>have sex
Have sex
>dial 8
Didn't you play the tutorial?
We live in a time where girls have never looked better, been healthier or more horny than now.
You must actively try to avoid sex if you're still a virgin past the age of 20.
Insert a dildo into your faux-vagina flesh would in the hopes that it does not heal, creating a disgusting infected would and tell other people you're a woman now
my father's bloodline full of killers and maniacs, I rather not, but it's better for me to kys for sure
1. nhentai
2. unzips hand
3. ????
4. profit
You can easily have sex with yourself.
200+ lb hambeasts aren't "healthy" or "pretty"
penis in vagina
that's what I do, mostly I just read books and never ever bothered to install tinder
B.E. yourself!
>never looked better, been healthier
advance communication means they only have sex with the top 20% of attractive men since they are easier to seek out than ever
I'm sick of hearing this. I don't think anybody who wants it is truly trying to avoid it.
how can we kick white knights off this board
>getting hard to thots
>wanting to fuck someone braindead
>wanting to fuck without feeling or connection
>never looked better
>never been healthier
>never been more horny than now.
Right here, baby.
benis in bagina
wtf is connection
Start by making videogames threads.
Take a fucking shower. Daily.
Brush your goddamn teeth, floss, use mouthwash. Don't rinse, spit. brush twice a day you disgusting sedentary autist.
Fucking learn how to dress nice. If you're unattractive at least you can dress properly.
Exercise, no, you don't have to even fucking lift unless you're a literal armlet / leglet, just fucking do some cardio for fuck's sake, get our of your shitty dark basement / room in your parents house, get out into the sun and run, ride a bike, or just fucking walk, just do something.
Eat better, learn to cook your own meals, learn how to make meals yourself for less and eat healthier.
Get some self respecting job, even if it's being a wage cuck, at least it's employment and women will NOT date or have sex with some unemployed cuck living in his parents house.
Move the fuck out of your parents if you're still living there, save up money and be able to pay your own rent, yes that's hard but you will probably need to find a roomate or two as well just to be able to afford living on your own.
Or, go to a local community college or public university, there are women there first of all that you will meet, and it will allow you to socialize and develop.
Talk to women, just fucking talk, and don't always expect there to be a positive outcome, but eventually you will be able to learn how to not be such a fucking autist and hold an actual conversation.
Proceed with these steps and you will one day be able to HAVE SEX you fucking incels.
>Start by making videogames threads.
>he doesn't know
>doing this for pussy
lmao what a retard
These are all things that normal people do just for themselves, but having sex is the motivation for the severely socially inept here, so they have to learn how to do basic fucking functions of life to be able to be a normal person.
>Fucking learn how to dress nice.
OK how do I do that
also clothes are expensive, non secondhand ones anyway
>Move the fuck out of your parents
with what money? I've been wagecucking for years and I cant even buy shoes
>wanting to talk about vidya on Yea Forums is Reddit
I don't even want to know the thought process behind this one, assuming it exists.
"If you stick your penis into a vagina, all your problems will be solved" - retards
This is stupid. You're a kike and it's clear from your verbiage. I'm not arguing against personal betterment, but the thought that doing this will result in a change is dumb. The problem is structural.
Where you are physically does not change who you are. The problem is women always want N > 2 so they don't have to admit they're monkeys too. They always have to have an escape route in case they don't want to be with you anymore, which they'll just decide randomly. Doesn't matter how much time you share together. Just find a woman who knows she can be vulnerable around you safely, even if you are a big lumbering gorilla at heart.
>tfw the tutorial was having a father teach you this
>tfw mine always lived in another country
Fuck off.
never got any connection since I finished my uni, what's that supposed to mean? how I can feel so-called connection
God damn imagine not doing these things in the first place
its so easy bros
but gender dysphoria is a mental illness
>Talk to women, just fucking talk, and don't always expect there to be a positive outcome, but eventually you will be able to learn how to not be such a fucking autist and hold an actual conversation.
Where does one find these elusive creatures?
If you're living RENT FREE with your parents, have been wagecucking for YEARS and have nothing saved up, it's entirely your fault. Where does your money go? What do you spend it on?
You don't have to buy expensive clothes. Target sells cheap clothing that's reasonably fashionable. There's tons of fast / cheap fashion, thrift stores as well.
You've met none of them. You've written them letters. It's not fooling anyone anymore.
>never looked better, been healthier
Imagine being the cumbrain that actually believes this. Imagine being the soulless degenerate thinking sex is the sole purpose of life.
cute cat
pay a hooker