I can't believe players still have problems with this dungeon in ffxiv

I can't believe players still have problems with this dungeon in ffxiv

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Other urls found in this thread:


I haven't played it but I sure see a problem with it.

What kind of sin eater would the WoL have become? What was Emet's endgame having us come to his underwater lair after we transformed?

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This isn't a general. Why are you chaining threads?

i never got to see what it was like in 2.0 since i started playing just before shb, but it doesn't seem all that hard. just dont stand in the piss and eat fruits at 2 to 4 stacks. if your healer sucks, you can eat fruit early but your dps has to pick up the slack. or, if your dps sucks, you can eat fruits late and draw out the fight longer, but your healer needs to upkeep everyone better. as long as you dont all suck, this dungeon shouldn't be an issue afaik. but, its definitely quite a bit harder than the MSQ dungeons so far

He recognised you, and wanted to offer you the chance to die with dignity after he lost faith in your ability to contain the light.

JRPGs are normally hall walking simulators, regardless of the shape of the dungeons.

i have problems getting into a server let alone doing anything

I'm a new player and I'm going to do it for the first time tomorrow. Can't wait to wipe the group.

Sin Itself
Dying in our old home, without harming anyone close to us

XIV players feed off their persecution complex about why nobody wants to see them or their shitty threads.

Starting with some low-key elitism will do the trick though, sure makes you and your faggot community look good.

>sprout healer
>2 mnks
>tank pulls wall to wall
>it's sastasha

Attached: Ehmet_Disgusted.png (908x763, 1.31M)

rent free

Tanks are retarded what did you expect?

>reached the point where I'm having trouble keeping people alive as a healer
I think I might be retarded

>tank pulls wall to wall, never stopping except to go back and break the webs on Totorak
>while also running through the whole goddamn map aggroing everything with a MNK and SMN
I've never hated a tank, nor dungeon more

>There's someone on Ultros demanding good parses in order to join their party to farm fates
Isn't that, like, against the rules?

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Had two dungeons within the last week where a tank quipped at healing. I let them die, then I quit, then I come back before the time out and quit again to make them wait 10 mins for another healer.

If you don't act right, dont expect to be treated right. General consensus from us healers are: no bullshit. or you'll get bullshit. I've been spreading this tactic amongst most of the healers on Diabolos so if you see a trend, that's maybe why.

TLDR; Dont fuck with your healers.

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How do I prevent tunnel visioning? It's the number one thing fucking me up as a healer. Should I just stop playing that role?

>announcing that you're parsing
>needing to parse for fates of all things
clearly they're retarded or just arrived from Aether.

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If people report him and whoever looks at it feels like fucking him, probably.

Guys I'm calling it now.

>Back to the Source
>Story almost reaching it's conclusion
>The final lineup of the Scions are You, Ryne, Thancred, Yshtola, Alphinaud. Alisaie, ESTINIEN, GAIUS

Look at that chad lineup.

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>parses for fate parties
Avoid at all costs.

No emet didn't recognize you until after you merged ardbert's soul into yours, thus becoming closer to complete. And he sure as shit didn't react positively to it in fact it made him go off the deep end

SMN has Garuda at least. Also how come the tanks that mass pull are doing low shit while all the content respecters are doing the 50+ ones.

We don't even know if Ryne can leave the First.

>Thancred stays in the first with Ryne
>Gaius becomes the trust tank
I can see it. Would prefer Thancred and Ryne to join us though.

Who the fuck parses on Fates? There's no way that's true.

how do you tunnel vision as a healer? I only tunnel vision on DPS classes with a lot of abilities to keep track of like MCH and NIN

Yoshi said this xpac is going to feel like we're reaching the conclusion of the story when it's not, we're not even half way there yet.

Wtf fuck off back to r/ffxiv with your whiny content respecting shit. We know how to play the game here and good players can handle big pulls

you sound like an unbearable fucking faggot no wonder he "quipped" at you

Kinda works.

YoshiP already said we are nearing the conclusion of the story that they redied since 1.0.

Forget Haurchefant, I want to gently holdhand with this man NOW!

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>mass pulling when nobody has aoe
You're a special one aren't you boy?

>be fairy
>embrace is instant, so i can pull all the fucking time now
>i wait until the book nerd stops casting before i cast
Who the fuck made these decisions

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>check PF
>its true
Not parsing fates. Using previous parses for fate.

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The fuck I just repeated what you said.

Sometimes I get too caught up in larping as a DPS that I forget there are people are dying around me.

Oops. Wrong image.

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>implying we wouldnt have become Sin
>travel the worlds and purge them all

Monk and summoner both have AoE retard. Every fucking one has AoE now.

>assist Lyna
>post yfw im fine speech

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Those hobgoblins wont know what hit them.

when i heal i barely look at the actual screen, I mainly just glance every once in a while to make sure I'm doing mechanics, I spend almost the entire time looking at the party frames

>Plays WAR
imagine that.

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Not ninjas and dragoons, those can still eat shit AoE wise on early dungeons, though at least the former gets Katon in their 30s

Whoever it is that keeps pushing for chained threads (without waiting for the first thread to even die and letting the new one pop up organically) spergs out when called on it. False-flagger, probably.

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>yoshi gives everyone shiny new AoE and even changes skill learning levels so everyone has AoE earlier
>whiny content respecters still cry about multi pulls

You like an enormous faggot that didn't actually let him die and just said that to cover your fuckup. I guarantee your party was laughing at you.

Not in Satasha.

Where's the aoe?

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this has to be a joke, no way someone is this autistic, they wouldn't even be able to function without a handler

people going through this the first time are still learning how to play the game
probably the first dungeon that has a mechanic that has to be done relatively quickly and will cause an instant fail for not doing

Yeah the 1.0 story, but not the remainder of the story they planned after the success of ARR and HW.

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It's a joke, but it's still autistic.

I wouldn't be suprised if that sperg was a regular here

>its a joke
I wish I had your wonderful optimism

>tfw every time I get an AST cohealer I feel like I'm breaking my back keeping everyone alive
Can they be buffed for my own sanity at this point.

>AOE skills
you're a special kind of stupid aren't you, boy.


SCH here
tank can do a fuckhuge pull and I still go to sleep

He absolutely fucking does know who you used to be before the sundering, as he makes several oblique references to you not "remembering" something he just finished explaining, and then its flat out stated that your soul is identical to a close friend of his. Once he sees a glimmer of who you used to be before you fight him, he's already committed to stomping your shit anyway.

cute and canon!

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>got SCH and WHM to 80
>mfw I need to get AST to 80 now

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>healSLUTs getting uppity again

He is obviously not talking of dungeon runs, retard.

>Ardbert after he sees his friend's crystal
>If I could see my friends one more time, I wouldn't stop talking.

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How is SCH compared to WHM? I'm really digging WHM but I'm curious.

>kept a bunch of eureka crystals in case I ever wanted another glowstick
>decide to use them
>get up to the last pyros stage
>100 crystals short
Guess I'm never getting that

Can you imagine how few friends this person must have?

>im going to go on with this huge dumb ruse so you won't have to feel sad i'm going to have to die even though I will anyways : (
Was it autism?

What is the best skill, and why is it Bane?


>tfw honestly concerned Gaius will die in 5.X even though Zenos taking the throne and Varis dying pretty much solely places him as the only reasonable person to take charge of Garlemand

>If you could take one more step, would you do it?
>Could you save our worlds?
What, all by myself?

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would breed with a Sin Eater to make a the ultimate hybrid?

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better as a healer
Way worse damage(but not as bad as ast lol), white mage will probably get nerfed because they're outdamaging every tank with 2 buttons

Adloqium and deployment still lets you cheese mechanics

You trade the strongest GCD healing for the strongest oGCD healing.

I hope that means we finally get to kill Zenos for real in 5.5

He would still be an enemy as it's very clear he still believes Garlemald should conquer the rest of the world.

God damnit SE, I play the game numb the feels, not fucking enhance them

Zenos isn't taking the throne, he's too interested in his hunt shit.

Zenos will most likely stop gaius and tell him to take care of things. That way the WoL will have free reign to enter garlemald.

Maybe I'll level it up next. Right now I have WHM/RDM so SCH/SMN would just share all the same gear at this point.

i wouldn't be surprised if Zenos doesn't even harm him and tells Gauis to take the throne, knowing he won't fuck with the WoL and interfere with his hunt.

DPS rotation is really mind numbingly boring

The heals are straight broken though, especially once you unlock improved sacred soil

You effectively never have to stop DPSing to heal like you would with WHM or AST once you get comfortable enough with the job. You throw out an Excog, a Sacred Soil, and let the fairy do the rest. Maybe you Lustrate a few times if it's a wall to wall pull.

You do have to stop DPSing when you run out of MP from using Art of War like 5 times though.

boring, but both have great heal throughout

>Join a friend's clear group for Titania EX cause i also need a clear
>Proceed to wipe on the same exact shit multiple times because people are too braindead to grab tethers or we wipe 50 times on the fucking add phase

I spent 5 hours and we didn't get past the fucking add phase only because it was a friend, what a mistake. People cannot be this bad at a trial as easy as fucking bismarck

>Finally got titania clear
>OT couldn't adjust and wouldn't take MT if MT died
>Would let the titania Slap DPS around
>Other DPS wouldn't adjust if someone got splashed with lightning
>MT randomly cleaved people for some reason
>People not making it to their Puddles
Its like pulling fuckin teeth

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It's a big skill.

People are idiots.

Did Qitana Ravel earlier. One DPS (Dancer) got hit by every single eye beam near the beginning of the dungeon, and by most boss mechanics. It wasn't even their first time there.

Some people are just bad and/or stupid.

>arbert panicked to guard lamitt when she targeted by the enemies during that one instance.
>their exchange are always warmhearted
incredibly wholesome pair

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>that part in Kholusia where G'raha tells you how much you mean to him, and that his only dream is to go on an adventure with you, his hero.

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>>He didn't pick "You know I could"

Unrelated, but I hope everyone here complimented Tesleen's cooking and asked for another bowl


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>implying WHM outdamaging tanks while still having no party dps is a bad thing.

>play on Diabolos
>pretty small server, relaxed for the most part, lots of new players recently but it's generally pretty fine
>even got a small FC with just my group of friends and a different group of friends who invited us to join
>realize people like this are in my home server ruining what little good name we have

Go back to Balmung so you can poison Crystal somewhere else. Diabolos has always been a comfy server and I ain't about to see some shitstain ruin it just cause they're too sensitive for some 'quipping'.

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Well this sounds like WHM is more fun in dungeons and SCH is more in raids.


is this a katana free topic?

[I'll take another bowl then!]
>that's what I like to hear
It was then I knew she wasn't going to make it.

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W-what kitana...?


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Best way to level BL Mage? currently lvl 72

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get ye gone emissary

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>best way to level [combat job 70 or higher]?

you can just spam trusts you know
Lets you stay geared up as well

I'd say WHM is more fun in both, but SCH is definitely the strongest healer in the game when it comes to raid content. You'll be able to solo heal EX and Savage fights with it because its healing throughput is fucking stupid right now.

SCH is basically mandatory for raids like it always was, WHM just ended up taking AST's.

as if you ever have to stop to waste time with a Cure II when you can stun all mobs almost indefinitely with good dps to melt things down. Aassize, tetra and benediction is all you need in between holy casts a lot of the time. And if the pulls are huge you just slow down the holy spam to make maximum use of the stun durations as an excellent mitigation tool.

If I shield bash as a pld and the mob isn’t immune to stun and my healer is a whm then they’re not playing the job correctly

>This is Biggs, third of his name, eighteenth president of Garlond Ironworks, signing off. May the Twelve be at your side, G'raha Tia.

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I can run you through this dungeon really quick. Just join my party.

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Why the fuck is GNB a fucking tank?! why are all the best classes fucking tanks. EVERYONES a fucking tank now. I just wanted to let it rip and not play fucking world of tanks. ITS NOT FAIR.

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Do your roulettes

the only party dps scholar has is a 10% crit buff every two minutes, that's not worth doing 40% less damage than white mage and white mages pressing 2 buttons to outdamage tanks pressing 15 is just bad game design

When people start bringing 3 white mages and one tank to Eden you can damn well bet there will be nerfs. Forget solo healing, this is the era of solo tanking

taking AST's spot*

Thanks ilberd but we need a healer for this run, can you swap classes?

>run between npcs for 5 hours
>finally rewarded with a real moment of gameplay
>it's solo only
Cool "mmo" ya weeb cucks.

>darkie knight

most efficient way is running roulettes daily for a week or so
fastest way is running dungeons with a bud
if you have no bud go do fates while queued

I'd hold his crystal hand.

Ehmet...the K word...

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No, he knows you existed before the sundering, he just didn't know WHO you were until he'd caught a glimpse after fusing with Ardbert.

>whm two button best dps meme
>when it’s a gcd healer


Tank is literally the chad main character role

>two generations of Biggs didnt have a Wedge because Tataru wouldn't fuck him

No wonder he became efficient enough to build a time machine robot.


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>cutting the screenshot off to not show all the skills
Fuck you.


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On wall to walls you might have to at least pop a few lily heals if the DPS are shit. SCH doesn't really suffer from the same thing unless the DPS are really spectacularly bad and you actually run out of MP from spamming AoEs.

Well, Yea Forums, how did you become so strong?

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Fuck you, its age of Holy spam

That hurt a lot. I understand why she was that way. First time in their life they are in the step of winning and then that shit happens.

This expac made me tear up so many times for fucks sake.

Autistic love

die, guncuck

lots of ERP

you can be dishonest and downplay their strength all you want you're still not going to dodge the Nerf bat.

White Mage should never be doing more damage than tanks period

>Heh, I ran PotD, kid.

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Are hunts more efficient than spamming EXDR for gear?

>WHM actually has to heal
>Tanks its DPS by like 2k-2.5k
>SCH actually has to heal
>Only loses like 500 DPS

see, world of tanks. I'd blow the next healer willing to give me a run.

Post final parties.

You did do the final dungeon with Trusts, right?

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It really is just that first room. And knowing when to eat the fruit during the boss fights. And making sure everyone's not going after the same fruit piles.

It's intimidating because you're bound to fuck up once unless you've got someone nice enough to say "Pick a side of the room and don't wander too far away or you'll draw a bunch of aggro and get a wipe."

God dammit Yea Forums there's no way they can top this, this was pure unfiltered kino. There is just no way Yoshi can do it again.

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Why do incels love this dungeon so much?

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>WHM actually has to heal
>just uses Afflatus spells and gets the damage back with Misery

I don’t care if it gets nerfed. The job would benefit in enjoyment from holy’s mp cost being quintupled.

I really want to see sch and ast actually be fun.


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you tell us

>biggs eventually genuinely took the name instead of just using it as an alias

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It's really not hard, but the first room is funny enough the hardest room of the dungeon and is designed in a way that really exposes the retards.

>get it on leveling roulette as healer
>tank pulls half the room without warning
>tank acts smug about it like I should have been expecting him to do that

anywhere else and I wouldn't have given a shit, but that first room is literally designed to prevent you from pulling that kind of shit with poison everywhere, packs of enemies that pull every other pack of enemies from half a mile away and giga toads that displace party members and massive aoes.

That's not what parses are showing and NO HEALER NEEDS TO HEAL ANYWAYS JUST LIKE ALWAYS

Scholar overcaps on aether on Titania Extreme. Doing more damage will ALWAYS be more beneficial especially as gear gets better and more and more mechanics can be brute forced with dps

>40% less
Using hyperbole to try to prove a point doesn't play in your favor.

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The Afflatus spells often aren't good enough on their own, and you're still losing 300 potency compared to just spamming Glare.

WHM is still clearly the strongest healing job in terms of DPS, but it still has a lot to lose if it has to actually contribute to healing.

That's why the meta will be SCH/WHM, so the SCH can do all of the heavy lifting and the WHM can effectively be a Glarebot.

>this is my first final fantasy btw

Who the fuck cares? Why the fuck you care?

Post the most kino moment of kinobringers.

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I unsubscribed from YoshiP's game.

It was the only dungeon I ran with trusts. My god they really take fucking forever to kill anything. However, as I was dps, my party was thancred, alphinaud, and alisaie

Need an extra hand?

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So I bought BLM, what's the best way to learn it? PotD? That only covers up to 60 though.

I-I really wanted to do all the 5.0 role quests but didn't have a DPS at 70.

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this scene made no sense since all their souls were gobbled up by minfilia

But Hunts are even more mindnumbing than dungeons, unless you get off on
>You didn't wait three eternities for me to get here before pulling REEEEEEEEE

Became a DPS
Dancer currently, Who should i give closed position to? I'm really having fun with the job. Almost gonna be a full month since starting this game, everyone been helpful in game. Hell my friend dump on me 10,000 gil and slut armor when i first started

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People who only speak in buzzwords need to be gassed

No thanks I don't like hour long dungeons

What on earth did they do to tanking? I was holding off on getting into it until ShB dropped but what we have now seems pretty underwhelming compared to what I was preparing for. Losing enmity seems like a complete non-issue now even for the biggest shitters, stance dancing is now longer a thing, and you don't even have to worry about splitting up your 123 combo anymore because just sitting there spamming your AoE costs zero resources now.

Maybe I'm speaking way out of turn since I haven't actively tanked outside of the entry-level dungeons, but it just looks boring and dumbed down from an outside perspective. What do tank mains make of it?

alphy, alisaie, and ryne
and then i felt bad for taking ryne because she got all upset at the people getting killed and shit

>Get Glare and Dia at 72 instead of 4 levels of killing shit being slow as hell for no reason.
That's an improvement at least.

>Unironically taking alisaie anywhere
>Willingly listening her whine and bitch even in dungeons

>bought BLM
Kill yourself.


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>One last time, wilth a little help, I'm so proud to be a part of your life...

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Akadaemia Anyder is the patrician choice of level 80 dungeon. Amarout is an absolute spectacle the first time but it's not my favorite to spam runs for. Not-Rapture design, smooth jazz, most relaxed final boss with fun damage amp mechanic, cool lore

you should pick another class cause it's very apparent that the DPS loss for having a dancer is a huge detriment

any of the non-ninja melees or a caster


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I play an mmo user, I'm already dead.

A ranks take 4 hours to respawn
They're certainly more fun to do than just sitting in queue for 10 min at a time but unless you're in multiple cwls you'll run out of them eventually

You mean
>Get it right after you defeat the first Lightwarden
WHM expansion confirmed.

>telling Ryne the words Haurchefant told you before he died

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ok, here's the aoe you do not have on sastasha.

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Clearly not dead enough.

Reminder half your queue times is for glamour sluts to AFK attention whore

God dammit Elidibus

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Oh really?
I do feel kind of weak, fuck any dps job for a faggot ex healer?


Why does this faggot sound like he's trying so hard with the olde english speak? It just proves that Yea Forums is a bunch of secondaries, XII did it much better.

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try some reading comprehension, sperg. they were complaining about lack of aoe in sastasha and toto-rak.

It's just their lingering will passing on. Like what happened with the ghosts at the end of orbonne

You'll never learn your AOE rotations in potd

>queue for trial roulette
>25 minutes wasted

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>*Electric Guitar starts playing*

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Any pets or mounts in current "expert" dungeons?

So this is an expansion without Lyse...not bad.

Pure kino

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>It's just their lingering will

Shoebill minion in Amaurot

Recently some faggot was sperging out over being expected to know mechanics before a trial, that's who you're being partied with

WHM outdpsed tanks on ARR, stop being retarded and showing your new.

you got that gif of him getting mad with him in the foreground and thancred in the background?

>BRD still showing up in a lot of the fastest clears

How the fuck did that happen after they lost Foe's?

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This trope never fucking fails to bring the hype.

What's the best tank to play for a smoothbrain dps main such as myself?

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>you're still losing 300 potency
You're losing 75 potency (300-(900/4)) per Afflatus cast, and it's actually DPS neutral if you weave with them since that's about as much potency as you'd lose from clipping your GCD.

Near constant uptime I assume.

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The story dungeon drops the Shoebill, Anyder drops the Clionid Larva.
No mounts this time.

>White Mage should never be doing more damage than tanks period
There is no logical reason to say that unless you feel threatened you'll lose your spot.

Tank mains (as in those who exclusively play them) have always been knuckledraggers who don't want to deal with a difficult rotation or positionals and want the most forgiving role for mechanics thanks to inflated defense and health pools

This is even more obvious in the current extremes, if I got a dollar every time BOTH tanks fucked up and died to the knockback in Titania I'd have my sub covered and then some

Gunbreaker plays like a trimmed down dps so it's the most fun, DRK is crayon chewing Marine tier in execution but people still manage to fuck it up

It's such a good fucking trope. No matter how many times I see it in games or animes, it never fucking fails to deliver on the hype.

Weave what with them exactly.

aggro wasn't an issue before, stance dance wasn't actually a thing you did all that often, and having usable aoe outside of drk is good. they technically get simplified but not in a way that actually matters
plus everything seems to hit much harder now so it's easy to tell who the good tanks are by who gets vaporized or not

gunbreaker. literally 12345 unga bunga.


I don't think that's how that works

increase hud size

Just play Summoner since you get it for free

>tank asking if people know mechs for boss
>in a MSQ dungeon
>stops to explain instead of pulling and getting it over with
I don't know which was the cause for being obnoxious, being a DRK or being a catboi.

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Gunbreaker is shit.

I just realised that us turning into a mega-lightwarden was some final-aeon type shit.

I also hear DRK is pretty unga bunga 123bloodspiller now. And I really like big swords.

Every single second after LOOK AT ME.

Okay I'm gonna be deadass. I'm pretty new to FFXIV and decided to be a healslut because fuck it i wanna be the healer role for once. For one

>how the fuck does anyone struggle with healing
I can see this if you're Astro now they've had their balls ripped away from them and are fucking useless but I've seen WHM beating themselves off in a bush instead of properly healing and as a WHM the only time I ever failed is when my tank may Overpull and as a WHM I can typically handle an overpull anyway!
>Aurum Vale is hard
No it's fucking not. The first time I ran this dungeon the only reason we failed was because our dumbass tank didn't watch patrols. You have to be an utter braindead chimp to struggle in this dungeon. Nothing about it is hard.

Agreed. This goes for anyone who doesn't at least level one of each role and have some experience with all of them.
So easy to see when a tank knows what melee dpsers needs in terms of boss positioning compared to some dumbass who thinks it only matters if he can hit the boss while the entire flank and ass of the boss is in fire.

Emet > Thordan > Ultima > Shinryu

Black mage here
Don't stand near me or my ley lines ever again
Don't even stand in line with me and the boss
Fuck off so I can play DDR solo

Gunbreaker gets their button mashing burst window every sixty seconds with a smaller slightly less mashy burst window every thirty seconds. It's pretty fun.

I went in it knowing nothing and my group of randoms cleared it after one wipe, what a bunch of shitters.

When the fuck are they going to disable skill use in cities on DoW jobs?
tired of obnoxious fucks doing nothing but spamming skills and just making a shit load of noise for no reason

>Play Mach
>finally see the beauty of Drill + reassemble
Damn is it satisfying

That's exactly how it works. It costs 4 GCDs to cast Misery so you divide its potency by that much and subtract it by Glare to find the difference.

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You fags like to talk shit about SB being a lackluster story, but it had some pretty fucking kino moments as well.
>gosetsu leaving to wander the land
>Hien asking you what his people would prefer him to do
>Tsuyu's death and her regret
>that SAM quest line

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I'm not sure why you listed Thordan, such a non entity for his own expansion, you probably should put in Nidhogg.

Wait, you really read/watch guides before doing trials?
Maybe if you do them with your guild, but holy shit in learning parties I go blind

Sup bros, just let me know if any Ascian is bothering you.

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if you sit in the corner of the arena with your gay lines, i'm letting you die to the raid wides

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Not them but he's right. Afflatus requires 4 gcds to prep so the effective potency per gcd is 225.
If you use afflatus rapture instead of medica I for example, you have an effective dps loss of 75 and not of 300.

Some people just can't figure out mechanics no matter how many times they fail them. Any normal animal with self-preservation instincts would learn but not some humans.
If someones completely new I might drop a quick.

>Grab the orbs.

>mfw i went into postgame dungeons, rammed my face into every enemy pack and never wiped in either the twinning or akademia
get off of crystal and you might find decent players

Dumbass there's still emotes and preform. And firework items. Mute the game.

It's not how it works, and I feel like if I tried to explain it, you wouldn't understand. Try to think about it a little harder.

Yeah we are professionals

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you vastly over estimate the intelligence of the people that play this game. a lot of people still fuck up at the chimera or coin counter

Yshtola is the only trust that actually uses aoe on mobs

>White Mage should never be doing more damage than tanks period


SAM quest was great, and the 80 quest hearkens back to it well, as your duel becomes an eorzean legend.

Dumb weeb.


i just want to go back in time
i want to go back to when balmung and gilgamesh weren't even considered for lockdown
i want to go back to when mateus was pure and small
i want to go back to when my home wasn't tarnished by the gutter scum of the community purely because of "haha MATE US GET IT HAHA"

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None of as obnoxious as skill spamming

>Master Musashi

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Bitch the lower "corners" of the Tycoon arena are comfy and lets me avoid most mechanics.

*thunderer plays*

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>Can't actually explain it.

I'm a little jealous of her, she has Tornado magic. I want it on my black mage too.

I'm on Primal.


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>brought down by wol being a retard doing nothing

I fucking rescue you from every single ley line if I ever see you getting hit by one red circle
One blm actually had breakdown on exdeath because of that

shorten the cooldown for Fray summon, its so cool I want to use it every 30 secs

>i want to go back to when my home wasn't tarnished by the gutter scum of the community purely because of "haha MATE US GET IT HAHA"
what happened

Do people unironically like Zenos?

Is it worth playing through Heavensward and Stormblood's storyline? I'm losing interest fast.

That's not why it was chosen. It was just one guy on the RPC forum shilling the server hard.

Shinryu belongs in 2nd place solely for the fact that the difficulty of the boss for an MSQ quest kicked the asses of so much of the community on release and caused so much asshurt that they were crying for nerfs.

Also the fact that the Worm's Tail is still one of the best music.

>Now have to deal with retarded frogsuit wearing shitters

I fucking hate this game sometimes

>kills his own father to save you and millions of people
what's not to like?

And in those four GCDs, you could have just used Glare or Dia 4 times instead, which is 1200 or more potency instead of just 900. Which is why it is effectively a 300 potency "loss" or more.

Please don't do this, I feel a headache coming on.

I feel like pretty much everyone's issue with Stormblood is just FUCKING MHIGGERS taking up screen time
Besides the onset of ruby sea and yanxia just being ala mhigo part 3 the Doma parts of the expac are pretty good whereas any ala mhigo shit that isn't just fuck garleans shit feels like an ARR sidequest

All of those were terrible. The only fun part was "little sun" and some of the lead up to shadowbringers

Hien is awful and literally just male lyse, gosetsu is awful and should have stayed dead, Saturday morning reoccurring villains are terrible, lolgrimdark rape every few levels, fucking dumpster fire

actually yeah, most of the time you don't have to worry about lasers, just the red floor aoe. Basically can stand in one spot almost the entire fight

He unironically saved the Source from the 8th umbral calamity.

At least he's competent unlike ElidiJOBBER.

I want him to pull my character's hair like he did Yotsu's

Gaius is better, but villains like Emet and Zenos aren't bad at all

>yshtola has water 4, stone 3, aero 3, fire 4, thunder 4 and blizzard 4
>BLM just got foul+ instead of quake, ultima, meltdown, flare star, comet or even something new

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You didn't mind the entire dungeon full of fae frog people or the years of slut glam?

Just tell yourself they're fae if it RUINS YOUR POOR IMMERSION you faggot

we were already "saved" by graha pulling us to the first. if he bombed black rose when we're away no big at that point. it just spares the mhiggers. and that is cringe.

Please delete this.

He's doing it from the pure damage standpoint, where you start off a fight with 100% of your GCDs are to be used on damage spells, and any GCD spent on healing spells is automatically a dps loss.
And in that sense yes, it is a dps loss. If Misery were off the GCD, it would be perfectly neutral.

Stop playing and save space for others who do have an interest.

It's the fujoshits who want him to rape their catboy

Not so fast! All of us can stop you.

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Is Y'shtola just a better Red Mage?

That's a fair point

EN Titania is so much better compared to jp one

I'm pretty sure user's listing fights.
Besides how can you complain about non-entities when he had more screentime than Shinryu did?

There's one other thing we got, bro.

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So we're actually just arguing semantics over the total potency loss rather than potency lost per GCD when they're exactly the same fucking thing. No need to act pretentious about it, user.

My man. Wipes seemed to vary per group. I queued multiple times and some took 5-6 wipes while others, none.

Does a Scions Ilberd exist?

Wait bro, you forgot your Shinryu!

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>tank kill them all with his own aoe
so what? shitter

Titian trial was a disappointment

it was the reason that kept getting spouted whenever i pried into the matter, so that's what i assumed
that doesn't surprise me at all though

>gilgamesh and balmung 2bigley, get locked out of new character creations
>RP community decides on mateus as the secondary balmung
>becomes infested with degenerates seemingly overnight

Yes i hate that shit too, but the dumb meme suits like the pig one, moogle suit, and frog suit are really fucking annoying to look at

>He wanted to watch the setting sun. Watch it begin its return journey to the east-to Hingashi. No doubt he wished that he could do the same.

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>i want to go back to when mateus was pure and small
I don't think we'll every get that back. I swear my blood boils whenever I see RP tag faggots in places

>performances aren't annoying
I hard disagree.

>literally constant login queues no matter the time of day
>times where literally every NA server is Congested so it is impossible to create a new character on the NA data centers

I really hope they're planning to address this soon, this shit could really hold back the game's potential playerbase growth

should i meld my ronkan stuff? any info on the normal raid gear ilvl?

I hate normies too user.

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I actually know someone who is skipping ShB cutscenes, imagine that. I should ask sometime why is he playing the game in the first place.

I'll report any healer doing this, the DMs will see a pattern there and hopefully permaban your tranny ass out of the game for good.

>watch trailer in JP
>dead, bored sounding voices


i mean, i dont hate xenoglossy or the other stuff we got
but it just feels like we're getting teased at this point for the real high level black magic
seeing RDM get scorch made me a bit angry we didnt get ardor or a big fucking nuke we can drop 2 polyglots on

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Just throw down +40 shit on the Ronkan stuff. That's what I'm doing.

Is there a reason why these new dancers are sprinting ahead of the alliance raid and insta pulling a boss, killing like 6-7 people before the tanks get there, this is happening a lot now

This post would piss me off but
Nothing of value was lost

I guess, but it's still a lot more potency than SCH loses for doing their thing, which was the original point.

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because it's funny

Everything about post-Amaurot-discovery was 10/10 vidya.
If only the base Hades fight was harder it would be 11/10

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>crystal player

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plenary indulgence / temperance + afflatus rapture + assize entirely tops off a party with just 1 GCD

>becomes infested with degenerates seemingly overnight
Once world transfer hit, Balmung really isn't the ERP infested hole everyone made it out to be. Most of the degenerates, retards and poor writers came from elsewhere.

because the tanks in alliance raids are fucking pussies

just fags who think they're funny. See


to think there are people who didn't hear the absolutely kino english delivery of this line
fucking christ


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I had this happen to me. Dancer ran ahead of me (tank) in Cutter's Cry.
I didnt get mad. Just asked why they were doing it. For some reason they denied that they were doing it vehemently and got mad when I insisted I wasn't angry but genuinely curious why.

What's the most underrated job?

Honestly it feels like they took out mechanics on purpose just to have an extreme later. Kind of annoyed. Btw, good choice in robe.

Losing one 300 potency glare every 90 seconds still makes white mage miles above scholar in damage even considering the tiny amount chain adds

Yeah, I too enjoy ear cancer.

SCH tops off a party with one soil and like 1/3rd of a GCD or a Ruin 2.

They're both good jobs, can't we just agree that AST sucks?

I cant believe they added that /ss/ with the back ally action with this kid if you're playing a female WoL. Yoshida is insane.

lmao suck it up faggot, I play my catboy in my msq whether you like it or not. jsut play with your Trust system forever!

It's kino regardless of language preferences.

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Oh yeah, Lyna also disappears from trust once you beat the msq

Mhiggers could been fun if they had done it right, like summoning Rhaelgr. Working in Othard in the middle is what makes both regions feel so unsatisfying and keeps breaking the story flow as well since they ferry characters back and forth what is supposed to be a grand journey rather effortlessly, especially in the mid-expansion section.

The whole Yda-Lyse affair was just plain retarded, i really miss Yda and Papalymo.

>Ilberd shows up to BTFO Emet
best part

>becomes infested with degenerates seemingly overnight
I'm on Mateus. Where do these degenerates hang out so I can avoid them and not become part of the degeneracy?

>bigger is better

in pugs? rdm

The shota became a man that day.

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That is assuming your party isn't retarded and you can actually get away with just healing using your oGCDs on WHM.

That's not going to be the case pretty much ever, because pug tanks and dps can't stop fucking mechanics up for more than 5 seconds.


fucking disgusting

>Call out his name.

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limsa and ul'dah's quicksand typically, at least they're usually contained

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>female WoL holds up 1 finger
that was too fucking lewd

RDM or SMN probably

Literally saves runs when your healers aren't that great


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bunny guard from the crystarium

W h o ?

It's a makeshift weapon. First you bludgeon, then you stab.

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I blame ARR. JP was mostly voiced, no silence in Praetorium till the end, and there was also the problem of ARR voice actors and the terribly fake british. Especially when hearing some of them, like Alphinaud, in non brit bong roles.

By the end, many people had went JP or skipped HW so they missed out. And of course, fucking Koji.

I want a side by side comparison of the things Emet says for differences. I don't trust an accurate translation anymore.

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No, they said they saw how many people cried during the initial start of SB of Shinryu so they made it a little easier this time.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.00_[2017.02.15_1 (1280x720, 74K)

I fell to temptation and skipped
Regret it
Will probably end up going back and doing those first fucked 35 levels again just to play through for context
Only worth doing if you need to catch up to friends of FC or have played through before

I think this is a hint to the WoL knowing full well who they are.

You get the same scene if you're male. They didn't think that through.

No I won't stop kicking and screaming at Yoshi until I get a stack dump back that doesn't cost me potency.

Thats hot

>What, all by myself?
That's the joke option for sarcastic asswipes.
>You know I could!
Is the option the hero picks, as well as
>I challenge you!
rather than the gay as fuck, cliche as hell
>This ends today.

Attached: ffxiv_07022019_152654_200.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

You can replay all that in 5.1 with new game+

Maybe that too, but there was just some gaps in the fight where it felt like we were beating on him and he wasn't really doing anything

I'm gonna be honest.
It's been so long since I did the crystal tower raids that I basically forgot everything about them other than "some allagan shit" and clones.
I literally forgot about him, and not in a "oh now I remember that" kind of way.

why is this ribbon cashshop reee

The fact that you get artifact armor as part of the msq also help because I distinctly remember people still in lvl 60 armor on shinryu. Now if only faggots stopped rushing and actually took the time to read and get it, it would have been even better.

More like Shinryu caused untold amounts of colon crucifixion from having more than 3 mechanics so SE wanted to avoid that again and let people smoothly sail through the climax.

Brother, is that you?
We need more old man options

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>Is the option the hero picks
Don't you have bath water to drink neckbeard-kun?

Not him. It's the DNC AF headset if you're a female character.

The translation is accurate you fucking autist

Interesting. I definitely won't become part of the degeneracy. You have my word.

I genuinely hadn't thought about it that way before, yeah, come to think of it all of the existing tanks are based off of main characters or reprise their usual classes. Cecil covering DRK/PLD, GNB is a mashup of Squall and Seifer, WAR is an analogue of FF1's Fighter.

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People still struggle with Vale? fucking LUL my LS ran circles around that shit and cutter's cry back before meteor.

Quickest way to grind from 70-71?

How to sort of fix leveling since there's no overworld on jobs after MSQ.
>Allow abilities up to 50 in all ARR dungeons, 60 in HW etc.
>Reduce overall potency for every level above of sync (still should be higher DPS/healing/whatever) than lower leveled players

SE hire me

I remember people getting fuck mad about it. I saw a lot of complaints in the official forums.

Some even said it was their 3rd day already trying to beat Shinryu but every team he got into was failing.

That isn't a sarcastic reply, the WoL is saying he wants to save the world together with Ardbert retard.

where's the namazu suit from?

I may be a Lalafell, but I am a grown adult that has a slain gods and taken their aether for myself.

Attached: rdm.jpg (400x700, 64K)

MSQ roulette + level 70 dungeon speed runs after you get the daily bonus.

XIV's Warrior is more of a Berserker though

No, there are plenty of things that weren't accurately translated, even in shb.

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>SE wanted to avoid that again and let people smoothly sail through the climax.
my first group in that fight abandoned after 3 wipes, "this fight is sooo hard" said the lalafell

crystal data center by the way.


but the chadest mc was a thief

Sup bros, anyone need a tank? If not, then whatever.

Attached: gunberd.png (922x921, 1.72M)

It's just the pig suit dye grey with the namazu head, there is no namazu suit.

the chaddest mc was four white magee

>crystal data center by the way.

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That's uncannily similar. The nose is the only real difference.
And yes I agree about more options.

Looks more like sarcasm.

He prefers the term Treasure Hunter.

>mfw all of my runs on crystal have been fine so far

sounds like you're behind the curve

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I mean I suppose thats cool and all but why the fuck bother at that point

>That's the joke option for sarcastic asswipes.
Other way around. The moment you ask him to help you is the culmination of all of the time you spent together with him by your side.

Yeah if you've never read a book in your life.

if you loo closely, this sin eater has miqo'te marks

>artifact armor as part of the msq
I wish job quests were mandatory to do the role quests. Do not include job quests in the level jump, make people learn something since the 70 job quests can knock you down a bit, kneed out some of the retardation.

There are tanks right now that don't face the boss away when even Thancred does. I liked how the healer quest tells you to use Repose. Probably the least used skill but it guarantees someone will have to actually look at their actions and traits menu.

900 - 1200 = 300
300 / 4 = 75

75 potency loss per gcd. 300 potency loss to get 1 afflatus misery out but that's still less dps loss if the gcd was spent on medica or cure or anything else than afflatus skills.

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Can someone actually give me a reason why this shouldn't be done


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>Cloud was based off of Spellblade/Mystic Knight early on in VII's development
Mystic Knight tank when, Yoshi?

meant for

>Yfw the final boss of eden at the end of it is a fully transformed sin eater WoL

>Where are my clothes
>Stupid sexy Roegadyn
Fuck off Koji.


>Exarch summons this beast of a man to help you fight Hades

I remember it taking 4 or so hours of randoms PUG groups to try and help some of my latelet casual friends clear Shinryu on 4.0 launch, yeah.

Stroll is that you

It doesn't matter if the translation is accurate or not. From everything we've seen, the japanese script is kind of dry and Koji adds a lot of flowery language. I think this is fine personally, as the english script fits the tone of the game and setting very well.

The real issue is that after ARR's horrible english voice acting, most people figured the JP acting would always be better and aren't even aware that the english VA switched studios in HW, or worse, they have some aversion to british acting. The JP voices are full of typical archtyped anime voices. Emet and Zenos, for example, are just typical deep-voiced villains in japanese, while in english they are some of the most unique sounding characters in the game with voices that are really set the characters apart and are expertly acted. Zenos's VA would have won a fucking award, but he lost to Neir's 9S.

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You are an autist.

>this is your dps for tonight

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what were they thinking when they designed this fuccboi?

What's our sin eater name, Yea Forums?

My first character looked the same, started as a gladiator, picked up archer/bard and he looked retarded in frilly tights so I fantasiad into a fem highlander.

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I've been in queue for Ultima's Bane for 75 FUCKING MINUTES

what the FUCK

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That was John Crow and take your obsession with soulless bugperson language somewhere else

I hate faggots like this

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The WoL even smiles when he says it. He's telling a joke. The implied meaning is "yes, of course I could - if I had someone to help me."
Whereas "You know I could!" is determined and heroic sounding, like you are declaring to Ardbert that you are worthy of his help.

The sad part is that EOP weebs cant understand jp and think its better just because its nip, but in realitic its some of the most bland/generic voice acting you find in any other flavor of the month basic ass anime, with the same tropes and tonal cliches

>going to play SHB on Sunday
What i do in order to shit through SAM to lv70? Do i just play nonsensically HOH for the unclaimed xp bonuses? i Don't want to tank anymore

Forgiven Nodding

SE's PR department though Basch as main character wasn't marketable enough so they shoehorned a younger mc. Unironically.

Why are you trying to play dead content?

Its you shitter zoom zooms that cant into thought and fucking follow directions


Mine took like 7-8 wipes I think. But I was on a JP server and no one quit. All I read was, "We can do it!", "This mechanic looks like blah blah,", "Let's go guys we can clear this! etc."

It was full of fucking positivity which makes the contrast against NA players much more interesting to say the least.

There was a guy who used to post here, that was really against using job crystals for some reason and he posted his videos and stuff


What? EOPs are usually the ones saying how English dub is superior. Which is not surprising considering it's now American hours.

don't forget >tfw most based gf

E-11: Sin
E-12: Forgiven Sin

>Implied meaning doesn't sound like a joke
>It's a joke tho trust me
That you people somehow don't forget how to breathe is a miracle.

i said specifically EOP weebs, meaning weebs who dont know a lick of jap

Sounds apt, But really, not like "Only difficulty is waiting around Cutscenes" Weapon Previously known as "Impossible to get to participate in the fight at all if watching cutscenes" Weapon and King "Dodge Dodge AoElution" were complex, so it is really Shinryu that is the outlier here. Boy people were salty about it.

>Ultima's Bane
People don't use the duty finder for EX trials.

> Final Fantasy XIV grosses over 2 Billion dollars & has a 91 Metascore
> Final Fantasy XV grosses only 500 million & has a 82 Metascore
> Both games are developed by the same company
How the fuck does this even happen?

You're the one sperging out here user. The WoL does sarcastic quips all the time to Ardbert. This time it's no different.

>while in english they are some of the most unique sounding characters in the game
Emet is just amazing on all fronts. His voice, the way he speaks, his odd mix of earnest asshole, and physical form. He's just so different from the entire cast and even when being a total dick, I was never upset. It was all purely pragmatic and said to get everyone moving.

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It wasn't that retard that insisted PUG was better than Monk right?

Uhh... Kupo?

its almost as if one's a good game and the other isnt.

I soloed the boss as WHM after all my party didn't eat any fruits and died with a million stacks

Square Enix is a big company, different teams were working on it or something

>not including this image

Attached: me.jpg (1024x576, 95K)

>Finished the final Crystarium Mean quest
Holy shit that was hecking CUTE.

>try out scholar
>healing is insanely strong
>it's so strong that I can focus on dpsing most of the time
>only thing I can do is put a single debuff and spam broil forever
What the fuck was he thinking? Yoshi said healers should be focusing on healing now but sch is so good that I fucking wish I had a dps rotation to keep myself distracted.

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>when his voice is noticeably darker whenever serious topics make him drop his goofy persona and the full weight of his burden becomes evident for just a few lines

Your foray into literature doesn't extend beyond VNs does it.

Different directors. Tabata is a hack.

The song is good, the bosses that aren't the final boss are boring ff14 ripoffs and the final boss is just another take on Alexander's normal fight but easier somehow.

I can't believe they shoot you immediately if you pick that option.

>Zenos's VA would have won a fucking award, but he lost to Neir's 9S.

I hope the guy that plays Solus gets nominated. Everything he does from Crown of Innocence on is a fucking showstopper.
>mfw he finally gets fucking furious enough to drop the snide posh accent

Whoever did Vauthry was phenominal too. Having them do voiceovers for dungeons was a galaxy brain move.

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>We could try the Gondola. Might die, but eh.

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Probably, I also remember him saying marauder was better than warrior too
He probably quit the game or something at the removal of the cross class system

Adbert and g'raha VAs were great too.

That's him! That's Jannie!

Attached: solus.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>The implied meaning is "yes, of course I could - if I had someone to help me."
That makes it the better option since this is literally the moment right before Ardbert hands you his axe.

I don't know how you get the idea that he's being sarcastic. Ardbert has been by your side throughout the whole expansion, expressing ardently a number of times that he's been left alive this whole time because there's something that he's gotta do. You learn when you meet Minfilia that he's there to help you, that you need the two of each other. And finally, at the climax of the story, just as you're about to fall to the light, Ardbert appears to help you stop losing control.

So why would the WoL be sarcastic when he says he needs help from someone?

I gotta say this expac made Urianger go from just the weird talking guy I didn't care that much for to one of my favorite Scions, he's truly a good lad.

>Zenos's VA would have won a fucking award, but he lost to Neir's 9S.
To be fair, 9S English VA did deserve it.

Marauder was better than Warrior for a while due to having more DPS because they had access to more buffs. It was a legit strategy to go Marauder for PVP too.

Emet-Selch is legitimately the best-acted character in this entire goddamned game, I can tell his actor had loads of fun voicing him and was probably pretty involved in seeing the character's interactions and intentions before he even did any voice-work.

Is dulia the only fat cat in eulemore?

You are a complete retard.

No, there's Renda-Sue and a few other female fat cats.

Kai-Shirr being a chav caught me off-guard

Why are dungeons still broken into different zones for loading? Shouldnt PS4 be able to manage without them?

the only talkable fat NPC yes, plenty of them are being fed in the shed atm.

if you want to DPS, maybe you should play a DPS
it's just patch notes you don't have any idea how it'll play out
maybe the content will change to require more healing
I'm not a healer but I like the healing changes, healing was always so intimidating and now a new person like me can try

>White mages complaining their job is shit for ages
>AST and SCH chads always in the spotlights
>Yoshi p one day says fuck it and dabs on the SCH and AST mains
>Bring them to WHM levels except buff White Mage and make them insanely strong with a fun balance in healing
>ASTcucks lost their gacha tier luck mechanic
>SCH has their dps rotation neutered and is on par with AST now with damage

Holy fucking based. I can't believe the day of reckoning has come. Seems like all the WHM bullying has come back to bite some smug shitters in the ass.

>you still get all kinds of flirty/rude/sarcastic choices in sidequests
This was the WoL I always wanted.

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Are scholars better at healing than white mages?

There's a couple more nameless ones walking around, and an intractable one (Renda-Sue) standing on the platforms outside.


>I would hear more of this ancient and powerful sorcerer.

has xiv peaked? how can it even get better from here

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I still don't see the problem, I don't even see the reason why you're discussing this shit considering only thing you see in these threads is how dub is superior and you're a dumb weeb for enjoying original voices, which is hilarious considering the place we are in.

Crystal Exarch loves (you)! You HAVE been by to see him today, haven't you, Anons? He worked really hard on those sandwiches.

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So should I pick an Orc or a Tauren for my Warrior?

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Role quests were lame, the only one that I enjoyed a bit was the one with the Dwarf, since the guy talk like a funny scot/danefag.

Because there's been an option for sarcastic quips the whole expansion up to this point and your character gives a sly little smile if you pick it.
Holy shit.

That's a misconception. They actually like it because it's shorthand. If a character is voiced by X they're this kind of character, or maybe Y is an odd casting choice but someone they like which could add some mystery to it. There are just so many VA's and previous works that someone who has watched a lot of anime feels at home with these connections, not because the quality or emotional range is culturally superior or whatever the fuck you dub/sub faggots always screech at each other about.

I think it's one of those things where everyone in the dub was great
Also Magnus had the same VA as Malos

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>Meet the first's gerolt
>he has a full set of hair
>one of the options is "Has it truly come to this?"
I love the new WoL

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A 92 metacritic expansion

Fantasia to Elezen

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>expect generic pretty boy voice because cat
>sounds like he can't read

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Imagine what he felt when the WoL immediately asks about Gra'ha. He must have done everything in his power to control his emotions.

I'm quite pleased that they're offering more choices, it allows you to roleplay the personality you had in your head and makes the WoL their own unique character in the world around them in the same stroke. I noticed this expac there were some legitimate persistent choices as a result of dialogue too, like Emet-Selch saying different things after moving to another area if you'd talked to him in the area before.

>next xpac is 98/100

>finding out that Titania is Y'shtola's actress
She has some pretty wide fucking range

Whenever Ardbert talks (up until he finally lets go of his guilt) it's like he's so fucking sad and guilty over what he has done, and doesn't understand why the hell is he still going through this even though he is already dead.


it's to accommodate people on PC playing on weaker hardware like a laptop. bigger zone = more CPU/GPU usage = more battery wasted or worse framerate

>that quest where the dwarfs keep repeating your "always help everyone out of kidness" motto
>that dialogue where you call them out on it with a long sentence but just decide fuck it

Tank was good for chuuni.

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His silly little LARP at being a villain that was instantly seen through reveals so much of his character. He'd rather die with everyone thinking he betrayed them at the last moment than make his friends sad

>We could try the Gondola.

It is nice watching the WoL evolve into more of his own person rather than just a blank avatar for the player. It gives me a very warm feeling watching the characters around you react to the WoL's attitude and responses as if he was a real person and not just the player.

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>the guy

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Wicked white!

I wanted to give Granson a hug
In fact a lot of people in The First needed a hug

I want him back in the trust party bro...

He was very good at keeping his emotions lidded while everything was going according to plan. The instant things got rough all it took was WoL calling him by his name for everything he was keeping bottled up to start showing. He tried to play it cool but he just couldn't do it. EN VA was really good.

>acts like he doesn't care to talk to you
>still explains everything honestly and completely

>Let's go Sinner.
I loved this autist

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he's not a literal who like some people say NA actors are.

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>the guy

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>Give him the ale
>Smash the bottle

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>>ywn be spanked by y'shtola and tug her tail in revenge

why even live


speaking of hairolt
we're going to get this nigga turnt up on some aether crystal meth instead of booze, aren't we?

>WoL gets captured by ball, he shields you
>Granson gets captured next
>"Looks like it's my turn :D"

Literally the Angel of Truth. Never once did he tell a lie, not even when he "joked" about moral relativism.

"I don't consider any of you to be alive, therefore it's not murder for me to kill you"

His attempt at a face/heel turn was actually kind of adorable in how badly he did it, nobody was fooled for an instant (except the twins)


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>super comfy duty with him
>man that was nice
>I'll replay the first dungeon with him after I'm done with msq
>he's fucking gone


>smash it
>y-you didn't win tier response

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>Call out his name.
>He begins to tear up
I'm so glad he didn't die. I just wanna tug his ears.

>thinking SCH will let WHM force them to heal for more than one patch cycle
They'll whine and drown out AST concerns if it meant they can be on top as they have for ages.

I was super fucking pissed when I realized he wasn't there. I was going to level him to 80....

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the entire point of ardbert's presence is the fact that you literally cannot do it alone. if you pick "you know i could" you haven't been paying any attention at all.

So I hear as a tank he's a PLD. What are his other jobs?

>that side quest in the tempest where the Sahagin is asking you about a wine bottle
>It's a makeshift weapon, first you bludgeon, then you stab.
>Sahagin is happy your people and his aren't all that different

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>Elidibus is scared of Katanas
>Alphinaud is traumatized about Katanas from spending a trillion shekels on one
Imagine if that absolutely retarded "Elidibus is Alphinaud from the future" """"theory"""" comes true.

>he just spams Medica II when on low HP and causes everything to aggro on him
It's like he was nervous.

SAM is the most boring DPS in the game tbqhwyf

Pay attention faggot. He recognizes you the moment he sees you in the Crystarium,

Like Black Mage and White Mage or something

He's a hybrid of all 3 but he focuses on one in the dungeon.

That and he knew WoL wouldn't go through with it if they knew he was trying to pull a heroic sacrifice, Crystal Exarch wanted to fool WoL just long enough to pull it off so WoL wouldn't fight back

Unfortunately he is the First's worst actor and also a bimbo despite his intelligence

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that's red mage

It's like all of you stupid faggots skipped the pre-fight cutscene. He's shocked at who he's seeing. He knows you were one of the people of Amaurot, but he doesn't know exactly who until that moment.

The role quest NPCs had a lot of character, I loved every one of them.
>Physical DPS NPC gets hit by a stone spell and is launched in the air, immediately begins to scream.
>being chased by a sin eater during a scenario battle

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Then what's a "fun" dps job? i want to get into SHB fast as i can instead of spamming dungeons like zombie from 1 to 70

the only fun with SAM is watching your big red dick meter on the parse overlay while everyone else is small

Thanks. A shame I didn't get to see it.

DRG and new machinist

SMN, DRG, MCH and BLM are all in a good place right now and are fun to play.


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>expects us to fall for his ruse
>when after he had told us of his dream to go on an adventure with us, his hero.

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BLM, DRG, and MCH seem to be the most enjoyable out of DPS roles.

>The original Elidibus got fragmented
>Future Alphy got rejoined and went back to the past

Kill yourself

>finally he gets to go on adventures with the WoL
>hundreds of years of imagination have gone into this moment
>'Don't fuck it up....'
>immediately panics the moment WoL takes damage and starts spamming all his abilities

This cute cat is also a cute dumb cat

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fuck off Biran poster is hilarious

Holy shit I love him even more

RDM at least has big flashy spells
Easily MCH and BLM

I really love them so far, not a fan of playing outside my comfort zone up to 80 to see them all though.

>tfw the Facet of Fishing taught me that the true villain is an unbalanced diet

Gunbreaker is a tank that plays like a DPS.

It's still boring as fuck to play
I dropped that shit the moment i got it to 70 in stormblood cause it was so damn boring

I want to Cure II his wounds.


You're his inspiration. He fucking idolizes you. He tells you as much in Khulusia, before you climb Mt. Gulg.

Something most people on Yea Forums could stand to learn


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