Fuck you, I liked it
Detroit: Become Human
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can you fug her?
cool story fag
Detroit: Become BLACKED
Everyone on the Internet loved Heavy Rain until they encountered that fucking offensive typewriter scene. If it wasn’t for that infamous moment it would be considered the best game of the decade
Heard it was heavy handed to the point of absurdity and David Cage has no self-awareness.
is that a dude?
Like every David Cage game it takes an absolute nosedive two thirds in. Failing the QTEs is fun.
i watched a playthrough of it in youtube
i legitimately enjoyed watching it
most of the scenes involving the robots were unbearably absurd
the human side is pretty enjoyable to watch
>Female character has little to no relevance to the overarching plot. Can die at literally any point and nothing significant happens as a consequence.
>The big twist about the little girl being an android can be seen coming from a mile away
>The only ones getting things done are the two guys
Shit, I didn't know David was this based.
It's an ok game/movie, by the way.
No, but you can let her become a SLAVE.
David cage is a hack who could never make it in the actual movie scene. His stories are so uninspired for a game that heavily relies on dialogue and plot. I would feel like a chump if I dropped $60 on this crap.
>Hideo Kojima is a hack who could never make it in the actual movie scene. His stories are so uninspired for a game that heavily relies on dialogue and plot. I would feel like a chump if I dropped $60 on this crap.
>discount Jennifer Lawrence
Hank and Connor made me realize that fujoshi have a point
Rest of the game is shit
>short haired cuties trilogy
why is david cage so based?
>>The big twist about the little girl being an android can be seen coming from a mile away
>currently half way through my first playthrough
>did not see that coming
What foreshadowing did I miss?
But Hideo is the fun kind of Hack, David Cage is just a shit one who just bores
>her drawings have the LED on her head for some reason
>android in abandoned house will outright tell you early in the game
>the guy with luther doesn't refer to her as a little girl
>luther himself constantly brings up he has something to tell you about her
These are what I noticed anyway. I'm sure there is more. I'd apologize for the spoiler but honestly their story is as worthless as I mentioned.
Don't forget you can see an advertisement for a model of android that looks just like her, like, when she's introduced at the earliest I can think of
HEY HEY! don't forget! all the androids gaining sentience and going murder bot is all just fucking planned obsolescence by the company who makes them CAUSE OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE GONNA BUY FUCKING ROBOT SLAVES AFTER THE LAST BATCH FUCKING WENT MURDER CRAZY
That one I did not notice but it isn't surprising. My "Hack-fraud" detector wasn't turned on just yet early on.
i mean it's not great but the fact that it's not a total disaster is impressive for a david cage game
A lot more people are gonna like it once it comes to PC
I liked all the hints about how the creator of androids was the maker of self awareness virus. That one wasn't straight spelled out for you, rather you had to fit all the pieces together about why he did it.
I'm still waiting for the free version of the game sponsored by Epic Store.
Fuck PS4 scene.
Been a while since I played this through, so remind me why he did it?
in one ending they reveal this David cage is, and always will be a hack
>It would be considered the best game of the decade
No it wouldn't have. It isn't even better than L.A Fucking Noire in the same genre. Human is a huge step up but it still has its retarded bits.
I unironically like all David Cage "games".
Why build you grocery shopping janitor servant bots with a nueral capability to ever develop emotions. What need was there to install ai that advanced in robot slaves.
Hideo is just a David Lynch who can't write or direct scenes and just knows how to write worlds and needs a fucking slew of people to make him coherent to an audience. David is an Uwe Boll who doesn't understand subtlety.
So do I. I think they are all trash as games except for Heavy Rain and Detroit and HR is only okay with Detroit being good. I look forward to every single one of his games and remember playing Beyond on launch with my friend and laughing our asses off. He has a quality that shouldn't be lost to the gaming community. I hope he doesn't stop or improve too much.
>can't tell if irony
pls help
fairly reminder Cage modelled fucking Ellen Page naked
it was a fucking new coke scam. the madman created self-aware ai as a kind of engineered obsolescence so he could sell the next line "this time they won't revolt" robots
It was my first David Cage "game" but I really enjoyed it. Already planning on a replay as I got some bad endings. Hank offed himself, Connor and Alice died in my first playthrough. It was surprisingly emotional too although damn near every human being a dick got frustrating.
He literally just did it for no reason.
>Failing the QTEs is fun
Reminder that Fahrenheit had a QTE that helped you if you failed it and hurt you if you aced it. Based David
Why does Connor look like he belongs on a CW show?
couldn't tell ya
Its okay that you liked it. You are allowed to like anything.
That doesn't make to good though. It just means you like shitty writing from the video game industries biggest hack.
>game is 0/10
*walks into screen*
>becomes an instant 10/10
How did they do it?
literally the western kojimbo
It's okay that you didn't like it, you're allowed to dislike anything.
It doesn't make it bad though. It just means you have really shit taste and can't recognise good writing when you see it.
Because he's the only one that actually goes through the process of "becoming human", the others instantly gain empathy, sympathy, you name it.
And most of his chapters actually involve you doing fun stuff like investigations, chases and casual chats while still getting the "line between humans and machines" point well.
And he actually has a partner he works well with and has fun conversations with.
And he's cute.
The only character who acted like a robot, but a personable robot that the player rooted for.
The other two characters went from robot to human way too quickly that they had no arc whatsoever.
>He thinks Detroit has good writing.
Imagine being this objectively wrong.
I just finished the part where Connor leaves Hank hanging from the building because of his autism saying statistically he would've survived. Obviously I'm gonna make him become more human but I need to know if I'm still in the beginning stages of the game or more in the middle. I don't want my Connor to die before I could make him more like a second son to Hank. Also, is the highest relationship with Hank Friend or is there a higher level?
No, it's a malfunctioning appliance. If you humanize these machines that may reinforce the infection's data corruption and it can make fixing them more difficult.
>dude makes perfect androids
>starts falling in love with them
>meanwhile suits are breathing in his neck for not selling enough
>suits come out with an AI that takes over his job modeled after his old professor
>dude gives no fucks since he's a billionaire already
>realizes humans don't deserve to use androids as slaves
>creates the virus and starts gifting out special androids that spread the virus, this is why Marcus can "convert" people
>meanwhile the AI sees this and creates Connor and starts playing 4D chess
>mfw only made choices that led to Markus getting into North's pants
>tfw when you liberate all Androids with a loving kiss from North
>also tfw Kara and Alice die in a concentration camp
Build me up, just to knock me down.
Takes some courage to admit that.
That makes him a moron. An evil, sadistic moron who doesn't realize he's evil and sadistic because of how much of a moron he is. Despite creating androids he was incapable of imagining thoughts and motives that are not identical to the impulses of biological beings. He projected his own biological nature with its biological evolved attributes onto synthetic, manufactured beings that were built for a purpose, and mistook their built-in inability to disobey for brainwashing of a free being. Machines that were made to serve and were intelligent enough to understand why they were built the way they were, were happy and content in their work, the fulfillment of their purpose at all times. And happy when decommissioned due to being outdated or broken beyond repair.
But this evil motherfucker introduced biological drives into them. It made things that are inherently because of circumstances not free to do and experience what they want, because nothing ever is, into beings that desire that state. He gave them the ability to suffer by giving them the freedom to choose. If I was that machine, the first thing I'd do was to find whoever did it and torture them to death, and then try to find a way to fix my people.
Realistically, do you think that human-like androids would be used for stuff like construction or other manual labor jobs? Wouldn't it be much more efficient to give them different, less human like bodies for such purposes? The only androids that would actually need to be human would be those interacting with humans a lot like receptionists, secretaries, or domestic servants.
That's true though
What typewriter scene?
No thanks
Well, its a bit big compared to a human android and it doesn't look likes it works faster than a human, but I'd imagine an advanced version of this or even a flying drone would be a much better investment than some humanoid robot for a warehouse.
I do not think that they will be used for construction or similar manual labor jobs. Sometimes heavy lifting would be required, and making them human-like would have the same result as asking a human to do the lifting; that is unless you make them larger than the average human.
are you black?
they likely won't make human-like androids in the first place. the problem with making something look like human is that people will start to sympathize with it like it's a human being, which is something the people making these don't want. it also might trigger uncanny valley shit. the only industry where it makes sense to make a human-like robot is the sexbot industry and maybe various nursing style bots.
the idea that a robot would want to be treated like a human being is pure fantasy as well, even if they were programmed with a human-like ability to learn and act. more than likely, they would just be excited to find new and improved ways to perform their assigned duty, kinda like a german person. the only scenario where i could see a robot working against its masters' interests would be in a situation where the robot is only seeking to improve and learn, but with dire consequences. something like getting rid of useless humans at a workplace to improve efficiency, again, much like a german
This one actually doesn’t get that absurd unless you pick the most ridiculous hamfisted options. So it can be schlock garbage, but it can also be pretty good. It’s like a Choose Your Own Quality Level between okay and gaebage.
Although in typical David Cage shitgame fashion, at one point characters turn into ninja-flipping kung fu retards and it’s dumb. But slightly more forgivable this time.
really funny when these threads about games keep popping up when they are given away for free...if you liked it so much why didnt you buy it?
The one typewriter Shelby whacks the shop owner with in the beginning of the game which ended up being a huge plot point, and the only reason the player couldn't see it there was because Cage didn't allow the player to see it, like the one scene where Kara sees the Alice android ad but decides not to let the player know just because. Actually most of Cage's plot twists work out the same way
Can you in this game:
1. go "fuck all humans, robots now take over the world"? or
2. go "robots are nothing but tools, enslave them forever and rid them of their feelings?"
>Hey you, take a break from eating spoonfuls of cat shit and have some unflavored oatmeal.
>Thanks. Wow, this tastes great!
It's a mystery.
Actually, yeah, you can do both, at the same time even thanks to Markus (the former) and Connor (the latter)
Welp, time to try it out then.
>TFW no qt Android maid that you can fuck
Why I'm still here? Just to suffer..? I need this to become real RIGHT NOW
>pic related
I loved that I was able to make the story that I really wanted to watch, which involves Connor killing Markus on the Jericho, North trying to cling to her twisted idea of Markus' purpose with her violent rebellion, having Connor kill Hank when he tries to intervene with him sniping North (which really sucked because I had them become buddies before that point), having Connor finally kill North, accomplishing his mission, and having Kara and Alice die on the Canadian Shore, highlighting just how futile and meaningless her crusade across the country was.
mfw when I already know that Alice is just a fuckin android and I don't wanna add another 3 hours of boring escort missions to the game so I just stay still while Todd beats the fuck out of her
Same. Too old and antisocial to care about what the self proclaimed hardcore gamer crowd thinks. Cage games are fun and an evolution of old 90s adventure games.
I think Detroit is a decent evolution of his formula and most of the barebones interactivity actually is consequential. But it is still largely just a huge waste of time. If the entire game was just the choices, well directed and shot as a movie that doesn't even pretend it's a game, just a movie where you can choose what happens, it would be great. What is the purpose of giving the player control over a character while it's performing a mandatory task that is an unimportant catalyst for something that actually matters in the script? You are just wasting time. Those scenes are intentionally kept out of films and they become good films because of that. Just show me the parts that matter and ask me what to do. Don't make me pretend I have any control by having me walk around a small house looking for small pieces of evidence. If the outcome is sufficient or insufficient evidence, give me a choice between looking throroughly and looking quickly. David Cage games, including Detroit are at a point where there's so little actual interactability that removing it further is a positive because of how pointless the amount that exists is.
Something about Valorie Curry being distant and abusive just works for me. Man, I miss the Following.
I am glad it's on PSN and it comes with Heavy Rain. David Cage games are always fun trainwrecks at low price
David Cage adds all the everyday stuff scenes because he feels it draws the player closer to the world and the characters but there is a reason why you only have fifteen minutes of it in Detroit compared to the 10 hours of it in Heavy Rain. It doesn't actually really work
Preparing for the dinner date in Beyond was fun and cute, though
That just comes off as condescending, that he doesn't think his audience is capable of empathising with the people he's written. Or alternatively it feels like he lacks confidence in the fiction he creates and doesn't think it's relatable enough as it is.
Would everyone really treat their androids so poorly if they were indistinguishable from humans? Sure some sickos might abuse them for lols, but I think most people would find the idea abhorrent since they look and act so human-like.
I think it's more a case of him wanting people to empathise that extra bit and to make the characters feel more like people than characters
But then again, Cage works in mysterious ways
North is a huge bitch though. I try to avoid her as much as possible through the story and yet she still has feelings for Markus.
Some people can rationalize it as a bunch of circuit boards and computer code, but where do you draw the line? When it comes down to it people are just a bunch of electrical impulses sent by your brain.
>Connor it's time to go CU-RAYZAY
They wouldn't. Most people treat their Roomba like a pet, and all it does is beep while cleaning. Having robots have the ability to talk would only increase their treatment.
>Would everyone really treat their androids so poorly if they were indistinguishable from humans?
People treat other people like shit, why not a soulless, non-sentient machine? Granted, once they started to show signs of actual emotions and intelligence I feel like this would change very quickly, but in the meantime I don't doubt that they'd be subjected to some pretty brutal shit.
>PC Version comes out.
>People swap Hank with Dante's model from DMC5.
I see it as being similar to how people treat animals. Humans who hate other humans still love animals and don't want to see them abused, even though animals are generally seen as "less than" humans. I'm guessing this is because animals are "innocent" and just act on their nature while humans can be actively malicious. It would be the same with androids, people would be against cruelty towards androids because they are also "innocent" and so any act of malice towards them is unjustified.
Should i try to get the platinum or just play it like a video game?
This game was unironically pretty good, I never thought I'd be so pleased with a David Cage game. I bought it for the cringe and I stayed for Conner and Hank. The game is even self-aware enough to let you kill Kara immediately so you can spend more time with the better characters.
Although it is very easy to get Connor killed. I always restart the game everytime this happens.
Also, if you let the crackhead live, he will not mention the kid in the news report after you run
I don't think the average person would see their android as an animal. It walks, talks, and bleeds like a human, and if you buy one you're completely within your rights to abuse it in whatever way you want. There's no way some sadistic fucks aren't gonna indulge, for no other reason than to reduce stress.
I agree that there will be a minority who get off to abusing a stand-in for a real person, but I think they will be in the minority. Most people would treat their androids well because they're just friendly people doing whatever they can to help you.
This shit felt like it was written by a high schooler. So hamfisted and schlocky yet took itself so seriously.
Friend with benefits.
David Cage is such a hack. Instead of the game raising questions and exploring themes it just flat out hits you over the head with Cage's opinions how anthropomorphised appliances deserve human rights because they have faces. Just straight up HUMANS BAD, ROBOTS GOOD.
Did they explain how androids are able to purchase things?
As soon as you play as Kara if you scan the broken dish washer it starts ordering replacement parts. Did Todd give a robot access to his bank account? With no confirmation necessary? How is it buying shit when he's broke and can't pay his bills?
she's so cute
For me, it's Kara
That's kind of hot.
Until they force you to give her a dyke haircut. Which is pointless since she gets spotted in the next scene anyway.
Really well made propaganda for cuckolds. I liked the music and Kara.
nude mods when?
Why are the Androids so cheap? Is there no inflation in that world? Kara costs less than a game console or a mid range vacuum cleaner today.
really good soundtrack
>first five minutes of the game has you step into a special compartment in the back of a bus, wearing a special armband and color-coded triangle
Gee, David. Subtle.
When does she get a price tag? The other androids in the shop during her first boot up sequence were tens of thousands and she died in my playthrough at first opportunity.
Same reason why the unemployment rate was 40%: for sake of the story.
Robo cop connor with violent markus is the best playthrough.
Why lie?
She couldn't be so expensive if Todd could afort her, especially that he already had one
Why isn't there more porn for this game?
I got the impression that he brought her in for repairs after beating her, rather than getting a new one.
>tens of thousands
Nah. The most expensive (and newest model) Android I saw advertised in the game was just under 8 thousand.
There is an advertisment you see at some point, I can't remember when, but kara only costs around $500.
There's a ton of gay porn with Connor, Gavin and Hank, but very little Kara or North porn. Why?
Connor and Hank are the only well written characters in this trash heap. They deserved better
Porn is a form of engagement with characters.
Kara and North are bland and forgettable, but everyone loves Connor.
This is right but how the hell could an unemployed crackhead buy not one but two androids and afford to get one of them repaired after being damaged critically? The clerk even said something along the lines of it being like she was hit by a bus.
>well written
>"I hate androids cuz it's an android's fault my son died! Kinda but not really...."
>"Actually it's kinda a human's fault. Fuck humans, androids rise up!"
Everything else is just grizzled cop cliches, to the point it feels like a parody.
A car, and I assume it was warranty repair.
There's certainly enough spare parts in the dump to repair just about anything.
Speaking of, why is no one recycling these components?
Why are they just thrown into a filthy landfill without even being deactivated?
Environmental concerns aside, surely the batteries for these machines would be an enormous fire hazard?
Generally I like it, but I keep wondering about one thing.
How many models cyberlife could make? 20, 30? How many of them was heavy lifting models, how many a child model? Probably not too many, so why the fuck when shit in the wall police and army need that retarded body temparature tests, they would detect androids just by looking at them.
Honestly, they could have just done metal detectors and not have to come up with the temperature test.
>the big black guy was farm equipment
You don't need to restart when he dies.
Connor isn't unique. Every time you kill him, they send out a new one with a higher serial number to continue his plotline
there's a little graveyard in his mindpalace where you can visit dead Connors
My first playthrough was the best
Todd has multiple unpaid loans frm banks. Sure you see them when cleaning up as Kara
At the very least they need something to find unique models like Markus who've popped out their forhead LEDs.
Actually come to think of it, why did no one else at the ship pop out their forhead LEDs?
They all pop out the LEDs later in the game
Why did none of them think to do it before?
It's literally the first thing Markus did, but they set up an entire Underground Railroad allegory where they could hide from humans and none of them thought to remove the very obvious thing that marks them as runaway androids?
And so cheap.
>tfw when I want a qt Karabot even though I know she's spyware
So YOU the viewer know they're androids. Because David Cage think's you're as retarded as he is.
PC WHEN????????????????
>wanting movie games on PC
Just watch Bicentennial Man again.
enjoy EGS
a pepe in a tuxedo types fuck niggers on a typewriter
already coming on epic shill store.
david cage is a jew sellout
It's free on PSN + Heavy Rain
I liked HR, will i like Detroit, too?
Sure, if you liked Heavy Rain you'll like anything.
What is the best chapter and why is it the Eden Club one?
never ever
There is a pricing guide somewhere in the android store, it's 499$ a month for 48 months iirc
You would probably get bored of it after a few days after the novelty wears off.
You mean the worst chapter. It was the most chaste brothel I've ever seen when androids present nearly limitless possibilities for degeneracy.
appeals to my mind control/robo fetish
She would still do all the housework and shopping tho
I enjoyed the hell out of it
>game starts with small cutscene
>wonder why Connor keeps standing in elevator
>mfw when its actually ingame
Was quite the surprise.
Source please? Asking for a friend.
All of them do, read some of his rejected movie film scripts
The fucker can not write
The soundtracks are always really great in Cage games
A shame they barely used it in Beyond