Is it any good?

Is it any good?

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It's one of the best CRPGs of this decade.

It's bland. They shouldve gone with hand drawn backgrounds like PoE.

The gameplay and character building are super addictive. I recommend the turn based mod, you can switch between them any time. There's a shitload of content.
Characters are a bit shitty though. The default romances suck, but the DLC character is a lot better.

isnt this the game that was broken to the point of unplayability on release and then everyone forgot about it?

>Characters are a bit shitty though
They're fine, not something great but not shitty either.

>everyone forgot about it?
No, it was hard to forget because devs throw patches like 3-4 times each week.

It's pretty good, reminds me a lot of BG1. It's pretty tough the first couple levels because you don't really know what is the right order to do the first couple quests you have. Once you reach level 4 or 5, it's much easier because buffs last longer and you can actually hit things now. If you have any experience with D&D games, you'll get into this one very fast

Is it well written?

It's ok.
Companions range from horrible to average and the kingdom management minigame is a horrendous time waster but everything else is good to great.

fuck rtwp, fuck shitty mechanics, fuck shitty art style. refunded that shit in 80 minutes

Aside from a couple of shitty companions and a notoriously stupid backer-designed quest, yeah, I'd say so.

why is this game so polarizing? some people say its complete trash and others hail it as one of the best crpgs

fuck it ill buy it and find out for myself

after i complete divinity 2 - by that time it will be like 7 dollars

It's ok written, with occasional great writing.

It's trash

show your working


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Honestly, I don't know. If I had to blame something for it, I guess it'd be the difficulty. Some people think they know better and don't start on normal and ignore all of the explanations the game throws at you - so they get filtered the fuck out.

How much backer stuff is in the game? Playing PoE, it feels like there are more backer NPCs than actual in world npcs

This and a lot of micro.

It has a solid casual filter.

runs like shit

If there is,i can't point it out. PoE in that regard was so fucking terrible.

There's one lengthy quest and it's exceedingly stupid, but that's it.

Is this one of those easily abusable games where breaking the combat balance is part of the fun? Or is this tight as shit. Cause I don't like it tight

There is? Fuck me, didn't know. Which one?

The hellknight nonsense.

In between, there is some powerfull builds but nothing too gamebreaking also buffs means A FUCKING LOT in this game.

Have they adeed playable beast races like kobolds, lizardmen, or gnolls yet?


best crpg ive ever played. Really difficult and punishing however.

Good writing, shit gameplay


Playing on hard and I still find it forgettable. It's like Tyranny in that it's hard to pinpoint what's wrong but the overall experience is just very meh.

>kobold baron

>playable gnolls

Gameplay so much better with turn based mod. But big downside that fights become slower and there is a lot fights in the game.

Is there a bigger red flag than simpletons like these claiming a game is too complex for normies?

PoE = HoMM2
DoS2 = HoMM3
PoE2 = HoMM4
PK = HoMM5

As someone who's played Pillars of Eternity, is this worth it? Or is just the same? Thinking of buying this or PoE 2

it honestly might be though, pathfinder is renowned for how poor of a choice for players first TTRPG it is and this game practically has 90% of the combat rules.

It's not my fault that a lot of people apparently can't read.

For me it's better and i dropped poe after 5-6 hours.

it would be better to play them with some time apart, both are fairly long involved games but are similar overall (obviously).

Purchase one then wait for another one on sale in a couple years. They feature enough unique scenarios and levelling to make it worth it.

Replying to this of course.

It's might be hard if you not familiar with d&d or pathfinder system, nothing severe but be ready to restart game a few times.


There are some side encounters which aren't meant to be beaten the first time you go to an area, even some areas which you can stumble on early which again you shouldn't frustrate yourself bashing your head against a brick wall. Other than that, the difficulty is pretty standard. Mainline story quests have some difficult fights, but those are generally telegraphed well and if you blow all your buffs, it should be reasonably fine. I think a lot of people who claim the game is difficult are just auto attacking or something.

People have different ideas or expectations of what a CRPG is or should be like.

Yeah, like zoomers

>wrting and story
It's good IMO and you get some bang for your buck because it takes several dozens of hours to get through and that is 1 playthrough
It suffers from the PF system and the only reason I could tolerate it is because the story kept me hooked and because I was desperate for a CRPG.

i dont get it

which one is the best?

no because its still unity laggy trash


your mum cunny

Where is the retard Valerie poster?
Valerie is shit

Don't you dare to summon him.


He is banned. He is missed in general as well.

It's by far the best modern crpg.

>why is this game so polarizing?
There's a few reasons.

First off, it's Pathfinder, which is more or less a slightly less shitty 3.5e (inb4 B...BUT PATHFINDER ISN'T D&D!!!1!1) which at the same time lacks a lot of stuff from 3.5e proper, like Warlocks, which riles up D&D faggots.
Secondly, it's RTwP, which is garbage BUT we got a superb turn based mod which makes the game actually playable, you still have to deal with the usual D&D antics like missing 60% of your attacks until later on in the game, but at least the game is playable, even martials are vaguely fun to use.
Thirdly, at release it was chock full of bugs and other problems to the point it could be called Bugfinder, the game was nigh unplayable for a good two months before the devs got their shit together, there's still a few visual bugs now but it's MUCH better, loads a lot faster too, even on HDD.

Lastly, there's the usual CRPG problems, shitty companions, garbage writing, uninteresting story and setting, tacked on kingdom management minigame nobody wanted or likes etc.
On the bright side, the game is mechanically decent to good as long as you like D&D/Pathfinder, and even if you don't it's still decent, customization is excellent (Especially with mods) and surprisingly, dialogues are pretty well executed with little pointless cosmetic make-believe choices and a decent execution of the alignment system (you need to be lawful to say lawful things instead of saying lawful good pally stuff as a chaotic evil character for instance), some of the dungeons are really good, the campaign is lengthy and the usual errand boy syndrome of most WRPGs is kept to a minimum here, which is good.
In short, it's a decent game and an actual fucking RPG as much as you might not like Pathfinder, probably the best you'll find in this decade and in the near future outside of Underrail being the other exception.

yeah actually, it's good. In fact, I liked it more than pillars.

>why is this game so polarizing? some people say its complete trash and others hail it as one of the best crpgs
Shills and anti shills

Not hard, pillars is shit