapidly to make the dialogue go faster.

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She's a big gal.

Watch a trailer next time.
What? These little chibi potato nugget looking motherfuckers are "waifus" to you? Hire some male agents. Frank and Jacob are among my best.

There IS a skip button...

Only paid two bucks, not worth the amount of clicks.

>his prudence is 1

The description for the game only says that it was partially inspired by SCP among other things like Cabin in the Woods and Warehouse 13. Unless it has SCP in the title I wouldn't really expect it to have that actually in the game.

Gifts are kind of completely against what SCPs would do.
The only gift a Keter SCP would give you is a memetic agent that makes the pain hurt less before it eviscerates you.

Would you buy a "kill a cl*rk in VR" simulator? You can use any EGO weapon you want!

>annoying music
>not noticing the giant SKIP button
>calling a korean drama a VN just cause videogames lol
Zero prudence cl*rk, never gonna make it.

>all these lying anons
just let the thread die we don't need artificial conversation to keep it alive
go play the god damn game it stopped being funny 4 months ago

>Kill clerks with KoG’s ego weapon

That's PERMANENT Scarecrow Duty for you.

>pretending to be playing the game just to shitpost

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>being a retarded tripfag

I am playing the game
Should I do Chesed's last mission or Gebura's last mission first? Obviously can't do them at the same time given how long it takes to get to a midnight ordeal.
Also one of my best agents just got the CENSORED gift, and I'm not sure if I should lock it or let her keep trying to get The Smile mask or Army in Black's headgear instead.

please execution bullet me, I'm fucking stupid.


filter him

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I know I can skip it you fucking greasy freak, I'm just worried they hid some important gameplay information in the parts where you read slant gibberish under an ugly drawing.

Not even worth the bullet, should just feed you to the fetus

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Gebura. Also CENSORED and AiB's gift don't go in the same slot.

chesed's is easier
lock all aleph gifts and shuffle equipment accordingly

Fuck you then, I'm throwing myself into singing machine instead

>he didn't read the manual so thoroughly that he knows how the game works perfectly
Scarecrow duty it is.

____ ___ _____

then why do you care about a skip button
i take it back your prudence is 0

>mfw figuring out Queen of Hatred can be satisfied with clerk deaths
>forgot clerks even count as employees

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Dang I dunno, maybe Gebura? Is it harder to do Gebura if I unlock Atziluth? Chesed's missions seem like they can be done at any time but they're super singular due to how they work.
I guess I will lock CENSORED's gift though, it feels nice looking at rare EGO gifts. Poor Laverne will have it over her face all the time now.

>smack the everloving shit out of a clerk with pentinence
>they go insane
>then back to sane
>then insane again
How are they supposed to die?

>Poor Laverne will have it over her face all the time now.
I always figured it was more they see everything through a CENSORED filter at that point.

>get white damage immunity
>pretty much nothing of value late game does massive white damage singularly (helps for suppressions though if you still have to do those)
>pale armor is rarely needed outside of a late game ordeals and a particular raid boss
Feels a bit weird that NT and Mountain's armor remain the best sets in the game from start to finish. As expected of the two goodest doggies, though.

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That's the special torture mode for the criminally insane, user.

or maybe their face has become a hive of tentacles and goop, just like CENSORED probably is

Fighting ALEPHs wom't be easier or harder with a new area unlocked unless you roll some annoying abbos, do Gebura's mission first. Unless you're asking about core suppressions, Chesed's is easier.

They will die when you let theirs souls rest.
Iirc you need to suppress Gebura before you can do Chesed. Might be wrong though, but her reward is still much better.

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Well she looks tired all the time and since she's the designated CENSORED worker along with occasionally letting Devona do it (has the CENSORED weapon) she sees a lot of shit. Hiding it shows that her face is still fine under it but it is odd that it's an eye accessory.
I have all the ALEPHs, I was considering letting them out to fight her while I run around with a squad evading her attacks. I could do the shelter but that's kind of boring. I was talking about the missions though, not the suppression.

How do you guys make this look so easy I am stuck trying to kill a dusk ordeal on day 22? Green is most berable but it sucker punch my rookies, ember seems like 3 KoG at the same time but I could not understand fully how it works and Crimson, well that one just BTFOs my whole squad.

A considerable amount of ALEPHs deal white damage, so it's great for working on those. I find it super useful to have because what it ends up doing is letting you completely abuse tools like the Crazed Researcher's Note or anything that kills on panic. Never underestimate the monocle.

If you picked up Der and got his rifle, he more or less trivializes the ordeals
The only thing that's tough is that they all require red resist of some kind. If you have that and enough not-shit weapons, you should be fine.

Manager, don't tell me...
Are you to much of a cl*rk for that glorious korean micro?

Huh, that's odd. I still have to do the Tiphereth one though, since it needs to be past Day 36.

grind and micro
a lot

Take Green and gather up your titans into a squad.
Move all rookies to an elevator, ideally near Information.
When the ordeal starts, target the factory that is closest to the top. Destroy that one and move employees as needed to the next, move your swarm of rookies as far away from the HE class robots as possible when they draw near.
Use the pause function to manage if it's getting rough.

My second chadest guy has it and he is able to stop one of the machine spaners alone but it takes him a while to put him out against the other 2 how does it help?
How do ember work? is it just 3 Kog or there is som other shit?

>Amber Dusk
The big ones spawn the dawn worms.
Shoot them from afar if you can't handle the hits.

I don't why but this post made me make this low effort edit

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>He is even worse than an Aleph, he is - may the Manager forgive me for uttering this word - a clerk.

>use Tough
>they die to death

MMM so just kite the rok whit a mele dude? while all personnel whit guns go wild?

The big bug never turns around, you can hit it safely from behind. Just be careful that your employees aren't targeting the little worms and walk straight in front of it.


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Alright, on a game technical level: what are your thoughts on clerks?
A good addition to the game or make it all jarring?

I like them for what they add to a meta level. Slowly seeing these mooks as less than human that serve as fodder against monsters that escape that get put down if needed

>at the beginning of the game, feel sorry for these tards that panic at the sight of the little bird
>mid game and onward, see them as useless piles of shit that only matter if they're in training/welfare for grinding exp/bullets.

They're bound to annoy people because you have no control over them. They're like Lemmings only far worst because you can at least point Lemmings in a general direction. Having breech conditions and certain perks related to their safety while having them literally walk in to the jaws of whatever nasty is out and about makes the players dislike them at least.

I think people would be happy if there was at least an announcement system where you could point clerks away from direct dangers, without giving the player complete control over them like the Agents.

can some drawfag make a pic of Angela at the computer typing about how much she wants to fuck the manager like pic related?

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>announce that there's a mass aleph breach at central command
>all the clerks use their tard speed to dart there as fast as possible so they can see what's going on
As I expected

Yes! Even cuter when they get mindbroken

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>MoSB is out! Local chads, suppress!
>ten clerks immediately fling themselves into MoSB's mouth(s) while screaming
That said, upgraded clerks are REALLY good at handling Amber Dawns. A row of them will delete an entire hall of four in very short order, no need to send anyone at all.

How the FUCK is Violet Dawn a problem?
Green kills your guys, Amber is multiple targets, and Crimson breaches shit if you let them be.
Violet doesn't attack, moves slow as shit, and only has a chance of activating its shit if you're braindead or if you let them.

I appreciate that they go from useless nuggets without the 4 research upgrades, to brave nuggets that gang up on clowns and die together all at once depriving you of a department bonus instantly.
The times when they don't die though feels epic.

It will drop all the Q Counters of everything in the department to 0 if you leave it alone long enough, as well as W damage to everyone. They're only an issue if you REALLY fuck up or are a baby with micro.

>where you could point clerks away from direct dangers
Ah yes. Apply to the head of the security department for such a request.
I am sure he will help.

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>new run
>have all 3 birds already
>green dawn starts
>okay going good
>turns out the last work made punishing bird breach
>whatever, ignore-
>clerks run assfirst into the robot and eat shit
>big bird breaches
>portal spawns
>select everyone and order them to attack the entrance
>too late
>apocobird spawns and kills all my nugget people in one attack

I want to have sex with Malkuth


No one to blame but yourself, Manager. Apocobirb is pretty easy.

>Nugget people
I find this an endearingly morbid description of low level employees, gonna use that myself sometime
Get in line, pussy.

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It's easy if you're told what to do or know what to do and how it works.
For new players, less so. However, lots of people coming to play are also dirty wiki peekers who know abnormality names in advance and other shit, so oftentimes they aren't even experiencing the proper difficulty.

>tfw Gebura hates you more than the woman that actually killed her.

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how do i survive ordeal of dusk

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Gebura prolly respects Binah's strength, even though she's better in a flat 1v1.
Chesed's attitude, outlook and personality however are probably the reasons why Gebura fucking hates him.

So wait, are all the Sephiraths always in their robot form, and we're just seeing them as humans with the filter on, or do they always have their human form going for all the fleshbags as a exterior display

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I said this year

Crimson Dusk: If you don't have slow bullets, bait them at the end of corridors with a single chad and then dip out of sight. The moment they finish their roll dogpile them.
Amber Dusk: Don't run straight at them. You -can- take your time a bit barring abnos that trigger on Clerk deaths in order to reposition, since they'll chew up agents in front of them at a rapid pace(and they slow, too - making them even more likely to die.)
Green Dusk: Soft DPS and Armor check because of triple robot spawns(and you can get three Processes of Understanding at once, who will superfuck lesser agents and weaker deathballs), just wail on them with the closest chads in groups as you can, or do a weird ranged attrition thing where close-range dudes pound the robots while the ranged slowly whittle the robot-makin' machine down.

But it's been getting games into 2020.
Don't know about beyond that.

Where's Violet Dusk? Does that even exist?

Everyone but Binah and Gebura are boxes, but they're not flesh and blood human bodies and are actually cyborgs.
In Legacy it did. It made shit spawn in nearly every single room and hallway in the Corp + other Violet effects, iirc. I think it was too much of a clusterfuck to keep.

When do we get a sequel with qliphoth shit?

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They’re a necessary annoyance
Without them, monsters like Big Bird, Queen of Hatred and Mountain would be irrelevant, and escaping monsters would make a beeline for your Agents with nothing to distract them inbetween
On the other hand the fact that they can host so many parasites and become the catalyst for so many breakouts makes you not feel too sorry when they foolishly get in a rampaging monsters way

Well I know that, I was unsure as to whether or not your average employee saw them as a human or as a box

Also they allow Nameless Fetus and CENSORED to exist without being complete bullshit (Fetus is super annoying but it could be way worse)
That said I wouldn’t mind some control over them, like a retreat order so they all hold up in the main department rooms

>read the manual
>do the tutorial
>everything still seems so complicated
Jesus fucking christ.

Can I only change equipment at the start of a day? I cant gear people up with new shit I get?

Also is it bad to spend all my LOB points leveling my 3 guys per department? I dont want scrubs, I want decent employees.

Is Naahmah a thot who constantly talks on her cellphone to contrast Malkuth's notebook?

Don't overthink too early, you'll just overheat your brain.
Yes, equipment is distributed only at the beginning of the day, and you're welcome to swap it out during your setup, but whatever they're assigned sticks all day long.
Your employees will get better, although if you're a habitual resetter you'll have shittons of LOB to work with and it shouldn't be a problem, but most take their losses properly.
They'll level of their stats pretty goddamn fast when you get higher threat level abnos. Once you do Hod's suppression, any new Agents will start at Lv3 in all stats.
Don't level up Justice unless you seriously, truly have absolutely no Repressionable abnos.

Ideally you want employees to level up their stats naturally while you save a budget for emergency stat buffs / replacements, like if your Chad needs to go Giga-Chad because you just brought in the ALEPHs, or your designated Singing Machine worker is overqualified so you gotta hire a new one stat

Nice, justice is the stat I have neglected by sheer luck.

Okay I will try to be more thrifty.

Thank you anons, I really like this game so far but it is not a genre I am used to at all.

I use nugget people for all employees, because that's what they are
little nuggets
Does anyone have that image of box Hod holding up an employee?

I want to have sex with Chesed

I think there's definitely the real bodies in their under their masks, at least whatever could be salvaged of them.

From the vids I've seen, it was rare to even have a day last long enough for an ordeal to spawn since days worked very weirdly back then.
But when they did spawn though, RIP your chads because literally everyone was stuck with the shitty ass ZAYIN baton or some ZAYIN pistol because EGO gear didn't exist until a later build. Didn't help that the only way to move your agents was to send them off to work and you're obviously limited in how much you can abuse that.

They're so cute. I would buy a doll of one of my gigachads if I could.

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Ah so it was actually Malkuth holding them
I also would buy one because goddamn the little nuggets are cute

But who was phone?!

I want to befriend a box

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Manager, we haven't reached the daily Hod molestation quota yet.

Angela, you mean.

Go back to work, Angela.

I will molest all the cute girls in the facility and no one will stop me.

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I love you
i love you
I love you
I love you~

the saves merge when you buy it

I can still launch the game without Steam though right?

>that agent who fell for the cute girl meme and tried to fuck one of the abnos
Godspeed Bongbong

Remember to reward your employees.

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Porccubus feels good, right?

ooh bby
I already do.
I have multiple agents who get to be resurrected every time I make a new game, after all. Evgeni, Cooper, Mabel and Odelie.

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When should I reset? It's getting pretty tough with chain breachings. I did first 4 core suppressions, day 35. Should I try as much suppressions as I can?

>should I try as many suppression as I can
Yeah, tough it out as much as you can, once you're 100% sure the run's fucked beyond belief, Day 1 and reap the benefits you got on the previous run

Do the Briah suppressions at the least. Tiphereth, Geburah and Chesed definitely. Maybe Binah, since you'll likely lose employees finishing it, so it would make for a good day1 point to afterwards resurrect your cute little agents. After you day1, focus on getting all the abnormalities on your second run. Check the codex in the main menu to see your abnormality dissolution %.

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Everyone but X sees them as boxes, it's even a part of Gebura's arc that nobody really thinks of her as a person. The reason X sees them as people is because he as A would be overcome by guilt if he saw their box forms, knowing he is directly the cause of that. Doing a core suppression lets both X and the sephirah overcome their previous trauma.

What abnormalities would you work on?

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>Against such abominations, we organize our defenses on the principle that one strong and able mind can shield the many.

would it work?

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For me, it's the Judgement Bird.
Wouldn't mind working on Void Dream or Dreaming Current, tho.

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What about Binah?

That's basically what Portrait does, user.

the grind in this game is fucking absurd
>do 30 instinct works

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Butterfly Man, Freichad, Void Dream, Judgebird, Big Bird, La Luna and KoD are my friends!

Are you grinding on Zayins/Teths, dear manager?
Higher leveled agents get less gains from lower-classed abnos. HE-class is good at the midpoint, WAW and ALEPH will get you the rest of the way real fast.
Not to mention there's research that increases statgain, as well as as the bonus from the Training Department that also gives fat statgain bonuses.

I know that but by the time you get HEs you can't afford to grind because meltdowns/ordeals will fuck you if you do

I'd forget half of the things I need to keep track of for my safety so even against the safest abnormality I'd most likely find a way to die.
Skullbro would be the only thing safe enough for me.

It sounds like your abno order was pretty bad, user. That happened to me a couple of times.
I couldn't even handle the first ordeals at all even when I had my first HE-class and had to restart.
Meltdowns by themselves shouldn't be fucking you up in the early game at all, either. Are the Green Ordeals messing with you that bad? Amber Dawn can fuck your shit up if you wound up with slow melee weapons for sure.

Nonsense. WAWs and Alephs are the only ones even worth grinding on.

I want to work on Blue Star.

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HE-class abnos are fine, as is grinding out some gifts on lesser abnos. Don't tell him only those are worth it - heck, Punishing Bird is TETH but it has a fairly solid necklace gift that can be spread around pretty nicely, and is easy early insight to keep Agents a little sharper mentally.
It's the -degree- to which you grind that you have to keep in check, because inefficiency builds rapidly if you slam your agents into ZAYIN/TETHs over and over.

>Meltdowns by themselves shouldn't be fucking you up in the early game at all, either
they will when you don't have enough agents to get to them all in time
not taking any more advice from Yea Forums
>just pick abnos at random it doesn't matter lmao
>oh you got fetus and lantern? should have checked the wiki xD
>don't waste your time grinding on teth/zeyin you can just wait till HE
>oh your employees aren't high level enough to survive HE work? should have grinded more xD
>save your lob you should only hire 1 or 2 employees
>oh you can't stop the ordeal in time? should have gotten more employees xD

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galaxy boys necklace is better but i agree, 7 works on a HE with good results raises you up 1 level

>The Punisher's necklace
It's also worth locking on your agents unless you get the Galaxy Kid, so that you can work on Succubus without getting surprise attacked by the shitty gift it has.

I drew a Malcute

Attached: malkuth's malkuths.png (800x913, 284K)

>this is not on the manual
Shut up Malkuth nice work user.

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Even though it's not her ass.

Good stuff. Also cute.

>in reality, Manager is just feeling up a walking refrigerator

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>implying we tell people to check the wiki
we explicitly say NOT to check the fucking wiki you faggot
also sure sounds like you lack foresight, planning, and pretty much any intelligence at all - for all your shitposting, approximately zero of it is owning up to any fuckupper on your part and blaming it on literally everyone but you.
to scarecrow duty with your whiny clerk ass. :^)

Oh yeah, grinding for the gifts is fine, but grinding should be focused primarily on maximizing ordinary stat gain for everyone to enable 100% survival without micromanagement during boss fights, what with the pause getting disabled really only leaving your chad squad in full control between the meltdowns. Grinding on things below WAW for any other purpose than to enable WAW grinding is a waste of your time and unless you're willing to stay until >X qlipoth meltdown, you won't have enough ordinary chads running around to deal with the work.

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>should have checked the wiki xD
Said no one ever.
Also what you should have or shouldn't have done is in the end irrelevant.
It's a game about trial and error. Things WILL fuck you up regardless. That's part if the fun.
Just learn from your experience.

>when you don't have enough agents to get to them all in time
Maybe you should consider some easier games, if you're having trouble understanding numbers and amounts to this extent.

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>tfw ywn be a chad fixer
>ywn get home after a day of killing people and snuggle your wife Angela
>ywn live in a world where a massive katana is a practical weapon

But does he feel a cold, hard exterior, or a soft Maltit?

>groping box tits
>not groping superior abno tits

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I just realised the Wolf is a vore fetishist.

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Red has the same fashion sense as a Digimon, what with all those belts and other edgy things.

>having tits

I think when a wolf tears your face off, you're allowed to be a little edgy.

Hard exterior. Manager canonically wears a lab coat, not a VR suit. If it were a 'VE suit that interfaced with the perception filter, then he would feel Maltits.

I'm not a fucking gook I don't find it fun to start over a dozen times and grind for hours instead of just reading the wiki. What does starting over accomplish? You keep all the research you've done so there's literally no difference except how much time you waste.

>start over a dozen times
So you're just too stupid to learn fast enough to have fun. Drop the game and play something else, very simple.

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You have at this point more equipment and most likely more and better employees since thanks to your new knowledge you can keep the casualty lower than in your first run.

I'm giving her a compliment

>he's bad at games

>not even fucking AI's like me


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I was stupid enough to take Yea Forums's advice which fucked up my last few runs. Now it's a breeze.
>b-b-but reading the wiki will ruin it why don't you want to feed your chads to abnos and lose all your gear???

Employees are expendable

Does the clock work for doing the midnight ordeal mission? never really used.

Depends on the amount and quality.

I try not to read the wiki unless I get genuinely frustrated

And yet here you still are.

Backwards clock does not work on midnight ordeals.

Suit yourself, I suppose. To me the fun is entirely in learning how to overcome obstacles myself and how to organize both my agents and actions in general to maintain a 100% survival rate and efficient command. It's satisfying to figure things out for myself and to see my efforts bear fruit to the extent of trivializing something that initially kicked my ass.
Of course I'm also not a clerk, so I never had anywhere as much difficulties as you did.

No, they're not. Your agents are precious and with your retries there is no excuse for allowing anyone to die.

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Red will like you! Just pay her 1000 PE boxes!

Unless your plan revolves around death, like how in order to suppress 3 abnos for a mission, someone had to be fed to the woodsman because the other options were all WAWs that could kick my fucking ass

Absolutely nothing is forcing you to finish the mission right then and there, you know.
Also, can't you just suppress the same abnormality three times? From what I recall, only the Aleph one requires three distinct abnos, but I might be remembering it wrong, since the mission is supposed to be trivial. How can you not have enough breachable abnormalities at that point?

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>day 15
>still 0 employees death

We are going to get that vacation

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Wait, it was four. I'm talking about Hod's third mission, and you can't just use the same abno 4 times with that. I used Meat Lantern, Forsaken Murderer, Scorched Girl and finally Woodsman because the other I had that could escape at the time was either La Luna or Monk. Either way both were WAW so I knew even more lives would be lost if I attempted to use them for the mission.

You haven't even reached any challenges yet, user, but don't give up. Maintain that survival rate, no matter what.

Attached: red_mist_suppression.jpg (280x220, 17K)

>Of course I'm also not a clerk, so I never had anywhere as much difficulties as you did.
Uhuh sure you didn't but you don't let your employees die so that's clearly a lie. You're a fucking NEET with lots of time to waste on stupid shit nothing more. Why don't you go back to your MMOs?

You could easily have beaten Heroic Monk with micromanagement. It's a skill you'll need to learn for boss fights anyway. Just throw your worse agents into an elevator somewhere, let Monk breach and zoom in on the battle, actively pausing the game to dodge the monk's attacks until you learn his moves. He's just got two different swings and a rage-mode that only works in one direction and ends at a door, so you can just walk behind him and you'll be safe.
Shouldn't have given up so fast, it's not like he's Fiery Bird with area damage forcing you to retreat.

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Just accept your stupidity and move on. No amount of butthurt will change it.

I ultimately ended up figuring out how to manage that kind of thing during the bullshit I had to deal with during dusk ordeals so i got there eventually

Their dialogue hit me really fucking hard. Some are naive, o don't want befriend others, some are just glad they got off of the previous shitty lives and even look up to you. It's hard not to care for what would be disposable lives

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Angela thinks you're ok, or at least necessary.
The problem is your character reviles her and has hated her since she was created.

I wonder if X hated Angela before the memory synchronization made him A again.

I want to reprogram Malkuth into a sexbot!

But they'll learn to recognize your abilities and learn to like you. If you keep your employees alive, even they will like you.

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>new abnormality
>looks like scarecrow
>seems to be going pretty good in the chamber
>he decides to walk out the door and starts eating everyone's brains
this is a funny game to play blind and bought only based on it being shilled so hard this steam sale. honestly i expected more VN and less assfucks

I doubt it, his replies don't seem as hostile, just suspicious. Angela's a heartless monster but I can't imagine that being hated from the first moment of your existence did wonders for her personality.

Sounds like you're perfect for working on the scarecrow then.

Reminder that Red will be your friend! Just work on me!

I have almost plague doctor with his 12 servants.

Can you prime me on how to handle this fag?
I heard it was very difficult.

select everyone in the facility and target him

it's day 38 and i've been slow on my suppression missions
I keep telling myself "it's fine, just day 1 restart/memrepo after Hod because I heard her reward is really good and malkuth and le viper guy's are done
I was fine with losing one or two employees per suppression but now i've gone from skeleton crew to almost nothing. i'm left with only about 1-2 people per facility. I have YMBH and my plan is to buff everyone up to gigachad level to counteract hod's debuffs and stopping meltdown energy loss by tossing some 1lob shitters at WAW/ALEPHs to prevent the energy loss except that fucking foot fetish black hole who will need a dedicated chad to manage but doing so will probably kill every single one of my employees once the day is complete. it will be an acceptable sacrifice

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I only started losing people past central command boss fight when i had missions like supress 3 different alephs, and I only had Black Star, Nothing There, WhiteNight

>accepting casualties
I'm disappointed in you, user. You should̈́ve known better.

Is it possible via RNG to get an "ideal" facility with no ALEPHS, or are you forced to get at least one or two?

t. no manual day 12 memerepo

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Do you think your employees do well for you not out of kindness, but so they hope that you'll retry the day if they die?

I guess you can, but at the end you'd want their EGO equipements.

You're eventually gonna hit three ALEPHs during your selection at some point for sure, Mr. Ostruppen.
Dunno when, but it'll probably happen.

>screw up doing the repressions first time around
>go back and do them
>all these perks
It feels so gooooooood. Everything seems so much more manageable

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As long as you did Malkuth and Yesod first.
YMBH is basically a ticket out of Hod's shit. Remember, over 200 total points of stat changes = dead agent. Try to only boost by about 35.

An ideal facility would have certain ALEPHs that are extremely useful and/or easy to suppress.
Also it's going to be a pain in the ass to complete days without ALEPHs padding your energy. Just take a few, I promise they aren't that bad if you already have some WAW stuff. I worked on my first one with only HE class equips.

>get fetus on a memrepo day

An ideal facility would have a shitload of Alephs. Everything from their EGO gifts to PE-box production is something you'll want.

Enjoy the lovely DEATH ROULETTE

>Not wanting to be her husbando

Look at her, bros. Don't you want to love her? Embrace her? Raise a family with her?

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They do their best because they respect me as a manager and they KNOW I'll keep them alive no matter what. They know that so long as they handle the stress and pain, they WILL survive to see tomorrow.

Remember Clerks are your friends.

Hod's by far is the ultimate saving grace when you're learning the game. Lv3 Agents for 1 puny LOB is sooooooo fucking worth it.

Best girl gets best perks, as usual

woops, wrong image

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How grindy is this game?
I'm on the fence about it and it is the one thing holding me back that I've heard it is quite grindy.

nothing matters anymore. I'll start over from zero with this sacrifice and entrust the future to the next generation of employees
i've fucked myself with too many alephs and not enough chads. I have 12 lob. nothing can save me from this hell, i shouldn't have accepted casualties but it's too late now

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Yes she does

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>Need to supress 5 WAW-class abnos
>None of the WAW I have do breach
I really need that assassination bullet, because the thousands mouths is a fag.

Can you people direct me to some easy-to supress WAW abnos?

pic related

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user I did it with every ALEPH, the big pain in the asses aren't even them most of the time. YMBH is your free ticket. I had 3 LOB, only 5 chads, and I finished her with no deaths because of YMBH on a single agent (with The Smile) and the crazed researcher's note, only 5 days before your day.
Just start the day doing YMBH with your small selection of chads and if you fuck up retry. Once they're up +35 Hod literally can't do anything.
I truly believe in you, you can do it user

>Parasyte Tree
>Red Hood
>the bees
>the nest
why the fuck are you worrying about your ALEPHs when your WAWs are clearly going to be shitting on your face far more

>Burrowing Heaven (just look at it bro)
>King of Greed (takes forever but you shouldn't die)
>Long Bird (get his armor and have one dedicated Chad smack him as he wanders)

What would they all be like?

So I just picked this up because the art on the store page was really cute.

Where the hell do I start? What am I in for? Is this like a VN or what?

Read the manual.
There's everything you need to know here, there' even pictures.

Would you play an entirely VN spinoff of LC?

You manage an SCP facility and get energy from doing work on it. The game is learning to not get assfucked by that. Also there's cute AIs!

Sir, Sir

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Start with the tutorial.
If you have further questions, read the manual.
Only the scenes in between see VN like but it ist mostly text with barely choices.

Alright guys, I'll get it

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The story at first was pretty interesting, but starting day 35 it became quite stale and nonsensical.

If it had a better localization, as good an ost, was rich in choices and everyone was equally, or even worse fucked up, probably.

Is it normal to have only 2 agents in each department? Most of them are EX chads and a few are trainees/Level V's. I use Gunman, Meat Grinder and Weird Santa Reindeer as training wheels.

>parasyte tree/bees
I don't really give a shit about those because I execute every single cl*rk in the facility before even beginning the first energy generation
>little red
you're right about little red being a fucking bitch because while I had enough chads to make her a joke earlier I can't reliably kill her with just one but probably can with KoD buffs and bullet spam
>the nest
i just ignore that when it melts down it doesn't even do anything lmao

Yeah, as long as they're sufficiently trained you shouldn't need more than 2-3 agents per department. You can add in extra scrubs to fill the ranks but that's not necessary until the harder core suppressions

What about Apple?
Anyway you have both the ideal tools for dealing with this Suppression. Just remember to put the note back only after doing work, and not to put it back without doing work. Try not to have it on when an ordeal is coming, and while it may seem like a pain in the ass, the temperance boost is worth it for this.
Otherwise YMBH and Backward Clock are great, remember them.
You even have The Smile, so an ideal worker for CENSORED and the mountain after enhancing them.

It's a good start, but you should have 2-3 agents focused solely on abnormality work per section, while having an extra of maybe 5-8 gigachads focused on combat, spread around the facility, preferably color-coded by their damage type, so you can just quickly grab them and send them into battle with the right type of damage.
This'll become necessary later on in more difficult suppressions where you will need to have survivable workers keeping Alephs locked up and meltdowns in check, while your gigachads go beat up whatever needs it.
Train everyone to max stats using WAWs and Alephs, if you can. Those workers will be receiving damage that you can't micro them easily out of, so they need to tank it.

This Binah core mission is impossible, I wasted like 3 hours on this stupid old hag already.
Almost kill her last phase then she just 1 shot my chads with the pale damage attack when I CAN'T fucking pause to micro.
This boss is bullshit.

Should I just restart to have an easier time doing suppressions? I'm on like day 41 and shits tough to jungle

How many hours can I expect to get out of this game?

How is replayability?

I can only afford one steam game this sale unfortunately.

Have you actually been doing core suppressions? I got to 42 without doing any and it was a rough, rough road. Toughened me up for my next run, though.
Entirely depends. Our suggestion for this specific game is to pirate it first, then support the devs if the game is fun to you - the standalone uses the same save file location as Steam, so it's easy to 'transfer' over.
It's meant to be restarted a few times along with Memory Repo(think of it like a big checkpoint every so often.) and I've personally sunk 100+ hours into it already.

>lobotomihigh spinoff
>get to see abnos in schoolwear and get to date them too
Come on you wacky asians

How much of that time is grinding?

I can't seem to find an up to date download on a site I trust which is why I'm asking.

>not Sephiras

Binah is very fun and three hours isn't that long. Make sure you know that the meltdowns being worked on stuns, weakens her and blocks some of her attacks. If you aren't getting all / most of the meltdowns worked, you'll have a very bad time beating her. That pale damage should be a part of this as well, since I don't remember getting hit by it.

In the end, Binah is probably THE spot to day1 on if you weren't able to build up your forces well enough. She's your first real facility-check that will end with mass-casualties if both your fighting agents and worker agents aren't up to scratch. If you don't think you can beat her, there's nothing wrong with going back to day1 and building up with the focus to beat her. You'll retain your EGO gear and upgrades from the sections, so agents start out as Level III for example. You're not forced to start from scratch.
Make sure to get everyone to max stats if you can after day1, get the three stupid asshole birds and the Plague Doctor. They have good gear you'll want. Then aim for 100% survival rate.

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Just use the rabbits on phase 3.

Binah or bust.

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Only if I get to touch Laetitia.

Binah would be the Janitor

Thanks user, I'm going to buy it during the sale and then give your copy a try, if I like it I can move the save over?

Okay, but if you touch anyone else afterwards spiders come out of your chest and you die.

Not everyone.

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Damn, I forgot about the useless rabbits, will try later.
I have more than enough chads to kills her, and I can fill all department with lob 1 scrub to work on the meldowns.
Thing is there is just too many things to manage when the whole facility meltdown, I must forgot about the shelter 2 or 3 times and fuck up a good run.

saves are stored in %locallow%\projectmoon which is where the steam version saves

What happens if the steam version updates past what this one is at?

What's gonna be the power ranking of the Sephiras in LoR if apparently they also fight?

>and I can fill all department with lob 1 scrub to work on the meldowns.
Those die due to the Arbiter's attacks though. She's got the black goop shit that hits anything that's not moving and your workers won't survive that.
>Thing is there is just too many things to manage when the whole facility meltdown, I must forgot about the shelter 2 or 3 times and fuck up a good run.
Aside from the shelter, what do you have? The shelter you could just ignore since nothing requires 100% meltdown clearance, but if you've got abnormalities like Heroic Monk or Mountain of Smiling Bodies, you'll need an actual chad, preferably with Nothing There's gear sitting outside their containment chambers. With just this little information, it sounds like you might be getting fucked by the fact that your workers aren't good enough, or that you should keep some of your chads back.

the same that would happen if you had the game on steam, made a new sve save, and the game updated for some reason. It would most likely be a bugfix and be fine. I dont know of any updates so big you needed a fresh save aside from the legacy edition but back it up just in case.

Even the innocent ones have to learn...
And at least it's better than the backstreets where you risk having your organs harvested in broad daylight.

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>Those die due to the Arbiter's attacks though. She's got the black goop shit that hits anything that's not moving and your workers won't survive that.
Just put the employees in elevator rooms.

>in broad daylight.
It's usually at night, though.
Also is Harry farting sparkle?

But do you have the micro to move them all, or do you just have them concentrated in one elevator?

>But do you have the micro to move them all
Just put them in as long as you still can pause and keep them there.

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It does usually happen at night for sure, but the fact that it can and does happen in broad daylight is the especially scary part.
And those are everybody's sparkles, that happens when the Recovery System heals everyone in the main room.

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But the meltdowns. The 100% survival rate. Beating Binah properly to show her your power.

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This game is hard as fuck but it's fun.

>tfw the same thing happened to me like 4 attempts but also with Crimson Dusk
People say Chesed's is easy. People say Chesed's is no casualties and no worries. Fuck them, I would have kept failing the fucking Dusk with his red amp every time if I didn't have a sacrifice for Reverse Clock.

>If we can become one and share our existence, it'd be fascinating
I really don't like these and the comments about stars. It seems like a certain Aleph is having a bad influence on them.

Mountain, tree, QoH, red hood, nothing there, censored, those required chads and extra attention.
I also have singing machine and butterfly man, and the tin man, which need scrubs to work on.
And I need to micro scrubs to dodge spike at each phase.
It's just so tiring.

I never said Chesed's was easy, just that I got super lucky with him being crazy chill the entire time.
But yeah, if you get shit like meltdowns on NT, Blue Star, SO and other nasty motherfuckers with their associated amps, it can end up so fucking terrible. I lost one of my attempts at his suppression because SO got out with White Amp at the end of the day, I was so sad.

what is this shit I keep reading about "locking in" EGO gifts? don't they just get overwritten by other gifts if you keep grinding other abnos with the same gift slots hard enough?

Once an Agent hits Rank III, you can click their little extra info tab(it's the arrow on the left side of their stat window) during the Pre-Day prep and it'll show all their gifts. You can then click the padlock to lock in that gift and prevent anything from overwriting it.

Actually, I think you can lock in without being Rank III, it's hiding the appearance of the gifts(so if you want to make your agents A E S T H E T I C you can go right ahead) that requires Rank III.

In the deployment menu where you place your nugget folk into the section and choose their gear, you can click on the [

Yeah, but if they are working then it's 100% dead.
Letting spike appear in containment room is so stupid.

>rabbits talking about doing expeditions in the “ruins” and “suburbs”
>sweepers apparently roam the back streets at night
>mutation clouds like in Black Swan’s bio
>abnormalities in general
How fucked is this universe? What could’ve possibly went wrong where all this shit happened?

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I refuse


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You should probably just Day1 and avoid the nerds like Funeral and the Singing Machine, mem-repoing them out if you get something similar. You can't get all the abnormalities in one run either, unless you spam mem-repo and on your second run your average guys should be able to handle themselves.

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You sure can. You can unlock and lock gifts at the start of any Day, but not when the day's in progress.

What I want to know is, Angela said that the world searches for new ways of creating energy yet Organs seem to be everyones biggest concern.

Everyone lives in the Nests managed by the Wings of the World. People outside the Nests live in constant fear and threat, and you have lines from agents about working hard to get their family into the Nest thanks to L Corp. Apparently all worldly ills and ailments and difficulties are fixed in society, but this sort of extreme shit is commonplace.

Is there a full lore repository about this game's worldbuilding anywhere? Fixers, Nests, Outskirts, Wings, Head, Eye, Corps, Ruins, Backstreets, etc.?

>Blue Star for first time
>Breaks out
>"Well I'm probably fucked so lets screw around"
>My squad of chads destroy him in like 15 seconds
>"Well that wasn't so ba-"
>Entire Facility is dead except for the chads.
>And a single Clerk in central with a smugface

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There's an artbook with oodles of information, including things like the fact it goes up to Six Trumpets, iirc.
How could you let all of them becomes stars, Manager?
That clerk is smug because he knows you failed your men.

What a shame. Your chads had a chance to become stars as well.

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I've restarted but I only found out about the suppressions today and did the information one since that seemed the easiest since I've been muscle memorying everything and knew basically everybody by name. Hod was a bitch though. I asked that question originally when I didn't do it yet. There were fucking breakouts everywhere and NOTHING THERE escaped for the first time. He was located next to the le smiling mountain man in the Extraction department so I told fucking everybody to book it to welfare while I grinded out the last 200 energy on my wife Laetitia

Attached: FUCKz.jpg (1591x899, 155K)

So... why is it a bunch of legs?

On the blood of cl*rks

Since you didn't know that, here's a protip just in case(and for anyone else who might not know)
Some EGO Weapons and Armor have special abilities, just like how some EGO Gifts give unique bonuses. Click on the details tab in the EGO List and it'll usually tell you how things go with 'em.
Like La Luna's weapon Moonlight has a special attack that puts a W-Damage Shield on everyone in the room, Sound of a Star does bonus damage the lower an Agent's SP is(and the armor is aoe healing), Organ Grinder eats HP to do bonus damage, etc etc.

Because people are sucked in head first apparently

>Rank B
>Dead 05
>78% Survival Rate
Manager, this report is completely wrong. It says you lost people.

Attached: 1549206832583.png (500x625, 387K)

Well a couple people died and panicked in the middle of the game because they got normal results and/or couldn't take the heat because of their reduced stats

I'm more baffled the one clerk survived and was walking around like nothing happened.

Make up an abno that has something to do with clerks.
Hard mode: not clerk deaths.

Its actually a black damage shield for La Luna.

A chad with the staff can solo a small army of sweepers

Wrong. La Luna's weapon puts up B-type shields. As in, Bullet-type shields. AS IN, ALL FOUR DAMAGE SHIELDS ON ALL YOUR EMPLOYEES AND CLERKS IN AN AOE IN THE FUCKING ROOM

Someone posted an idea of an abnormality that pops out two clerks for each dead clerk.

It honestly didn't see much use for me so I had no idea it was like that, really. Rest of it still applies.

You're not just going to let them die, I hope.

>kog runs over a thousand clerks that spawned out of nowhere
>two thousand clerks spawn
>kog eats them too
>four thousand clerks spawn

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>Don't Clerk on Me
Randomly breaches and takes the form of a clerk. Don't click on it though or it will get angry and randomly start letting other abnos out. Attempting to execute it will result in it bringing all the clerks in the department back to life and it assuming another clerk form to blend in. You need to keep your clerks alive and leave it alone for it to eventually go back to its cell

The more clerks there is in the abno corridor, the higher the success rate is.

Why can't employees have apartment uniforms?

Just to be sure.
If I beat WhiteNight, and immediately memrep after his defeat, do I get to keep the ego weapon?

>if there are an even number of clerks in the facility, qliphoth counter decreased after work
>if there are an uneven number of clerks in the facility, work success rate decreased by 75%
>if there are no clerks in the facility, qliphoth counter is always at 0

Would you employ abnos?

I want to pet her

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What is this

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They attacks clerks, and you need to gang up on them because they can heal up and do decent damage.

Michelle is a traitor!!!
I want to stab her!!!

Moderte Affection for you.

How long would it take to day 1 on day 46 and get back with a full facility of chads.

If you're asking how long it'd take to get to 46 I'd imagine it's easy if you're already loaded with ALEPH/WAW gear and have the suppression bonuses

Depends on your abno loadout and how well you know how to streamline the creation of your gigachads.
The WR speedrun takes 8h24m or so and that's with NO memerepo on a fresh file.

The fuck are you on about? Shut the hell up, nig.

Assuming it works like other abnormalities, memrep will make a snapshot of whatever gear you have at that picosecond and send you back with that. So everyone who perished that day, their gear is lost. But if you made new gear from abno's you just got that day, you'll keep that.
t. memrep'd WhiteNight away on day 16, because HE gear isn't enough at that point

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Yes, but you lose all ego on the people that died during the fight

Not that good. Improve your perspective and...well holy shit everything really.

Don't pet traitors, user.

Why does young Michelle look like old Elijah?

>fresh file
>no memrep
that sounds nice, but I sure would want to beat that.
Seems like a thing to go for after I played around a bit more

What abnos would you replace your secretary with?

La Luna.

>thought the security chief was a drunken cake who had lost what little hope in life remained
>turns out it's a guy

>Redditbot schemes to get all the ALEPH weapons by using Little Red and Might Be Bad as a distraction
truly a monster

Look at this duuuuude

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nice setting for a duel

What's in the black forest for non-bird people?

Why would you think a man in a male uniform to be a woman?

Oh this would make an interesting sequel, if you really want to go meta make all abnos from the reverse tree base on positive stuff imagine how this spin would look for some old or returning abnos when you and the facility at large are bad people doing good stuff while pretending to be the good guys. The magical girls Especially QoH would be gunning at everything and now intentionally, One sin would be out for blood and ranked as ALEPH. The new counter sephiras would seem like flawed fuck up at first but pragmatic and fierce once you meet them.

Is there a reason I'm not getting MANAGER X HAS ESCAPED everytime?

Post only the very best fan video.

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You don't get any notification if you are doing core supressions.

you know how dolphins have rape caves
it's basically that but with birbs
Sounds like a weird-ass bug.

Netzach is a very pretty man.

>steam sale thread poster asks if this game is worth it
>almost unanimous replies that it's shit and to refund immediately
>meanwhile this thread sitting at 400+ shitposts
Sounds like someone needs a general

Subscribed to your blog
Want some gold too ?

Looks like quite a few of them like it and one guy is kvetching as hard as he can, I wonder if you know him?

Holy shit, I can't for the life of me clear the promote 2 employees mission, shit game always promotes one but not the other despite me running the exact same number of works

the gameplay kidna loses its charm once you have to manage like 20 employees and you basically end up forgetting about everything and only focusing on a couple outside ordeals

It looks kinda fun. Worth its current sale? Replay value? Difficulty? Rage inducing or fair?

They have different amounts of XP in each skill and you only get XP if the work succeeds. There's a mod for additional detail that lets you follow the development live.

>almost unanimous replies that it's shit and to refund immediately
nice lies bro

>asks if this game is worth it
No, his wording was "Talk me out of it edition."
Not to compliment the game or ask why it's good.

As long as you dont get (CENSORED) you're fine

Oh shit, thanks.

>Thread literally starts with "Talk me out of it"
>wtf why are people shitting on it
You pass middle school?

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You should be moving towards the suppressions then, as well as some of the abnormality bosses.

It is fun.
I'd say it's worth 30€.
Not that much replay value after you've unlocked everything, since the story is set, but you've got multiple endings and can't get all abnormalities researched in one run, unless you specifically jump back in days and grind. Personally I've got +100 hours and I'm not quite finished yet. Probably get up to ~130, so it's well worth the price to me.
It's nice and challenging, the challenge mainly being in learning the abnormalities habits and organizing your facility and employees accordingly to form effective containment procedures based on what you've learned.
It's fair. Trial and error is key at the start before you learn the abnormalities' functions, but you can instantly retry the day and NOT do that thing, if it turns out fucking you in the ass. You can also return to a checkpoint to get rid of your issues and this, as well as going back to day1 is encouraged, as you maintain your upgrades and equipment. There's really only one abruptly unfair thing and that's Great Love For Us, but once you fall for it once, you'll know it's coming.

Library of Ruina is on its way user.

Also, it's got a wonderful soundtrack, if that's important to you.

We will continue to stand by our adage of "Pirate and try, THEN buy if you like." because it's a very particular sort of game that really, really isn't for everyone.
There's trial and error, but it's the point of the game - to literally learn things THROUGH this trial and error.
To -me-, once I got a little better and past Day 14 I was really fucking hooked.

The retard is using it as an excuse to a video game thread because there isn't an Etika thread up to rest in.
Bother the RoRchads instead

What would a multiplayer version of this game be like?

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Clerkslam 2020: The Clerkening

A shittier version of Secret lab where the only thing you do is work on abnormalities. Pretty much visceral cleanup but in the facility

if you're autistic, don't mind bad visuals, love weeb shit and are generally a fucking retard then you'll love it

Basically SS13. I'd play it.

>lobotomy corporation: battle royale
>the last clerk to die in the facility wins

Library of ruina?

Go back to /vg/ you faggots. You're not longer discussing the game and are now just being made by discord tranny waifu-faggots.


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How would a 4chanbot look like?



Stay mad nigger. Sorry this isn't an eceleb thread

Consider this: A Redditbot equipped with more Redditbots

Did he help you out with that egg?

Seething incel
Rent free
Have sex


Can the Redditbot pick up weapons or something? I've always just smacked its shit outright.

I know imagine redditbot visiting a green haired Laetitia and give a flower.
Someone draw this.

>Spoilers actually weaken the impact of game events.
>I would not have tried the game at all if I didn't look at spoiler content.

He was hitting them both but the healing from the department,EGO,and the red armor meant it didn't bother her at all

What kind of flower?

I bought the game for the rabbit squad

Well from I beat the event. How am I supposed to get EX rank? I thought all my gigachads were already EX

A sun flower?
Maybe not the usual flower as present but appropriate for Yotsubs

This game is honestly better slightly spoiled. I'd never have bought it without spoilers. On the surface level it just seems so utterly mediocre and dull.

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>Sunflower that opens more and more as the Qlicounter runs down
>at 0 a fucking angry face pops out and screams NIGGER

Actually did I fuck myself over by getting the 130 max stat research?

You can get 130 + change in all stats eventually.

I unironically found out this game existed because Myo was an albino.

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For me, it was the steam queue back in 2018
I made a good decision picking this hidden gem

I had this game when it was fucking shit and you basically had to do every abnormality at the same time. I bought the game still because of what it could become since it seemed like they were actually trying to make it better

I want Tibereth bending down Netzach and fuck him with a strap on.

Wish there was a way to get abnos' counters to 0 willingly, need to suppress shit


Just press don't touch me
>b-but that breaches everything!
So be it faggot, it just adds to the challenge

There such a ridiculous amount of possibilities. Just ask Chesed.
2/4 of dawn ordeals let out abnormalities..

I just started the game and I can already tell the AI's are anomalies. Koreans really need to learn how to do subtle.

How many hours can you get out of this game?

Up to 200

But they aren't.

I am around 300 and still haven't finish the story.
There is also an endless mode so...

Depends on you and all sorts of shit, like how well you take to the game, if it can engage you enough, etc. If you like it though, probably quite a fucking lot.
They are and aren't.
user, let them discover shit on their own.

There are not in that technical sense the game uses the term so you are wrong.


I am bad manager! Instead of job I daydream of creampie abnormalties and not take care of employees!

They aren't, whatsoever, 0%, they're just people in big metal cases, so user acting like he's a super prescient clever guy who's seen these dirty korean tricks coming was just plain wrong

>Go to scarecrow searchin for wisdom
>Let somebody with Prudence higher than level 3 do work on him
>Wait till he escapes
>repeat for the amount of times the quest says (unless if its DIFFERENT abnos)

how the fuck do i kill the fire bird

And you are missing my point entirely.
I phrased it like that to try and make it ambiguous for the time being - and you should have let him find that out on his OWN. In showing him up all you've done is leak a little information he would've discovered sooner or later. Don't just immediately correct anything anyone guesses, especially since we have new players.

With your chaddest of Chads who ever chad.
Also no small fry in the same room who easily can go insane.

Step 1: Collect Chads
Step 2: Click on Fiery Bird
Step 3: ???
Step 4: EGO weapon

Dammit, I'm now imagining a Secret Lab type game in the L Corp world, and how great it would be

Fine.. ill play it..

If he insults people based on dumb shit he got wrong by being an idiot, of course I'm going to point out that he's an idiot, I don't care about this weak shit '''''spoiler''''' that retarded speculation based on user's epic hunch with zero logic isn't correct

>I don't care about this weak shit '''''spoiler'''''
But you care about that weak shit ""insult""?
All he said was "Koreans really need to learn how to do subtle." and the only reason I can think of for you seeming to be so buttmad is that you're actually Korean.

>lobocorp: battle royale
>you play as a newly hired agent with a riot stick along with 99 other nugget people
>clerks appear as cpu meat shields and cannon fodder
>friendly fire is on
>objective is to be the last man standing, as usual
>panicking just makes you cpu controlled for a while
>you can work on abnos through minigames
>minigame difficulty is based on how much the abno likes it (very high = very easy, common = normal, very low = very hard, etc.)
>you can get better weapons and armor this way which can then be equipped
>random chance to get their gift by working on them too
>retards can make abnos breach by doing the wrong things
>breaching abnos will appear in the killfeed, commentated by the tiphereths
>you can activate the wheel of fortune for the lulz
Would you play it?

Phew finally killed a dust ordeal and it was struggle of the peak (the one I feared the most) and only lost one dude he was a lv 2 rookie so meh I took the death and my reward several more piles of shit on my desk, Finally something that Is actually a boss, howeber Am I strong enough to deal whit them? I olny have 2 sets of ALEPH gear Justicia and KoG

Do I get to slap any robutts?

Sephirahs are doing their own thing in the main rooms. You can if you want.

Seething gook

If you slap gebura or binah they mulch you though.

>one person plays as the corp and has to keep th abnormalities satisfied and unbreached
>everybody else plays as abnos and has to try to both breach and to kill as many employees/clerks as possible

I'd rather it be a group thing than last one standing tbqh
Or at least have separate modes for it. Working to get PE-Boxes together, the collective buttclench before certain ordeals, trying to avoid ICP rolling in, the lucky souls who get an ALEPH weapon...

What if I'm a really good fighter? Won't Geburah give me some leeway? Let me slap it just once?

If you are a true chad, you just won't get mulched, maybe too many butt slaps just triggers their suppression.

That's a neat way to implement teams. There are 10 players per department instead of the usual 5, and Central is split into upper and lower departments for gameplay's sake. Architecture Team does not exist.

Crimson Dusk is by far the worst Dusk in the game. For me, it's even worse than some of the Midnights.

>slap some butts
>Geburah turns Lobotomy Corporation into an episode of Will It Blend?
As fun as that would be, It'd be a bit too griefy for the shittier players.

But that's based.

You have to slap the butt really hard and she targets you specifically, true chads apply within. Can you solo the RED MIST.

>spam wheel of fortune
>autists scream over mic as they are forcefully walked towards CENSORED's room to be raped to death

So long as elevator-dodging her final mode is possible, sure.

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Honestly you're gay if you aren't thinking of mating pressing abnos every nanosecond

>manager micspams 3rd warnings to spook players
>bodyblocking agents fighting Heroic Monk
>intentionally fuck up work on SO during ordeals
>harass ML's husbando and slam into the first group of clerks in sight

Attached: 1552035231303.jpg (245x241, 14K)

But none of the abnos are attractive.

We will meet again as stars

>tfw doing work on Melting Love and then just running through the departments

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>purposefully fuck up as hard as possible for all three of the birds, one after another

>convince everyone in central to get fucked by the plague doctor
>mfw killing all the non-raptured faggots with my scythe

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gotyou one better.
>Game starts
>before they have a chanse at getting better stats and gear send one dude to this bad boy
well who wat to play another match?

shit forgot to attach this image

Attached: f0c.png (2480x3507, 2.96M)

Tfw the manager forces you to equip yin and then gives you the order to work on Yang.

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>blue star breaches
>phase through walls and go on an acid trip as you approach it
Dare I say it, kino?

What is the /correct/ way to spend your Lob Points?

>rush One Sin
Not today kiddo

buffing chads until you cant any more

Why is black swan so cute, bros?

>the 12th apostle goes afk
Where is your god now, skullfags?

Last for Tiphereth’s CUNNY

She's a real human bean.

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Why would the Heretic want to confess his sins anyway, it will just kill him

Oh no no no no